My WOW year was coming to an end and all from the area were in a caravan enroute to the ROA. There were probably 10 or more cars in the trek from Mass to Ohio, and the branch guy mapped out the route we would travel including exit ramps. He said no one was to deviate from the plan so we would all stay together and no one would get lost.
I was driving the last car in our group when all of a sudden the leader decided to take a different exit than what was planned. It was through a very busy city that had 4 or 5 lanes of traffic on the interstate. and we were all in the middle lane when he decided to make the change. I could not get to the exit lane before arriving at the off ramp, so had to go to the next one, turn around, and come back. They were all waiting for me, and when I arrived got chewed out "for missing the revelation", that God was trying to tell me. If I would have been "walking with God", He would have told me a change of route had taken place and I should have changed lanes earlier.
What is even more stupid than that is I believed him.
... had to go to the next one, turn around, and come back. They were all waiting for me, and when I arrived got chewed out "for missing the revelation", that God was trying to tell me. If I would have been "walking with God"...
God was telling you to keep going straight after they turned off ... and to not look back ... you got it right eventually :)
ROA '95. Rains on top of rains. Tent City floods...BAD, including the tent with me, my wife and four of our six kids (the youngest was 4). We had spent the night sleeping in the tents that were for the Corps, or international people or something. I stayed at the tent to clean up while my wife went to work at children's fellowship (our ROA "assignment). At "twig time" I grabbed my bible and dashed over to the twig area. My wife met me there, with the younger kids in tow. She was about one minute late because she had stopped to get a snack for the little ones. Our branch coordinator, who I have nicknamed "The Highlander" ripped her a new one for being late, and for forgetting her bible, and me for not making sure that my wife was on time and in possession of her bible. Like idiots, we took it.
I guess that someday we will have to try to forget what these clowns, who hardly ever worked an honest day in their lives.They did this to us under the lie ' that they NEVER had to work, because they worked the word'. What a joke. They got us to kiss their *sses, then they were ungrateful for all we did for them. We were truly saints for not telling them to go pound sand. There are still some that will never change. They now whine about everything because TWI is not taking care of them. What goes around, comes around.
I guess that someday we will have to try to forget what these clowns, who hardly ever worked an honest day in their lives.They did this to us under the lie ' that they NEVER had to work, because they worked the word'. What a joke. They got us to kiss their *sses, then they were ungrateful for all we did for them. We were truly saints for not telling them to go pound sand. There are still some that will never change. They now whine about everything because TWI is not taking care of them. What goes around, comes around.
No Kidding!!!!
They got what they deserve and they are sowing what they reap for being ungrateful lazy @sses.
I got reproved for NOT having intercourse with a young woman I was dating.
I got reamed for leading songs (from the songbook) that NOT EVERYBODY KNEW.
I was excoriated (I don't get to use that word much) by my BC for not selling the house I owned, free and clear, and moving sixty miles from work so I could be closer to twig. (Additionally, the TC at teh time wound up moving ANOTHER 60 miles away to be closer to HIS work!)
I got reproved for wanting to move into my own apartment. I was told that doing that would isolate me from the household. The TC who told me this was living in her own apartment....
I don't remember being the recipient of many in-your-face/one-on-one confrontations. Probably because I was so submissive, going along with the crowd – I do recall being yelled at a lot en masse. However, I do remember one incident that exemplifies the dilemma I often faced being such a subservient soul.
My wife and I were responsible for the Corps Tents during the Rock of Ages. LCM is teaching in the Main Tent and it's raining so hard – the tent crew has to slit some parts of the tent roof to keep it from collapsing from the weight of the water pooling up. I was thinking we had better go check on the Corps Tent – but the man of god for the universe yells over the microphone, "Don't anybody leave the tent!" So, my wife and I didn't.
Afterwards, I don't remember who the guy was that spoke to my wife and I about not checking on the Corps Tents. He was nice – didn't yell or say much – he didn't have to. I was bawling like a big old baby – beating myself up over the fact that I made a wrong decision. I thought the directive from what's-his-mouth on stage superseded my standing orders for the Corps Tents.
I survived many face splitting confrontations - but I think the first was during an early PFAL class I took. I was a grad, but my nose started bleeding right during the tape. (To this day, that Bible has a blood stain in I Corinthians.) Having nothing to use for it, I got up and went to the bathroom. At the break, I was publically humiliated for leaving the class. The class guy didn't explain to me what I should have done considering my options. I guess I should have ripped pages out of my Bible to cover my nose, or better yet, just let it pour down my face onto my clothes!
The first time I was confronted was after I bought a brand new pickup truck. Our LC scolded me about my committment to gawd's werd and craiggers debt policy. I reminded him that the policy was directed to the corp and not lowly tc's and that I routinely got hundreds of thousands of miles out of my vehicles and considered that a better stewardship of Gods money not to mention a better example of living abundantly that pretty much shut him up.
The second time was during those tedious mandatory Sunday dress your best meetings in the latter 90's. My wife had wanted to visit her sister in Florida for some time. Since it was a three day weekend I told her to go ahead. She was concerned our tc wouldn't like it but I told her I was the head of the household the fallout would be directed towards me and not her and frankly it didn't worry me one bit but to go and have a good time.
Well wouldn't you know it, right after she left the tc called to make sure we were going. I told him no we wouldn't as the wife was heading to Fla at that very moment. He was a little perturbed and insisted I chase her down and bring her to the meeting (which I didn't and told him so) I also reminded him that I was the head of the household and expected any fallout from this to be directed towards me and not her. I did attend the meeting and never heard a peep from anyone about it and thought the matter closed...
Next twig I couldn't go cuz of a city council meeting and the tc jumped all in wifeys case for not keeping her committment to gawd, she was stunned by this arrogant assholes 20 minute tirade and was very angry when she got home so I called the tc and ripped him a new one. He maintained his position so I called the bc and lc about it and FINALLY got an apology of sorts from the little squirt.
It was the last straw for me then and when a few weeks later the wifey told me she didn't want to go back to twig anymore I said oh good neither do I. I called the little squirt that night and told him we weren't coming back. He asked why and I said Doug, I wouldn't know where to start and if I started I wouldn't know where to end so lets just leave it at that.
Jeez, what is it about getting on the wife's case?
Hubby and I split week night fellowships because we had kids in primary grades who needed to be in bed before 9. And with the fellowship after the fellowship, and the 30 min drive time, there was no way.
Hubby would go to fellowship and come back all smiles.
I would go to fellowship and get grilled or confronted about something--any stupid little thing. No good buddy stuff for me!
It took hubby two years to see and believe this was happening. If he was around, HFC's were friendly and gracious.
I spoke to a couple of mark and avoids prior to the wife event and had heard of their m+a sessions from folks who were unfortuante enough to have been there so when they turned their teeth on the wifey it clarified for me what they were underneath those sickly sweet smiles.
Yeller bellied cowards who'd rather pick on a woman than a man
You know now that I think about it most of the overbearing assholes I've had dealings with never would confront me but prefered to attack the women in my life, that sure doesn't say much about their character (or manliness for that matter).
My biggest "confrontation" story is a tad bit different. I'm not telling it to make myself look more "righteous" than anybody else or anything, but to explain some of the bs was going on before many of us realized that "bs was going on."
Hubby and I were branch coordinators in KS, in a place that was near Emporia, but an hour away on the tollroad. Every year, at "holiday time," our branch as well as others in the state were given the (dubious) honor of "blessing" the way corps at Emporia.
So we "volunteered" to work the annual Christmas party. Ok, I forget what it was called.
One year, I guess it was umm, the 13th corps' interim year, so that would be? Christmas of '83? I guess. Lotza faithful, wonderful believers from our branch agreed to go up and help with the party. As they did every year, and had been doing since the beginning of time. (Ever since the tradition started)
Many of us agreed to go up on Friday night before the Saturday nite doo. I happened to be the one in charge of our branch volunteeers. Of course. (I was the almighty branch coord's wife in charge of all that hubby didn't have time to do. Which by the way, is another story in itself.)
Anyway, that meant leaving work on Friday after working a full week, and driving an hour to get there and help. This particular year, we had horrible weather, and getting to Emporia on Friday nite, in December, was an act of believing God. Literally. Snow and ice on the toll road.
We get there. Fried and tired. Start working. Work til midnite or so, go to bed in guest housing, get up early the next morning, start working more. Spend the whole freekin Saturday, getting everything ready, working our tails off. Dinner and dance happen, corps is blessed, we lowly twigites are burnt out and tired. And have to go to work on Monday.
After the dinner and dance activities, many corps are just kinda wandering around campus wondering how they can help clean things up after the doo. God bless them, they were used to "volunteeering."
I'm in the dining room, trying to help clean up the mess, along with twigites. We are so tired, we can hardly stand it, and many twigs had Sun. morning fellowship the next morning they had to be back for.
One twig leader, comes over to me and says, "the weather is bad, so son and I are going home. We have twig tomorrow with new people." I say, God bless, thank you so much for being here, be careful driving home."
The little Interim corps dweeb overhears and says: "Hey wait a minute, you can't leave, we aren't finished yet. Where is your committment?" The corps needs to be blessed, and I AM NOT GOING TO LET THEM HELP YOU.
It's all it took for moi and dweeb to get into a full blown, fist clenching, shouting/cussing match. (I don't cuss, he did.) Ended up, I told all of the volunteers from our branch to quit working and go home, or just hang out, do whatever you need to, to be "blessed."
Dweeb threatened to go to corps coordinators and "tell on me." I beat him to it, went and kncoked on the Lynn's apartment door at midnite. Of course, they were surprised to see me, I just busted in. Explained situation, broke down crying and said I freekin quit. If you are gonna let Nazi's like dweeb push our believers around, I am so outta here.
JAL took care of situation. ( Went over to dining room, rounded up corpbees hanging around, and got stuff together for the next am.)
I told him and his wife, that he needed to talk to moi and hubby before he unleashed his corps on us.
Aye corumba, it was just the beginning of many more "confrontations" involving our limb/region coord., corps coords, and us. Fortunately, our limb/region guy was on our side and agreed that we should be involved in stuff involving our branch, whether it was Lightbearers, "witnessing week-ends", "days in the Word," whatever. JAL understood as well, and was FABULOUS at communicating with us ever after.
I have to say, it was usually the few people who thought they were way more important than anybody else, who were the Nazis. (and of course, I was one of them, once upon a time.) There is way more to this story than I care to relate now, but I'm telling you, the "confrontation wars' started way back.
By the way, said dweeb is still with TWI, and pushing people around. I wish so bad I had the chutzpah to stop him then. The machinery was already in place, though. Nobody could really stop it, I don't think.
Hahahah T Too funny I remember the frickin snow. It was a lot of work but still a nice thing to do. I know most of the Corps appreciated it. Now sometime I'll have to tell you about the time we got into trouble for drinking a little too much of George Jess's homemade wine.
quote: Jeez, what is it about getting on the wife's case?
Genesis 3.
quote: Now sometime I'll have to tell you about the time we got into trouble for drinking a little too much of George Jess's homemade wine.
I helped in the same way (Xmas party) at Rome City in '85 and '87. No confrontation issues, but there was a container in the main lobby area with STRONG Irish coffee. Wow.
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Stayed Too Long
My WOW year was coming to an end and all from the area were in a caravan enroute to the ROA. There were probably 10 or more cars in the trek from Mass to Ohio, and the branch guy mapped out the route we would travel including exit ramps. He said no one was to deviate from the plan so we would all stay together and no one would get lost.
I was driving the last car in our group when all of a sudden the leader decided to take a different exit than what was planned. It was through a very busy city that had 4 or 5 lanes of traffic on the interstate. and we were all in the middle lane when he decided to make the change. I could not get to the exit lane before arriving at the off ramp, so had to go to the next one, turn around, and come back. They were all waiting for me, and when I arrived got chewed out "for missing the revelation", that God was trying to tell me. If I would have been "walking with God", He would have told me a change of route had taken place and I should have changed lanes earlier.
What is even more stupid than that is I believed him.
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Stayed Too Long
I did miss the rev didn't I? If only I had listened it would have saved me years of frustration.
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ROA '95. Rains on top of rains. Tent City floods...BAD, including the tent with me, my wife and four of our six kids (the youngest was 4). We had spent the night sleeping in the tents that were for the Corps, or international people or something. I stayed at the tent to clean up while my wife went to work at children's fellowship (our ROA "assignment). At "twig time" I grabbed my bible and dashed over to the twig area. My wife met me there, with the younger kids in tow. She was about one minute late because she had stopped to get a snack for the little ones. Our branch coordinator, who I have nicknamed "The Highlander" ripped her a new one for being late, and for forgetting her bible, and me for not making sure that my wife was on time and in possession of her bible. Like idiots, we took it.
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I guess that someday we will have to try to forget what these clowns, who hardly ever worked an honest day in their lives.They did this to us under the lie ' that they NEVER had to work, because they worked the word'. What a joke. They got us to kiss their *sses, then they were ungrateful for all we did for them. We were truly saints for not telling them to go pound sand. There are still some that will never change. They now whine about everything because TWI is not taking care of them. What goes around, comes around.
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No Kidding!!!!
They got what they deserve and they are sowing what they reap for being ungrateful lazy @sses.
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Let's see...
I got reproved for NOT having intercourse with a young woman I was dating.
I got reamed for leading songs (from the songbook) that NOT EVERYBODY KNEW.
I was excoriated (I don't get to use that word much) by my BC for not selling the house I owned, free and clear, and moving sixty miles from work so I could be closer to twig. (Additionally, the TC at teh time wound up moving ANOTHER 60 miles away to be closer to HIS work!)
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I got reproved for wanting to move into my own apartment. I was told that doing that would isolate me from the household. The TC who told me this was living in her own apartment....
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I don't remember being the recipient of many in-your-face/one-on-one confrontations. Probably because I was so submissive, going along with the crowd – I do recall being yelled at a lot en masse. However, I do remember one incident that exemplifies the dilemma I often faced being such a subservient soul.
My wife and I were responsible for the Corps Tents during the Rock of Ages. LCM is teaching in the Main Tent and it's raining so hard – the tent crew has to slit some parts of the tent roof to keep it from collapsing from the weight of the water pooling up. I was thinking we had better go check on the Corps Tent – but the man of god for the universe yells over the microphone, "Don't anybody leave the tent!" So, my wife and I didn't.
Afterwards, I don't remember who the guy was that spoke to my wife and I about not checking on the Corps Tents. He was nice – didn't yell or say much – he didn't have to. I was bawling like a big old baby – beating myself up over the fact that I made a wrong decision. I thought the directive from what's-his-mouth on stage superseded my standing orders for the Corps Tents.
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I survived many face splitting confrontations - but I think the first was during an early PFAL class I took. I was a grad, but my nose started bleeding right during the tape. (To this day, that Bible has a blood stain in I Corinthians.) Having nothing to use for it, I got up and went to the bathroom. At the break, I was publically humiliated for leaving the class. The class guy didn't explain to me what I should have done considering my options. I guess I should have ripped pages out of my Bible to cover my nose, or better yet, just let it pour down my face onto my clothes!
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i find these all very sad
here is one i've told a million times
the mog of the century veepee calls me and says he hears i have a problem with his man over at gartmore
or did i call him
in any case, when i tell him my side of the story, he screams
i was delivered healed made whole
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The first time I was confronted was after I bought a brand new pickup truck. Our LC scolded me about my committment to gawd's werd and craiggers debt policy. I reminded him that the policy was directed to the corp and not lowly tc's and that I routinely got hundreds of thousands of miles out of my vehicles and considered that a better stewardship of Gods money not to mention a better example of living abundantly that pretty much shut him up.
The second time was during those tedious mandatory Sunday dress your best meetings in the latter 90's. My wife had wanted to visit her sister in Florida for some time. Since it was a three day weekend I told her to go ahead. She was concerned our tc wouldn't like it but I told her I was the head of the household the fallout would be directed towards me and not her and frankly it didn't worry me one bit but to go and have a good time.
Well wouldn't you know it, right after she left the tc called to make sure we were going. I told him no we wouldn't as the wife was heading to Fla at that very moment. He was a little perturbed and insisted I chase her down and bring her to the meeting (which I didn't and told him so) I also reminded him that I was the head of the household and expected any fallout from this to be directed towards me and not her. I did attend the meeting and never heard a peep from anyone about it and thought the matter closed...
Next twig I couldn't go cuz of a city council meeting and the tc jumped all in wifeys case for not keeping her committment to gawd, she was stunned by this arrogant assholes 20 minute tirade and was very angry when she got home so I called the tc and ripped him a new one. He maintained his position so I called the bc and lc about it and FINALLY got an apology of sorts from the little squirt.
It was the last straw for me then and when a few weeks later the wifey told me she didn't want to go back to twig anymore I said oh good neither do I. I called the little squirt that night and told him we weren't coming back. He asked why and I said Doug, I wouldn't know where to start and if I started I wouldn't know where to end so lets just leave it at that.
Thus ended my involvment with twi
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the Highlander & his missus loved to "confront" my wife when I wasn't around too.
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Jeez, what is it about getting on the wife's case?
Hubby and I split week night fellowships because we had kids in primary grades who needed to be in bed before 9. And with the fellowship after the fellowship, and the 30 min drive time, there was no way.
Hubby would go to fellowship and come back all smiles.
I would go to fellowship and get grilled or confronted about something--any stupid little thing. No good buddy stuff for me!
It took hubby two years to see and believe this was happening. If he was around, HFC's were friendly and gracious.
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I spoke to a couple of mark and avoids prior to the wife event and had heard of their m+a sessions from folks who were unfortuante enough to have been there so when they turned their teeth on the wifey it clarified for me what they were underneath those sickly sweet smiles.
Yeller bellied cowards who'd rather pick on a woman than a man
You know now that I think about it most of the overbearing assholes I've had dealings with never would confront me but prefered to attack the women in my life, that sure doesn't say much about their character (or manliness for that matter).
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My biggest "confrontation" story is a tad bit different. I'm not telling it to make myself look more "righteous" than anybody else or anything, but to explain some of the bs was going on before many of us realized that "bs was going on."
Hubby and I were branch coordinators in KS, in a place that was near Emporia, but an hour away on the tollroad. Every year, at "holiday time," our branch as well as others in the state were given the (dubious) honor of "blessing" the way corps at Emporia.
So we "volunteered" to work the annual Christmas party. Ok, I forget what it was called.
One year, I guess it was umm, the 13th corps' interim year, so that would be? Christmas of '83? I guess. Lotza faithful, wonderful believers from our branch agreed to go up and help with the party. As they did every year, and had been doing since the beginning of time. (Ever since the tradition started)
Many of us agreed to go up on Friday night before the Saturday nite doo. I happened to be the one in charge of our branch volunteeers. Of course. (I was the almighty branch coord's wife in charge of all that hubby didn't have time to do. Which by the way, is another story in itself.)
Anyway, that meant leaving work on Friday after working a full week, and driving an hour to get there and help. This particular year, we had horrible weather, and getting to Emporia on Friday nite, in December, was an act of believing God. Literally. Snow and ice on the toll road.
We get there. Fried and tired. Start working. Work til midnite or so, go to bed in guest housing, get up early the next morning, start working more. Spend the whole freekin Saturday, getting everything ready, working our tails off. Dinner and dance happen, corps is blessed, we lowly twigites are burnt out and tired. And have to go to work on Monday.
After the dinner and dance activities, many corps are just kinda wandering around campus wondering how they can help clean things up after the doo. God bless them, they were used to "volunteeering."
I'm in the dining room, trying to help clean up the mess, along with twigites. We are so tired, we can hardly stand it, and many twigs had Sun. morning fellowship the next morning they had to be back for.
One twig leader, comes over to me and says, "the weather is bad, so son and I are going home. We have twig tomorrow with new people." I say, God bless, thank you so much for being here, be careful driving home."
The little Interim corps dweeb overhears and says: "Hey wait a minute, you can't leave, we aren't finished yet. Where is your committment?" The corps needs to be blessed, and I AM NOT GOING TO LET THEM HELP YOU.
It's all it took for moi and dweeb to get into a full blown, fist clenching, shouting/cussing match. (I don't cuss, he did.) Ended up, I told all of the volunteers from our branch to quit working and go home, or just hang out, do whatever you need to, to be "blessed."
Dweeb threatened to go to corps coordinators and "tell on me." I beat him to it, went and kncoked on the Lynn's apartment door at midnite. Of course, they were surprised to see me, I just busted in. Explained situation, broke down crying and said I freekin quit. If you are gonna let Nazi's like dweeb push our believers around, I am so outta here.
JAL took care of situation. ( Went over to dining room, rounded up corpbees hanging around, and got stuff together for the next am.)
I told him and his wife, that he needed to talk to moi and hubby before he unleashed his corps on us.
Aye corumba, it was just the beginning of many more "confrontations" involving our limb/region coord., corps coords, and us. Fortunately, our limb/region guy was on our side and agreed that we should be involved in stuff involving our branch, whether it was Lightbearers, "witnessing week-ends", "days in the Word," whatever. JAL understood as well, and was FABULOUS at communicating with us ever after.
I have to say, it was usually the few people who thought they were way more important than anybody else, who were the Nazis. (and of course, I was one of them, once upon a time.) There is way more to this story than I care to relate now, but I'm telling you, the "confrontation wars' started way back.
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By the way, said dweeb is still with TWI, and pushing people around. I wish so bad I had the chutzpah to stop him then. The machinery was already in place, though. Nobody could really stop it, I don't think.
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Hahahah T Too funny I remember the frickin snow. It was a lot of work but still a nice thing to do. I know most of the Corps appreciated it. Now sometime I'll have to tell you about the time we got into trouble for drinking a little too much of George Jess's homemade wine.
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quote: Jeez, what is it about getting on the wife's case?
Genesis 3.
quote: Now sometime I'll have to tell you about the time we got into trouble for drinking a little too much of George Jess's homemade wine.
I helped in the same way (Xmas party) at Rome City in '85 and '87. No confrontation issues, but there was a container in the main lobby area with STRONG Irish coffee. Wow.
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you've missed the verse where it says that you can
tear any woman a new one, if she's not obeying you
like a slave,
or if she IS and you just feel like venting.
It's not in the King James or anything.
I wish you could see it in the original.
As Bullinger noted,
it's a legitimate utilization of the figure "fulashidamiy".
There's a note on it in the Companion Bible.
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WW--Oakspear was quoting johniam.
And johniamm--just another good reason to be Wiccan, IMO.
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I know.
The verse in question is in Genesis 3,
in some edition in someone's mind.
Oakspear has not seen this verse.
Reread my post very slowly, and say
the figure of speech name aloud once,
and you'll get my point.
I'm sure Oakspear got it (or will when he reads it..)
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Fulashidamiy ROFLMAO .... spewed coffee on this one...
Sounds like much of what I taught in twi was quoted directly from that book ... :)
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