Growing up I had a cat. Took some abuse because everybody else in my neighborhood had a dog, but it was OK. Now I have both a cat and a dog. Those two animals in particular seem to know acutely how to involve themselves in many household decisions. I had a guy house sit for us for a week couple years back and he said tongue in cheek that the pets were more of a pain in the butt than our kids. But either or both of those animals is fine.
Growing up, I always had cats and I still love cats. In 1995 (right after I decided not to go on full time field staff----the red balloon thing ) some people here in NC were called to go on staff at hq and couldnt take their wonderful pug-----Violet. Dottie Moneyhands convinced me I needed a dog, so they dropped her off at my house on their way from Asheville to HQ.
MY LIFE CHANGED THAT DAY. Violet was the light of my life, the one bright spot in my otherwise pitiful existence (or so I used to tell her everyday.)
Now, I have two dogs, a deaf 11 year old rescue pug named Buddy, and a 14 year old rescue yorkie I got less than a year ago. Munchie, the yorkie has no teeth, has had a broken back and neck and weighed less than a pound when I got him. He has changed my life. I also have a 13 year old black cat named KayCee. So, as you can see my life is basically a geriatric care unit.........AND I WOULDNT CHANGE A THING.
Dogs, unquestionably. Other than my grandson, they're the only ones who are ALWAYS happy to see me. Why fight for a cat's attention? Don't get me wrong: cats, birds, turtles, horses are all fine; but I've never had pets that worked harder to please ME than dogs.
How's it going with the deaf one? My terrier went deaf a couple years before I lost him. It didn't seem to affect our relationship much at all. On walks, he'd stick closer and instantly obey hand signals. In the house I'd have to come up to him and tap his butt to get his attention but then I'd not have any problems with communications.
My first dog Violet was diabetic (insulin dependent) and she went blind when she was five. She lived 3 more years and so I became really intuned with her and learned to live with a handicapped dog.
When I got Buddy, he had been turned in to a shelter up in Sneads Ferry NC. His parents had divorced, fought over him in the divorce settlement........and the winner dropped him off at the shelter on their way out of town
I picked him up to foster for the pug rescue association and just never gave him back. Having a deaf dog is much easier than having a blind me on that. We have no problems communicating at all, other than he has seperation anxiety.......even after 3 years. I just have to have eye contact with him for him to know what I isnt hard. He always sits so he faces me, and always keeps me within eyeshot. Of course, he can never be let out of the front door unless he is on a leash, he doesnt hear cars or anything. Buddy is a joy..........I adore him.
Those of you reading this thread, I encourage you to open your heart and home to a disabled animal. The joy that is returned is incredible.
I had the once-in-a-lifetime pet - you know, that special someone with four legs that God lets in your life that you swear you'd marry if they were human or be the first named in your will if you died. This pet was a cat and his name was Emmitt.
Emmitt was my wedding present from my first husband (1992). He asked what I wanted and I didn't hesitate a moment - I said I wanted a cat. We found him via a newspaper ad. He was only about 6 months old when we got him - he was a scrawny brown tabby with small ears, short legs, and short tail - but a BIG body - he was built like a dwarfed cow. My mother used to say that Emmitt looked like he was made of spare parts.
He was a different cat - never mean or moody;loved to play; would come when you called him; would greet you at the door when you came home; and just "almost human" in every way. Anyone who every spent any time with him knew he was a just the coolest cat in the world. When friends called or saw me at meetings, etc., they always asked how he was doing - like he was my son or something.
Fast forward to 2001...
I had just upgraded to hubby 2.0, and we had just had our first son. Emmitt suddenly was acting very odd - taking food off the counters and eating it (bread!); drinking and urinating a lot; acting manic - just really strange stuff. Just prior to this, he had been given a steriod shot for asthma.
Several vet visits and some research on the internet - we finally suspected that Emmitt was diabetic. The vet confirmed this and prescribed insulin for Emmitt. He got two shots a day - 6AM and 6PM. Hubby took wonderful care of Emmitt and even found a special food - high protein - that helped a lot. (Purina makes a great high protein food - check their website for more info -you can't get it in the regular stores.) Since I was a new mommy, I wasn't able to do much for Emmitt - my schedule was nutty because Kristopher was preemie, so hubby really stepped up to the plate. He loved that cat! (I used to tease him that he married me so he could have Emmitt live with him!)
Almost one year later Emmitt's diabetes had almost gone into remission. However, the asthma suddenly got a lot worse. It was that summer when Canada had all the forest fires and the air quality here in New England was horrible - I also was diagnosed with asthma around that same time.
Emmitt had an asthma attack that resulted in us having to rush him to the vets because he couldn't stop coughing and seemed to be in a lot of pain. The vet discovered he had twisted a lobe of his lung (yes, ouch!). We had the option of taking him to Boston for a risky surgical procedure to try correct the problem - over 2 hours away from the vets where he was - or putting him to sleep. We were told the prognosis for the surgery was very poor. Since Emmitt was in so much pain we opted to have him put to sleep.
If I said we miss Emmitt, it would be an understatement. He was special - probably the best friend I'll ever be allowed to have - and loosing him was just horrible - it was like loosing a family member. We both miss him a lot and talk about the great memories we have of him.
Emmitt's "handicaps" didn't make him special - he was special before getting the asthma or the diabetes. We just went along with whatever treatments he needed because he was family - like we would have for our sons or mothers, or whomever. That's life!
Currently, we have two cats - Calvin and Ginger, ages four and seven. They're sweet, funny, very playful and are great with the boys. Calvin, who is probably the tallest cat I've ever seen, is Kristopher's cat - loves him - that kid can do no wrong with that cat. Ginger is a good cat, but she's hubby's cat - I think perhaps a woman abused her at some point because she's not too keen on me - although she was stuck to me like glue when I was pregnant with Andreas. I don't think she's given me the time of day since he was born, tho! LOL! They're good cats - but just not the same sort of relationship as we had with Emmitt. We're blessed all the same.
On a side note - the steriod I mentioned for Emmitt's diabetes had the little known complication of causing the pancreas to shut down. In other words, if we had opted for another form of treatment we probably would have prevented his becoming diabetic as a sideeffect of the shot. Our vet wasn't even aware of this, and he was no "dumb bunny" - if I can find the name of the steriod to tell you so you can avoid it, if you're ever in this situation with your pet, I'll be sure to post it.
the dogs i have now are rescues. both had been abused physically
they are the most loving grateful devoted (almost pathetic) sweet pets you could ever every have
i dread absolutely dread the day they'll be gone, my son's heart will break
we have a bird named rascal. birds are messy. but boy they are so great. rascal is funny and fresh and stubborn
there are 2 beta fish that hang out here. i throw some food their way but i refuse to clean their little boxes. right now i can't see them it's so gross in there.
Years ago, while teaching, I read a little Serendipity book named "Leo the Lop"...I vowed that day I would have a lop named Leo.
I bought 2 lops, because that was all they had at the spotted, one brown...Molly and Polly....but no Leo :(
Six months later, as rabbits have it ;) , Leo was born...a fawn color fuzzy lop eared rabbit...
He's the greatest!!! and smart!!! and litter trained!!! (most of the time ;) ).... I love him to pieces.
One day soon, when I'm done travelling, I hope to purchase about 5 angora rabbits ranging white, fawn, grey to black.
I've been collecting Leo's hair to spin....did you know you could pluck a rabbit? (angoras you can place on your lap and spin right off of them!) Since he is about 5 years old now, his softer fur is becoming coarse...I'm sure I have enough for a sweater by now...
I had a pet rabbit when I was a kid - they're pretty good pets and mine was newspaper trained. His name was Runny Babbit (not too creative, but oh, well... )
One "common" pet I can't understand people keeping is fish. Why? They seem like a lot of work, and seem to die easily. I've never had one - never wanted one.
Ditto on ferrets (and they smell funny - even after the musk glands have been taken out!)
Keeping tropical fish isn't so much like having a pet as it is doing a technical hobby. More like photography or rose cultivation. I kept Platies for three or four years in a little 10 gallon tank. At the end I had 4 generations of fish alive at the same time. You have to learn about water chemistry, biological processes, diet and parasites. After a while you can look at the fish to see if they are happy, stressed, mating or pregnant. Raising newborn fish means segragating them as soon as they are born and providing live food, usually brine shrimp.
It really is an interesting hobby and yes, it's a lot of work. OTOH, once you're set up, it's a very cheap hobby compared to photograpy or motorcycles, an important issue at the time of my life when I was into it.
Both Misty and Roxy are littermates. We know that dad was a Maine Coon.
Pixie is a small cat who will always look small. Mom is small and all of her litters have grown into small cats.
Love 'em all.
We had a dalmation for 9 years. Abby. We loved her but dont' really live a lifestyle that seems fair to dogs. We're not home very much and don't have much time for walking them.
we've got fish and I once had a whole lot of zebra finches...
i forgot to tell you i have a little dwarf hamster named bear. he's so cute and funny. i think he's blind but he has no problem getting around his little house and finding his food and water. sometimes he mistakes my finger for a treat. he got out of his cage twice (now i figured how to stop that) and both times our dog minnie (she's got a lot of whippet in her) found him. one time he was in a shoe in the closet and another time in a corner of a different room.
she didn't try to hurt him. plus our dogs get along famously with the bird
I`d have to say ALL of them :) I haven`t met a critter that I didn`t like. I tend to have a soft spot for strays....
Each has their own unique characteristics.
I have always been a devoted German shepherd fan...I have 4 now, (two are rescues) but have come to adore my daughters great dane as well....the sweetest gentlestmost well behaved creature.... My sons mini rat terriers are sweet as well, so ferociously couragious for only weighing 8 lying at my feet ....where ever I sit.....My daughters cat always waits for me to settle at the computer or tv in order to sit in my lap.
She is the only one that comes into the kitchen to keep me company while I do dishes ...she sits on the counter every night offering her input .... there are three other cats, each have their personalities....but this one is special, she was a bottle baby that we raised for the vet and adopted when we returned the rest of the litter.
Horses are incredibly intellegent kind creatures when one takes the time to understand them....My dear mare took such pride in keeping me safe ... one time she beat the daylights out of a donkey that had jumped the fence while we were on a trail ride when he started acting like he was going to hurt me....she whipped him soundly, ran him off and promptly returned to pick me up and continue our ride....she never jumped or acted silly, no matter how alarming a situation became .... when I was on her back...I used to put the toddlers on her to keep them out of trouble and she would follow me around the yard.....always mindfull of the precious cargo on her back....
I had a wonderfull pony that used to protect the children that she always assumed were her charge as well...I saw her protct them even while under attack by a swarm of bees that would have sent any other horse bucking and running into the next time when the children were riding her up a hill...I heard a strangled cry....when I turned to look....dear casey had frozen... one child had been caught by the neck in the crack of a tree branch and was lifted right off of the ponies back..hanging and choking....the other child was hanging on to the first.....I watched that pony look and them back up a couple of steps to return right undernieth where the kids could drop back down on her back....
We have leopard geckos that are charming....they love to be stroked and ask to be fed....My son has a huge iguana that is pretty funny with his antics....
We love birds, but thy haven`t fared well in this drafty old farm house in the winter time....
My son enjoys his hamsters, always has a new batch of babies and is adding on to his city of cages...
The boys have aquariums full of fish and several tanks of different water turtles....
My daughter has recently aquired the most charming little african spur legged will grow to possibly 140 lbs and live 100 plus years....right now she sure is cute, smaller than the palm of my hand and quite friendly.
I cannot say that I have a favorite type.
I have had the great fortune of two soul changing lifetime blessing animals like you mentioned with your dear Emmit, chaz.
One was the shepherd cross who traveled with me through my ministry years after high school and my tennessee walking mare. I loved these two as much as any human being that I have ever met....and grieved (still do) over them as dearly loved family members when they passed.
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Dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. :) As long as it ain't a reptile or a spider. :blink:
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Growing up I had a cat. Took some abuse because everybody else in my neighborhood had a dog, but it was OK. Now I have both a cat and a dog. Those two animals in particular seem to know acutely how to involve themselves in many household decisions. I had a guy house sit for us for a week couple years back and he said tongue in cheek that the pets were more of a pain in the butt than our kids. But either or both of those animals is fine.
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Radar OReilly
Good idea for a thread Jim
Growing up, I always had cats and I still love cats. In 1995 (right after I decided not to go on full time field staff----the red balloon thing
) some people here in NC were called to go on staff at hq and couldnt take their wonderful pug-----Violet. Dottie Moneyhands convinced me I needed a dog, so they dropped her off at my house on their way from Asheville to HQ.
MY LIFE CHANGED THAT DAY. Violet was the light of my life, the one bright spot in my otherwise pitiful existence (or so I used to tell her everyday.)
Now, I have two dogs, a deaf 11 year old rescue pug named Buddy, and a 14 year old rescue yorkie I got less than a year ago. Munchie, the yorkie has no teeth, has had a broken back and neck and weighed less than a pound when I got him. He has changed my life. I also have a 13 year old black cat named KayCee. So, as you can see my life is basically a geriatric care unit.........AND I WOULDNT CHANGE A THING.
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Dogs, unquestionably. Other than my grandson, they're the only ones who are ALWAYS happy to see me. Why fight for a cat's attention? Don't get me wrong: cats, birds, turtles, horses are all fine; but I've never had pets that worked harder to please ME than dogs.
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How's it going with the deaf one? My terrier went deaf a couple years before I lost him. It didn't seem to affect our relationship much at all. On walks, he'd stick closer and instantly obey hand signals. In the house I'd have to come up to him and tap his butt to get his attention but then I'd not have any problems with communications.
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Radar OReilly
My first dog Violet was diabetic (insulin dependent) and she went blind when she was five. She lived 3 more years and so I became really intuned with her and learned to live with a handicapped dog.
When I got Buddy, he had been turned in to a shelter up in Sneads Ferry NC. His parents had divorced, fought over him in the divorce settlement........and the winner dropped him off at the shelter on their way out of town
I picked him up to foster for the pug rescue association and just never gave him back. Having a deaf dog is much easier than having a blind me on that. We have no problems communicating at all, other than he has seperation anxiety.......even after 3 years. I just have to have eye contact with him for him to know what I isnt hard. He always sits so he faces me, and always keeps me within eyeshot. Of course, he can never be let out of the front door unless he is on a leash, he doesnt hear cars or anything. Buddy is a joy..........I adore him.
Those of you reading this thread, I encourage you to open your heart and home to a disabled animal. The joy that is returned is incredible.
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I had the once-in-a-lifetime pet - you know, that special someone with four legs that God lets in your life that you swear you'd marry if they were human or be the first named in your will if you died. This pet was a cat and his name was Emmitt.
Emmitt was my wedding present from my first husband (1992). He asked what I wanted and I didn't hesitate a moment - I said I wanted a cat. We found him via a newspaper ad. He was only about 6 months old when we got him - he was a scrawny brown tabby with small ears, short legs, and short tail - but a BIG body - he was built like a dwarfed cow. My mother used to say that Emmitt looked like he was made of spare parts.
He was a different cat - never mean or moody;loved to play; would come when you called him; would greet you at the door when you came home; and just "almost human" in every way. Anyone who every spent any time with him knew he was a just the coolest cat in the world. When friends called or saw me at meetings, etc., they always asked how he was doing - like he was my son or something.
Fast forward to 2001...
I had just upgraded to hubby 2.0, and we had just had our first son. Emmitt suddenly was acting very odd - taking food off the counters and eating it (bread!); drinking and urinating a lot; acting manic - just really strange stuff. Just prior to this, he had been given a steriod shot for asthma.
Several vet visits and some research on the internet - we finally suspected that Emmitt was diabetic. The vet confirmed this and prescribed insulin for Emmitt. He got two shots a day - 6AM and 6PM. Hubby took wonderful care of Emmitt and even found a special food - high protein - that helped a lot. (Purina makes a great high protein food - check their website for more info -you can't get it in the regular stores.) Since I was a new mommy, I wasn't able to do much for Emmitt - my schedule was nutty because Kristopher was preemie, so hubby really stepped up to the plate. He loved that cat! (I used to tease him that he married me so he could have Emmitt live with him!)
Almost one year later Emmitt's diabetes had almost gone into remission. However, the asthma suddenly got a lot worse. It was that summer when Canada had all the forest fires and the air quality here in New England was horrible - I also was diagnosed with asthma around that same time.
Emmitt had an asthma attack that resulted in us having to rush him to the vets because he couldn't stop coughing and seemed to be in a lot of pain. The vet discovered he had twisted a lobe of his lung (yes, ouch!). We had the option of taking him to Boston for a risky surgical procedure to try correct the problem - over 2 hours away from the vets where he was - or putting him to sleep. We were told the prognosis for the surgery was very poor. Since Emmitt was in so much pain we opted to have him put to sleep.
If I said we miss Emmitt, it would be an understatement. He was special - probably the best friend I'll ever be allowed to have - and loosing him was just horrible - it was like loosing a family member. We both miss him a lot and talk about the great memories we have of him.
Emmitt's "handicaps" didn't make him special - he was special before getting the asthma or the diabetes. We just went along with whatever treatments he needed because he was family - like we would have for our sons or mothers, or whomever. That's life!
Currently, we have two cats - Calvin and Ginger, ages four and seven. They're sweet, funny, very playful and are great with the boys. Calvin, who is probably the tallest cat I've ever seen, is Kristopher's cat - loves him - that kid can do no wrong with that cat. Ginger is a good cat, but she's hubby's cat - I think perhaps a woman abused her at some point because she's not too keen on me - although she was stuck to me like glue when I was pregnant with Andreas. I don't think she's given me the time of day since he was born, tho! LOL! They're good cats - but just not the same sort of relationship as we had with Emmitt. We're blessed all the same.
On a side note - the steriod I mentioned for Emmitt's diabetes had the little known complication of causing the pancreas to shut down. In other words, if we had opted for another form of treatment we probably would have prevented his becoming diabetic as a sideeffect of the shot. Our vet wasn't even aware of this, and he was no "dumb bunny" - if I can find the name of the steriod to tell you so you can avoid it, if you're ever in this situation with your pet, I'll be sure to post it.
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:) Emmitt
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dogs are my very favorite but i love 'em all
the dogs i have now are rescues. both had been abused physically
they are the most loving grateful devoted (almost pathetic) sweet pets you could ever every have
i dread absolutely dread the day they'll be gone, my son's heart will break
we have a bird named rascal. birds are messy. but boy they are so great. rascal is funny and fresh and stubborn
there are 2 beta fish that hang out here. i throw some food their way but i refuse to clean their little boxes. right now i can't see them it's so gross in there.
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Wacky Funster
Years ago, while teaching, I read a little Serendipity book named "Leo the Lop"...I vowed that day I would have a lop named Leo.
I bought 2 lops, because that was all they had at the spotted, one brown...Molly and Polly....but no Leo :(
Six months later, as rabbits have it ;) , Leo was born...a fawn color fuzzy lop eared rabbit...
He's the greatest!!! and smart!!! and litter trained!!! (most of the time ;) ).... I love him to pieces.
One day soon, when I'm done travelling, I hope to purchase about 5 angora rabbits ranging white, fawn, grey to black.
I've been collecting Leo's hair to spin....did you know you could pluck a rabbit? (angoras you can place on your lap and spin right off of them!) Since he is about 5 years old now, his softer fur is becoming coarse...I'm sure I have enough for a sweater by now...
I love lops. Wouldn't have any other pet.
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I had a pet rabbit when I was a kid - they're pretty good pets and mine was newspaper trained. His name was Runny Babbit (not too creative, but oh, well... )
One "common" pet I can't understand people keeping is fish. Why? They seem like a lot of work, and seem to die easily. I've never had one - never wanted one.
Ditto on ferrets (and they smell funny - even after the musk glands have been taken out!)
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Keeping tropical fish isn't so much like having a pet as it is doing a technical hobby. More like photography or rose cultivation. I kept Platies for three or four years in a little 10 gallon tank. At the end I had 4 generations of fish alive at the same time. You have to learn about water chemistry, biological processes, diet and parasites. After a while you can look at the fish to see if they are happy, stressed, mating or pregnant. Raising newborn fish means segragating them as soon as they are born and providing live food, usually brine shrimp.
It really is an interesting hobby and yes, it's a lot of work. OTOH, once you're set up, it's a very cheap hobby compared to photograpy or motorcycles, an important issue at the time of my life when I was into it.
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Dot Matrix
Have 6 of them, but I like cats too! Birds are cool. Love all pets.
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The Pembrokeshire Welsh Corgi, hands down.
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Both Misty and Roxy are littermates. We know that dad was a Maine Coon.
Pixie is a small cat who will always look small. Mom is small and all of her litters have grown into small cats.
Love 'em all.
We had a dalmation for 9 years. Abby. We loved her but dont' really live a lifestyle that seems fair to dogs. We're not home very much and don't have much time for walking them.
we've got fish and I once had a whole lot of zebra finches...
but that's another story.....
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J0nny Ling0
Favorite type of pet? Dawgs..
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BB, how did you get a pic of my rascal !!!!!!
i forgot to tell you i have a little dwarf hamster named bear. he's so cute and funny. i think he's blind but he has no problem getting around his little house and finding his food and water. sometimes he mistakes my finger for a treat. he got out of his cage twice (now i figured how to stop that) and both times our dog minnie (she's got a lot of whippet in her) found him. one time he was in a shoe in the closet and another time in a corner of a different room.
she didn't try to hurt him. plus our dogs get along famously with the bird
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I`d have to say ALL of them :) I haven`t met a critter that I didn`t like. I tend to have a soft spot for strays....
Each has their own unique characteristics.
I have always been a devoted German shepherd fan...I have 4 now, (two are rescues) but have come to adore my daughters great dane as well....the sweetest gentlestmost well behaved creature.... My sons mini rat terriers are sweet as well, so ferociously couragious for only weighing 8 lying at my feet ....where ever I sit.....My daughters cat always waits for me to settle at the computer or tv in order to sit in my lap.
She is the only one that comes into the kitchen to keep me company while I do dishes ...she sits on the counter every night offering her input .... there are three other cats, each have their personalities....but this one is special, she was a bottle baby that we raised for the vet and adopted when we returned the rest of the litter.
Horses are incredibly intellegent kind creatures when one takes the time to understand them....My dear mare took such pride in keeping me safe ... one time she beat the daylights out of a donkey that had jumped the fence while we were on a trail ride when he started acting like he was going to hurt me....she whipped him soundly, ran him off and promptly returned to pick me up and continue our ride....she never jumped or acted silly, no matter how alarming a situation became .... when I was on her back...I used to put the toddlers on her to keep them out of trouble and she would follow me around the yard.....always mindfull of the precious cargo on her back....
I had a wonderfull pony that used to protect the children that she always assumed were her charge as well...I saw her protct them even while under attack by a swarm of bees that would have sent any other horse bucking and running into the next time when the children were riding her up a hill...I heard a strangled cry....when I turned to look....dear casey had frozen... one child had been caught by the neck in the crack of a tree branch and was lifted right off of the ponies back..hanging and choking....the other child was hanging on to the first.....I watched that pony look and them back up a couple of steps to return right undernieth where the kids could drop back down on her back....
We have leopard geckos that are charming....they love to be stroked and ask to be fed....My son has a huge iguana that is pretty funny with his antics....
We love birds, but thy haven`t fared well in this drafty old farm house in the winter time....
My son enjoys his hamsters, always has a new batch of babies and is adding on to his city of cages...
The boys have aquariums full of fish and several tanks of different water turtles....
My daughter has recently aquired the most charming little african spur legged will grow to possibly 140 lbs and live 100 plus years....right now she sure is cute, smaller than the palm of my hand and quite friendly.
I cannot say that I have a favorite type.
I have had the great fortune of two soul changing lifetime blessing animals like you mentioned with your dear Emmit, chaz.
One was the shepherd cross who traveled with me through my ministry years after high school and my tennessee walking mare. I loved these two as much as any human being that I have ever met....and grieved (still do) over them as dearly loved family members when they passed.
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your food bill for all of them critters must be...well more than mine!
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Lol cool chef...TOO true HOWEVER...the kids all work and save their money to care for their own pets...
The horses eat a lot of Grass
The big booger is my enormous vet bill....shots wormings ,...the occasional emergency ...but since everybody pitches in...the costs aren`t too bad.
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current favorite: Our lab, Geoffrey
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Ron G.
Do they still make Chia Pets?
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