BTW, a correction to my earlier post - when I mentioned I picked up a new Vox ADVT 30 "Valvomatic" amp I actually meant "Valvotronix" (lol) -...
Invisible Dan – LOL – your “Valvomatic Amp” caught my eye – but I’m so out of touch with musician’s gear I went along with it – I even found myself technically justifying the name in my head. I thought “guess the amp has some kind of electronic-solenoid-valve system in it like on a horn or church organ.”
Waysider – excited to read about your Epiphone Bass – cool picture of it Socks.
Yessuh, that's a nice bass! As a teenager I played with a guy who had a Hofner bass, moved from double bass in band to electric and got a Hofner - he got a nice all around sound out of it. Played with a pick for electric stuff usually, and the small open body like the Viola got a cool sound.
KT is a good performer A la. Nice stuff, enjoyed what she did with the Jackson 5 tune. Nice pedals too.
Tunes - cartoons. I'm working on a simple arrangment of the theme from the "Flintstones". It's a pretty snappy song as it turns out and has been done by a lot of different artists from Ray Brown to Pat Metheny. The music lends itself to a fast be-boppy kind of arrangement although there's some room for tweezing it a little here and there. The changes are simple with room to move -
say - starts in Bb for the main verse then runs through a circle of 4ths for the bridge - D to G, C to F which resolves it to the 5th of Bb, and then back to Bb and the verse again. The music was written by Hoyt Curtin who also wrote other Hanna Barbera themes including The Jetsons. I read he knocked this one out in about an hour. Hanna and Barbera are credited for the lyrics I think.
I'de love to hear your arrangement of "The Flintstones" - messing around with the themes to "The Munsters" and "Dragnet" has always been a guilty pleasure of mine (lol).
I'm seeing where it goes, I-Dan! Those are some killer themes, there. With the Flintstones theme, I'm wondering if it would be too sacriligeous to add some changes after the bridge, as it's a very short turnaround. Maybe keep dropping it down a step two more times=
d -g
c -f
Bb -eb
Ab -c# then F
It still ends up in the same spot, and there's a kind of ooomphy natural movement from the c# if you played
a quick c# - Eb - F and kind of "push" it back up. There might be room for a relative minor or two. Dunno, still messing with it.
Keep telling yourself that... that's the mantra I give to hubby, who has a serious case of GAS (gear aquistion syndrom)
if anything, i have the opposite "problem." i played the same 335 i bought in 1975 (for $250!) until about 1997, when i bought a standard (mexican) tele. i've bought two american-made telecasters since then, and returned them both because i realized i didn't like them as much as the mexican! i AM keeping the squier 51, though. which brings my guitar total up to 4 (the fourth being a guild acoustic my mother gave me!).
If there's a way to send it sprawled out, please do. I'll post that solo up and we can shag some Hag!
it's attached. enjoy! (since the attachment limit is 2 mb, i'm only posting the solo. if anyone wants the whole tune--and it's worth having--i can email it.)GoldMine_solo.mp3
Fillmore - about '70 or so - the Sons were taking the stage and as usual it took awhile for them to get settled in, lit up and on their instruments. The Fillmore was a big venue, no small gig but the Sons usually meandered onstage where they were as if they'd just wandered in off the street. Champlin and Hag both had their big Gibson L-5's.
Haggerty was in his usual spot, off to the right and everybodys' getting tuned. He's way out of tune. Way out, and getting worse, fiddling with it. Champlin does his L-5 and then messes with the organ, Palmer's deedling on the vibes, it goes on for awhile and Haggerty's face is scrinched up and he gets progressively more and more out of tune and it's obvious he's already warmed up for "Get High", in a big way. Finally everyone's kind of waiting and Bill looks at him and Haggerty takes the guitar off and holds it out straight armed to him like a kid and says-
"Bill....tune my guitar!" :biglaugh:
great story! i can see it. yeah, tuning was definitely a problem in those days, for a number of reasons. heck, i remember doing it myself, giving up and handing off my guitar to the other guitarist to tune. (i'd be lost without a tuner today--whatever facility i had is long atrophied!)
but as you said, it never got in the way of their making great music--once they actually started playing!
Yogi Phlegm! Now we're talkin'. That was a Side-Sons band of Terry Haggerty's. Forget who else was in it. They got pretty "outside", saw them a couple times, in fact the band I was in played with them at the Lionshare in San Rafael! Haggerty is very into the improvisational side of jamming, and YP was pretty much a hit and run version of that IMO. You have to really like his playing style to like them. :)
Now - speaking of Side-Sons - post-Sons there was the Rhythm Dukes. Guess who was in that one?
I'm heading over to check out site out now. Thanks!
Oh man! this is great!!!
"Where's f###### Charlie!"
2:22 of "tuning". There ya go! Gotta check this out.....
The ever present tuning problem, yeah. Where were floor tuners???!!!!
After years of messing around with it, I finally got a floor tuner and it's been like the Pedal from Heaven.
I'd had one in a combo-unit, but it's nice to have the simple bypass feature, notch out, tune and go right
back to it.
Given that this was a New Years gig - Bill Graham used to do New Years concerts that were all nighters. I only got to one, at Winterland, probably 70 or 71. The idea was once you were in, you were there to stay. You could leave of course but who'd want to do that? Graham introduced the night we were at with classic Graham, saying "you know I don't agree with some of the stuff you guys do, the drugs and all of that, but tonight, do what you want, we're all amongst friends here". Something to that effect. It was quite a night. Worst set, an absolute toxic melt down was the Jefferson Airplane, only second time I'd seen them and the last. The Dead were very dead. But there was some good music that night, and the Sons played and came out - dressed in .... pajamas. Either night gown things or actual P.J.'s. Hag was wearing a long night cap on his head. A night to remember!
Yeah, this is rough alright, but it's great to hear them! Thanks!
I was listening to that sight and got into a 1970 CSNY concert.. all the bantering and carrying on on stage between the band members ... is absolutely halarious.
All the 'HEY MANs' and the 'I CAN DIG THATs' .... toooooo funny and nostalgic!
And the music is great... hearing Neil Young do 'Tell Me Why'.... was awesome!
Mr. Music Man... New Grass Revival... wow.. what a tight band!!!! I'd heard of the name ... but never heard them!
I'm seeing where it goes, I-Dan! Those are some killer themes, there. With the Flintstones theme, I'm wondering if it would be too sacriligeous to add some changes after the bridge, as it's a very short turnaround. Maybe keep dropping it down a step two more times=
d -g
c -f
Bb -eb
Ab -c# then F
It still ends up in the same spot, and there's a kind of ooomphy natural movement from the c# if you played
a quick c# - Eb - F and kind of "push" it back up. There might be room for a relative minor or two. Dunno, still messing with it.
Wanna try a really cool theme? - try the Spiderman theme... the OLD version of it - it's in A minor and the last chord is like an A minor major 9th... (this is per hubby)
You know it...
Spiderman, Spiderman,
Does whatever a spider can
Spins a web, any size,
Catches thieves just like flies
Look Out!
Here comes the Spiderman.
Now, the rhythm guitar on it is doing like a descending chromatic A minor progression - the same chords as what's used in the song "Summertime" by Gershwin OR "Summer Rain" by Jonny Rivers OR (and get this!) "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zep. (Hubby has been teaching me the bass parts to these...)
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Invisible Dan – LOL – your “Valvomatic Amp” caught my eye – but I’m so out of touch with musician’s gear I went along with it – I even found myself technically justifying the name in my head. I thought “guess the amp has some kind of electronic-solenoid-valve system in it like on a horn or church organ.”
Waysider – excited to read about your Epiphone Bass – cool picture of it Socks.
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Yessuh, that's a nice bass! As a teenager I played with a guy who had a Hofner bass, moved from double bass in band to electric and got a Hofner - he got a nice all around sound out of it. Played with a pick for electric stuff usually, and the small open body like the Viola got a cool sound.
KT is a good performer A la. Nice stuff, enjoyed what she did with the Jackson 5 tune. Nice pedals too.
Tunes - cartoons. I'm working on a simple arrangment of the theme from the "Flintstones". It's a pretty snappy song as it turns out and has been done by a lot of different artists from Ray Brown to Pat Metheny. The music lends itself to a fast be-boppy kind of arrangement although there's some room for tweezing it a little here and there. The changes are simple with room to move -
say - starts in Bb for the main verse then runs through a circle of 4ths for the bridge - D to G, C to F which resolves it to the 5th of Bb, and then back to Bb and the verse again. The music was written by Hoyt Curtin who also wrote other Hanna Barbera themes including The Jetsons. I read he knocked this one out in about an hour. Hanna and Barbera are credited for the lyrics I think.
It's a cool little tune.
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I'de love to hear your arrangement of "The Flintstones" - messing around with the themes to "The Munsters" and "Dragnet" has always been a guilty pleasure of mine (lol).
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I'm seeing where it goes, I-Dan! Those are some killer themes, there. With the Flintstones theme, I'm wondering if it would be too sacriligeous to add some changes after the bridge, as it's a very short turnaround. Maybe keep dropping it down a step two more times=
d -g
c -f
Bb -eb
Ab -c# then F
It still ends up in the same spot, and there's a kind of ooomphy natural movement from the c# if you played
a quick c# - Eb - F and kind of "push" it back up. There might be room for a relative minor or two. Dunno, still messing with it.
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Tom Strange
EUREKA!!! Why don't you all send your version of "Green Onion" to Invisible Dan and he can mix them all together on his new digital whatchamacallit?
I'll play bongos!
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Ah, bongos! We really are going for that weird, twangy retro thing.
But I'm sorry, Tom, you've been outsourced -
this new digital whatchmacallit even has the bongos built into it.
You don't want to hear my old "Dragnet" mix -
it literally sounds like something performed by the Manson Family.
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sprawled out
if anything, i have the opposite "problem." i played the same 335 i bought in 1975 (for $250!) until about 1997, when i bought a standard (mexican) tele. i've bought two american-made telecasters since then, and returned them both because i realized i didn't like them as much as the mexican! i AM keeping the squier 51, though. which brings my guitar total up to 4 (the fourth being a guild acoustic my mother gave me!).
it's attached. enjoy! (since the attachment limit is 2 mb, i'm only posting the solo. if anyone wants the whole tune--and it's worth having--i can email it.)GoldMine_solo.mp3
great story! i can see it. yeah, tuning was definitely a problem in those days, for a number of reasons. heck, i remember doing it myself, giving up and handing off my guitar to the other guitarist to tune. (i'd be lost without a tuner today--whatever facility i had is long atrophied!)
but as you said, it never got in the way of their making great music--once they actually started playing!
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sprawled out
any of you Sons fans heard the shows up at wolfgang's vault?
there are two shows under the name the Sons of Champlin, one as Yogi Phlegm.
not the best i've ever heard, but worth listening to!
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Yogi Phlegm! Now we're talkin'. That was a Side-Sons band of Terry Haggerty's. Forget who else was in it. They got pretty "outside", saw them a couple times, in fact the band I was in played with them at the Lionshare in San Rafael! Haggerty is very into the improvisational side of jamming, and YP was pretty much a hit and run version of that IMO. You have to really like his playing style to like them. :)
Now - speaking of Side-Sons - post-Sons there was the Rhythm Dukes. Guess who was in that one?
I'm heading over to check out site out now. Thanks!
Oh man! this is great!!!
"Where's f###### Charlie!"
2:22 of "tuning". There ya go!
Gotta check this out.....
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The ever present tuning problem, yeah. Where were floor tuners???!!!!
After years of messing around with it, I finally got a floor tuner and it's been like the Pedal from Heaven.
I'd had one in a combo-unit, but it's nice to have the simple bypass feature, notch out, tune and go right
back to it.
Given that this was a New Years gig - Bill Graham used to do New Years concerts that were all nighters. I only got to one, at Winterland, probably 70 or 71. The idea was once you were in, you were there to stay. You could leave of course but who'd want to do that? Graham introduced the night we were at with classic Graham, saying "you know I don't agree with some of the stuff you guys do, the drugs and all of that, but tonight, do what you want, we're all amongst friends here". Something to that effect. It was quite a night. Worst set, an absolute toxic melt down was the Jefferson Airplane, only second time I'd seen them and the last. The Dead were very dead. But there was some good music that night, and the Sons played and came out - dressed in .... pajamas. Either night gown things or actual P.J.'s. Hag was wearing a long night cap on his head.
A night to remember!
Yeah, this is rough alright, but it's great to hear them! Thanks!
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Tower of Power
Get widdit! Check out Social Lubrication. Rocco Prestia on bass and Willie Fulton playing the funky Telecaster. Drums and Sax sound pretty good too.
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Sprawled --- WHAT A GREAT LINK!!
Thank you- thank you - thank you!! What a WEALTH of concerts there!
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Good to hear David G. on drums,
and Skip M. on the sax, again!!!
I was hesitant to register to this site -- but I did,
and IMMEDIATELY added it to my favorites -- after hearing one concert!!!
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In the absense of electronics, here's a cool little tuning "trick" that works for bass.
1. Tune the "a" string to a known constant such as the keyboard
2. Chime a harmonic on the 5th fret of the "a" string and let it ring
3. While that string is ringing, chime a harmonic on the 7th fret of "d" string
At this point note any oscillation between the two and eliminate it by correcting the "d" sting
(since you already know the "a" string is your constant)
4. Next, do the same with the 7th fret of the "d" string and the 14th fret of the "g" string
5. Lastly, repeat using the 5th fret of the "e" string and the7th fret of the "a" string
The idea is not to compare the sound of the notes but to eliminate any "oscillation".
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I hope this link works ---
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Very Nice, Mr. Miller! Good stuff. "Reach", I love that tune. Orleans/John Hall wrote it and the NGR version is great. Thanks!
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sprawled out
you're welcome. yeah, it's really something.
some artists are trying to close it down--even though they're paying royalties. it'd be a shame to see it go. my advice is, enjoy it while you can!
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A la prochaine
Sprawled Out,
I was listening to that sight and got into a 1970 CSNY concert.. all the bantering and carrying on on stage between the band members ... is absolutely halarious.
All the 'HEY MANs' and the 'I CAN DIG THATs' .... toooooo funny and nostalgic!
And the music is great... hearing Neil Young do 'Tell Me Why'.... was awesome!
Mr. Music Man... New Grass Revival... wow.. what a tight band!!!! I'd heard of the name ... but never heard them!
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And you know why I suspect! ;)
And I was just telling hubby why I hugged you and he said to ask you if you knew where the pizza cutter was (as he goes thru the utensil drawer).
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A la prochaine
Was mozing around that wonderful Wolfgang's Vault... and saw this one... a 1970's concert of James Taylor...
thought of you... it's a little 'hissy' but worth the listen.
enjoy Sweet Baby James Boy
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Wanna try a really cool theme? - try the Spiderman theme... the OLD version of it - it's in A minor and the last chord is like an A minor major 9th... (this is per hubby)
You know it...
Spiderman, Spiderman,
Does whatever a spider can
Spins a web, any size,
Catches thieves just like flies
Look Out!
Here comes the Spiderman.
Now, the rhythm guitar on it is doing like a descending chromatic A minor progression - the same chords as what's used in the song "Summertime" by Gershwin OR "Summer Rain" by Jonny Rivers OR (and get this!) "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zep. (Hubby has been teaching me the bass parts to these...)
Cool? Eh?
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(Does what a spider can?? I don't see him coming out of noses!!)
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Very cool! dmiller that's the stuff!!
Chas, I'm checking that out - it is a really slick tune. I've gotta dig into it. I found another clip - here - that is pretty ummm, different.
The pizza cutter is next to the old can opener, right by the cheese grater Chatty!
Now...on to some Taylor! Hmmmmmmmm nmmm!
Wow. He's so young there. I can't listen to Carolina in my Mind without getting lumpy though so I'd better go, well, there. :mellow:
Thanks, too. :)
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Have you been in my kitchen?
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