Chatty, I'm glad you caught that song and liked it! I've about 3 versions into it at this point. It's taking shape slowly. I've got a rhythm version of it that I'm using in lessons too, so that's interesting to hear other people learning that song for the first time. It's instantly recognizable and has instant vibe, even for people who weren't born then! :)
Music is so cool like that. Better than bell bottom jeans.
Vince Gill, Chatty, any tunes in particular you're diggin'? I love his playing on "Worlds Apart", and "Whenever You Come Around" is a killah. "Pretty Little Adriana" - some very tasty playing and really a nice sound.
An artist that goes way back that Gill reminds me of is Jesse Colin Young, of the Youngbloods. We've seen him many times, he still performs and is around Nothern California, lives out by Point Reyes. He used to split his time between there and Hawaii. His voice has a really sweet sound, like Gill's. Young had a unique country-folk-rock sound when he went solo - "Love On the Wing" is really worth a listen. If I can find it I'll post it up online. I played with him on a bill with the Youngbloods and the band I was in at the time named "Cosby". :) He was a pretty nice guy and sounded as good live, backstage, in the parking lot, as he did on record. Just a truly natural talent.
Many thanks dmiller-------This is perhaps one of the greatest blues albums ever released. This is one of those projects where you completely forget about technique and become lost in the raw emotion that was captured.
As a side note(Perhaps of interest to T-Bone and Chas.): The bass player on this one is Donald"Duck"Dunn who paid the bills by playing for Booker T and The MG's but is perhaps best known as the bass player for "The Blues Brothers". Muddy's slide work is like a measuring stick for future bottleneck players. Sam Lay and Buddy Miles are still out working though I'm not sure of "Duck"s' current status.
Thanks again for posting that pic.
Man oh man! Every time I come back to this thread I find another CD I’ve gotta get. That sounds like a good one, Waysider – thanks for mentioning it and Donald Duck Dunn – geez that guy gets around check out his discography
Just watching Dunn play is soothing – a very mellow fellow…
My want list keeps growing and growing…Ever hear of the London Howlin’ Wolf Sessions? I used to have the LP – gotta get that one again on CD…interesting guests: Eric Clapton; Lafayette Leake; Steve Winwood; Hubert Sumlin; Bill Wyman; Phil Upchurch; Charlie Watts.
Ditto on Allyson Krausse. Love her stuff. She has the only band I've ever heard that sounds as good live as they do on a recording. Speaking of recording, I just got my new recording studio up and running. Just bought an AKG precision 1000 recording mike. It's great for vocal and/or guitar. I'ts available for anyone to use should you want to make your own CD just let me know. I'm as excited as a pig in shi*.
I know you! You play a beautiful guitar. Small world here, man oh man. I was singing that day wasn't I? :unsure: Did you know I was me before Ala told you who I was?
Chatty-I didn't know who you were until Ala told me. Now I remember. We were in Columbus Ohio, you and Ted played and then we did a couple of tunes. It was fun. I'm not a great guitarist just a hacker="maybe someday I'll be a rock star".
As for the studio someone asked-I've got the AKG Mike going into a Behringer mixer into my computor with a couple of recording programs -patch mix, emu0404, cubase, band in a box, pro tracks then I've purchased a couple or Yorkville monitors which can also be used for live performance. It's good to hear exactly what the mix will sound like it would in front of a live audience. Since we are into boating most of my recent stuff sounds similar to Jimmy Buffet's. Maybe I'm turning into a parrothead "oh my God".
I have gone to Jimmy Buffet's concerts and he is wonderful. He talks to the audience like it's a big back yard party. He is warm and personable and then he sings. Oh goodness but he is enjoyable without question.
I remember you playing much better than you give yourself credit for! :) And that was a trip because the sound source we were using was not where we had thought it was to be and it affected at least one of our songs I remember. But y'all were wonderful, simply wonderful.
This has got to be the weirdest thing ever seeing Chatty and PB connecting or re-connecting in these past few posts...
When I first came to GS and befriended Chatty we got on like 2 peas in a pod... we'd chat away for hours... the usual girl thing!
At this time PB and my sister were still in TWI and had broken ties with family members such as TWI encouraged.
To say the least, I hadn't seen them in a quite a while.
One day, Chatty tells me she had attended a meeting (the one that they speak of above), and she told me she had met a 'Canadian' couple. She explained to me that they had sung and the husband played guitar.
I sat there starring at my screen not believing what I was reading... she had spoken to my sister and even been invited to come to Canada boating. :blink:
So here I sat, 500 miles away, chatting with someone I have never met, who now had met my sister. It had to be the strangest thing ever ??? :wacko:
It was only months later that my sister called and announced that they had left TWI. They came over shortly after this and all was rekindled.
Chatty you're in my life wether you like it or not ... and now seeing you and PB carrying on here has to be the most bizarro thing... but it's a good bizarro!
Chatty.... was that YOU there at the TOP of the page posting??? :o
I think it is too fun! I swear when he said he knew me and I realized who he was it was similar to that moment when you told me with such enthusiasm that I swear we both had to get up and do the snoopy dance by our PC's eh! :)
You told the story like it was yesterday.
The world is to big to be so small. Sometimes I think this stuff is just to make our lives have richness. It adds to us and that is a good thing. Cause knowing you has only added to me Ala.
polar bear,
I should have mentioned that Ted is the recorder of all that we did. I helped him at best.
And did you know that he (Ted Ferrell for others reading) married one of our greasespoters? Her name is Moon Girl. But both have been very busy since marriage and we don't see them much.
But Ala is right isn't she? When I realized who it was I had met it almost freaked me out cause how could it be with all the people in the world. But it's interesting to me that the reason we were there is someone I still cherish. Regrets!
Give my love to that beautiful wife of yours and that someday I will take her up on her offer to come up boating. I assume the invitation to still be open. :unsure:
But I don't like it up there at all. Even if I think I'll end up there I go for it because what am I going to do wait for someone to post. Heck by then I'll have forgotten it.
So there I am at work with my XM radio tuned to Bluseville 74 when the on- air personality,Bill Wax, says "Here's a new 'Pick To Click'(featured CD) by The Sean Carney Band." My ears perked up because Sean is a local guy and I have seen him perform too many times to count. Here he is on satellite radio for all the world to hear and dig. The blues community here is a tightly woven bunch. Sean also plays with Teeny Tucker's Driving Wheel. ( Teeny is the daughter of the late Tommy Tucker who you may remember for his big hit"High Heeled Sneakers".) Also woven in the mix is "Tupelo" Willie Pooch who it turns out is also showing up with some regularity on XM. Add to that, Mike Gililland whose harp work has enhanced all of the above ,not to mention his own band The Delta Sheiks.( Hey Chatty, ever heard of "The Delta Sheiks"? )
Sean is one of those players who doesn't waste time with a bunch of throw away notes that do nothing but say "Hey!, look how fast I can play!" His work is well thought out and very tasteful. It is reminiscent of T-Bone Walker, Pee Wee Crayton , Johnny Watson and even Jay Giles ( The guitar player, not his band.) If you lean toward that clean, straight to the point style of the '40s and '50s this is one is to seek out . It's called " Life Of Ease" and it's on Nite Owlz records. Sean will be touring western Canada extensively in the near future.
Meanwhile he will be getting some much deserved airplay on Bluesville.
So there I am at work with my XM radio tuned to Bluseville 74 when the on- air personality,Bill Wax, says "Here's a new 'Pick To Click'(featured CD) by The Sean Carney Band." My ears perked up because Sean is a local guy and I have seen him perform too many times to count. Here he is on satellite radio for all the world to hear and dig. The blues community here is a tightly woven bunch. Sean also plays with Teeny Tucker's Driving Wheel. ( Teeny is the daughter of the late Tommy Tucker who you may remember for his big hit"High Heeled Sneakers".) Also woven in the mix is "Tupelo" Willie Pooch who it turns out is also showing up with some regularity on XM. Add to that, Mike Gililland whose harp work has enhanced all of the above ,not to mention his own band The Delta Sheiks.( Hey Chatty, ever heard of "The Delta Sheiks"? )
Sean is one of those players who doesn't waste time with a bunch of throw away notes that do nothing but say "Hey!, look how fast I can play!" His work is well thought out and very tasteful. It is reminiscent of T-Bone Walker, Pee Wee Crayton , Johnny Watson and even Jay Giles ( The guitar player, not his band.) If you lean toward that clean, straight to the point style of the '40s and '50s this is one is to seek out . It's called " Life Of Ease" and it's on Nite Owlz records. Sean will be touring western Canada extensively in the near future.
Meanwhile he will be getting some much deserved airplay on Bluesville.
OMG! The world is just too small; I just can hardly believe it. You know what don't ya? Whoever wants to get together needs to do that some night and go see "The Delta Sheiks" and I'll introduce you to Sam (Sammy). He is a cool guy and his office is the next one after mine. He's in the computer room. He loves Dwight Yoakam and about once a month he gets on a nonstop Dwight all day long. I smile as I get near his office because I do the same thing in my office. Right now it is Mark Knopfler. Well it has been for quite a while. What an odd thing ya know. Eric Clapton moved not a half hour up the road and I haven't even tried to go run into him. But Mark Knopfler does all kinds of music, I swear I have country, Scottish, blues, jazz, rock, instrumentals some of which are themes, I think there is more but the man is amazing. He is just amazing.
Um, I'm sorry what were we talking about.....oh yeah my coworker that plays guitar for TDS. Well, I guess we are done with that part actually.
When you going to see Sean Carney again? And yup, I just invited myself. :)
Polar Bear---------I really can't comment on Sirius because I haven't listened to it very much. I have had XM for about 2 years now and it kicks the beans out of broadcast radio. There are over 125 music stations alone not to mention comedy, sports, kids etc. The music stations have no commercials. They have a 60's station, a 70' station , an 80's station, etc. What I have found is that just like regular radio you find your favorites and spend most of your time on those. For me, I spend my time on the blues and jazz stations as well as the '60s station.
Here's an example: At Christmas they will have about 6 or 7 Christmas music stations. One will be classics, one will be novelty, one will be country, one will be a mix of all the above and so on. You can listen on line for a few days to try them out for free. I think Sirius offers a similar promotion. You have an initial investment in your receiver,etc. plus a start up fee (I think about $10) and a monthly fee which is about $13. Additional tuners on the same plan are about $7 monthly. People at work have aked me why I would pay for what I can already get on regular radio. I just chuckle because the answer to that is you CAN'T get it on regular radio. Also, because it is sent out on satellite feed, you can listen to the same station uninterupted from NYC to LA. Can you imagine going from cable TV back to regular broadcasts? Me neither.
Ck--------Sean is back on the road at the moment but he will be in town on 12/23 for one more 2006 show.He will be playing at that club owned by " you know who's" father in law. I'm up for it.
Oh! DialThis had his Spacetone tweeked by a guitar tech. so I'm anxious to see the results. He asked me to send his regards as his access to" da web" is quite limited at the moment.
First song I learned all the guitar parts on. I was only about 11 or so, had barely a feel for how the blues progression worked, but managed to figure it out. I was all over the neck, didn't know the C positions at the time. Cool tune.
Socks-------Teeny almost always does that tune in her shows, not to capitalize, but to pay homage to her dad.
And did I mention the lady has some pretty heavy vocal talents of her own? She and Sean seem to click on stage like "peas and carrots". Check out his guitar work and offer an opinon if you don't mind. I think he passed the "look at me" phase long ago.
Hi waysider, I checked out one tune I found, "I Believe I'll Give It Up", very nice. He does have a real straight forward style, and great tone. I like it, nice to get hipped to more new music. :) His playing is a reminder of how much good stuff there is to play that doesn't get played much anymore. And you can hear the tone of his guitar, a hollow body electric, different than the solid body Fender sound in blues. Nice stuff.
His playing reminds me of a guy out here in Northern California named Paul Wood, in approach if not sound, who's been doing blues since he was a teenager. I knew him back in high school and we jammed a few times, never got together though. He's been at it for years and doing it well. Paul Wood I keep thinking I'll catch up to him at some point.
Thanks for the music, A la. That is a great tune, isn't it? Mayer is a true SRV fan, by his own admission his inspiration. And Vaughn was heavily influenced by Hendrix of course. So you have a straight line from Hendrix to Mayer. Which explains why Mayer's sought out Buddy Guy, as Guy was an influence of Hendrix's. :)
The English style of 60's blues was very diverse, but you could argue breaking it out to two sounds - the Gibson sound and the Fender Telecaster. The Fender Stratocaster wasn't quite as popular amongst the early blues guitarists in England in the 60's, till Hendrix hit. Strat's were always associated with clean sounds, rhythm instruments. Which made it an ideal guitar for Hendrix's chordal style of rock-blues, all the little melodic things he played with chords, even in his heaviest sound.
The Gibsons - SG, Les Paul, 335's were all popular guitars at that time and had a thicker sound, more fluid. The pickups are easier to manipulate that kind of sound out of them, and players like Clapton innovated the sound of players like BB and Freddie, Albert, Hubert Sumlin and others into a more fluid 'legato' style of playing blues. That became a very popular sound, and a lot of guitarists took to it.
Same time other guitarists, notably Jeff Beck, used the Telecaster and grabbed sounds out of it that were sharper, with more bite. Beck switched to a Les Paul after awhile when he went solo and quickly turned to the Stratocaster, which is still his main guitar today.
In the middle of this Hendrix pretty much blew a hole through it all and showed up with a Strat. The ideal r and b rhythm guitar, good for rock, soul, blues, you name it. Beat the hell out of it, it still plays. And it has a very characterstic sound, a quality that always speaks for itself, so to speak, regardless of what you do with it. It allowed Henderix to maintain some tonal integrity even at the extremely high volumes he played at. A Strat played loud still sounds like a Strat in other words, but loud. :) And there's a lot of resonance in the guitar's construction, a lot of sound he got out of it by playing it different ways.
One of the things that Vaughn did in playing a Strat and grabbing a lot of Hendrix's sound and style was move decisively away from the fluid legato Gibsonn style of English blues ala Clapton and build on a strong, resonant blues-rock sound with the Strat more like the southern player Albert Collins, Albert King, and others.
There's no arguing that Clapton's sound shaped the future of rock and blues guitar tone and style. But when you hear Hendrix, you hear another voice, as I think you do with Vaughn and now Mayer. Mayer's made a deliberate choice of instrument and influence. In there you can definitely hear a lot of different styles and he moves amongst them at will. Pretty soon I would think we'll hear more stuff like "Belief" and "Good Love Is on the Way", where the style isn't directly from these other guys and is more him. He's got the time, and the audience to support it. :)
And I'd miss a chunk of funk if I didn't put Michael Bloomfield in here, as he was a rock then a blues player who went from a Fender Telecaster to a Gibson Les Paul as his instruments of choice. His voice was a really unique one, based on all the early electric blues players but much more energetic and emotional. He'd be more in the vein of a Vaughn to me, in energy in that he was dead-on from the get go and constantly full of ideas. He wasn't nearly as diverse as Hendrix but he stood out on his own during this period. When he really got control of the Les Paul he was a master of working tone and nuance out of it using exceptional technique, almost like it was wired to his heart through his head. He wasn't really advanced musically (although in his day he broke ground) but he was way off the chart developing his own style of electric blues. For me, he was an inspiration in many ways, good and bad. But his playing was killah, no matter what else he did around it. Eventually his lifestyle got the best of him though, sadly.
Players like Sean Carney are kind of unique I think because they're not going in any of those directions really. His sounds connects more directly to the earlier players I think, and would mix right in with the 40's and 50's blues and rock as it was played. It's cool.
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Music is so cool like that. Better than bell bottom jeans.
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Vince Gill, Chatty, any tunes in particular you're diggin'? I love his playing on "Worlds Apart", and "Whenever You Come Around" is a killah. "Pretty Little Adriana" - some very tasty playing and really a nice sound.
An artist that goes way back that Gill reminds me of is Jesse Colin Young, of the Youngbloods. We've seen him many times, he still performs and is around Nothern California, lives out by Point Reyes. He used to split his time between there and Hawaii. His voice has a really sweet sound, like Gill's. Young had a unique country-folk-rock sound when he went solo - "Love On the Wing" is really worth a listen. If I can find it I'll post it up online. I played with him on a bill with the Youngbloods and the band I was in at the time named "Cosby". :) He was a pretty nice guy and sounded as good live, backstage, in the parking lot, as he did on record. Just a truly natural talent.
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I do hope you can find it to post. Yes indeed!
Vince Gill did pretty much all of em just right IMHO so anything you have would be most welcomed. Thank you.
You've had some cool opportunities haven't ya. Your nature would draw folks to ya I think also.
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Man oh man! Every time I come back to this thread I find another CD I’ve gotta get. That sounds like a good one, Waysider – thanks for mentioning it and Donald Duck Dunn – geez that guy gets around check out his discography
Just watching Dunn play is soothing – a very mellow fellow…
My want list keeps growing and growing…Ever hear of the London Howlin’ Wolf Sessions? I used to have the LP – gotta get that one again on CD…interesting guests: Eric Clapton; Lafayette Leake; Steve Winwood; Hubert Sumlin; Bill Wyman; Phil Upchurch; Charlie Watts.
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There's that duck word again. :unsure:
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I know you! You play a beautiful guitar. Small world here, man oh man. I was singing that day wasn't I? :unsure: Did you know I was me before Ala told you who I was?
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polar bear
Chatty-I didn't know who you were until Ala told me. Now I remember. We were in Columbus Ohio, you and Ted played and then we did a couple of tunes. It was fun. I'm not a great guitarist just a hacker="maybe someday I'll be a rock star".
As for the studio someone asked-I've got the AKG Mike going into a Behringer mixer into my computor with a couple of recording programs -patch mix, emu0404, cubase, band in a box, pro tracks then I've purchased a couple or Yorkville monitors which can also be used for live performance. It's good to hear exactly what the mix will sound like it would in front of a live audience. Since we are into boating most of my recent stuff sounds similar to Jimmy Buffet's. Maybe I'm turning into a parrothead "oh my God".
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I have gone to Jimmy Buffet's concerts and he is wonderful. He talks to the audience like it's a big back yard party. He is warm and personable and then he sings. Oh goodness but he is enjoyable without question.
I remember you playing much better than you give yourself credit for! :) And that was a trip because the sound source we were using was not where we had thought it was to be and it affected at least one of our songs I remember. But y'all were wonderful, simply wonderful.
So fun to know you here also.
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polar bear
Chatty-Your stuff was great. Nice backing tracks. I'm working on some too.
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You are too kind!
I've heard a tad about y'alls boating from Ala and have envied every moment. :)
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A la prochaine
This has got to be the weirdest thing ever seeing Chatty and PB connecting or re-connecting in these past few posts...
When I first came to GS and befriended Chatty we got on like 2 peas in a pod... we'd chat away for hours... the usual girl thing!
At this time PB and my sister were still in TWI and had broken ties with family members such as TWI encouraged.
To say the least, I hadn't seen them in a quite a while.
One day, Chatty tells me she had attended a meeting (the one that they speak of above), and she told me she had met a 'Canadian' couple. She explained to me that they had sung and the husband played guitar.
I sat there starring at my screen not believing what I was reading... she had spoken to my sister and even been invited to come to Canada boating. :blink:
So here I sat, 500 miles away, chatting with someone I have never met, who now had met my sister. It had to be the strangest thing ever ??? :wacko:
It was only months later that my sister called and announced that they had left TWI. They came over shortly after this and all was rekindled.
Chatty you're in my life wether you like it or not ... and now seeing you and PB carrying on here has to be the most bizarro thing... but it's a good bizarro!
Chatty.... was that YOU there at the TOP of the page posting??? :o
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I think it is too fun! I swear when he said he knew me and I realized who he was it was similar to that moment when you told me with such enthusiasm that I swear we both had to get up and do the snoopy dance by our PC's eh! :)
You told the story like it was yesterday.
The world is to big to be so small. Sometimes I think this stuff is just to make our lives have richness. It adds to us and that is a good thing. Cause knowing you has only added to me Ala.
polar bear,
I should have mentioned that Ted is the recorder of all that we did. I helped him at best.
And did you know that he (Ted Ferrell for others reading) married one of our greasespoters? Her name is Moon Girl. But both have been very busy since marriage and we don't see them much.
But Ala is right isn't she? When I realized who it was I had met it almost freaked me out cause how could it be with all the people in the world. But it's interesting to me that the reason we were there is someone I still cherish. Regrets!
Give my love to that beautiful wife of yours and that someday I will take her up on her offer to come up boating. I assume the invitation to still be open. :unsure:
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Tom Strange
it's good to see you back at the top of the page talking doll!
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You are a cutie!
But I don't like it up there at all. Even if I think I'll end up there I go for it because what am I going to do wait for someone to post. Heck by then I'll have forgotten it.
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So there I am at work with my XM radio tuned to Bluseville 74 when the on- air personality,Bill Wax, says "Here's a new 'Pick To Click'(featured CD) by The Sean Carney Band." My ears perked up because Sean is a local guy and I have seen him perform too many times to count. Here he is on satellite radio for all the world to hear and dig. The blues community here is a tightly woven bunch. Sean also plays with Teeny Tucker's Driving Wheel. ( Teeny is the daughter of the late Tommy Tucker who you may remember for his big hit"High Heeled Sneakers".) Also woven in the mix is "Tupelo" Willie Pooch who it turns out is also showing up with some regularity on XM. Add to that, Mike Gililland whose harp work has enhanced all of the above ,not to mention his own band The Delta Sheiks.( Hey Chatty, ever heard of "The Delta Sheiks"?
Sean is one of those players who doesn't waste time with a bunch of throw away notes that do nothing but say "Hey!, look how fast I can play!" His work is well thought out and very tasteful. It is reminiscent of T-Bone Walker, Pee Wee Crayton , Johnny Watson and even Jay Giles ( The guitar player, not his band.) If you lean toward that clean, straight to the point style of the '40s and '50s this is one is to seek out . It's called " Life Of Ease" and it's on Nite Owlz records. Sean will be touring western Canada extensively in the near future.
Meanwhile he will be getting some much deserved airplay on Bluesville.
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polar bear
Hey Waysider. Is Xm radio worth it. And what do you think about Sirius. I've justn been listin' to good old fashioned CDs and radio so far.
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OMG! The world is just too small; I just can hardly believe it. You know what don't ya? Whoever wants to get together needs to do that some night and go see "The Delta Sheiks" and I'll introduce you to Sam (Sammy). He is a cool guy and his office is the next one after mine. He's in the computer room. He loves Dwight Yoakam and about once a month he gets on a nonstop Dwight all day long. I smile as I get near his office because I do the same thing in my office. Right now it is Mark Knopfler. Well it has been for quite a while. What an odd thing ya know. Eric Clapton moved not a half hour up the road and I haven't even tried to go run into him.
But Mark Knopfler does all kinds of music, I swear I have country, Scottish, blues, jazz, rock, instrumentals some of which are themes, I think there is more but the man is amazing. He is just amazing.
Um, I'm sorry what were we talking about.....oh yeah my coworker that plays guitar for TDS. Well, I guess we are done with that part actually.
When you going to see Sean Carney again? And yup, I just invited myself. :)
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Polar Bear---------I really can't comment on Sirius because I haven't listened to it very much. I have had XM for about 2 years now and it kicks the beans out of broadcast radio. There are over 125 music stations alone not to mention comedy, sports, kids etc. The music stations have no commercials. They have a 60's station, a 70' station , an 80's station, etc. What I have found is that just like regular radio you find your favorites and spend most of your time on those. For me, I spend my time on the blues and jazz stations as well as the '60s station.
Here's an example: At Christmas they will have about 6 or 7 Christmas music stations. One will be classics, one will be novelty, one will be country, one will be a mix of all the above and so on. You can listen on line for a few days to try them out for free. I think Sirius offers a similar promotion. You have an initial investment in your receiver,etc. plus a start up fee (I think about $10) and a monthly fee which is about $13. Additional tuners on the same plan are about $7 monthly. People at work have aked me why I would pay for what I can already get on regular radio. I just chuckle because the answer to that is you CAN'T get it on regular radio. Also, because it is sent out on satellite feed, you can listen to the same station uninterupted from NYC to LA. Can you imagine going from cable TV back to regular broadcasts? Me neither.
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Ck--------Sean is back on the road at the moment but he will be in town on 12/23 for one more 2006 show.He will be playing at that club owned by " you know who's" father in law. I'm up for it.
Oh! DialThis had his Spacetone tweeked by a guitar tech. so I'm anxious to see the results. He asked me to send his regards as his access to" da web" is quite limited at the moment.
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Ah, now we're gettin' it. Some Tommy Tucker, High Heeled Sneakers
First song I learned all the guitar parts on. I was only about 11 or so, had barely a feel for how the blues progression worked, but managed to figure it out. I was all over the neck, didn't know the C positions at the time. Cool tune.
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Socks-------Teeny almost always does that tune in her shows, not to capitalize, but to pay homage to her dad.
And did I mention the lady has some pretty heavy vocal talents of her own? She and Sean seem to click on stage like "peas and carrots". Check out his guitar work and offer an opinon if you don't mind. I think he passed the "look at me" phase long ago.
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A la prochaine
I'm feeling like a real dunce here
just listened to
it's John Mayer all over ... except John Mayer is Stevie Ray all over again...
MY god they are so close...
freaky to say the least
john in a vw commercial
a jimi hendrix tune here
i'm completely kerfuffled :blink:
pièce de résistance...
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"kerfuffled"?-------- :blink:
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Hi waysider, I checked out one tune I found, "I Believe I'll Give It Up", very nice. He does have a real straight forward style, and great tone. I like it, nice to get hipped to more new music. :) His playing is a reminder of how much good stuff there is to play that doesn't get played much anymore. And you can hear the tone of his guitar, a hollow body electric, different than the solid body Fender sound in blues. Nice stuff.
His playing reminds me of a guy out here in Northern California named Paul Wood, in approach if not sound, who's been doing blues since he was a teenager. I knew him back in high school and we jammed a few times, never got together though. He's been at it for years and doing it well. Paul Wood I keep thinking I'll catch up to him at some point.
Thanks for the music, A la. That is a great tune, isn't it? Mayer is a true SRV fan, by his own admission his inspiration. And Vaughn was heavily influenced by Hendrix of course. So you have a straight line from Hendrix to Mayer. Which explains why Mayer's sought out Buddy Guy, as Guy was an influence of Hendrix's. :)
The English style of 60's blues was very diverse, but you could argue breaking it out to two sounds - the Gibson sound and the Fender Telecaster. The Fender Stratocaster wasn't quite as popular amongst the early blues guitarists in England in the 60's, till Hendrix hit. Strat's were always associated with clean sounds, rhythm instruments. Which made it an ideal guitar for Hendrix's chordal style of rock-blues, all the little melodic things he played with chords, even in his heaviest sound.
The Gibsons - SG, Les Paul, 335's were all popular guitars at that time and had a thicker sound, more fluid. The pickups are easier to manipulate that kind of sound out of them, and players like Clapton innovated the sound of players like BB and Freddie, Albert, Hubert Sumlin and others into a more fluid 'legato' style of playing blues. That became a very popular sound, and a lot of guitarists took to it.
Same time other guitarists, notably Jeff Beck, used the Telecaster and grabbed sounds out of it that were sharper, with more bite. Beck switched to a Les Paul after awhile when he went solo and quickly turned to the Stratocaster, which is still his main guitar today.
In the middle of this Hendrix pretty much blew a hole through it all and showed up with a Strat. The ideal r and b rhythm guitar, good for rock, soul, blues, you name it. Beat the hell out of it, it still plays. And it has a very characterstic sound, a quality that always speaks for itself, so to speak, regardless of what you do with it. It allowed Henderix to maintain some tonal integrity even at the extremely high volumes he played at. A Strat played loud still sounds like a Strat in other words, but loud. :) And there's a lot of resonance in the guitar's construction, a lot of sound he got out of it by playing it different ways.
One of the things that Vaughn did in playing a Strat and grabbing a lot of Hendrix's sound and style was move decisively away from the fluid legato Gibsonn style of English blues ala Clapton and build on a strong, resonant blues-rock sound with the Strat more like the southern player Albert Collins, Albert King, and others.
There's no arguing that Clapton's sound shaped the future of rock and blues guitar tone and style. But when you hear Hendrix, you hear another voice, as I think you do with Vaughn and now Mayer. Mayer's made a deliberate choice of instrument and influence. In there you can definitely hear a lot of different styles and he moves amongst them at will. Pretty soon I would think we'll hear more stuff like "Belief" and "Good Love Is on the Way", where the style isn't directly from these other guys and is more him. He's got the time, and the audience to support it. :)
And I'd miss a chunk of funk if I didn't put Michael Bloomfield in here, as he was a rock then a blues player who went from a Fender Telecaster to a Gibson Les Paul as his instruments of choice. His voice was a really unique one, based on all the early electric blues players but much more energetic and emotional. He'd be more in the vein of a Vaughn to me, in energy in that he was dead-on from the get go and constantly full of ideas. He wasn't nearly as diverse as Hendrix but he stood out on his own during this period. When he really got control of the Les Paul he was a master of working tone and nuance out of it using exceptional technique, almost like it was wired to his heart through his head. He wasn't really advanced musically (although in his day he broke ground) but he was way off the chart developing his own style of electric blues. For me, he was an inspiration in many ways, good and bad. But his playing was killah, no matter what else he did around it. Eventually his lifestyle got the best of him though, sadly.
Players like Sean Carney are kind of unique I think because they're not going in any of those directions really. His sounds connects more directly to the earlier players I think, and would mix right in with the 40's and 50's blues and rock as it was played. It's cool.
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