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----------- :dance: :dance: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!, Socks.--------- :dance: :dance:

Mark K. --Oh yeah! Good solid stuff. One of the few who doesn't seem to have caught the dreaded "Hey!, Look at ME!" syndrome.

That PBS show sounds like a real keeper. I'm pretty sure they will show excerpts from time to time. I'll be on the lookout.

Oh, that picture is me playing my '62 Hofner fretless.

(That's how old I'll be before I could afford to make that happen.)

Polar Bear----Downchild Blues Band is only a "local" band because,well, everybody has to live somewhere. They have been turning up on XM quite a bit lately. What a killer harp player Donnie is! There is another guy(Steve Brazier) who calls himself Mr. Downchild as well. He plays a National Resonator bottleneck style and blows incredible harp ala the rack. He also uses a wooden stompbox that he claims to have made from a board he found at the gravesite of Sonny Boy II. Whether or not he did is not important. What matters is he knows how to make it work. He is a masterful storyteller. Don't miss him if he makes it up north.

Happy New Year!( May it be filled with sounds that please)

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Birthdays? I'm not a day over 4,000 years old.

Sadly (gladly!?) this isn't my birthday. W :eusa_clap: When I registered on the 'new' GS board (which followed the 'old' GS board) I think it defautled to Jan. 1 or something and I never changed it. Then - last year? - it came up Jan. 1 and I thought I'd changed it. But I didn't I guess? Or maybe I did and the new board put it back? Or maybe I am really as old as I feel and I don't remember. :redface2::rolleyes:

Either way, I appreciate the kind thoughts anytime I can get 'em, as it can get pretty tough out here, don't have to tell y'all that. But it's been pretty nice lately. I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to the birthday thingie and it must have rolled over and popped me up. I'll have to change it.

You folks are fine too, you pickers and picker 'preciators!

MUCH good music, T-Bone! Wooo hoo!

Everyone's going to have a good year, I've gotten that verified. :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: Oookay, won't go there. But I do hope it's a good year of listening and learning for everyone!


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Am I going to be antsy until we move I wonder. I am having trouble being still inside and out. Dang!

David, great music! But I don't know bass's enough to know one from another.

This movie can't hold my attention either. Man this is gonna be a long winter. :unsure:

And David, anytime you would like to take the top back would be greatly appreciated. :)

The New Year hasn't seen me not have to edit I see. :asdf:

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Chatty!!! A la!!!! Moving!!!

A la, you're a moving experience, for sure. :biglaugh:

Chatty, I hope this is a really good thing for you and yours. That's great, and I don't envy you the packing but there's nothing like a move to groove ya! That means you've got a lot going on. When is the move planned, if I may ask?

Tampa!!! Fresh Grouper, hmmmmmmmmm.....just talking about that a week ago!

Speaking of Amazing Monkeys of the Sea (ASM's be praised), one of my New Year's resolutions ( a year ago ) was to try and start a myspace music site, and after a dozen aborted attempts I finally got it to work before the year ended. Whoopee, I guess I can check that off. I don't know if or how I'll pusue it but I suspect it's much easier to do than I made it. It might be a useful tool for others of you.

Anywayagain, I put a song up, "Desert Dance (I Like That Beat)", an aural ode to our little briney friends. I wrote it awhile back and posted up but this is reworked. And I think the link works below, if it does you just hit the Play arrow on the skanky looking page that comes up. It's as far as I've gotten on the page itself, which is nowhere. Probably best heard through ear phones or speakers loud, hope you enjoy it!

Desert Dance (I Like That Beat)

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:eusa_clap: how cool of you. And I loved your song which makes you want to dance to the beat in your seat! I'll also check out your site more tonight because I see you can add comments. And I know you have loads of friends so it seems to me that Tom needs some company. :wink2:

I don't have the patience to mess with new things like that the way I would like to. Maybe I will get over that.

We are moving in April most likely. And I have missed the seafood since we left. Remember how their seafood isle was as long as their meat one at some stores. Yum Yum!

I never thought I would be making that move but more and more it feels good to be doing it. And I am saying this in my head also to help prepare me for the humidity and the bugs.

Hugs and Kisses to you and yours! :wave:

I better stop posting before I go over the smilies limit.


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My friend from the sock drawer... I'll get over there soon to ask to be your friend and listen to the new (improved?) version of 'Desert Dance'...

...you know, you could have your kids help you with the myspace page, I'm sure either one of them or their friends know how to make it really spiffy!

IT IS Amazing!!!

...and CK... you can always get one of those big screen things to put around the pool in the backyard (is it called a Florida Room?)... one of my buds in St Pete has one and it's a neat thing...

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Yup, they are called Florida rooms. And quite nice since the weather there is often outdoors kind of days. I am getting more excited each day.

Guess what I just saw? I was heading to a noon appointment when flying past me goes this emergency vehicle with a gas hose still in his tank and the hose with attachment from the opposite end just flying in the wind. The thing dang near hit my car as I got out of his way. I bet he was some embarrassed with he arrived at the urgency scene he was headed to. :unsure:

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I'll do dat Polar Bear. Thanks! Ain't no Wes T-Bone, appreciate it though!

Chatty, I highly recommend seat-scootin' to the tune!

A la I have one friend still, Tom Strange visited and I dumped the other "Tom". Any friends who desire to friend-up please do!

Chatty, I don't wanna drive with you! You'll soon be in the land of Love Bugs (remember those?) and Palmetto bugs that kick sand at mice. Picture Bill Murray in Ghostbusters, heading up the elevator in that hotel, where the guy next to him asks who they are....He says "Exterminators. Somebody saw a cockroach". The guys says "That must be a helluva cockroach!" and Murray snorts, "Bite your head off".

Florida!! :biglaugh:

A la - the female voice is from Acid Loops, if I remember right. The percussion, and various sounds are sound samples too, edited and looped as needed. Bass and guitars are me.

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I was attacked by a swarm of flying roachs once. They got tangled up in my hair. I thought I would die that day. Then I painted one onto my leg trying to knock it off with a paint brush.

Oh my goodness.

Those dang flying roaches must be blind also because they fly run right into the wall.

And to listen to these one would think the places I saw them were dirty but the swarm were outside at a neighbors and the one that crawled up my leg was when I was painting the outside of the house.

Yuck, I don't want to think about that part anymore.

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I hear ya, CKathy. You've got a lot to look forward to though. Tampa - which part are you looking at?

I miss the warm gulf water. When our kids were little they loved the beaches off Clearwater. The fishing was awesome, fresh and saltwater. Most of the year you don't need more than a light jacket or sweatshirt, max. Great place to build up your collection of baseball caps. :biglaugh:

We used to head up the gulf coast towards the panhandle, and found a place named Cape San Blas. Absolutely beautiful, small bays, crystal clear water. Scalloping in knee deep water. Couple times we went for a few days we hauled the kids around on a little inflatable boat thingie and scalloped and shrimped in this one little bay for hours, scopp 'em up in little nets and toss up into a bucked of ice. NOTHing better than fresh scallop and shrimp that way. All kinds of horseshoe crabs lumbering along. Heavenly place!

Lots of cool music that way too. Florida's got a lot to offer, no question about it.

I always thought a blend of bluegrass and 'island' musics would be a cool sound, and it kinda rang in my ear when we lived there. The guitar, lap style like you're learning, maybe a mandolin and some percussion, with a bass. Light, reggae-ish but based on bluegrass music. Take the BG sound and add the lyrical qualities of some other stuff.

Gotta add - the fish. yeah, the fish aisles. Yeah! What I remember of Ohio fish is synonmous with "breaded". Lots of breaded and fried or baked fish. (although I made a serious dent in the bass population down around Shelby County myself!) But nothing beats just slapping that fillet in a pan with a little hot oil, some salt and pepper and a wack of lemon and vinegar added, hot off the skillet! Hmmmmmmmm.....healthy, cheap. Can't beat it.

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