Living in the northwest corner of the country, we had a 18th WC grad as a BC. Truly the result of a proctologic anomaly, this young man was. I had been diagnosed with a chronic disease while in Ohio and we had incurred a generous but not breathtaking hospital bill as a result of my initial treatment, getting started on medication, etc. This fool had a fit, including unfortunately that I had committed the sin of becoming ill in the first place, but also that we had this hospital bill to pay, which we were paying off in increments. He insists that we sell a small amount of stock we owned and were saving for retirement in Frito-Lay, and pay off the debt en bloc, so to speak. Which we unfortunately did.
Never again will anyone know about my finances. Never did the young upstart find out that the stock was worth a lot more than the hospital bill, and we put the rest into IRAs!! And God did not strike us dead or give us over to devil possession for doing so!
I was screamed at vein popping spittle flying full force face melting once for having parakeets and hamsters that were slated to be killed from the pet store that i worked in....I used to care for them untill well and then place them in homes....
I also had a couple of horses and a dog.......
My Goodness you would have thought that I had committed the most heinous of sins :(
And yeah cool chef I too tucked my tail, hung my head and meekly accepted that venomous insane screaming....
That guy was a great big stupid jock type....I would personally love to have a chance to kick his stupid jock bu tt because I have a sneaking suspicion that in addition to being a viscious biggoted bully, he would be a sniveling coward.......I`ll bet he would soil himself if anybody ever stood up to his belligerant self.
I was also required to sell my car to the tc not to long afterwards.... because he wanted it and I was going out wow. I loved that car which had faithfully carried me all over the country which had been meticulously maintained.
I was so terrified of being screamed at by the lc again .... that I tucked my tail and hung my head and did as my tc required ... I didn`t want too...he told me that if I didn`t that it would never make it on the wow field....I wouldn`t be blessed if I didn`t obey my leader....a recipe for disaster when I was putting my life in God`s hands as a wow......and sadly sold him my car and left for the wow field :(
Course I heard that it made it to many many roa`s and ministry for years afterwards...damned oportunistic liar.
Rascal when I was in fellow laborers of an unnamed state, the coordinator wanted 2 tires off an old junky car that I was getting rid of. They were practically new so I offered to sell them for $20/each on the condition that he put the old tires from his car on mine to replace them. The feces hit the fan with that kind offer on my part. Well! Don't you understand that you are supposed to GIVE to the saints that have need? And after all he was going in the WC and I should be blessed to help him out. I had a very selfish attitude. "Don't you want to get blessed?"
I told him I have a need too; I NEED the money, and if you want to get tires somewhere else, go for it!
Needless to say, this was in the early 70's when I was young, single, and sassy, and really didn't give a rat's nose about what anyone thought. I think a lot of people were caught off balance by the stupid reproof i in the late 80's and following, (I know I was) and probably before that, even. (We lived in the Deep South for many years after I was married, and sometimes the poo from HQ didn't trickle quite that far from the Root Locale in its unadulterated glory).
That may well have been the only time I stuck up for myself to leadershi t while in TWI. Geez, it was a long time ago! :(
There was a young married couple in our branch and the husband -pleasant if not overly bright doofus that he was- was perennially unemployed. "Boy, does he ever need a job!" was everybody's mantra.
So I got him a job. Not a glamorous job, just a hard, dirty, but well paying one (roofing). I thought I had done something good. I'd put my reputation on the line, more or less, with the owner of the company to recommend this guy. And he got hired. Everything's fine, right? Oh, contraire...
About 7:30 that evening I get a phone call from the BC (H#w$e B%&d@rm#n from the 6 or 7 corps I think). He was hotter than hell. "Did you get so-and-so a job?" "Uh, yeah, I did." "Well, it's 7:30 now and HE'S MISSED A FELLOWSHIP on account of that job you got him. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? HE MISSED A FELLOWSHP!!!!!!" And on it went for several minutes, berating me for my lack of spiritual understanding and meekness to God, and a gazillion other things I was doing wrong.
Yeah, God forbid I should help a family man - with dependants - try to earn a farking living. Much better he should live off his parents or whatever he was doing and make it to FELLOWSHIP on time.
And like others have mentioned, I meekly took the verbal abuse and actually THANKED him for his time to chew my foot.
Gawd, what I wouldn't give to go back and time and have THAT conversation over again...
4:30 pm on a Friday night-dinner to be made, kids with homework, laundry to be done after a long day at work and the phone rings.
TC (that's HFC in the later days) "Mo I need you to bake three dozen cookies for the meeting tonight (one I wasn't allowed to attend!) and have them at the Limb (8 miles away through rush hour traffic) by 6 pm tonight"
ME "it's 4:30 pm, there is no way I can get that done , and you know it, you'll have to call someone else, or swing by Safeway"
TC " You need to adjust your attitude, this is an opportunity for you to be BLESSED by blessing the household, you should be excited to have such an opportunity"
MO " If you want home baked cookies Call the day before, I have to go, dinner is burning"
Well here is one from yesterday when I was confronted by a "kinder and gentler" Way Believer. I guess you caould say it is a pretty dumb confrontation:
Looking over the website, it says in the mission statement, the forum was made so believers in The Way ministry could share the Word with each other. If you aren't a part of this particular ministry, then you're not supposed to post! (psst, that means you John)
I do not doubt you are a believer sir, however, it is clear by the miscommunication (about the website) and dishonesty (by failing to follow guidelines), that you, John, are a little lost. These are attributes that belong to the Adversary, and not God. If you truly believe, then please recognize where you stand and where you should be standing. Renew your mind, change your thinking, stand on the truth, stand on the Word - only with God will can anyone find peace, love, and victory.
Don't you just love being reproved and told how to get your life right by some kid who might have a year or two of "standing with the ministry" under his belt?
That's probably just as much a function of their youth as it is of being in TWI though (cutting some slack here).
...or maybe it was the shades John... they didn't realize you were on vacation at the time...
No vacation. The shades were because of the bright sun. It was taken of me standing on the edge of a 32 story building. (See horizon in background). Need sure footing you know, no glare wanted.
Well here is one from yesterday when I was confronted by a "kinder and gentler" Way Believer. I guess you could say it is a pretty dumb confrontation:
Looking over the website, it says in the mission statement, the forum was made so believers in The Way ministry could share the Word with each other. If you aren't a part of this particular ministry, then you're not supposed to post! (psst, that means you John)
Man ... I'm not interested in picking fights with them, but if they are on the web and get upset 'cuz someone interupts .. they better get some passwords or something to keep the riff raff out ... If other people can read it then they should expect other people to comment ... I guess they can censor you if they want ... but that's like telling people to write their questions down and submit them at some later date ...
it is funny he says you are dishonest because you didn't obey their guidelines ... or did you sign an agreement to be subservient? My guideline here is that everyone that reads this should send me a case of beer (and some wine for paw) ... now I hope you are all honest (and submissive) ...
The stupidest face melting I ever got was from the Mid-Atlantic Region dude in 1981. He came to a dinner hosted by a couple in my "Twig area" for him and the LC and their spouses and all the TCs.
The hostess, a lovely gracious woman (who's still in twi, I hear), was busy putting finishing touches on dinner and asked me to let His Royal Highness know where she'd like him to sit. I directed His Majesty to his seat and we all sat down to a nice dinner.
After we finished dinner and and a few (but not all) of the people had left, we were sitting around talking. The Grand Poobah, out of the blue, screamed at me (LCM-style, vein-popping, high-pitched) for daring to "tell him where to sit." "Don't you ever tell me where to sit," he screeched. I don't remember anything else he shouted, because I was so shocked and flabbergasted.
To this day I have no clue what made him take such offense at my graciously directing him to the head of the freekin' table for the hostess. I took it because one didn't bad-mouth a "leader" in front of the people they supposedly were leading, dontcha know, but to this day I regret not telling him to kiss my butt right then and there. Instead, I sobbed all the way home to my LC's wife, who was just as dumbfounded by his goofy outburst as I was.
I've heard this man's name fondly and respectfully mentioned on GS a couple of times. Just hearing his name *%^#*es me off all over again. Maybe he's changed. I sure hope so, because he sure was a Class A arrogant little jackass 25 years ago.
I took a new person to a STS and after the service a Way Corps member came up to me and told me that I needed to tell her not to bring her notebook into the auditorium anymore because it had little pink cherubs (angels) on the outside of it. They give off devilish vibes or something to that effect. True story.
Same girl during her very first fellowship, was pulled off to the side afterwards and reproved by the asst. HFC's wife because she closed her bible at the end of the teaching before the person teaching had closed his.
I got one. And I would really like to know if ANYBODY liked this guy. He was, I believe, 9th corps and was once in charge of the WOW program. I know he's currently got his own ministry and a website, but to this day I think the guy's a total a******!
I was at some weekend thing that he was at, and a group of us were sitting at a table doing something, and he looks at me and says, "THERE YOU GO AGAIN....TALKING ABOUT THE WORD OUT OF CONTEXT!" or something like that. I not only can't remember what provoked his outburst, but I have NO IDEA what he was talking about. In 18 yrs in TWI no other leader EVER said anything remotely like that to me. Like GOD told him to say that or some s***?
A year or so later he was on a video promoting the WOW program. He said that IHO one thing that really hurt the program was war stories. "STOP TALKING ABOUT HAVING TO EAT PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY SANDWICHES!!! WHY NOT BELIEVE TO EAT *STEAK*!!!" God, wouldn't you love to be in HIS wow family? Later that year it made me feel good at the ROA when LCM said from the main stage, "Need some new war stories? Go WOW!"
I had stayed at the BCs house during Corps Week and ROA one year. I ws supposed to be housesitting for them, but they told me 2 days before that I needed to pay rent, food, and utilities for those two weeks. The day I got there before they left, they handed me a list of chores they wanted done before they got back. I brought my dog with me. My dog was small. They had a big dog. The two dogs had fun with each other playing. The last day I was there, I took my dog back to my house and then picked up all the dog doody.
The next day the BCs get home, and he reams me for leaving my dog's doody in his yard. I told him it couldn't be MY dog's doody because I had taken my dog home the day before and then cleaned it all up. He proceeded to ream me yelling that it's not right to leave your dog's doody and telling me how rude it is. I sucked it all up. There was no thank you for the window cleaning and house cleaning that another girl and I had done all day before they got home. Ungrateful arses......
I wish they would try it again today. Nobody yells at me today. Just ask my co-workers......LOL!
I had moved from where I first got into twi. For PFAL where I came from eveyone dressed up for the first and last session. The new place I moved to was about to run a pfal class. Well the magic day came. I got dressed up in my suite and the class began. The class cordinator came up to me during the first break and told me "How dare you show up and out dress me". I told him this is what I had always done and thought it was a what was supposed to be done for the class. EXCUUUUUUUSE MEEEEEEEEEEEE :blink:
Po`ed because the wow`s eat p&b sandwitches..... and blame it all on the wows who struggle to live on 20 hrs a week, pay for housing pay for living expenses and it`s ALL their fault because they didn`t believe for STEAK!!!
It couldn`t possibly be that their formula or program had a few flaws????
Don`t tell war other words...LIE so that people won`t be afraid to make the commitment to go....
A year or so later he was on a video promoting the WOW program. He said that IHO one thing that really hurt the program was war stories. "STOP TALKING ABOUT HAVING TO EAT PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY SANDWICHES!!! WHY NOT BELIEVE TO EAT *STEAK*!!!" God, wouldn't you love to be in HIS wow family? Later that year it made me feel good at the ROA when LCM said from the main stage, "Need some new war stories? Go WOW!"
I was in a WOW family that did not eat peanut butter and jelly (unless we wanted to) or corn dogs. We ate baked chicken, fish, homemade tacos (we had Dos XX that night also), and many other pretty elaborate meals. Our family fund was $50 per week (times 5). We spent easily $125 weekly on groceries. We rented two apartments because there were 5 of us. This was 1984-85. We had 3 other families in the same town. We ran 7 classes that year. We were considered successful.
YET, my WOW sister couldn't keep her legs together. She slept with 2 of my WOW brothers. One of my other WOW brothers was a drunk who hid a bottle of George Dickle in his boots in his closet. And me, well I COULD tell you about me. I just had too many boyfriends who always wanted to hang around but not come to twig. Of course, I quit seeing them after it was obvious they didn't want to come to twig. (Thinking back, maybe I should have left with one of them! hahahaha!!!) Anyway, with so much drama in people's lives, how could that stupid program be successful. The first mistake they made IMHO was putting men and women in the same house. They never got real about that. $*@! happens when you let people of the opposite sex live together. Attractions happen and then &$*# happens. What a bunch of dummies the gods were when they told the leaders our assignments.
Clarification of my earlier post: The incident happened in 1981/82, so it was probably summer '82, before ROA. The RC's initials were not RA (whom I loved and never saw treat anyone badly). This guy came immediately after RA.
I was in a wow family that was sent to be spiritual light to a city that had had a factory close--like half the city was out of work. Neither of my apprentice corps wow bros could keep a job. Neither of them could keep their pants zipped, either. In fact they both did a couple of the same girls. I complained about this to a local corps gal--Oh, but they're men.
Plenty of peanut butter and baloney in our house.
My wow bros also didn't have to help clean the house--it was good training for marriage for two single wow sisters and would build our believing to get married yadayadayuck, according to area coord.( I wasn't engaged on my wow year because of the gravity of the wow commitment but already had the guy).
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Watered Garden
Living in the northwest corner of the country, we had a 18th WC grad as a BC. Truly the result of a proctologic anomaly, this young man was. I had been diagnosed with a chronic disease while in Ohio and we had incurred a generous but not breathtaking hospital bill as a result of my initial treatment, getting started on medication, etc. This fool had a fit, including unfortunately that I had committed the sin of becoming ill in the first place, but also that we had this hospital bill to pay, which we were paying off in increments. He insists that we sell a small amount of stock we owned and were saving for retirement in Frito-Lay, and pay off the debt en bloc, so to speak. Which we unfortunately did.
Never again will anyone know about my finances. Never did the young upstart find out that the stock was worth a lot more than the hospital bill, and we put the rest into IRAs!! And God did not strike us dead or give us over to devil possession for doing so!
WG, back on a limited basis.
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Tom Strange
nice to see you again dear...
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Damned glad to have you back wg :)
I was screamed at vein popping spittle flying full force face melting once for having parakeets and hamsters that were slated to be killed from the pet store that i worked in....I used to care for them untill well and then place them in homes....
I also had a couple of horses and a dog.......
My Goodness you would have thought that I had committed the most heinous of sins :(
And yeah cool chef I too tucked my tail, hung my head and meekly accepted that venomous insane screaming....
That guy was a great big stupid jock type....I would personally love to have a chance to kick his stupid jock bu tt because I have a sneaking suspicion that in addition to being a viscious biggoted bully, he would be a sniveling coward.......I`ll bet he would soil himself if anybody ever stood up to his belligerant self.
I was also required to sell my car to the tc not to long afterwards.... because he wanted it and I was going out wow. I loved that car which had faithfully carried me all over the country which had been meticulously maintained.
I was so terrified of being screamed at by the lc again .... that I tucked my tail and hung my head and did as my tc required ... I didn`t want too...he told me that if I didn`t that it would never make it on the wow field....I wouldn`t be blessed if I didn`t obey my leader....a recipe for disaster when I was putting my life in God`s hands as a wow......and sadly sold him my car and left for the wow field :(
Course I heard that it made it to many many roa`s and ministry for years afterwards...damned oportunistic liar.
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Watered Garden
Rascal when I was in fellow laborers of an unnamed state, the coordinator wanted 2 tires off an old junky car that I was getting rid of. They were practically new so I offered to sell them for $20/each on the condition that he put the old tires from his car on mine to replace them. The feces hit the fan with that kind offer on my part. Well! Don't you understand that you are supposed to GIVE to the saints that have need? And after all he was going in the WC and I should be blessed to help him out. I had a very selfish attitude. "Don't you want to get blessed?"
I told him I have a need too; I NEED the money, and if you want to get tires somewhere else, go for it!
Needless to say, this was in the early 70's when I was young, single, and sassy, and really didn't give a rat's nose about what anyone thought. I think a lot of people were caught off balance by the stupid reproof i in the late 80's and following, (I know I was) and probably before that, even. (We lived in the Deep South for many years after I was married, and sometimes the poo from HQ didn't trickle quite that far from the Root Locale in its unadulterated glory).
That may well have been the only time I stuck up for myself to leadershi t while in TWI. Geez, it was a long time ago! :(
WG (back on a limited basis)
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We were once reprove for being 5 minutes early instead of the mandatory 10 minutes early.

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George Aar
There was a young married couple in our branch and the husband -pleasant if not overly bright doofus that he was- was perennially unemployed. "Boy, does he ever need a job!" was everybody's mantra.
So I got him a job. Not a glamorous job, just a hard, dirty, but well paying one (roofing). I thought I had done something good. I'd put my reputation on the line, more or less, with the owner of the company to recommend this guy. And he got hired. Everything's fine, right? Oh, contraire...
About 7:30 that evening I get a phone call from the BC (H#w$e B%&d@rm#n from the 6 or 7 corps I think). He was hotter than hell. "Did you get so-and-so a job?" "Uh, yeah, I did." "Well, it's 7:30 now and HE'S MISSED A FELLOWSHIP on account of that job you got him. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? HE MISSED A FELLOWSHP!!!!!!" And on it went for several minutes, berating me for my lack of spiritual understanding and meekness to God, and a gazillion other things I was doing wrong.
Yeah, God forbid I should help a family man - with dependants - try to earn a farking living. Much better he should live off his parents or whatever he was doing and make it to FELLOWSHIP on time.
And like others have mentioned, I meekly took the verbal abuse and actually THANKED him for his time to chew my foot.
Gawd, what I wouldn't give to go back and time and have THAT conversation over again...
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4:30 pm on a Friday night-dinner to be made, kids with homework, laundry to be done after a long day at work and the phone rings.
TC (that's HFC in the later days) "Mo I need you to bake three dozen cookies for the meeting tonight (one I wasn't allowed to attend!) and have them at the Limb (8 miles away through rush hour traffic) by 6 pm tonight"
ME "it's 4:30 pm, there is no way I can get that done , and you know it, you'll have to call someone else, or swing by Safeway"
TC " You need to adjust your attitude, this is an opportunity for you to be BLESSED by blessing the household, you should be excited to have such an opportunity"
MO " If you want home baked cookies Call the day before, I have to go, dinner is burning"
And I stuck it out for 6 more years-- <_< <_<
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Mo please bake me some homemade cookies.
Take the weekend.
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Well here is one from yesterday when I was confronted by a "kinder and gentler" Way Believer. I guess you caould say it is a pretty dumb confrontation:
Looking over the website, it says in the mission statement, the forum was made so believers in The Way ministry could share the Word with each other. If you aren't a part of this particular ministry, then you're not supposed to post! (psst, that means you John)
I do not doubt you are a believer sir, however, it is clear by the miscommunication (about the website) and dishonesty (by failing to follow guidelines), that you, John, are a little lost. These are attributes that belong to the Adversary, and not God. If you truly believe, then please recognize where you stand and where you should be standing. Renew your mind, change your thinking, stand on the truth, stand on the Word - only with God will can anyone find peace, love, and victory.
Bless ya, (again)
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Tom Strange
Don't you just love being reproved and told how to get your life right by some kid who might have a year or two of "standing with the ministry" under his belt?
That's probably just as much a function of their youth as it is of being in TWI though (cutting some slack here).
...or maybe it was the shades John... they didn't realize you were on vacation at the time...
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No vacation. The shades were because of the bright sun. It was taken of me standing on the edge of a 32 story building. (See horizon in background). Need sure footing you know, no glare wanted.
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confrontation ?!?! ha !!!!!!!!!!
i can't even begin to tell you
my sick dream is to confront a few i've been confronted by
wierwille comes to mind, geer comes to mind, finnegan comes to mind
what a bunch of as sholes
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Man ... I'm not interested in picking fights with them, but if they are on the web and get upset 'cuz someone interupts .. they better get some passwords or something to keep the riff raff out ... If other people can read it then they should expect other people to comment ... I guess they can censor you if they want ... but that's like telling people to write their questions down and submit them at some later date ...
it is funny he says you are dishonest because you didn't obey their guidelines ... or did you sign an agreement to be subservient?
My guideline here is that everyone that reads this should send me a case of beer (and some wine for paw) ... now I hope you are all honest (and submissive) ... 
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Aww, ex-cathedra. They are old "has beens".
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Linda Z
The stupidest face melting I ever got was from the Mid-Atlantic Region dude in 1981. He came to a dinner hosted by a couple in my "Twig area" for him and the LC and their spouses and all the TCs.
The hostess, a lovely gracious woman (who's still in twi, I hear), was busy putting finishing touches on dinner and asked me to let His Royal Highness know where she'd like him to sit. I directed His Majesty to his seat and we all sat down to a nice dinner.
After we finished dinner and and a few (but not all) of the people had left, we were sitting around talking. The Grand Poobah, out of the blue, screamed at me (LCM-style, vein-popping, high-pitched) for daring to "tell him where to sit." "Don't you ever tell me where to sit," he screeched. I don't remember anything else he shouted, because I was so shocked and flabbergasted.
To this day I have no clue what made him take such offense at my graciously directing him to the head of the freekin' table for the hostess. I took it because one didn't bad-mouth a "leader" in front of the people they supposedly were leading, dontcha know, but to this day I regret not telling him to kiss my butt right then and there. Instead, I sobbed all the way home to my LC's wife, who was just as dumbfounded by his goofy outburst as I was.
I've heard this man's name fondly and respectfully mentioned on GS a couple of times. Just hearing his name *%^#*es me off all over again. Maybe he's changed. I sure hope so, because he sure was a Class A arrogant little jackass 25 years ago.
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I had one or two,
but I was a lot quicker to walk than most of you.
Also, I was even quicker to make that one comment that will
get me in trouble.
Two spring to mind.
One was when we were discussing a passage in Revelation.
I'm a fast reader.
There's 2 verses where the phrase in the KJV
"who say the are Jews, but are not"
appear. They're separated by about a chapter.
Per the rules, you can skip a parenthetical comment when
trying to make sense of a sentence.
The rest of the group-almost all Advanced Class Grads,
and 1/2 of them corps grads-
were still working over the one convoluted verse,
when I innocently gave my explanation.
Once you skipped the parenthetical phrase, it made
perfect sense, of course. (Still does.)
Oh, you would have thought I suggested the verse
supported Naziism. 1/2 the room was scandalized.
(As in "would you please pass the jelly?" scandalized.)
Later, one of them 'confronted' me on the evils of my
statement. As I prepared to explain-since, obviously,
I solved it too fast for them to see the step-by-step
as actual steps-a thought about the REAL problem
hit me.
So I asked "If vpw had said it was, and didn't explain
it, would you just accept that it was?"
When they immediately answered "Yes",
I went off on THEM.
And this was back when I believed most of his
press releases. I thought he actually had wanted
all his stuff cross-checked.
For the record, at least one guy there-from Colorado-
was NOT scandalized by me, and never jumped to
conclusions. I'd mention his name if I had his
permission, but he was possibly the most well-adjusted
grad there-out of some 50 or 60.
Different incident.
I was visiting hq. A resident corps guy was about college age,
a few years-at most-older than me.
I made a comment that he didn't WANT to hear, but was true
nonetheless. (It was a personal comment I'm not sharing now.)
Out of reflex, he blamed me for telling him, going off at length
about how it was going to interfere with his believing.
At the beginning, I was going to explain, but, as with the other
incident, I saw that this had little to do with my actual comment
or presence, in fact. So, I let him go until he was finished,
and cooly asked "Been waiting to give that speech all week,
haven't you?" Oddly enough, after I said that and didn't
stand on any kind of ceremony, he was able to remove
the stick and have a pleasant conversation with me.
(I hope he came away from that having learned something.
I know I did.)
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I took a new person to a STS and after the service a Way Corps member came up to me and told me that I needed to tell her not to bring her notebook into the auditorium anymore because it had little pink cherubs (angels) on the outside of it. They give off devilish vibes or something to that effect. True story.
Same girl during her very first fellowship, was pulled off to the side afterwards and reproved by the asst. HFC's wife because she closed her bible at the end of the teaching before the person teaching had closed his.
What fruit loops!
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I got one. And I would really like to know if ANYBODY liked this guy. He was, I believe, 9th corps and was once in charge of the WOW program. I know he's currently got his own ministry and a website, but to this day I think the guy's a total a******!
I was at some weekend thing that he was at, and a group of us were sitting at a table doing something, and he looks at me and says, "THERE YOU GO AGAIN....TALKING ABOUT THE WORD OUT OF CONTEXT!" or something like that. I not only can't remember what provoked his outburst, but I have NO IDEA what he was talking about. In 18 yrs in TWI no other leader EVER said anything remotely like that to me. Like GOD told him to say that or some s***?
A year or so later he was on a video promoting the WOW program. He said that IHO one thing that really hurt the program was war stories. "STOP TALKING ABOUT HAVING TO EAT PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY SANDWICHES!!! WHY NOT BELIEVE TO EAT *STEAK*!!!" God, wouldn't you love to be in HIS wow family? Later that year it made me feel good at the ROA when LCM said from the main stage, "Need some new war stories? Go WOW!"
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I had stayed at the BCs house during Corps Week and ROA one year. I ws supposed to be housesitting for them, but they told me 2 days before that I needed to pay rent, food, and utilities for those two weeks. The day I got there before they left, they handed me a list of chores they wanted done before they got back. I brought my dog with me. My dog was small. They had a big dog. The two dogs had fun with each other playing. The last day I was there, I took my dog back to my house and then picked up all the dog doody.
The next day the BCs get home, and he reams me for leaving my dog's doody in his yard. I told him it couldn't be MY dog's doody because I had taken my dog home the day before and then cleaned it all up. He proceeded to ream me yelling that it's not right to leave your dog's doody and telling me how rude it is. I sucked it all up. There was no thank you for the window cleaning and house cleaning that another girl and I had done all day before they got home. Ungrateful arses......
I wish they would try it again today. Nobody yells at me today. Just ask my co-workers......LOL!
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This is my dumbest one.
I had moved from where I first got into twi. For PFAL where I came from eveyone dressed up for the first and last session. The new place I moved to was about to run a pfal class. Well the magic day came. I got dressed up in my suite and the class began. The class cordinator came up to me during the first break and told me "How dare you show up and out dress me". I told him this is what I had always done and thought it was a what was supposed to be done for the class. EXCUUUUUUUSE MEEEEEEEEEEEE :blink:
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Ohh GEEEEZE John...what an a$$....
Po`ed because the wow`s eat p&b sandwitches..... and blame it all on the wows who struggle to live on 20 hrs a week, pay for housing pay for living expenses and it`s ALL their fault because they didn`t believe for STEAK!!!
It couldn`t possibly be that their formula or program had a few flaws????
Don`t tell war other words...LIE so that people won`t be afraid to make the commitment to go....
Oh geeze ...if that wasn`t twi in a nut shell :(
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I was in a WOW family that did not eat peanut butter and jelly (unless we wanted to) or corn dogs. We ate baked chicken, fish, homemade tacos (we had Dos XX that night also), and many other pretty elaborate meals. Our family fund was $50 per week (times 5). We spent easily $125 weekly on groceries. We rented two apartments because there were 5 of us. This was 1984-85. We had 3 other families in the same town. We ran 7 classes that year. We were considered successful.
YET, my WOW sister couldn't keep her legs together. She slept with 2 of my WOW brothers. One of my other WOW brothers was a drunk who hid a bottle of George Dickle in his boots in his closet. And me, well I COULD tell you about me. I just had too many boyfriends who always wanted to hang around but not come to twig. Of course, I quit seeing them after it was obvious they didn't want to come to twig. (Thinking back, maybe I should have left with one of them! hahahaha!!!) Anyway, with so much drama in people's lives, how could that stupid program be successful. The first mistake they made IMHO was putting men and women in the same house. They never got real about that. $*@! happens when you let people of the opposite sex live together. Attractions happen and then &$*# happens. What a bunch of dummies the gods were when they told the leaders our assignments.
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Linda Z
Clarification of my earlier post: The incident happened in 1981/82, so it was probably summer '82, before ROA. The RC's initials were not RA (whom I loved and never saw treat anyone badly). This guy came immediately after RA.
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I was in a wow family that was sent to be spiritual light to a city that had had a factory close--like half the city was out of work. Neither of my apprentice corps wow bros could keep a job. Neither of them could keep their pants zipped, either. In fact they both did a couple of the same girls. I complained about this to a local corps gal--Oh, but they're men.
Plenty of peanut butter and baloney in our house.
My wow bros also didn't have to help clean the house--it was good training for marriage for two single wow sisters and would build our believing to get married yadayadayuck, according to area coord.( I wasn't engaged on my wow year because of the gravity of the wow commitment but already had the guy).
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