Very nice, dmiller! Nice - the inlay on the back - what's the story on that? Looks wood inlaid, or...?
Saw "The Departed" tonight. GREAT flick. Very engaging. The closing of the movie through the first part of the credits is the tune "Sweet Dreams' by Don Gibson. I won't even hint at the ending, as if you haven't seen it, SEE it. I'm sitting half way poised, jaw dropped and suddenly the opening note of that tune hits and I look at the Wif' and go "that song, that's...that's...!" and there it was. Roy Buchanan's version of "Sweet Dreams", from his first album. Whole tune plays.
YouTube has an excellent version of it, a live cut - HERE.
I think in certain parts of the south they're pronounced "mosgeeters". As in mosGEEters.
Use it in a sentence? Sure!
Of Mosgeeters and Men, A Vignette Starting Tilley and Bob-a-roo
"Hey Tilley, can I borrow your MosGEEters Repellent?"
"Sure, Bob-a-roo - what's the matter, GAS been biting ya?"
(scratching and rubbing) "Oh yeah Tilley something bad. It really BURNS everytime I got to - ">
(Tilley holding up hand as if to say 'stop right there!') Hold on there Bob-a-roo! That's more information than I think I want to know! Try some of this 'GeeterPellant! (tosses can to Bob) Spray this on directly - I use it. Works everytime!'
(looking at can curiously and nodding) "Well, hey, says here it's been tested on pigs and proven to be 100% safe! Well, if it's good enough for pigs it's good enough for my rosey red-"
(holding up hand as if to say 'stop right there!')"That's fine right there, Bob-a-roo! Spray that on and you'll be right as rain before you know it! Works for me, that's for sure!"
(fade out/fade in to two guys on golf course as Bob-a-roo gives Tilley the 'thumbs up' sign, big smile - music track comes in, "Celebrate" by Kool and the Gang)
Voiceover: "Don't let GAS get you off course! When the Mosgeeters get to gnawing, get the Can the pros use! Proven safe on animals and some humans, it's where Pro's in the Know go for fast fast relief! "
It appears that there can, in fact be 96 pages on Guitars. (as waysider has noted - this is in factual truth, only the introductory comments and notes to the Preface.)
In even more fact, another 100 plus pages have been set aside in a safe place for usage in the event that a shortage of pages should ever occur. In the event of a catastrophic occurrence, such as a YouTube meltdown or Rhapsody crash, or a shortage of html and javascript code to deliver Guitar oriented content to the needy, these pages will be brought out of storage and used while necessary repairs are made.
Thank you for holding!
It appears that there can, in fact be 96 pages on Guitars. In even more fact, another 100 plus pages have been set aside in a safe place for usage in the event that a shortage of pages should ever occur. In the event of a catastrophic occurrence, such as a YouTube meltdown or Rhapsody crash, or a shortage of html and javascript code to deliver Guitar oriented content to the needy, these pages will be brought out of storage and used while necessary repairs are made.
cuz I see there's like 20 guests and 3 members reading the thread as I post this.
...errr... make that...
97 pages!
Mr. Miller - that is an exquisite instrument you have there - WOW - I love the wood inlay on it. It's beautiful! I honestly don't remember ever seeing something that detailed before.
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He is very easy on the eyes. I can see what Nicole Kidman sees in him. And I do like his music.
And socksman, nah I didn't mean his bango, I just can't spell worth crap.
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...and BANGO was his NAME-O.
...B - A - N - G - O ...
...B - A - N - G - O ...
...B - A - N - G - O ...
...and BANGO was his NAME-O.
I couldn't resist... I'm done some doozies myself, so I appreciate a good fat finger moment on the keyboad!
Now, about that Mark Knopfler and EmmyLou Harris
Yummy stuff CK...
I just saw Esteban on the HSN (Home Shopping Network), as he was pawning his driftwood... and thought about this thread and how far its come...
(And hubby was laughing because someone called in to say he wanted a 12-string Esteban gee-tar....HA!)
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Thought I'd stop by and post something I came across.
Edgar Cruz - Bohemian Rhapsody (classical guitar)
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Socks --- thanks for taking the *top of the page*!!
I thank you --
My mother thanks you --
My father thanks you --
And especially --- ChattyKathy thanks you!!
Hey . Took these pics of my *old guy* fiddle, with my new phone camera,
and thought you all might be interested, in seeing the inlay work on the back of it.
The back of it overall:
(that's my 1968 D-35 Martin in the background).
The front of it:
A close-up of the *finger wear* on the front of the body:
And a close-up of the inlay on the backside of it:
I already posted these in the *phone* thread I started in open,
but thought to share them here as well. :)
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Very nice, dmiller! Nice - the inlay on the back - what's the story on that? Looks wood inlaid, or...?
Saw "The Departed" tonight. GREAT flick. Very engaging. The closing of the movie through the first part of the credits is the tune "Sweet Dreams' by Don Gibson. I won't even hint at the ending, as if you haven't seen it, SEE it. I'm sitting half way poised, jaw dropped and suddenly the opening note of that tune hits and I look at the Wif' and go "that song, that's...that's...!" and there it was. Roy Buchanan's version of "Sweet Dreams", from his first album. Whole tune plays.
YouTube has an excellent version of it, a live cut - HERE.
(see the movie, dig the tunes!)
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Paw, thank you so much
for the learning. 
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And I'm glad you enjoyed it Chas and David.
Very cool pictures David, beautiful.
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Chas, ask Rick how I pronounce guitar also.
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In a few months they'll be "Mos-guitars"?
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A la prochaine
What a lovely lovely violin you have...
How old is that violin?
Probably sounds like a dream!
Call me duh...but I don't get it?
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It's all in the pronunciation.
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I think in certain parts of the south they're pronounced "mosgeeters". As in mosGEEters.
Use it in a sentence? Sure!
Of Mosgeeters and Men, A Vignette Starting Tilley and Bob-a-roo
"Hey Tilley, can I borrow your MosGEEters Repellent?"
"Sure, Bob-a-roo - what's the matter, GAS been biting ya?"
(scratching and rubbing) "Oh yeah Tilley something bad. It really BURNS everytime I got to - ">
(Tilley holding up hand as if to say 'stop right there!') Hold on there Bob-a-roo! That's more information than I think I want to know! Try some of this 'GeeterPellant! (tosses can to Bob) Spray this on directly - I use it. Works everytime!'
(looking at can curiously and nodding) "Well, hey, says here it's been tested on pigs and proven to be 100% safe! Well, if it's good enough for pigs it's good enough for my rosey red-"
(holding up hand as if to say 'stop right there!')"That's fine right there, Bob-a-roo! Spray that on and you'll be right as rain before you know it! Works for me, that's for sure!"
(fade out/fade in to two guys on golf course as Bob-a-roo gives Tilley the 'thumbs up' sign, big smile - music track comes in, "Celebrate" by Kool and the Gang)
Voiceover: "Don't let GAS get you off course! When the Mosgeeters get to gnawing, get the Can the pros use! Proven safe on animals and some humans, it's where Pro's in the Know go for fast fast relief! "
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cough cough excuse me
can there really be 96 pages about guitars ;)
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Hi Escamaroon! Welcome, your question is a good one. Please hold, your question is important to us! Your wait time is approximately *10* seconds...
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;) sockittome
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Did you mean to say"Can there ONLY be 96 pages about guitars?"
Give it some time. We're just warming up.
"uno, dos, 1,2, tres, quatro---------!
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Thank you for holding!
It appears that there can, in fact be 96 pages on Guitars. (as waysider has noted - this is in factual truth, only the introductory comments and notes to the Preface.)
In even more fact, another 100 plus pages have been set aside in a safe place for usage in the event that a shortage of pages should ever occur. In the event of a catastrophic occurrence, such as a YouTube meltdown or Rhapsody crash, or a shortage of html and javascript code to deliver Guitar oriented content to the needy, these pages will be brought out of storage and used while necessary repairs are made.
Thank you for holding!
It appears that there can, in fact be 96 pages on Guitars. In even more fact, another 100 plus pages have been set aside in a safe place for usage in the event that a shortage of pages should ever occur. In the event of a catastrophic occurrence, such as a YouTube meltdown or Rhapsody crash, or a shortage of html and javascript code to deliver Guitar oriented content to the needy, these pages will be brought out of storage and used while necessary repairs are made.
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oh yes that's what i meant
googling "guitar cult"
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Welcome Exie!
Yeah, 96 pages on gee-tars...
and it can't be all bad
cuz I see there's like 20 guests and 3 members reading the thread as I post this.
...errr... make that...
97 pages!
Mr. Miller - that is an exquisite instrument you have there - WOW - I love the wood inlay on it. It's beautiful! I honestly don't remember ever seeing something that detailed before.
Thanks for the pics!
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Here's a better pic of it (I think!). Like I said, I'm no photographer, but the first one looked blurred to me.
I set the resolution lower, and this one seems to be clearer.
(Answering questions here ---)
Socks -- yes. That is wood inlaid into the wood of the back of the fiddle.
It's an inlay of a church in the background,
with houses and another church (or maybe a rectory for it),
in the front of it.
I count (about) 60 different pieces of wood inlaid in, to make the "graphics",
along with 35 or so pieces of mother-of-pearl that make up all the windows.
Ala -- I'm not sure how old it is, however the label on the inside reads ----
JAQUES BOUQUAI rue d' Argenteuil a Paris.
While I realize that labels are the *easiest* thing to fake on fiddles --
That one looks genuine, especially since there is another label on top of it, which reads --
Wallace B. Whittcomb
Maker Repairer (Wallace crossed out maker, and repairer is in his handwriting)
Milwaukee, Wis.
Jan. anno 1896 .
Let me post this here, and see if the photo turned out,
and then I'll tell you all how I came across it! ;)
(PS --- edited to add this here):
Jaques Bouquai was a violin maker from France, and was (supposedly) one of the best
at re-creating the varnish and *look* style that Stradivarius did.
He made cellos as well as violins.
He STOPPED making instruments before 1750.
If my fiddle is the *real deal*, (and the way it looks is definately *old world*)
it was made back when George Washington was a teenager.
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Hiya Excie -- I'm doing my durndest to derail this into a fiddle thread.
Sadly -- It ain't a'working!!
Hang around here a bit, and you'll be singing the blues,
just like me! (Psst -- don't tell anyone, but I kinda like it).
I'm learning more here by accident, than elsewhere by design. ;)
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(((((((((( d ))))))))))))
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Excie.....way cool to see you here....way cool....not twi (the way) way either.....
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