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Take Your hat off and Sing


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Ya'll all take your hat off and sing.

"Texas, our Texas"

Texas, Our Texas! all hail the mighty State!

Texas, Our Texas! so wonderful so great!

Boldest and grandest, withstanding ev'ry test

O Empire wide and glorious, you stand supremely blest.


Texas, Our Texas! your freeborn single star,

Sends out its radiance to nations near and far,

Emblem of Freedom! it set our hearts aglow,

With thoughts of San Jacinto and glorious Alamo.


Texas, dear Texas! from tyrant grip now free,

Shines forth in splendor, your star of destiny!

Mother of heros, we come your children true,

Proclaiming our allegiance, our faith, our love for you.


God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,

That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.

God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,

That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.

Today is Texas Independance Day

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Ex '70's,

Texas is a great state, my friend. My sister's husband got a 2 year transfer to Dallas 4 years ago. We all were moaning their loss and though Dallas was only about a 7 hr. drive from Memphis, we all couldn't wait for their return. And return they did. But.. it wasn't so easy for them because they had gotten really attached to Dallas (actually they were in a suburb, Grapevine) and their kids didn't want to leave. We have them back home but they will always carry their time in Texas. They even have Longhorn horns mounted above the fireplace.

Two great Texas tunes: Click HERE! and http://sudo2u.com/aaj.wav'>HERE!?

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In fact there is a Texas flag right outside my office.

As far as becoming part of Mexico again.

Distance to Mexico City is 950 miles

Distance to Washington DC 1600 miles

The chance of getting shot is greater in Washington than for our troops in Iraq.

I have actually considered moving to Mexico.

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