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What are your beliefs currently? (Poll)


To Which Teachings Do You Subscribe?  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. Do You Describe Yourself as a (Pick the CLOSEST...may not perfectly describe your beliefs)

    • Christian: Protestant (Lutheran or Related)
    • Christian: Protestant (Presbyterian or Related)
    • Christian: Protestant (Baptist or Related)
    • Christian: Protestant (Episcopal, Methodist, Nazarene, etc.)
    • Christian: Protestant (Pentacostal, Assemblies of God, Foursquare, Holiness, etc.)
    • Christian: Protestant (Other, can't fit in one of the above groups)
    • Christian: Latter Days Saints (including Reformed and Fundamental)
    • Christian: Jehovah's Witnesses
    • Christian: Catholic (Latin or Eastern in Communion with Rome)
    • Christian: Orthodox (Greek, Russian, Antiochan, Coptic -- not in communion with Rome)
    • Christian: Messianic
    • Jewish (Conservative, Orthodox, Reformed)
    • Muslim (Shi'a, Sunni, etc.)
    • Eastern Religion (Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, etc.)
    • Unitarian-Universalist
    • Neo-Pagan and Related (including Celtic and Wiccan)
    • Satanist
    • Agnostic
    • Atheist
    • Other (please describe in a post)
  2. 2. Jesus Christ was (please select the CLOSEST)

    • the son of God, but not God
    • the second person of the Blessed Trinity
    • God
    • a good man
    • a prophet
    • a character in a fable
    • a radical religious cult leader
    • an evil revolutionary who needed to be killed
  3. 3. I believe the following about speaking in tongues and other manifestations of the spirit (again the CLOSEST)

    • I believe that VPW had it spot on
    • I believe in them, but VPW had it wrong
    • I believe that genuine manifestations were there at the time of the apostles, but no more...we were defrauded with them
    • I believe that it was all a bunch of bunk and never existed -- we were just brainwashed
    • Other (please describe)
  4. 4. I believe the following about the dead's status: (again the CLOSEST)

    • Soul sleep until the resurrection.
    • Souls are in heaven, hell, etc. upon the moment of death. The resurrection applies to the body, only.
    • Reincarnation.
    • When you're dead, you're dead. Ya ain't getting back up out of the grave...ever.
    • Other belief not described above (please describe)
    • I just simply don't know
  5. 5. I worship/ fellowship/ etc. primarily in the following format (please pick the CLOSEST)

    • In a home-based fellowship
    • By myself/ with my family only
    • In a building constructed or leased specifically for that purpose
    • Outdoors
    • Other
    • Worship? Worship What????

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  • 4 months later...

What are my beliefs currently?

I think this sums it up pretty nicely:

"Here is what I believe: There is no god, there is no messiah, there are no prophets plugged in to some divine will. There are no saints or holy men. If there is a heaven or a hell or any other kind of afterlife, we can’t know anything about it while we’re in this life, so it’s useless to speculate and foolish to believe. Faith is an empty box. To believe in Christ is to believe in a rabbit’s foot. To believe in the Buddha is to believe that pro wrestling is real. To believe in Mohammed is to believe that the groundhog can predict spring. To believe that the Ten Commandments came from some god on a mountaintop is to believe that television psychics can talk to your dead grandmother. Allah, Jehovah and the Trinity are elves and Tinkerbells. They are no more than desperate hope given a name and anthropomorphic shape by the imaginations of frightened men." WEATHER REPORT, MEMPHIS FLYER

Geeze, I remember a time when I would have rebuked somebody who said anything like that. Now, I dunno, seems pretty logical...

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Check out their paychecks ... that tells you it is real ...

A bunch of "serious" volleyball player guys wouldn't play .. I think it was Mondays ... cuz that was a big pro wrestling night ... I couldn't believe it ... I said, no thanks, no church with you ...

I guess it is like soap opera for guys ...

But there is life, which I can't explain, so ... I rejoice in Hulk Hogan ... pass me another beer ...

I believe in good people that have fun and go "woooo hoooo" with their head out the window ... :dance:

Edited by rhino
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  • 2 weeks later...

In response to the survey, I only had one "other, please describe" answer.

I believe, because of very specific things that have happened to close family members, that the dead who love us stay with us to help us.

Yes, I know that Dr. taught that those were spooky things, but he was never saved in the middle of a bonzai firefight by a caring spirit, as my father was. It wasn't an angel; it was his battle buddy, who had been killed the day before. Since I was not conceived until after the war, I have a particular problem with people who say that we must look to the profit of the encounter (which they say is always devilish) to prove that these appearances are devil spirits. Not only was I born because of this spirit's help, as well as my two siblings, and all of our children, but every other man in the patrol who survived, survived because of this spiritual encounter.

My aunt, who has made a study of this kind of thing for years, believes that the dead do stay to help their loved ones. She also says that they must leave periodically to handle things on the other side, but that they come back when they can.

Dr. was just full of baloney and fear on the subject, in my hindsighted opinion.

I don't believe that this means one should throw oneself wide open to this kind of thing, without any kind of discernment; however, running screaming into the night at the very thought of the dead being around us is not appropriate, either.

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  notinKansasanymore said:
I believe, because of very specific things that have happened to close family members, that the dead who love us stay with us to help us.
Nika, I'm pretty sure this deserves a whole thread of its own. Can you give some more details? I don't rule anything out. :) Edited by rhino
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If someone were to ask me what I thought happened after we died a short while ago, I would have had a definite answer. But now I don't know what to think.

I heard many stories like yours, NotinKansas, from people I trust. Have you seen the movie "The End of the Spear"? A missionary dies, and he, and two non-christian tribesmen, all see spiritual beings coming for him. I know its just a movie, but it was based on a true story. I'll have to find out if it happened in real life.

We were taught to ask what's the profit. Well, in the movie, the tribesmen were led to Christ. For NotinKansas, millions (if you count future generations) of people are saved. Pretty Godly profit, IMHO.

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Rhino: they were in the middle of a bonzai attack, and the attack had lasted so long that the American patrol was running out of ammunition. The spirit showed Dad where there was a box of it. The box had enough to stand off the attack. Dad always said that the other soldiers didn't believe him, when he told them later who had shown him where to find the box. "They didn't believe me," he'd say, and then laugh, "but they sure believed the ammunition!"

He passed away three years ago this week, at 78. Probably still had shrapnel in his body.

The ammunition was "over behind some bushes." Evidently lost or misplaced there by an earlier patrol.

Edited by notinKansasanymore
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  notinKansasanymore said:
Dad always said that the other soldiers didn't believe him, when he told them later who had shown him where to find the box. "They didn't believe me," he'd say, and then laugh, "but they sure believed the ammunition!"
Great story ... there are sure a lot of stories out there that seem undeniable. About all I know is we are alive, and I don't even know how to make sense of that. Trying to figure out where we go after we die is beyond me. If I was the designer I'd allow for some involvement with our loved ones that had passed.
He passed away three years ago this week, at 78. Probably still had shrapnel in his body.
Sorry about your Dad, glad he had help that day, or even our 9th Corps thread would not be born. :)
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As you know (if you saw my post "The Mystery") I'm not an ex-wayfer and maybe I shouldn't have taken this poll, but I thought that if I post here again at any other time, perhaps it would be prudent for you to know where I stand. I call myself a Yahudi, a believer in Yahweh and in Yeshua but I don't believe in or belong to any denominational or non-denominational religion. I'm sort of Messianic in that I believe in following Torah, observe the feasts as set by Him, but I don't subscribe to Talmud, the Mishnah, etc. and I believe that Yeshua is both the Son of Yahweh and Yahweh. I say every day, just as my Jewish brothers and sisters "Sh'ma Ysrael, Adonai, Eloheynu, Adonai echad". My husband and I continue to attend a fellowship group from the church we used to go to; basically because we love these people and have been in the group for 7 years. They have accepted that we no longer believe as they do but don't require us to leave or not to express our beliefs or perspectives when we discuss biblical stuff. We also do Shabbat every Friday evening with our oldest daughter, her family and friends. I'm still doing a lot of studying and researching on all this so there are some things that I have not come to a conclusion on yet, such as whether we are just asleep when we die or not. I try to be open minded to others and their feelings/beliefs and hope that they will do the same for me. There are many who use the names Yahweh and Yeshua who absolutely cringe at hearing someone call them "God", "Lord", "Jesus", etc., but I'm not one of them. I choose to use their Hebraic names because that's what they were. My friend, who was in The Way, also attends our fellowship group and we all have some very lively discussions but always in love and friendship. Thanks for reading my post. If anyone has anything else they want to know, as long as it's not overly personal, I'd be glad to answer. DD

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Double D, Welcome to the cafe. I'll call for Belle to serve as your waitress. Today's menu is Brunswick Stew.

Check the various forums and each of our bios. We have nothing to hide. I just happen to be a timelord from the now extinct planet Gallifry. Alteranate screen name is Doctor Who.

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Welcome DD!!!

As TLB promised, here is our special of the day.... I hope you enjoy your visit here. :)


It's always fun to learn from each other and sounds like you have quite a bit in common with some of the others here at the Cafe. Abigail has been teaching some of us quite a bit about Shabbat and some of the other Jewish holidays. It's been very interesting and I've a whole new respect for the Jewish belief.

Looking forward to learning and hearing more from you.

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Thank you Thomas and Belle for your welcome. I have been very intrigued by all the posts I have been reading about what went on in The Way and I'm so grateful that my friend and her husband are no longer in it. I'm also very grateful that I was never tempted to join. My heart goes out to all those who have experienced such wrenching emotional and from what I've read, even physical pain from having been a part of The Way. This may seem like an oxymoron, but while I can be very gullible at times, I'm also very skeptical and I do a lot of reading and researching on things before I accept them; that's not to say however, that I haven't been fooled or stepped off the plank when I shouldn't have either. At 62, I feel that I've finally arrived at where I want to be in my walk and my relationship with Yahweh; it's taken a very long time. DD

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You requested a post if we chose 'other' on the 1st question. What was the 1st question? Oh yea! My belief system or of that sort of thing. Well, I'd have to say (and to some who have seen my past post, this will be no surprise) I'm still holding on to 10th Corps teachings (1st year).

As for the speaking in tongues question, I think VP got it right but we probably defrauded it with our repitition and the lack of oversite or over oversite by some leaders. I have only a few memories of people who impressed me with interpretation or prophecy.

I was delighted to see the majority of posters are still holding on to what was taught regarding JCING.

There are times when reading some of the post that I get the impression that everything that was taught has been dismissed as false by almost all in the cafe. Granted the application got all screwed up... but imho I've never been convinced that the doctrine was erroneous until the latter years when some of the things LCM implemented proved to kill the outreach and growth of TWI.

I raised my eyebrow with the TDANAN question though I understood the question. My question is did I miss something in the book about the soul sleeping? What page? I remember the verse in Thessalonians 4:13 and the FOS for sleeping. But I don't recall the teaching that it was literal.

As for worship. I put "other". I still SIT from time to time......but I don't go to any fellowships.

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God first

Beloved Markomalley

God loves us all my dear friend

To Which Teachings Do You Subscribe?

My answer is “Other (please describe in a post)”

because some parts of me are “Christian: Protestant (Lutheran or Related), Christian: Protestant (Presbyterian or Related), Christian: Protestant (Baptist or Related), Christian: Protestant (Episcopal, Methodist, Nazarene, etc.), Christian: Protestant (Pentacostal, Assemblies of God, Foursquare, Holiness, etc.), Christian: Latter Days Saints (including Reformed and Fundamental), Christian: Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian: Catholic (Latin or Eastern in Communion with Rome), Christian: Orthodox (Greek, Russian, Antiochan, Coptic -- not in communion with Rome), Christian: Messianic, Jewish (Conservative, Orthodox, Reformed), Muslim (Shi'a, Sunni, etc. ), Eastern Religion (Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, etc.), Unitarian-Universalist, Neo-Pagan and Related (including Celtic and Wiccan) and new age

yes small parts of me could fix in each of these and even more I am into one on one with God and his son Jesus the Christ and with my brothers and sister no matter which man made church they are part of

I believe the following about speaking in tongues and other manifestations of the spirit (again the CLOSEST)

My answer is “Other (please describe in a post)”

I believe speaking in tongues is dreams in Old Testament and interpretation of tongues is interpretation of dreams or all nine were done in Old Testament has are done today

and have a lot more detail than the Way taught but that take a new tread

I believe the following about the dead's status: (again the CLOSEST)

that the Old Testament people die and there is no remembrance in the grave because it is stored in God’s house and they got up the next second Jesus Christ won over death their last trump was when Jesus Christ went from his last breath of flesh to his first breath of spiritual light

we at our last breath of flesh see the light of Christ which guides us to our first breath of spiritual light

them without seed of Christ upon them or in them awake not sure all details here

I worship/ fellowship/ etc. primarily in the following format (please pick the CLOSEST)

In a home-based fellowship

one on one with God and Christ and on these boards while visiting a church here and there

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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  • 1 month later...


Hi. Thanks for that. I'm finding more and more we can't tell God what He can or can't do.

What happened to your dad reminded me about a video I saw in which a pastor was raised from the dead when Reinhardt Bonnke was preaching on stage--his wife brought his partially embalmed body and had it layed on a table in a room beneath the stage and he came to life.

The point that stuck in my mind was that Nigerians believe a person's soul does not go anywhere permanently until after 3 days after death. Oddly enough, or not, I learned later during a totally unrelated thing that the Jews believe the same thing.

Thanks again and I'm glad he lived and your were born. I love reading your posts. You seem like such a lovely person.


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