I've been out for 20 years so it really doesn't matter anymore. But I did go looking around back then. I can't remember what I put on the resume, but I'm sure I didn't mention the way by name or even the bible stuff. I think it helped that I never actually worked for the way (except one year). But I was in the corps and had to explain that time. Also had a degree from a real college so I didn't have to use my pretend one from the campus of the holy blood or whatever it was.
So many years later I'm very comfortable telling (most) people I was in a cult. But I'm not sure I would be if I'd just gotten out - one because it's weirder when it's recent and two because things seem to have gotten real strange at the way in the last decade.
I've even put my cult story on someone else's web site. Click Here then scroll down.
Thanks for the update djs... I wouldn't have been so shocked if I had realized they were now "just" branch coordinators. I thought they were still at a root locale... guess time flies by when you are actually enjoying your life, lol. When did they get assigned to Dayton? Who's running Gunnison?
The H*rn&y's are branch co-or in Dayton Ohio. Also Ohio is a region unto it's self, going on a few years now. H@rv& Pl@t1q is the region co-or there.
I've heard different stories about what it takes to become full time. One story stated that you had to have hundred people in your area, another one was that the people in the area had to abs enough to support your ministry income, and the last was a combo of the two.
The last I heard, Dayton was really small in numbers, and having trouble, so that's why they sent the Ho$n*y's there. Supposedly, it's doing better.
That's problaly why they are looking for work.
Thanks djs.
Just curious.........weren't Br@d & Chr1st1ne Th0rpe the Dayton branch coordinators a few years back..... before they resigned, bought a house, and started rebuilding their lives??
Perhaps.....they helped to expose the insanity of twi's no-debt, no-mortgage issue.....and took lots of people with them??
Note: When removed from twi payroll.....and realism kicks in, and the family bills mount up..... and lawsuits are settled out of court and brushed aside...... one is awakened to the gut-wrenching awareness that twi has a very dark side.
......long time since I posted in this topic.... been outta town.....
Do I know you from our past lives??? Yes I am "Bill's brother" we are so definitly NOT cut from the same cloth other than having the same parents. And absolutely positively YES!! our father was a truely great man, cut from the old school cloth and passed down those old values. One of which was certainly that:
...while you may not be able to control WHAT exactly comes your way ... you are in total control of WHAT you do with it...
Just one of many things he taught us. In retro I realize that these lessons, while not quoted scripturally WERE quite scripturally based. Probably why when things got so wierd in twi I was able to cope. While at the same time NOT sucking down the crap they were trying to feed us. I WAS FORTUNATE! in that regard. (Don't ask me why my brother is still in, buying and selling their lies) I could go on and on about my father and what a man he was but I think the point is made.
Lesssssssssss Seeeeeeeeeeee now....
You said lots o things, one line stood out...
"I sacrificed persuing a college type career for a Christian service type life"
Lots of observations from this statement... Sounds bitter... the word sacrificed implying loss... don't blame you... like Stanley Kowalski "I coulda been a contender"
There is probably a long list of reasons why you couldn't pick back up on your educational pursuit. I'd feel cheated too. I had a hard road for many years post twi. Just got by check to check, broke more often than not. Made a bunch of money... then went broke again... made some REALLY BAD CHOICES, lost my wife and daughter....
OKAY SO here's the point... EVERYTHING is what you make of it. I chose to take the good use it, learn from the bad, no one, no experience, is worthless. If nothing else you can learn what not to do, how not to be. I see a lot of people post in here that seem to want to wallow in the past.... whatever.
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE SINCE THEN (not you specificlly Rhino, don't take this personal..)
In retro again... if I'm applying principles ingrained in my character by my father ..... I HONOR HIS LIFE and what he taught me. What a priviledge (sp?)!
One other thought about what you said, and excuse me if this is too "wayish". If we are "just passing through" then my mother's plaque she has hanging on her wall still holds true, it says...
"only one life twill soon be past... only what's done for Christ will last" I chose to believe that even though twi was/is evil in it's nature, most of the participants were not. And while there we did care, love, minister and.... hold on.... we probably even got some people born again some how!!! WOW what a thought!!! So when all of this world is laid waste, and we stand before the Lord.... maybe you won't feel like you wasted that brief time in your life.
Full circle.... am I proud to be "Way Corps?" I donno, and in the immediate context of this topic I haven't had to "do" a resume in some time. BUT if the things I learned/did/experienced in the corpse applied to the position I was applying for I would not hesitate to include it. I DO however have a way with words and interview well. If you're applying for an engineer position I don't know if including twi would be a great idea.
I think there are a lot of people who can be proud of the effort they put forth...and their intentions and what they believed to be true...it was a noble effort for those who did not become corrupted. They should feel proud for what they sincerely tried to do.
I don't know if we met. I stayed with your bro, fr-n and Nancy H one year for ROA ... I didn't know they were still in. You reminded me of him a little from your tone in the previous message. It seemed to me you were chastising folks for not being more positive about their Corps experience.
So my point was "sure we learned some stuff, but many good people sacrificed to do the Christian service thing, and were sold out by leaders." Those that helped build twi had their efforts stolen from them by corrupt leaders. If you worked ten years for an engineering firm, then found out your pension fund had been stolen you'd be "bitter". If you contracted a job and at the end of the project got shorted, only covering your expenses, you'd be angry. People gave up many things to help build twi, and got short changed. Of course we have no one to blame but ourselves, and you can talk about the positives that happened if our heart was pure .. blah blah LOL.
So my point is that the Way Corps was a bad thing to do. If you built a bridge and didn't get paid, it was a bad thing. Talk all you want about what you learned. Now to say as long as you did it with a pure heart ... well, certainly one way to look at it. But most Corps could have done many other things with a pure heart for those ten years. It was our fault for being young, stupid, idealistic, vulnerable ... but we were still taken advantage of.
edited to point out it was actually our parents' fault that we were young then :)
I had a good time after twi .. coulda gone for more school (did a little actually). I went probably a decade with twi scarcely crossing my mind (till I found this site) so I'm not wallowing in the past. I spose I can see you saying "look at the bright side", but the bright sides were in spite of the corps, not because of it. From a counselling point of view, I think people have to get over that denial and see that there were not just some problems, but the whole thing was a problem. It's like trying to paint a positive image of Hitler ... some fine German youth was wasted there ... let's recognize it for what it was. (that may be a little over the top, but that is the angle I was taking in response to your "be more positive chastisement" And I was sincere that it sounds like your father was a strong positive influence ... and that you were luckier than many in that.)
No offense was taken by any means, YES I was truly fortunate to have had a father like mine, and regret to this day that I didn't enjoy his company more in my adult years. But he moved from his home upon being drafted in 42 and never returned.... he understood and never ever made us feel bad that we "left home".
I guess I have the "look at the bright side attitude" because a) dwelling on any other aspect does me NO good and b) I ALWAYS kept an eye on what's really going on here. Oddly enough Jeff Mohn taught me that very early on. So I never swallowed... ALL of the twi lie. "In spite of not because of" emmmm I think that's a matter of perspective, yes for some people, no for others. I know I had inate talents developed in the way corps. You could say were the talents developed or did you just get confidece because you were allowed to use those talents... who knows??? how many agngels CAN dance on the head of a pin????
You categorically say "the way corps was a bad thing to do". ... emmm maybe for you. But there may be those that disagree. It's always relative.
You make very valid points about an organization "we built". Yet at the same time I reallly don't remember being promised anything by twi in a phyisical/financial reward sense. I posted long ago on some topic that the "doers" rise to the top no matter what endeavor they undertake. I've seen it time and again. Some people are achievers. It's what they are gonna do, no matter what. Others are for whatever reasons gonna be foot soldiers so to speak... and many of those will complain that they aren't generals, all the while not willing to do what it takes to be a general. That's just the way life and people is/are.
I also believe many capable achievers were shelved / discouraged in twi, very unfortunate. BUT it's people.
My wife and I attended a very large church here in Tulsa that was built by an individual. The church is "under" his ministry name... "----- ------ ministries" . It took about 5 services before I couldn't stand it anymore. Talk about deja vu!!!! He and his "group" did everything, every service. And this is a BIG BIG church. It's just the way things are. It's corporate, it's churches, it's clubs, organizations. Name it! Yet in all this achievers still manage to rise to the top.... if they're discouraged in one place they find another to excel... or start their own. Lots of companies exist today because the founders said okay ... do it your way.... I'll go elsewhere, see ya at the buy out.
Twi was an experience, good for some, horrendus for others. Like I said before... in x# of years we' ll be dust.... then what......
There is a lot of discussion of the benefit or non benefit of working for TWI or Corpse training but as far as resumes go.
A resume is a marketing tool. You use it to market yourself. Its main purpose is to get you an interview. You don’t’ want to put anything on the resume you aren’t willing to talk about in an interview.
You want to make your resume stand out from the crowd of applicants. So you want to only put favorable items in your resume. You want to tailor it for the job you are applying for.
Most employers aren’t going to give a flip who you worked for unless it is a competitor. They just want to know if your skills will match the job you are applying for. Being on staff and in the Way Corpse gives you a wide range of skills to elaborate on and may fit many different jobs you may be applying for. The key is how you word them. Tailor your resume to fit the job you are applying for then sell it during the interview.
If you have any gaps in your resume, they will wonder what you did and why you aren’t putting it down. Some may not even call you for an interview because of the gap. If you have what they are looking for, they will probably call you for an interview but may want an explanation of the gap. It’s all how you present it that makes the difference.
Kav is right about the 10 year rule. You only need to go back 10 years of employment history. The 10 year rule doesn’t apply to academic achievements. A degree in Theology is not necessarily a bad thing. Most people will see you as an honest person that cares about and can work with other people. It also shows that you finish what you start and can read, write and communicate.
Most employers don’t have the time or resources to google your resume.
I never was in the Corpse or worked on staff but my observation was that you learned some good skills and work ethics that could be applied in many areas. The key is how to phrase them in a resume and present them in an interview.
I know there were a lot of egocentric A-holes in the Corpse but that doesn’t apply to everybody. I knew some truly exceptional people with great hearts that were in the Corpse.
This thread started referencing the hypocrisy of TWI leadership. Corporate Training, who ever heard of a four year corporate training program. I’m all for tailoring your resume for the job you want but this is a little out of hand and unbelievable. It does smack with TWI hypocrisy. And never, ever have a typo on a resume. Can’t believe she let that slip. So much for having an eye for detail. My prediction is she will never even get an interview.
I've even put my cult story on someone else's web site. Click Here then scroll down.
Really enjoyed reading your right up. Thanks for posting it. Great job of using layman terms. Makes it easy to understand.
The religious right is a little scary but I don’t think they will ever really have any direct power. The activist left is on the decline but still wield a lot of direct power i.e., mainstream media, powerful senators, Hollywood, tenured professors and teachers etc… but that is a discussion for Politics and Tacks.
Really enjoyed reading your right up. Thanks for posting it. Great job of using layman terms. Makes it easy to understand.
Thanks for the kind words. Actually layman terms are the only kind I understand these days.
The religious right is a little scary but I don’t think they will ever really have any direct power. The activist left is on the decline but still wield a lot of direct power i.e., mainstream media, powerful senators, Hollywood, tenured professors and teachers etc… but that is a discussion for Politics and Tacks.
I think you've got it backwards about the power of the right and the left. Most studies have shown that the press actually goes out of it's way NOT to be biased toward the left, even though the majority of reporters etc have a personal belief that is more supportive of the left, they are professional in what they do so their bias does not come across. I suspect more hollywood folks are more liberal in their beliefs than say Mel Gibson, but they don't have what I'd call "direct power" when it comes to politics. Any power they have at all is because people buy what they produce so their popularity is dependent on the public. I don't know about professors and teachers, but as for "powerful senators" I'd say most of them have had their gonads removed (probably by self-infliction). Take for example Bill Clinton - regardless of what you think of his sex life, under his watch the military was strengthened (look how strong it was when Bush went to use it) the economy was strong and the budget ran a surplus for the first time in decades. Those are all more "conservative" accomplishments - things that we have since left behind due to a president who thinks god talks to him. Even moderates in his own party are afraid to chastise his abuse of power.
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Thanks for the update djs... I wouldn't have been so shocked if I had realized they were now "just" branch coordinators. I thought they were still at a root locale... guess time flies by when you are actually enjoying your life, lol. When did they get assigned to Dayton? Who's running Gunnison?
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Thanks djs.
Just curious.........weren't Br@d & Chr1st1ne Th0rpe the Dayton branch coordinators a few years back..... before they resigned, bought a house, and started rebuilding their lives??
Perhaps.....they helped to expose the insanity of twi's no-debt, no-mortgage issue.....and took lots of people with them??
Note: When removed from twi payroll.....and realism kicks in, and the family bills mount up..... and lawsuits are settled out of court and brushed aside...... one is awakened to the gut-wrenching awareness that twi has a very dark side.
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OR rosie foxenbarf may have just moved Jacque closer to craiggers. <_<
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No kidding Belle. That was my first thought.
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Al Poole
......long time since I posted in this topic.... been outta town.....
Do I know you from our past lives??? Yes I am "Bill's brother" we are so definitly NOT cut from the same cloth other than having the same parents. And absolutely positively YES!! our father was a truely great man, cut from the old school cloth and passed down those old values. One of which was certainly that:
...while you may not be able to control WHAT exactly comes your way ... you are in total control of WHAT you do with it...
Just one of many things he taught us. In retro I realize that these lessons, while not quoted scripturally WERE quite scripturally based. Probably why when things got so wierd in twi I was able to cope. While at the same time NOT sucking down the crap they were trying to feed us. I WAS FORTUNATE! in that regard. (Don't ask me why my brother is still in, buying and selling their lies) I could go on and on about my father and what a man he was but I think the point is made.
Lesssssssssss Seeeeeeeeeeee now....
You said lots o things, one line stood out...
"I sacrificed persuing a college type career for a Christian service type life"
Lots of observations from this statement... Sounds bitter... the word sacrificed implying loss... don't blame you... like Stanley Kowalski "I coulda been a contender"
There is probably a long list of reasons why you couldn't pick back up on your educational pursuit. I'd feel cheated too. I had a hard road for many years post twi. Just got by check to check, broke more often than not. Made a bunch of money... then went broke again... made some REALLY BAD CHOICES, lost my wife and daughter....
OKAY SO here's the point... EVERYTHING is what you make of it. I chose to take the good use it, learn from the bad, no one, no experience, is worthless. If nothing else you can learn what not to do, how not to be. I see a lot of people post in here that seem to want to wallow in the past.... whatever.
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE SINCE THEN (not you specificlly Rhino, don't take this personal..)
In retro again... if I'm applying principles ingrained in my character by my father ..... I HONOR HIS LIFE and what he taught me. What a priviledge (sp?)!
One other thought about what you said, and excuse me if this is too "wayish". If we are "just passing through" then my mother's plaque she has hanging on her wall still holds true, it says...
"only one life twill soon be past... only what's done for Christ will last" I chose to believe that even though twi was/is evil in it's nature, most of the participants were not. And while there we did care, love, minister and.... hold on.... we probably even got some people born again some how!!! WOW what a thought!!! So when all of this world is laid waste, and we stand before the Lord.... maybe you won't feel like you wasted that brief time in your life.
Full circle.... am I proud to be "Way Corps?" I donno, and in the immediate context of this topic I haven't had to "do" a resume in some time. BUT if the things I learned/did/experienced in the corpse applied to the position I was applying for I would not hesitate to include it. I DO however have a way with words and interview well. If you're applying for an engineer position I don't know if including twi would be a great idea.
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I think there are a lot of people who can be proud of the effort they put forth...and their intentions and what they believed to be true...it was a noble effort for those who did not become corrupted. They should feel proud for what they sincerely tried to do.
...but proud to be waycorps?...no
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Hey Al,
I don't know if we met. I stayed with your bro, fr-n and Nancy H one year for ROA ... I didn't know they were still in. You reminded me of him a little from your tone in the previous message. It seemed to me you were chastising folks for not being more positive about their Corps experience.
So my point was "sure we learned some stuff, but many good people sacrificed to do the Christian service thing, and were sold out by leaders." Those that helped build twi had their efforts stolen from them by corrupt leaders. If you worked ten years for an engineering firm, then found out your pension fund had been stolen you'd be "bitter". If you contracted a job and at the end of the project got shorted, only covering your expenses, you'd be angry. People gave up many things to help build twi, and got short changed. Of course we have no one to blame but ourselves, and you can talk about the positives that happened if our heart was pure .. blah blah LOL.
So my point is that the Way Corps was a bad thing to do. If you built a bridge and didn't get paid, it was a bad thing. Talk all you want about what you learned. Now to say as long as you did it with a pure heart ... well, certainly one way to look at it. But most Corps could have done many other things with a pure heart for those ten years. It was our fault for being young, stupid, idealistic, vulnerable ... but we were still taken advantage of.
edited to point out it was actually our parents' fault that we were young then :)
I had a good time after twi .. coulda gone for more school (did a little actually). I went probably a decade with twi scarcely crossing my mind (till I found this site) so I'm not wallowing in the past. I spose I can see you saying "look at the bright side", but the bright sides were in spite of the corps, not because of it. From a counselling point of view, I think people have to get over that denial and see that there were not just some problems, but the whole thing was a problem. It's like trying to paint a positive image of Hitler ... some fine German youth was wasted there ... let's recognize it for what it was. (that may be a little over the top, but that is the angle I was taking in response to your "be more positive chastisement" And I was sincere that it sounds like your father was a strong positive influence ... and that you were luckier than many in that.)
Edited by rhinoLink to comment
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Al Poole
No offense was taken by any means, YES I was truly fortunate to have had a father like mine, and regret to this day that I didn't enjoy his company more in my adult years. But he moved from his home upon being drafted in 42 and never returned.... he understood and never ever made us feel bad that we "left home".
I guess I have the "look at the bright side attitude" because a) dwelling on any other aspect does me NO good and b) I ALWAYS kept an eye on what's really going on here. Oddly enough Jeff Mohn taught me that very early on. So I never swallowed... ALL of the twi lie. "In spite of not because of" emmmm I think that's a matter of perspective, yes for some people, no for others. I know I had inate talents developed in the way corps. You could say were the talents developed or did you just get confidece because you were allowed to use those talents... who knows??? how many agngels CAN dance on the head of a pin????
You categorically say "the way corps was a bad thing to do". ... emmm maybe for you. But there may be those that disagree. It's always relative.
You make very valid points about an organization "we built". Yet at the same time I reallly don't remember being promised anything by twi in a phyisical/financial reward sense. I posted long ago on some topic that the "doers" rise to the top no matter what endeavor they undertake. I've seen it time and again. Some people are achievers. It's what they are gonna do, no matter what. Others are for whatever reasons gonna be foot soldiers so to speak... and many of those will complain that they aren't generals, all the while not willing to do what it takes to be a general. That's just the way life and people is/are.
I also believe many capable achievers were shelved / discouraged in twi, very unfortunate. BUT it's people.
My wife and I attended a very large church here in Tulsa that was built by an individual. The church is "under" his ministry name... "----- ------ ministries" . It took about 5 services before I couldn't stand it anymore. Talk about deja vu!!!! He and his "group" did everything, every service. And this is a BIG BIG church. It's just the way things are. It's corporate, it's churches, it's clubs, organizations. Name it! Yet in all this achievers still manage to rise to the top.... if they're discouraged in one place they find another to excel... or start their own. Lots of companies exist today because the founders said okay ... do it your way.... I'll go elsewhere, see ya at the buy out.
Twi was an experience, good for some, horrendus for others. Like I said before... in x# of years we' ll be dust.... then what......
"what... me worry??"
Alfred E. Newman
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There is a lot of discussion of the benefit or non benefit of working for TWI or Corpse training but as far as resumes go.
A resume is a marketing tool. You use it to market yourself. Its main purpose is to get you an interview. You don’t’ want to put anything on the resume you aren’t willing to talk about in an interview.
You want to make your resume stand out from the crowd of applicants. So you want to only put favorable items in your resume. You want to tailor it for the job you are applying for.
Most employers aren’t going to give a flip who you worked for unless it is a competitor. They just want to know if your skills will match the job you are applying for. Being on staff and in the Way Corpse gives you a wide range of skills to elaborate on and may fit many different jobs you may be applying for. The key is how you word them. Tailor your resume to fit the job you are applying for then sell it during the interview.
If you have any gaps in your resume, they will wonder what you did and why you aren’t putting it down. Some may not even call you for an interview because of the gap. If you have what they are looking for, they will probably call you for an interview but may want an explanation of the gap. It’s all how you present it that makes the difference.
Kav is right about the 10 year rule. You only need to go back 10 years of employment history. The 10 year rule doesn’t apply to academic achievements. A degree in Theology is not necessarily a bad thing. Most people will see you as an honest person that cares about and can work with other people. It also shows that you finish what you start and can read, write and communicate.
Most employers don’t have the time or resources to google your resume.
I never was in the Corpse or worked on staff but my observation was that you learned some good skills and work ethics that could be applied in many areas. The key is how to phrase them in a resume and present them in an interview.
I know there were a lot of egocentric A-holes in the Corpse but that doesn’t apply to everybody. I knew some truly exceptional people with great hearts that were in the Corpse.
This thread started referencing the hypocrisy of TWI leadership. Corporate Training, who ever heard of a four year corporate training program. I’m all for tailoring your resume for the job you want but this is a little out of hand and unbelievable. It does smack with TWI hypocrisy. And never, ever have a typo on a resume. Can’t believe she let that slip. So much for having an eye for detail. My prediction is she will never even get an interview.
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Really enjoyed reading your right up. Thanks for posting it. Great job of using layman terms. Makes it easy to understand.

The religious right is a little scary but I don’t think they will ever really have any direct power. The activist left is on the decline but still wield a lot of direct power i.e., mainstream media, powerful senators, Hollywood, tenured professors and teachers etc… but that is a discussion for Politics and Tacks.
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Thanks for the kind words. Actually layman terms are the only kind I understand these days.
I think you've got it backwards about the power of the right and the left. Most studies have shown that the press actually goes out of it's way NOT to be biased toward the left, even though the majority of reporters etc have a personal belief that is more supportive of the left, they are professional in what they do so their bias does not come across. I suspect more hollywood folks are more liberal in their beliefs than say Mel Gibson, but they don't have what I'd call "direct power" when it comes to politics. Any power they have at all is because people buy what they produce so their popularity is dependent on the public. I don't know about professors and teachers, but as for "powerful senators" I'd say most of them have had their gonads removed (probably by self-infliction). Take for example Bill Clinton - regardless of what you think of his sex life, under his watch the military was strengthened (look how strong it was when Bush went to use it) the economy was strong and the budget ran a surplus for the first time in decades. Those are all more "conservative" accomplishments - things that we have since left behind due to a president who thinks god talks to him. Even moderates in his own party are afraid to chastise his abuse of power.
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