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Hmmm, this just in. Perhaps this will shed more like on the Mosgeeters for A la. I know it did for me.

The root of the name is "Geeters". I'd always assumed that Geeters was short for Mosgeeters. Not so, apparently. There are actually two completely different breeds of the species.

There are Msgeeters, and they are of Irish descent.

There are also Mosgeeters, and these are of Scottish descent.

The musical buzz-like sounds of both are very similar but distinctly different.

Hope I'm not the only one surprised by that! :redface2:

Now - this really surprised me. When the earliest Geeters migrated out of their homeland(s) and came to America with the British settlers, nearly all the males immediately took up with the native species here - the "Skeeters". It was at this time that the names became confused by the Native Americans ("Indians"), and for many years the Ms prefix was thought to indicate the female gender of all Geeters, and the Mos was used to indicate the male. And - this is really interesting - amongst the Scottish Geeters the kilt wearing males were separated even further by name, so that for a time there were "Mosgeeters" - males, and "Masgeeters", which translated meant "Geeter that wear skirt". It's no wonder there's been so much confusion on these critters!

I hope this helps.

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Last I heard BB has been released and is recovering from what seems to have been a nasty bout of flu.

On the blues channel on XM(Bluesville 74), they call him The Mayor of Bluesville.

Pretty fitting, don'tcha think?

I think to really appreciate BB you have to listen to some of his really early stuff when he still played in a style that was heavily influenced by his role model, T-Bone Walker.

Interestingly, Duke Robillard( who has been around the block quite a few times himself) recently did a tribute tune to some of his influences("Bluesarama" I think it's called but I'm not sure.)

He goes around the circle of fifths and at each new key he pays homage to a different artist.

Most of them he replicates quite well but when he gets to BB King, the signature high note pull-off is conspicuously missing. I'm not sure what that is all about.

BB is (from interviews I've listened to) a deeply spiritual and humble man who is willing to give of himself to help others.

I wish him a speedy recovery and will keep him in my prayers.

Coolchef-----I sang baritone in a quartet(Gospel, not barbershop) a long time ago. We sang at ROA and SNS and it was a lot of fun. If I can find any info that would be helpful I will post it here.

Turn your radio on(turn your radio on)

Oh yes, and listen to the music in the air.

Turn your radio on.

Turn your radio on.

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  CoolChef said:
Can anyone advise me how to get a barber shop quarter going?

There are a few of us interested, but where to get the music etc


Hey there Chef -- are you looking for recorded music, or written??

I've been looking through websites for ya,

but not knowing what you need hampers the search.

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Mr. Music Man,

you said...

I'm doing my durndest to derail this into a fiddle thread.

Sadly -- It ain't a'working!!

If it makes you feel any better... my husband used to call guitars 'git-fiddles'

and by the way... YOUR FIDDLE IS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL... it must sound amazing!!! And such history!

When I saw the name JAQUES BOUQUAI... I knew we were talking old. 'JAQUES' is a very old spelling... these days it is spelt 'JACQUES'.


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Not familiar with any barbershop quartet information coolchef, sorry!

B.B. King is out and about! Great, thanks for that heads up coolchef and waysider. Continued prayer and good thoughts will do him good, so we can keep on that, for certain!

Well, the weekend around here has been a lot of cleaning, straightening and reorganizing, with some time off for good behavior.

I found something I'd all but forgotten about, a recording of a tune I wrote several years ago and then re-recorded in 04. I thought I'd share it, after a bit of tweaking it seems to be all there.

My intention was to write a "surf" song, or something that would be have the flavor of the 60's instrumentals that came out of that sound.

If you get a sec check it out. It's converted to mp3, and had to keep it semi-large, little over 5 megs I thnk. For what it's worth and for all you musical love bunnies on a chilly Northern California Sunday night - Sonoma Sunset (at Sunrise)

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  socks said:
Well, the weekend around here has been a lot of cleaning, straightening and reorganizing, with some time off for good behavior.

I found something I'd all but forgotten about, a recording of a tune I wrote several years ago and then re-recorded in 04. I thought I'd share it, after a bit of tweaking it seems to be all there.

My intention was to write a "surf" song, or something that would be have the flavor of the 60's instrumentals that came out of that sound.

If you get a sec check it out. It's converted to mp3, and had to keep it semi-large, little over 5 megs I thnk. For what it's worth and for all you musical love bunnies on a chilly Northern California Sunday night - Sonoma Sunset (at Sunrise)

Dang! -- when I clean, straighten, and organize around my house --

I NEVER find anything as good as that!


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I feel like surfing now? I love it socksman, simply love it! And I apologize cause I got carried away going to heck in a hand basket somewhere else around here and forgot to come back.

This one goes in my library...uh huh!!!!!

Oh poop on a stick. But David if you weren't right. :unsure:

This just ain't right. :biglaugh:

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I'm glad you're diggin' the sand and the surf Chatty!

I confess - I'm a surf pup, musically. Dig that sound, although I'm not a water-surfer-er. But I loved that stuff - Pipeline, Walk Don't Run, Sleepwalk, Let's Go Trippin'.

Two of my all time best fav's - Surfer Girl, and In My Room. And Don't Worry Baby. And God Only Knows.

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In my room.....far farming out song.....oh yeah!

And Don't Worry Baby.....oh yeah on that one also.


I'm making some sounds I call surf music with my sudo lap guitar now.

When we move to Florida and my dad comes to visit he is going to show me some tips on lap/steel playing. He has done so since I was a pup. Real sweet sounds he can make.

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  ChattyKathy said:
I feel like surfing now? I love it socksman, simply love it! And I apologize cause I got carried away going to heck in a hand basket somewhere else around here and forgot to come back.

This one goes in my library...uh huh!!!!!

Oh poop on a stick. But David if you weren't right. :unsure:

This just ain't right. :biglaugh:

Awww -- jest face it Kathy ----

You're the First Lady of the Guitar Thread!

You get top honors -- and that includes -- the Top of the Page!!


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Wow.. I like this Madi Haskell....nice nice nice.

I went and checked out her gig dates.... I was amazed how many gigs she did just around here.

THEN, I checked out her bio and BINGO... she's local... duh!

But thanks for pointing her out.. I'll certainly try to catch her around. LOVELY SOUND...

MR. Music Man,


I searched Fiddle on You tube and spent way too much time listening to fiddle tunes... and this one was as sweet as ever. What a melody!

OK.... OH MY.... Gillian Welch and Old Crow Medicine Show ......... I'm sure this will delight certain ears... (maybe) but to me...it's different and interesting and lush and delightful ...

The Weight

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Ala - thank you, thank you, thank you!

You just brought tears to my eyes.

That was John Lardinois, with his dad backing him up, on the guitar.

I met him here in Minney-soda way back when he was still a younker.

I knew him when he should've taken first in the Cotton Fiddle Contest,

(an annual event held here in Minney-soda),

but back then he took 3rd, or 2nd.

He finally got good enough to take first -- repeatedly,

and then became a judge for the contest.

Good Lord -- where have the years gone???

It seems like yesterday I was listening to him compete,

but now that I think on it -- it was more likely 15 years ago, or so.

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oh -- and a PS here --

He mentioned the tune Golden Fiddle Waltz was written by Randy Howard.

I have 4 or 5 tapes here at the house of Randy, playing in his living room,

backed up by his girlfriend on guitar.

Randy was one of the greatest *sidemen* in Nashville,

and sadly he passed away at a young age (I'll have to dig for specifics on this one).

The tapes I have, were given to me by Shadd Cobb --

who was introduced (by myself and another friend of mine up here),

to Bashful Brother Oswald (Pete Kirby), Charlie Collins, and Roy Acuff.

When Randy passed away -- he willed his best fiddle to Shadd.

Shadd made it big time in Nashville, as did his younger brother Jesse.

You can hear either or both of them on the Grand Old Opry each week.

I'm humbled to have had the shadows of great people cross my path,

even if they were teenagers, when it happened.

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Well Mr. Music Man you made my day too!!

I must have listened to about 10 pages of fiddle videos yesterday...trying to find the right one to post.

That video was the ONLY one that stood out to me.

John is an excellent violinist and you can certainly see his classical training come through. His playing is impeccable. It's one thing to play a fast tune and make a million notes, but it's another thing to play a slow tune and make every note sing.

Bravo John.

Cool to hear of your connections Mr. Music Man... and to hear that these people have done so well in with their abilities and gifts.

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