Wow! Do you suppose that they will be earnestly apologizing to John S. for castigating and throwing him out when HIS research paper said the same thing?
No doubt they are beating a path to his door as we type to invite him back.
There are some people who were thrown out twi for personally confronting craiggers on that very issue....I know some who were thrown out for not complying with craigs demand for sex while he was a married man........I suppose their apology/invitations are forthcoming in the mail as well
Patriot, you are too funny.
On a serious note, I am glad that they are teaching this *officially* however, I am suprised that they had to...most christians know better anyway.
Hold the presses! Just when you thought TWI was out of the "research" field after LCM lost that job, in 2004 they found some "hidden" gem regarding sex from the Bible!
In their newest family and sex class (J*e & L*nd* C*-lter taught it), on page 32, finally TWI comes out with:
"Sex outside of marriage is not a part of God's plan." and follows up further on regarding adultery in segment 5. Talk about your deep research, eh?
Sounds more like "sleight of hand research".....rather than upfront, bold, adamant, this-is-what-the-word-says research. Kinda slipping it in there so as few will actually notice. I am not impressed.
Now, I haven't heard Joe's class.......but it sounds like a wimpy approach to not set up the boundaries within marriage until page 32. But just maybe, ole Joe is covering for his "fruit" (craiggers) that he got in "the word?"
Heck, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS are all the "research" I need.
You should be blessed <_< thankful for all the hours and hours of research they did
I mean first they had to find all instances where the word Adultery was used in scripture
they had to haul out their concordances and examine the root words
they had to read everything in context
they had to go back to the original Aramaic
they had to examine the figures of speech
they had to compare the clear vs the unclear
they had to see if there was a clearer word than the unclear word they could substitute
considering that they were changing a basic tenet of their dogma this was a Herculean effort on their part doncha know and they deserve lots of Attaboys
We were SPECIFICALLY taught by our limb coordinators in the 1990's that Romans gave Believers an open door for "any" type of conduct whatsoever... the only limitation on this being: don't let your behavior be a stumbling block for someone else's believing. So... They said there was NOTHING in the new testament forbidding bed-hopping, but that you were foolish to think you weren't going to hurt people in the process, and so twi frowned on such activities. Yup... clear as mud... don't ask, don't tell...
They actually made a point of going to all the local fellowships around the state to present this teaching. (I can't remember the exact time frame of this, but looking back it's clear there must have been some kind of internal scandal going on, for them to have made such an effort to get the "doctrine" out like this. I wonder if it was just within our state, or if it was a regional or national thing...)
When one long-time-twi couple stood their ground at a meeting and said they didn't believe Romans really meant "anything goes as long as no one gets hurt". They knew that wasn't right and Godly behavior. They were castigated for putting their own beliefs over that of the Bible (aka twi's interpretation) and left twi shortly after that in disgrace. It was my first up-close experience with twi driving away really good, decent, long-standing believers over the "issue of the day".
Oldies--I like that question--you think we can find an innie to ask it this spring/summer when they run the class again. I wish I would have thought about it!! lol
Funny story comes to my mind here. True or not I do not know but this is what was told to me & my wife in person by a couple who I sincerely believe was telling the truth who was on staff for years in a leadership position.
A tape came from HQ (VHS at the time). Can't remember what it was....some class or tape for his area at the time. Tape came from Joe Couxxer. who apparently was the one who put it on tape.
This couple played the tape and at the end there was still some dead space so they left the tape running. It turned out to be a few minutes of some very graphic porn.
Yeah, I wonder if it was Joe who edited and put on VHS the Bestiality Porn doggie movie that VPW showed us in the Corps.
Porn research...... ha!
I wonder...... is porn even discussed in the new Way Sex Christian class (or whatever it is called) that they teach?
Personally, I think some of the teachers are unqualified and could cause more harm than good. What is their background anyway, holed up there all those years observing the obvious doctrinal and practical errors that were prevalent regarding sex in TWI. It could cause a lawsuit.
When one long-time-twi couple stood their ground at a meeting and said they didn't believe Romans really meant "anything goes as long as no one gets hurt". They knew that wasn't right and Godly behavior. They were castigated for putting their own beliefs over that of the Bible (aka twi's interpretation) and left twi shortly after that in disgrace. It was my first up-close experience with twi driving away really good, decent, long-standing believers over the "issue of the day".
Yeah......."...twi driving away really good, decent, long-standing believers over the 'issues of the day.'" The mog's present spewth became a twisted, wrangled road to insanity.
This insanity and micromanaging still prevails in twi.
Yes it does, Skyrider. Yes it does. All anyone has to do is question the fox on her micromanagement and lies in the courts to find that out.
Heck, post something negative about TWI on here and then try to go to a fellowship.....even if it's only one thing you disagree with, disagreements are NOT allowed and acceptable behavior.
Well, kudos to TWI then for updating the CF and S class or whatever class it is now. They did not need Schoenheit's paper or book to teach that sex outside of marriage is wrong. It is pretty clear in the Bible and they can write their own book.
I say, this time, good for them.
Now, GS people, don't flame my a** because I believe TWI did a good thing here. I applaud any attempt they make to update their own research. It's great. It will gain believers for them (possibly) and for the right reasons, at least in the sexual doctrine area.
They're never wrong, Belle. They're not always right, but they're never wrong.
Somehow, I'm finding it hard to join in the applause. Call me jaded, but it seems to me that TWI has decided not to close up shop, and, because of their infamous reputation in the sex area, the overwhelming percentage of newcomers with inquiring minds demanding to know TWI's doctrine in this area has forced TWI to publish this product of "in depth" research concerning the present truth to those on its outermost circle.
The real in depth research is reserved for those who can handle it - as always.
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I would say that with all the things one could find on the internet that they had to come out and teach this to counteract it.
"Sex outside of marriage is not a part of God's plan."
This also seems to address a formerly grey area of premarital sex.
just saw the sarcasm warning...I know at the top in big bold letters, but just where did it stop in your post. Or did it ever?"
Edited by lindyhopperLink to comment
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Do the Coulters acknowledge or credit John Schoenheit's research paper on adultery?
Or is that considered and old fores...I mean, an old wineskin?
Kevlar - Not sarcastic, just ironic.
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Wow! Do you suppose that they will be earnestly apologizing to John S. for castigating and throwing him out when HIS research paper said the same thing?
No doubt they are beating a path to his door as we type to invite him back.
There are some people who were thrown out twi for personally confronting craiggers on that very issue....I know some who were thrown out for not complying with craigs demand for sex while he was a married man........I suppose their apology/invitations are forthcoming in the mail as well
Patriot, you are too funny.
On a serious note, I am glad that they are teaching this *officially* however, I am suprised that they had to...most christians know better anyway.
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Yeah.........................but page 32.....??? :blink:
Sounds more like "sleight of hand research".....rather than upfront, bold, adamant, this-is-what-the-word-says research. Kinda slipping it in there so as few will actually notice. I am not impressed.
Now, I haven't heard Joe's class.......but it sounds like a wimpy approach to not set up the boundaries within marriage until page 32. But just maybe, ole Joe is covering for his "fruit" (craiggers) that he got in "the word?"
Heck, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS are all the "research" I need.
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Now Now Rascal
Lets be fair
You should be blessed <_< thankful for all the hours and hours of research they did
I mean first they had to find all instances where the word Adultery was used in scripture
they had to haul out their concordances and examine the root words
they had to read everything in context
they had to go back to the original Aramaic
they had to examine the figures of speech
they had to compare the clear vs the unclear
they had to see if there was a clearer word than the unclear word they could substitute
considering that they were changing a basic tenet of their dogma this was a Herculean effort on their part doncha know
and they deserve lots of Attaboys 
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Yes the Co*&^%$ did a good
TELEPROMPTER teaching......................................(snoor)
It was very "basic". A very far cry from Dr's CFS class I tell ya. (not that I liked that one either)
Quote " If you cannot contain your lusts, then , solitary masturbation is fine" ***grin****
Yes, the Way Ministry is moving up in the world of research.
And NO Mention of John S paper on adultery, are you kidding?
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We were SPECIFICALLY taught by our limb coordinators in the 1990's that Romans gave Believers an open door for "any" type of conduct whatsoever... the only limitation on this being: don't let your behavior be a stumbling block for someone else's believing. So... They said there was NOTHING in the new testament forbidding bed-hopping, but that you were foolish to think you weren't going to hurt people in the process, and so twi frowned on such activities. Yup... clear as mud... don't ask, don't tell...
They actually made a point of going to all the local fellowships around the state to present this teaching. (I can't remember the exact time frame of this, but looking back it's clear there must have been some kind of internal scandal going on, for them to have made such an effort to get the "doctrine" out like this. I wonder if it was just within our state, or if it was a regional or national thing...)
When one long-time-twi couple stood their ground at a meeting and said they didn't believe Romans really meant "anything goes as long as no one gets hurt". They knew that wasn't right and Godly behavior. They were castigated for putting their own beliefs over that of the Bible (aka twi's interpretation) and left twi shortly after that in disgrace. It was my first up-close experience with twi driving away really good, decent, long-standing believers over the "issue of the day".
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Perhaps they should have made their point a little more colorful by asking "is wife-swapping ok as long as it is fully consensual?)
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Oldies--I like that question--you think we can find an innie to ask it this spring/summer when they run the class again. I wish I would have thought about it!! lol
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Is this the same class where they feel it necessary to teach the students that bestiality is wrong? (page 40)
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It sure is Belle! I think they threw that comment in to distract us from the fact they actually said adultury was wrong! :blink:
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Funny story comes to my mind here. True or not I do not know but this is what was told to me & my wife in person by a couple who I sincerely believe was telling the truth who was on staff for years in a leadership position.
A tape came from HQ (VHS at the time). Can't remember what it was....some class or tape for his area at the time. Tape came from Joe Couxxer. who apparently was the one who put it on tape.
This couple played the tape and at the end there was still some dead space so they left the tape running. It turned out to be a few minutes of some very graphic porn.

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Mr. J0e C0ulter? Our very own family and sex teacher and his wife?? How ironic is that??? ROFLMAO!!
Next thing you know they'll have Ed & Jacquie Horney teaching it.
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the porn was only for reasearch don't ya know :lol:
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Yeah, I wonder if it was Joe who edited and put on VHS the Bestiality Porn doggie movie that VPW showed us in the Corps.
Porn research...... ha!

I wonder...... is porn even discussed in the new Way Sex Christian class (or whatever it is called) that they teach?
Personally, I think some of the teachers are unqualified and could cause more harm than good. What is their background anyway, holed up there all those years observing the obvious doctrinal and practical errors that were prevalent regarding sex in TWI. It could cause a lawsuit.
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Yeah......."...twi driving away really good, decent, long-standing believers over the 'issues of the day.'" The mog's present spewth became a twisted, wrangled road to insanity.
This insanity and micromanaging still prevails in twi.
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Yes it does, Skyrider. Yes it does. All anyone has to do is question the fox on her micromanagement and lies in the courts to find that out.
Heck, post something negative about TWI on here and then try to go to a fellowship.....even if it's only one thing you disagree with, disagreements are NOT allowed and acceptable behavior.
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Well, kudos to TWI then for updating the CF and S class or whatever class it is now. They did not need Schoenheit's paper or book to teach that sex outside of marriage is wrong. It is pretty clear in the Bible and they can write their own book.
I say, this time, good for them.
Now, GS people, don't flame my a** because I believe TWI did a good thing here. I applaud any attempt they make to update their own research. It's great. It will gain believers for them (possibly) and for the right reasons, at least in the sexual doctrine area.
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Doncha think, though, Eagle, that it would be awfully nice to at least hear them for once say "we were wrong"? ;)
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They're never wrong, Belle. They're not always right, but they're never wrong.
Somehow, I'm finding it hard to join in the applause. Call me jaded, but it seems to me that TWI has decided not to close up shop, and, because of their infamous reputation in the sex area, the overwhelming percentage of newcomers with inquiring minds demanding to know TWI's doctrine in this area has forced TWI to publish this product of "in depth" research concerning the present truth to those on its outermost circle.
The real in depth research is reserved for those who can handle it - as always.
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