From Moneyhands to someone in our area. For some reason we got a copy of the letter. The underlined parts were underlined in the letter.
May 1996
Dear XXXX:
Due to your lack of concern for the present truth in your personal life, I am informing you of the following:
You have eliminated yourself from fellowship in the faithful househodl of The Way Ministry.
You are not welcome to continue in the Advanced Class on Power for Abundant Living graduate weekends. You have not made this material your own, and there is no indication that you want to do so.
It has been recommended that you establish a program for yourself so that you may recover yourself from the snare you are in. You may contact me or P@ul Bro0ks August 1 if you establish yourself with a program for deliverance and faithfully follow it.
With regard for the truth,
Boob Moneyhands
p.s. should you decide to put yourself on a program, send the outline for study, retermorization, prayer, etc. addressed to the Limb by June 1. Then keep daily logs of how you have carried out this plan.
Here’s a letter dropping a WC couple from FL. I am not giving the names because I personally don’t know the couple. My ex must have since he has a copy of the letter. (the phrases in quotes are how they appear in the letter – any bold type is my emphasis – italics are my comment)
Dear XXXX and XXXX;
It is obvious from your letters back to me, via Don’s request, that you don’t “have a clue” as to how hard-hearted both of you happen to be. XXXX’s letter, especially, is venomous and coldhearted tward any attempt of ours to try and wake you two up as to how inactive you really are as WC. How wonderful of you to readily admit that you have made no effort to be a part of Corps Night this year (that alone should necessitate your being dropped), or that XXX did not take the Rise and Expansion seminar (which I have stated on several occasions on crops nights that it is one of the most important spiritual events of our ministry year), or that you have made no plans to be a part of the new Advanced Class (which you seem to be proud of for some stupid reason), or that in essence you say that you are perfectly happy with the way you are living your lives and you don’t give a d@mn what Don or I think. Well, I don’t give a hoot what you two think. You are wrong. You are not active and committed and passionate for the truth as WC. You do about as much as would be required for an “active believer”, but certainly not anything close to what should be expected from WC. I suppose you think you can stay apiritually on top of these things by not giving any effort toward getting into the crops nights and seeing what’s on my heart and direction to the WC. You are so far behind spiritually that I doubt if you can catch up even if you wanted to….which you apparently don’t want anyway.
I’m sure you think you’re right. I’m sure you think you’re doing everything you can. You’re wrong in both cases. It’s also obvious that you’re doing what some of our other Corps have done this year to God and the ministry, and that is using your child as an excuse not to be a part of what you should be a part of. These are not just “functions”! These are key events where the household of God is getting together, and you flip it off like it’s just some kind of jaycee of little league meeting in your minds. Well, the hitchhiking days are over. I’m tired of the rest of us carrying you two spiritually as WC because you haven’t carried your weight for several years. So, consider this your “dropped from active WC” status letter.
The only thing that would change my mind would be total, unabashed and genuine apology to the BOT, but I seriously doubt that can happen real soon.
Some day if you really mean business about being committed and salted overseers in the church, then you might want to approach the WC again and reenlist and go through the program. You’ve forgotten so much and learned wit live with such bad, watered-down habits that nothing short of going in residence again could possibly help you wake up to the degree of “saltness” that you have to be. Sorry about it, but you’ve painted yourselves into the corner, and I’m just calling before God the honest status you deserve and have earned.
Ps. (Why do they always have a p.s.???) It’s also very clear from your letters and from your lives that XXXX is not the spiritual head of his family. That sin alone would necessitate being dropped from the WC. I don’t know who you all think you are, but you better wake up.
Also, you are considered “inactive clergy” with no rights or responsibilities in The Way Ministry household as ordained clergy.
Now, didn’t craiggers claim that the gifts and callings of God are without repentance and that HE is still clergy even after all the crap and filth he got caught hiding??
YOU ARE OUT OF FELLOWSHIP THEREFORE STAY AWAY FROM US IN ORDER TO GET YOURSELF BACK IN FELLOWSHIP. (hmmm... come to think of it, that's probably not a bad idea)
Definitely need to see the originals in the Documents section: seeing those should speak volumes to any detracters who may believe this stuff is just all the product of over worked imaginations.
In a letter from October 1995 to all "Way Believers" - italics and bold are as they appear in the actual letter:
The last ministry year has certainly been eventful in terms of God's Call to Abundance. We have especially seen His abundance to us in our growth in knowledge and understanding of His wonderful Word and in the guideance He's given us concerning where to build the ministry in the days ahead, including the new classes on The Way of Abundance and Power that will be available to our standing PFAL graduates in the months ahead. In this light, we've also changed the former WOW program to the Disciples of the Way Outreach Program for graduates of the new Advanced Class who are going forth witnessing and confronting our country and the world with teh greatness of the Word. Recent Sunday Night SErvices have unveiled great depth of illumination on our times, especially "Word Over the World Redefined" (July 16, #1803), and "The Graduation of the Twenty-third Way Corps and the Family Way Corps XIX" (July 30, #1805), where I set for the ministry the new light and direction on the Corps program. I'd certainly encourage you to put your head and heart into these teachings and truths to keep yourself current in heart and believing with us.
God's grace and mercy have blessed our ministry abundantly over these 53 years. I'm daily thankful for the Wierwille family and the founding trustees of the ministry for their stand over the years so we could have this ministry today.
I'm sure you'll want to enjoy seeing the new life-size bronze of our Founding President, vee pee, which is now set in the lobby of The WOW auditorium. It was unveiled at our July 16 SNS and that video (#1803) is available if you haven't had the opportunity to see it - or get here to headquarters to view the bronze yourself!
I love you all abundantly and thank God for the physical and financial abundance reaped in the lives of our people as they have heeded God's clarion call to get out of debt, get in control of their lives and finances, and allow Him to bless them in ways they never dreamed of.
I love you. Let's have a great 1995-96 year Living Sanctified!
After so many challenging situations in placements, including the dismissal of T*m and Brend@ M*llins from the meetings, I was too exhausted to put myself deeply into the word well enough to handle corps night properly…
As many times as I’ve done placements, I can’t remember any recent time being as demanding, exasperating, and sometimes befuddling as this one….Seeing much of the lack of resolve and sound thinking in some of the WC, however, cut me deeply.
How could it happen that those serving on full salary for these years could have their hearts so hardened to the word of God and their minds so dulled to the basic logic of life and living, I don’t understand. Their “state of being” necessitated the BOT confronting them and telling them to just pack up and go home because they were so far below the minimum spirituality required to help us in placements. ..
The next challenge that requires much effot and believing from us trustees is the amoung of debt that so many of you have developed over the years. It has required so much to wake many of you up to real action. Many want to cover bad habits with cultural cliches that justify slothfulness and stupidity. Well, there are some of us who have our eyes wide open and our lives well set on “IT IS WRITTEN” (as the WC should!). We will not be fooled by worldly illogic. Either wake up and believe God and get yourself on the Word in your financial lives, or the only alternative is “Dropped from Active Corps.” Is that a threat? Not really…just a promise and a resolve!
We also decided to drop many who have continued to be unproductive in the WC household. Many of these are corps married to non-corps….exhorted for several years now that our “spouse corps coupes” get themselves in residence….Most of these couples seem resolved to ignore the invitation. Remember, the WC is a leadership household. Anyone who doesn’t lead is not ACTIVE CORPS! Many became “dead weight” by their unproductiveness. As we bagan to clean things out after the “fog years,” the most obvious place first was to clean out those who manifested rampant and destructive evil. Then came those who manifested a more subtle and harassing evil, and now I trust we’re getting to the most subtle category, which is evil that is unproductive. Evil is still evil, no matter how it manifests itself. Therefore I really have no sympathy toward those we have dropped. … Their salt has lost its savor. We leadership are responsible to God to keep the leadership household pure and on the way of holiness. I am ultimately responsible. … IF any of these dropped corps are awakened from the “iron lids” of their spiritual sleep and activated by this decision, then we leaders will require a period of time for them to prove they mean business before reinstatement can happen.
Back to the debt slothfulness – over 100 corps have been “busted back” from their responsibilities, basically due to debt. Some, however have made a notable dent in their debt … showing they mean business…we allowed them to stay in some responsibilities …. others on a type of “probation” period to prove they still want to be corps. 1) To get your attention that God means business… 2) to give you the time necessary to drive yourself and discipline yourself... 3) to show the spiritual partners that you as leadership have to live up to the word of God or we will not back you up and support you.
How are you going to teach people to get out of debt and respond to God’s call to abundance if you lethargically and hard-heartedly wallow in it? … Debt is sin. To look at it any other way is rationalization and old-man thinking; so make up your mind ….
If you disagree with this heart and logic, then you should honestly drop yourself from active WC. If you cannot stand with me and our leadership in one accord on our thinking regarding God’s standards of life and living in the physical realm, you have no business representing yourself as leadership in TWI. That adds to your sin by treachery and lying; so at least have the honesty to drop yourself and spare us the trouble of rooting you out, because we will do so if you don’t mean business. That’s a promise.
It’s time to salt up with double doses! Keep your mind on that level on a daily basis.
p.s. Any questions, check with your local leadership first.
Yet another PS. Accompanying this is a list of people dropped from the WC.
I remember seeing some of these letters - like this last one you just posted, Belle. Boy, these bring back some memories....
Amazing how LCM always *WORKED* so hard, *BELIEVED* so hard, and *FOUGHT* so hard that he made it possible for other WC, etc. to stand, or lean on him when they weren't believing.
With all of the extra-curricular activities that LCM was participating in, no wonder the poor dude was so tired - I mean, all that and chasing skirts, too!
That letter that dropped the Corps couple brought back to me how awful it was to be graduated corps. I was accused of much the same.
What's with all the "not striving and not keeping up" talk? All the reproof (actually criticism) was so general and unspecific. That's how they liked to put you down, with "spiritual" generalized accusations.
It was like if you were Corps you had to be so DYNAMIC ALL THE TIME, always ON and being so SPIRITUAL and GUNG HO. (Maybe 12 cups of coffee a day would help).
I'm so glad I don't have to live up to their imposed impossible standards.
Getting kicked out or leaving is the best thing some one could do.
I remember seeing some of these letters - like this last one you just posted, Belle. Boy, these bring back some memories....
Amazing how LCM always *WORKED* so hard, *BELIEVED* so hard, and *FOUGHT* so hard that he made it possible for other WC, etc. to stand, or lean on him when they weren't believing.
With all of the extra-curricular activities that LCM was participating in, no wonder the poor dude was so tired - I mean, all that and chasing skirts, too!
yeah... and look at him now, it's easy to spout all of this stuff when you haven't worked a real job in your adult life... still being carried by TWI I'm sure...
After so many challenging situations in placements, including the dismissal of T*m and Brend@ M*llins from the meetings, I was too exhausted to put myself deeply into the word well enough to handle corps night properly…
As many times as I’ve done placements, I can’t remember any recent time being as demanding, exasperating, and sometimes befuddling as this one….Seeing much of the lack of resolve and sound thinking in some of the WC, however, cut me deeply.
How could it happen that those serving on full salary for these years could have their hearts so hardened to the word of God and their minds so dulled to the basic logic of life and living, I don’t understand. Their “state of being” necessitated the BOT confronting them and telling them to just pack up and go home because they were so far below the minimum spirituality required to help us in placements. ..
Those two were my region coordinators at the time, and due to Nebraska not having their own Limb Coordinator, they were officially our state coordinators as well.
In the immediate aftermath of their dismissal from placements, we were told that Mrs. M had a "five-star" daimōn and that Mr. M had a lesser daimonion which allowed him to be "operated" or dominated by his wife's spirit. We were never told what exactly they did.
We questioned how we could trust anything we had been told by either of these two, if they were so possessed. We were told that despite their being "out to lunch", "God covered", and that we shouldn't be worried; everything we had been told, we could keep on doing. :o
Within a year, both the M's were at the ROA, and I believe that they are now running a state, if not a region.
The same logic was employed when Martindale was booted and his class was retained.
"Debt is sin'.So is lying to people about abundance that they never could claim,and then saying it was
spiiritual and you could not receive it as your fruit was not clean.What a crock.Set standards so no one could reach.then raise the bar when you came close.What a mind game! Wake up!! God does not care about have the stuff the great "leaders of twi" thought were so important.
Yep the M*llins are and have been for several years region coordinators again. And gee-as messed up as they supposedly were, they were never actually dropped from corpse!
"so at least have the honesty to drop yourself and spare us the trouble of rooting you out, because we will do so if you don’t mean business"
In other words, they'll be expecting a detailed report of how you spend every penny. I wonder if they pulled credit reports on Way Corps. to verify they had no debt?
"in essence you say that you are perfectly happy with the way you are living your lives and you don’t give a d@mn what Don or I think"
Shame, shame, shame on them for daring to use the brain God gave them!
"It’s also very clear from your letters and from your lives that XXXX is not the spiritual head of his family. That sin alone would necessitate being dropped from the WC. I don’t know who you all think you are, but you better wake up."
And how dare any man think his wife would know what is best for their family - surely those at HQ who barely know you, would know much more about your life than some silly woman!
I realize I'm gonna get jumped on for saying this-and sound like something I'm not-but does anyone remember VPW ever sending out letters like this? With that tone? For me, I doubt it and do not remember any: a major difference in leadership skills.
quote: Plan ahead to trade with other believers or friends toys and such materials that are no longer needed but are still in good enough shape to share.
OMG! A few weeks back someone posted how they spent $25 each one year on relatives (family of 6) for their Xmas presents only to receive unused Halloween candy in return. I thought that was bizarre THEN and now I can see where the "revelation" came from.
Those two were my region coordinators at the time, and due to Nebraska not having their own Limb Coordinator, they were officially our state coordinators as well.
In the immediate aftermath of their dismissal from placements, we were told that Mrs. M had a "five-star" daimōn and that Mr. M had a lesser daimonion which allowed him to be "operated" or dominated by his wife's spirit. We were never told what exactly they did.
We questioned how we could trust anything we had been told by either of these two, if they were so possessed. We were told that despite their being "out to lunch", "God covered", and that we shouldn't be worried; everything we had been told, we could keep on doing. :o
Within a year, both the M's were at the ROA, and I believe that they are now running a state, if not a region.
The same logic was employed when Martindale was booted and his class was retained. others pointed out, the Mxullens have been region coordinators for many years.
When the L@llys split out in the middle of the night in June of 2000.......the Mxullins moved from Arkansas to take over the Texas region. Damage control.......and the way moves on.
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Ho, Ho, Ho
maybe we should have called him a HOE!
I wonder how many used things he received and gave. He certainly knew how to use people - maybe that was his special gift

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Tom Strange
Yeah... that Christian Love just knocks me right over!
(but then I don't understand because I'm not 'in fellowship')
Belle, check with paw... he's posted some other letters from LCM... he might have an interest in scanning and posting...
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Will do, Mr. Strange. :)
From Moneyhands to someone in our area. For some reason we got a copy of the letter. The underlined parts were underlined in the letter.
May 1996
Dear XXXX:
Due to your lack of concern for the present truth in your personal life, I am informing you of the following:
You have eliminated yourself from fellowship in the faithful househodl of The Way Ministry.
You are not welcome to continue in the Advanced Class on Power for Abundant Living graduate weekends. You have not made this material your own, and there is no indication that you want to do so.
It has been recommended that you establish a program for yourself so that you may recover yourself from the snare you are in. You may contact me or P@ul Bro0ks August 1 if you establish yourself with a program for deliverance and faithfully follow it.
With regard for the truth,
Boob Moneyhands
p.s. should you decide to put yourself on a program, send the outline for study, retermorization, prayer, etc. addressed to the Limb by June 1. Then keep daily logs of how you have carried out this plan.
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Here’s a letter dropping a WC couple from FL. I am not giving the names because I personally don’t know the couple. My ex must have since he has a copy of the letter. (the phrases in quotes are how they appear in the letter – any bold type is my emphasis – italics are my comment)
Dear XXXX and XXXX;
It is obvious from your letters back to me, via Don’s request, that you don’t “have a clue” as to how hard-hearted both of you happen to be. XXXX’s letter, especially, is venomous and coldhearted tward any attempt of ours to try and wake you two up as to how inactive you really are as WC. How wonderful of you to readily admit that you have made no effort to be a part of Corps Night this year (that alone should necessitate your being dropped), or that XXX did not take the Rise and Expansion seminar (which I have stated on several occasions on crops nights that it is one of the most important spiritual events of our ministry year), or that you have made no plans to be a part of the new Advanced Class (which you seem to be proud of for some stupid reason), or that in essence you say that you are perfectly happy with the way you are living your lives and you don’t give a d@mn what Don or I think. Well, I don’t give a hoot what you two think. You are wrong. You are not active and committed and passionate for the truth as WC. You do about as much as would be required for an “active believer”, but certainly not anything close to what should be expected from WC. I suppose you think you can stay apiritually on top of these things by not giving any effort toward getting into the crops nights and seeing what’s on my heart and direction to the WC. You are so far behind spiritually that I doubt if you can catch up even if you wanted to….which you apparently don’t want anyway.
I’m sure you think you’re right. I’m sure you think you’re doing everything you can. You’re wrong in both cases. It’s also obvious that you’re doing what some of our other Corps have done this year to God and the ministry, and that is using your child as an excuse not to be a part of what you should be a part of. These are not just “functions”! These are key events where the household of God is getting together, and you flip it off like it’s just some kind of jaycee of little league meeting in your minds. Well, the hitchhiking days are over. I’m tired of the rest of us carrying you two spiritually as WC because you haven’t carried your weight for several years. So, consider this your “dropped from active WC” status letter.
The only thing that would change my mind would be total, unabashed and genuine apology to the BOT, but I seriously doubt that can happen real soon.
Some day if you really mean business about being committed and salted overseers in the church, then you might want to approach the WC again and reenlist and go through the program. You’ve forgotten so much and learned wit live with such bad, watered-down habits that nothing short of going in residence again could possibly help you wake up to the degree of “saltness” that you have to be. Sorry about it, but you’ve painted yourselves into the corner, and I’m just calling before God the honest status you deserve and have earned.
Ps. (Why do they always have a p.s.???) It’s also very clear from your letters and from your lives that XXXX is not the spiritual head of his family. That sin alone would necessitate being dropped from the WC. I don’t know who you all think you are, but you better wake up.
Also, you are considered “inactive clergy” with no rights or responsibilities in The Way Ministry household as ordained clergy.
Now, didn’t craiggers claim that the gifts and callings of God are without repentance and that HE is still clergy even after all the crap and filth he got caught hiding??
** edited to correct spelling **
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Tom Strange
That's just so crazy isn't it?
YOU ARE OUT OF FELLOWSHIP THEREFORE STAY AWAY FROM US IN ORDER TO GET YOURSELF BACK IN FELLOWSHIP. (hmmm... come to think of it, that's probably not a bad idea)
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Definitely need to see the originals in the Documents section: seeing those should speak volumes to any detracters who may believe this stuff is just all the product of over worked imaginations.
You can almost hear him, can't you?
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In a letter from October 1995 to all "Way Believers" - italics and bold are as they appear in the actual letter:
The last ministry year has certainly been eventful in terms of God's Call to Abundance. We have especially seen His abundance to us in our growth in knowledge and understanding of His wonderful Word and in the guideance He's given us concerning where to build the ministry in the days ahead, including the new classes on The Way of Abundance and Power that will be available to our standing PFAL graduates in the months ahead. In this light, we've also changed the former WOW program to the Disciples of the Way Outreach Program for graduates of the new Advanced Class who are going forth witnessing and confronting our country and the world with teh greatness of the Word. Recent Sunday Night SErvices have unveiled great depth of illumination on our times, especially "Word Over the World Redefined" (July 16, #1803), and "The Graduation of the Twenty-third Way Corps and the Family Way Corps XIX" (July 30, #1805), where I set for the ministry the new light and direction on the Corps program. I'd certainly encourage you to put your head and heart into these teachings and truths to keep yourself current in heart and believing with us.
God's grace and mercy have blessed our ministry abundantly over these 53 years. I'm daily thankful for the Wierwille family and the founding trustees of the ministry for their stand over the years so we could have this ministry today.
I'm sure you'll want to enjoy seeing the new life-size bronze of our Founding President, vee pee, which is now set in the lobby of The WOW auditorium. It was unveiled at our July 16 SNS and that video (#1803) is available if you haven't had the opportunity to see it - or get here to headquarters to view the bronze yourself!
I love you all abundantly and thank God for the physical and financial abundance reaped in the lives of our people as they have heeded God's clarion call to get out of debt, get in control of their lives and finances, and allow Him to bless them in ways they never dreamed of.
I love you. Let's have a great 1995-96 year Living Sanctified!
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WC Letter May 1994
After so many challenging situations in placements, including the dismissal of T*m and Brend@ M*llins from the meetings, I was too exhausted to put myself deeply into the word well enough to handle corps night properly…
As many times as I’ve done placements, I can’t remember any recent time being as demanding, exasperating, and sometimes befuddling as this one….Seeing much of the lack of resolve and sound thinking in some of the WC, however, cut me deeply.
How could it happen that those serving on full salary for these years could have their hearts so hardened to the word of God and their minds so dulled to the basic logic of life and living, I don’t understand. Their “state of being” necessitated the BOT confronting them and telling them to just pack up and go home because they were so far below the minimum spirituality required to help us in placements. ..
The next challenge that requires much effot and believing from us trustees is the amoung of debt that so many of you have developed over the years. It has required so much to wake many of you up to real action. Many want to cover bad habits with cultural cliches that justify slothfulness and stupidity. Well, there are some of us who have our eyes wide open and our lives well set on “IT IS WRITTEN” (as the WC should!). We will not be fooled by worldly illogic. Either wake up and believe God and get yourself on the Word in your financial lives, or the only alternative is “Dropped from Active Corps.” Is that a threat? Not really…just a promise and a resolve!
We also decided to drop many who have continued to be unproductive in the WC household. Many of these are corps married to non-corps….exhorted for several years now that our “spouse corps coupes” get themselves in residence….Most of these couples seem resolved to ignore the invitation. Remember, the WC is a leadership household. Anyone who doesn’t lead is not ACTIVE CORPS! Many became “dead weight” by their unproductiveness. As we bagan to clean things out after the “fog years,” the most obvious place first was to clean out those who manifested rampant and destructive evil. Then came those who manifested a more subtle and harassing evil, and now I trust we’re getting to the most subtle category, which is evil that is unproductive. Evil is still evil, no matter how it manifests itself. Therefore I really have no sympathy toward those we have dropped. … Their salt has lost its savor. We leadership are responsible to God to keep the leadership household pure and on the way of holiness. I am ultimately responsible. … IF any of these dropped corps are awakened from the “iron lids” of their spiritual sleep and activated by this decision, then we leaders will require a period of time for them to prove they mean business before reinstatement can happen.
Back to the debt slothfulness – over 100 corps have been “busted back” from their responsibilities, basically due to debt. Some, however have made a notable dent in their debt … showing they mean business…we allowed them to stay in some responsibilities …. others on a type of “probation” period to prove they still want to be corps. 1) To get your attention that God means business… 2) to give you the time necessary to drive yourself and discipline yourself... 3) to show the spiritual partners that you as leadership have to live up to the word of God or we will not back you up and support you.
How are you going to teach people to get out of debt and respond to God’s call to abundance if you lethargically and hard-heartedly wallow in it? … Debt is sin. To look at it any other way is rationalization and old-man thinking; so make up your mind ….
If you disagree with this heart and logic, then you should honestly drop yourself from active WC. If you cannot stand with me and our leadership in one accord on our thinking regarding God’s standards of life and living in the physical realm, you have no business representing yourself as leadership in TWI. That adds to your sin by treachery and lying; so at least have the honesty to drop yourself and spare us the trouble of rooting you out, because we will do so if you don’t mean business. That’s a promise.
It’s time to salt up with double doses! Keep your mind on that level on a daily basis.
p.s. Any questions, check with your local leadership first.
Yet another PS.
Accompanying this is a list of people dropped from the WC.
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I remember seeing some of these letters - like this last one you just posted, Belle. Boy, these bring back some memories....
Amazing how LCM always *WORKED* so hard, *BELIEVED* so hard, and *FOUGHT* so hard that he made it possible for other WC, etc. to stand, or lean on him when they weren't believing.
With all of the extra-curricular activities that LCM was participating in, no wonder the poor dude was so tired - I mean, all that and chasing skirts, too!
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Thanks, Belle for sharing those.
That letter that dropped the Corps couple brought back to me how awful it was to be graduated corps. I was accused of much the same.
What's with all the "not striving and not keeping up" talk? All the reproof (actually criticism) was so general and unspecific. That's how they liked to put you down, with "spiritual" generalized accusations.
It was like if you were Corps you had to be so DYNAMIC ALL THE TIME, always ON and being so SPIRITUAL and GUNG HO. (Maybe 12 cups of coffee a day would help).
I'm so glad I don't have to live up to their imposed impossible standards.
Getting kicked out or leaving is the best thing some one could do.
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Tom Strange
yeah... and look at him now, it's easy to spout all of this stuff when you haven't worked a real job in your adult life... still being carried by TWI I'm sure...
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In the immediate aftermath of their dismissal from placements, we were told that Mrs. M had a "five-star" daimōn and that Mr. M had a lesser daimonion which allowed him to be "operated" or dominated by his wife's spirit. We were never told what exactly they did.
We questioned how we could trust anything we had been told by either of these two, if they were so possessed. We were told that despite their being "out to lunch", "God covered", and that we shouldn't be worried; everything we had been told, we could keep on doing. :o
Within a year, both the M's were at the ROA, and I believe that they are now running a state, if not a region.
The same logic was employed when Martindale was booted and his class was retained.
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"Debt is sin'.So is lying to people about abundance that they never could claim,and then saying it was
spiiritual and you could not receive it as your fruit was not clean.What a crock.Set standards so no one could reach.then raise the bar when you came close.What a mind game! Wake up!! God does not care about have the stuff the great "leaders of twi" thought were so important.
Thans Belle for posting those letters.
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That puts it all nicely in perspective doesn't it?
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wow, ... amazing what we were involved with. what a disgrace.
thanks for posting that letter.
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Yep the M*llins are and have been for several years region coordinators again. And gee-as messed up as they supposedly were, they were never actually dropped from corpse!
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i don't want to believe those letters are real
but i am sure they are!
what a sick bunch of idiots they were and are
and to think we took this all to heart
god may very well damn thier souls
Edited by coolchef1248 @adelphia.netLink to comment
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"so at least have the honesty to drop yourself and spare us the trouble of rooting you out, because we will do so if you don’t mean business"
In other words, they'll be expecting a detailed report of how you spend every penny. I wonder if they pulled credit reports on Way Corps. to verify they had no debt?
"in essence you say that you are perfectly happy with the way you are living your lives and you don’t give a d@mn what Don or I think"
Shame, shame, shame on them for daring to use the brain God gave them!
"It’s also very clear from your letters and from your lives that XXXX is not the spiritual head of his family. That sin alone would necessitate being dropped from the WC. I don’t know who you all think you are, but you better wake up."
And how dare any man think his wife would know what is best for their family - surely those at HQ who barely know you, would know much more about your life than some silly woman!
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Thanks Belle for sharing those letters - tell you what - they're kind of weird - sort of like an alternate version of C.S. Lewis' "Screwtape Letters."
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What's that old quote??
Prophet, examine thy actions, lest thy words be applied to thee.
(something like that).
It's statements like the one above that show how totally *out to lunch* the Org was.
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I am actually reading the Screwtape Letters right now and Craigerrs sounds worse than those devils!
They make me feel all warm and fuzzy........................
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I realize I'm gonna get jumped on for saying this-and sound like something I'm not-but does anyone remember VPW ever sending out letters like this? With that tone? For me, I doubt it and do not remember any: a major difference in leadership skills.
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quote: Plan ahead to trade with other believers or friends toys and such materials that are no longer needed but are still in good enough shape to share.
OMG! A few weeks back someone posted how they spent $25 each one year on relatives (family of 6) for their Xmas presents only to receive unused Halloween candy in return. I thought that was bizarre THEN and now I can see where the "revelation" came from.
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skyrider others pointed out, the Mxullens have been region coordinators for many years.
When the L@llys split out in the middle of the night in June of 2000.......the Mxullins moved from Arkansas to take over the Texas region. Damage control.......and the way moves on.
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