Hey Jonny! If your interested, I have one of these that I hardly ever use. In fact, it probably has less than 5 hours total use since I've owned it. Thought I would use it a lot, but I don't use many effects, so it just kind of got put on a shelf.
The modulation effects and the delay are great. The different overdrives are also pretty cool, and I think your son would like playing with them. The reverbs suck but I'm spoiled by long spring reverb so maybe I'm just a reverb snob. The noise supression is good, the compressor is just so-so. The expression pedal has some neat settings (voice in particular gives some cool sounds).
It's stereo, so with the right setup, you can get some good stuff out of it. It even has a rotary effect which is pretty cool for those of us who can't afford a genuine Leslie. :)
If your interested, let me know. It's just collecting dust on a shelf right now.
Man can I ever relate to THAT! If it doesn't sound good, or play easily --- I don't want it. I think that is especially true with acoustic instruments. And --- the only way to know how they sound or how they play, is to try 'em out first! B)
We've bought two guitars and one amp over the internet now and have been very pleased (or just lucky) with the results. I gotta admit, it's a bit scarey to do, but when you're looking at used instruments, you don't have two or three to play, like you would in a music store with a bunch of new stock sitting around. We've only had one guitar with any problems - the Epiphone has a Bigsby trem that had a really loose arm - and the action was a little high. So, we had to put a little money into it when it arrived... (less than $100...)
I don't know about where you guys live, but we only have about five good music stores in the state - only one carries a good amount of stock - Guitar Center - which is kind of a Wal-Mart of music stores. The others are privite owned, a little pricey, but we prefer them for service because they have good techs there.
Bluezman - Leslie speakers - those are just plain cool!
I didn't know what it was until last summer when we saw Vanilla Fudge - we were in like the 6th row or something. Anyhow, the moment I saw the spinning speaker in the amp and heard the sound, I knew what that was, it was like, "So, THAT'S how they make that effect! Cool!" I just didn't know what it was called - now I'm more edumacated.... (Steppenwolf used it, too - perfect for that late 60's psychadellic sound)....
My grandma, and her sister were both into keyboards. My great-grandpa (a doctor, with some money), bought my grandma a baby grand piano, and her sister (my great aunt), an organ -- complete with a Leslie speaker (which was a seperate unit -- about 3 feet wide, and 3 feet tall), that stood separate from the organ itself, which had 3 keyboards, foot pedals, etc.
I inherited the piano (a Wilhelm Knabe) when my grandmother passed away, and her sister (my great-aunt Grace) passed away 2 years before she did --- and the family (not knowing I was interested in obtaining that organ), sold it before I could say I would like to have it.
The very sad ending to this story is --- they sold the entire thing for $400.00. :( :(
I purchased my first truly new guitar about 4 years ago from a music seller on Ebay (for about $200) -
a (Korean-made) "Springfield" classical-electric guitar (essentially a classical guitar with a built-in piezo pickup). I wanted a classical guitar I could plug into my computer to record with. Aside from making a slight adjustment to the truss rod and throwing on good strings, it has a very nice sound, fine action and has served me very well so far.
I also picked a cheap Spanish-made "Magerit" classical guitar off Ebay for about $80. I had rescued another beat-up "Magerit' from a friend's closet many years before, which I had fixed up and carried around everywhere and played many jams over the years before it got damaged at a party. I think the thing was made out of cheap Spanish plywood, but damn, I loved the sound, and I composed a lot of decent tunes on it. I'm not as enamored with the newer Magerit - I'm treating it too nicely. I think it needs a set of cheap Labella "folk guitar" strings, and needs to be removed from its case and tossed in a closet for a couple years to age rightly (lol). It's better made than my previous Magerit, which may be the problem.
All my other guitars have essentially been hand-me-downs and tag sale specials. A 'Harmony' steel string folk guitar (out in the garage, with an old Lowe organ also given to me); my Ventura (Gibson ES copy) jazz electric guitar in the living room; and my latest addition, an old ukelele given to me by my mother-in-law (which she had bought for her husband years ago, but who never took an interest in it).
It's funny, but I didn't take a guitar with me when I went WOW in '83. But two guitars 'found me' nonetheless, one being a 12 string Guild guitar which was lent me by someone whose father was in the Doc Watson band (mentioned earlier in this thread). I wish now I could have scraped up the $200 to actually buy it at the end of the year, but it wasn't to be.
Greets! Good to sEe everyone! Lots of stuff to catch up on, so I'm reading back a few pages. :)
JL, quickie on the wah-wahs-Vox is a good wah. Morley makes a couple. Their basic wah is a good size and floor shape but not too strong a "wah" effect so if he wants to really wrangle some guts out of it the price is right but the wah is a tad weak. Works though. I'd recommend a Vox or the Dunlop "Cry Baby" wah. But The Boss unit Bluzeman's got might be just the ticket, actually. :) There's a lot of effect pedals and manufacturers, and they can be hard to choose from. A pedal board would give him a lot of FX and a chance to learn them.
Couple of the coolest and most used effects are vibrato and tremelo. This page had a good description of both. With a little amp reverb, they can add some cool sounds. Listen to the opening of "Gimme Shelter" and it's got that sound. "My Father's Eyes" by Clapton has a nice use of vibrato and reverb on the solo lines.
Every time I think of Ummagumma, I think of all the hours I spent in uh, altered states of mind listening to Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Groovin with a Pyct.
Every time I think of Ummagumma, I think of all the hours I spent in uh, altered states of mind listening to Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Groovin with a Pyct.
And actually finding meaning to it. :unsure:
Bluze... set the controls for the heart of the sun...
Every time I think of Ummagumma, I think of all the hours I spent in uh, altered states of mind listening to Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Groovin with a Pyct.
And actually finding meaning to it. :unsure:
I was on the field when I first heard that (one of the guys in my family actually had the album). It was love at first infusion.
I purchased my first truly new guitar about 4 years ago from a music seller on Ebay (for about $200) -
a (Korean-made) "Springfield" classical-electric guitar (essentially a classical guitar with a built-in piezo pickup). I wanted a classical guitar I could plug into my computer to record with. Aside from making a slight adjustment to the truss rod and throwing on good strings, it has a very nice sound, fine action and has served me very well so far.
I also picked a cheap Spanish-made "Magerit" classical guitar off Ebay for about $80. I had rescued another beat-up "Magerit' from a friend's closet many years before, which I had fixed up and carried around everywhere and played many jams over the years before it got damaged at a party. I think the thing was made out of cheap Spanish plywood, but damn, I loved the sound, and I composed a lot of decent tunes on it. I'm not as enamored with the newer Magerit - I'm treating it too nicely. I think it needs a set of cheap Labella "folk guitar" strings, and needs to be removed from its case and tossed in a closet for a couple years to age rightly (lol). It's better made than my previous Magerit, which may be the problem.
All my other guitars have essentially been hand-me-downs and tag sale specials. A 'Harmony' steel string folk guitar (out in the garage, with an old Lowe organ also given to me); my Ventura (Gibson ES copy) jazz electric guitar in the living room; and my latest addition, an old ukelele given to me by my mother-in-law (which she had bought for her husband years ago, but who never took an interest in it).
It's funny, but I didn't take a guitar with me when I went WOW in '83. But two guitars 'found me' nonetheless, one being a 12 string Guild guitar which was lent me by someone whose father was in the Doc Watson band (mentioned earlier in this thread). I wish now I could have scraped up the $200 to actually buy it at the end of the year, but it wasn't to be.
I couldn't make this up if I wanted to....
I was in Goodwill about six months ago, and there was a boy walking around with an acoustic guitar in his hand. When he finally stopped for two minutes I was able to see the headstock - it was a GUILD - holy cow! The price - $10! He was all of 8 or 9 years old - and his mom ended up buying it for him... but he reminded me of Sid from Toy Story - I just cringed.... I've never wanted to mug a kid before in my life, but that day, I really had to fight the urge....
so... after they finished their purchase did you "let them in on the secret"? ... or did you give them your phone number and tell them to call you if they decided to get rid of the guitar?
Sid! I cringe at the thought too Chas! Hopefully the Guild is one piece still.
American Idol - speaking of guitars, the band and the broadcast mix - anyone else following the show and think the band is so-so? I've been disappointed with the sound - the drums are lost, and the overall rhythm section is hard to hear. I wonder if the monitor mix the singers hear is any better. It sounds pretty weak to me, and the electric guitar(s) are pretty muddy every song. Few weeks ago the acoustics on a song sounded out of tune. Is it just me? :blink:
I like all the singers, would like to hear more from all of them, rather than just a tune each week. It's kind of a drag knowing that someone's always going to be lowest and off each week. Mandisa tonight - way too early! I thought she'd be in the final group.
The INXS show that ran last year had a hot band, I thought they really were good and made the singers sound better. The concept was kind of cheesey, although I've always liked INXS and David Navarro managing to look and act normal was interesting to watch. But the guitarists in that band were both very good and adjusted to each song they worked up. Much better as a basic rhythm section too.
I thought it was just me who didn't think the mix was good - I have trouble hearing the singers sometimes because the band is just too loud and isn't always a proper arrangement for the singer. They love their synths and drum machines, don't they?
Now, that's something I never gave a whole lot of thought to when I was first learning about music, band, etc. until I saw The Glen Miller Story - he worked hard for years to get a certain sound that is now recognized worldwide even today! It's a trademark arrangement he achieved that wasn't new to the genre of music he played, but it's certainly a trademark of his band.
So, the AI arrangement is almost as bad as a jr. high marching band, as they seem to be all percussion and almost no acoustic. Bad!
I agree with your thoughts about Mandisa, socks, she was voted out too soon. I don't think this will be the last time we'll see her - she's got a niche already. I loved her - big, confident, bold, black woman - she's got a powerful voice and an electric smile - my hero! I loved how she stood up to Simon and confronted him about the comments he made - and she did it in a very mature manner - impressive! I would buy an album of hers - I'd love to see her do a good gospel or jazz album.
INXS - I couldn't watch it. It was cheesey and I was a big fan of theirs - I have all the records (yes, vinyl) including some of the rare EP's etc. I saw them in a tiny venue in Maine when they did their Listen Like Thieves tour - (I snuck a camera in and took some great pics!) They were touring with The Del Feugoes (sp?) at that time. Michael Hutchins had one of the best rock and roll voices - his death was way too soon. (I happened to be in TWI when he died and didn't learn about it until a couple of years later - so sad!) Their mix of jazz, rock, and blues was just perfect - their sound defined 80's/90's rock for me.
My wife keeps commenting on the song keys, they sound too low sometimes for the singers to navigate. Some of the stuff - Like Stevie Wonder's tunes - shows just how great a sound Wonder has in his voice. But it's tough to go from low to high in one verse or chorus and while I assume that the keys are selected carefully they seem like a half step up in some cases would help. It just doesn't always sound like the band is "there" all the time, dunno.
Arrangements - one of the toughtest but most rewarding things to do I think is take a song that's very established and work with that arrangement to add your own mark to it. It can be tough. Some of the stuff the house band on the INXS show did was really good I thought. The guitarists had parts to play that were expected, and they had to hit the mark for the singers and be there, and they did a great job at it. There was a version of Bohemian Rhapsody they did and they nailed it, with energy and without sounding like karaoke.
Seeing INXS up close must have been great! I always liked them, they've got the Big Riff sound down. I haven't really followed the new singer and the stuff they've recorded for release. If you can, post a pic! That would be cool.
Well, this weekend I'm trying to get out with the Girl and look around for a used acoustic guitar, maybe a nylon string. :) If all goes well....might have one soon!
Danny, on the Ventura guitars, I found this link to a site that has some information on them. I've played one or two in the past - different models though. Is this one like yours? HERE.
The site research said they were made in the same factories at one time where Aria's were made. There's a couple Aria semi-holllow body electrics that are really nice. I like their FA series, HERE's SOME NICE PHOTOS ON THE ARIA SITE.
The FA 71 almond is a nice guitar, as is the FA50E.
Have two sons who seem to love playing the guitar lately. They both can figure out any song and play it with 'one string'.... do you know what I mean? (Smoke on the Water seems to be the first… although I’ve heard ‘Fur Elise’ too)
I'm thinking 'lessons' would be the best direction at this point.
Any advise as to acoustic or electric?
We have two acoustic, one is older and has a couple of nylon strings. The other was purchased new on e-Bay, and neither one seem to like that one...?
I'd LOVE for them to get involved with as much music as they’d like...well, one already is in band playing trombone... and many other instruments at home (piano, trumpet & drums)... but guitar seems to be 'in'....
Ditto, SafariVista. They can start on their acoustic guitars with the lessons. Basic stuff they'll learn in the first few months, it won't matter. That's great you're encouraging them! :)
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Hey Jonny! If your interested, I have one of these that I hardly ever use. In fact, it probably has less than 5 hours total use since I've owned it. Thought I would use it a lot, but I don't use many effects, so it just kind of got put on a shelf.
The modulation effects and the delay are great. The different overdrives are also pretty cool, and I think your son would like playing with them. The reverbs suck but I'm spoiled by long spring reverb so maybe I'm just a reverb snob. The noise supression is good, the compressor is just so-so. The expression pedal has some neat settings (voice in particular gives some cool sounds).
It's stereo, so with the right setup, you can get some good stuff out of it. It even has a rotary effect which is pretty cool for those of us who can't afford a genuine Leslie. :)
If your interested, let me know. It's just collecting dust on a shelf right now.
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Heh, heh. :) I don't know about *groups* either, but if you are talking about a man, the ending should always end in *O* in spanish, not *A*.
(*O* is masculine, and *A* is feminine.)
Hmm. Is guitarista or guitaristo even a real word??
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We've bought two guitars and one amp over the internet now and have been very pleased (or just lucky) with the results. I gotta admit, it's a bit scarey to do, but when you're looking at used instruments, you don't have two or three to play, like you would in a music store with a bunch of new stock sitting around. We've only had one guitar with any problems - the Epiphone has a Bigsby trem that had a really loose arm - and the action was a little high. So, we had to put a little money into it when it arrived... (less than $100...)
I don't know about where you guys live, but we only have about five good music stores in the state - only one carries a good amount of stock - Guitar Center - which is kind of a Wal-Mart of music stores. The others are privite owned, a little pricey, but we prefer them for service because they have good techs there.
Bluezman - Leslie speakers - those are just plain cool!
I didn't know what it was until last summer when we saw Vanilla Fudge - we were in like the 6th row or something. Anyhow, the moment I saw the spinning speaker in the amp and heard the sound, I knew what that was, it was like, "So, THAT'S how they make that effect! Cool!" I just didn't know what it was called - now I'm more edumacated....
(Steppenwolf used it, too - perfect for that late 60's psychadellic sound)....
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Leslie speakers -- blast from the past!
(Short story here ---- )
My grandma, and her sister were both into keyboards. My great-grandpa (a doctor, with some money), bought my grandma a baby grand piano, and her sister (my great aunt), an organ -- complete with a Leslie speaker (which was a seperate unit -- about 3 feet wide, and 3 feet tall), that stood separate from the organ itself, which had 3 keyboards, foot pedals, etc.
I inherited the piano (a Wilhelm Knabe) when my grandmother passed away, and her sister (my great-aunt Grace) passed away 2 years before she did --- and the family (not knowing I was interested in obtaining that organ), sold it before I could say I would like to have it.
The very sad ending to this story is --- they sold the entire thing for $400.00. :( :(
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I purchased my first truly new guitar about 4 years ago from a music seller on Ebay (for about $200) -
a (Korean-made) "Springfield" classical-electric guitar (essentially a classical guitar with a built-in piezo pickup). I wanted a classical guitar I could plug into my computer to record with. Aside from making a slight adjustment to the truss rod and throwing on good strings, it has a very nice sound, fine action and has served me very well so far.
I also picked a cheap Spanish-made "Magerit" classical guitar off Ebay for about $80. I had rescued another beat-up "Magerit' from a friend's closet many years before, which I had fixed up and carried around everywhere and played many jams over the years before it got damaged at a party. I think the thing was made out of cheap Spanish plywood, but damn, I loved the sound, and I composed a lot of decent tunes on it. I'm not as enamored with the newer Magerit - I'm treating it too nicely. I think it needs a set of cheap Labella "folk guitar" strings, and needs to be removed from its case and tossed in a closet for a couple years to age rightly (lol). It's better made than my previous Magerit, which may be the problem.
All my other guitars have essentially been hand-me-downs and tag sale specials. A 'Harmony' steel string folk guitar (out in the garage, with an old Lowe organ also given to me); my Ventura (Gibson ES copy) jazz electric guitar in the living room; and my latest addition, an old ukelele given to me by my mother-in-law (which she had bought for her husband years ago, but who never took an interest in it).
It's funny, but I didn't take a guitar with me when I went WOW in '83. But two guitars 'found me' nonetheless, one being a 12 string Guild guitar which was lent me by someone whose father was in the Doc Watson band (mentioned earlier in this thread). I wish now I could have scraped up the $200 to actually buy it at the end of the year, but it wasn't to be.
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Greets! Good to sEe everyone! Lots of stuff to catch up on, so I'm reading back a few pages. :)
JL, quickie on the wah-wahs-Vox is a good wah. Morley makes a couple. Their basic wah is a good size and floor shape but not too strong a "wah" effect so if he wants to really wrangle some guts out of it the price is right but the wah is a tad weak. Works though. I'd recommend a Vox or the Dunlop "Cry Baby" wah. But The Boss unit Bluzeman's got might be just the ticket, actually. :) There's a lot of effect pedals and manufacturers, and they can be hard to choose from. A pedal board would give him a lot of FX and a chance to learn them.
Couple of the coolest and most used effects are vibrato and tremelo. This page had a good description of both. With a little amp reverb, they can add some cool sounds. Listen to the opening of "Gimme Shelter" and it's got that sound. "My Father's Eyes" by Clapton has a nice use of vibrato and reverb on the solo lines.
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Tom Strange
It was nice to hear the Sopranos close with a little old time Pink Floyd last night... it was off of UmmaGumma but I don't know what it was...
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Every time I think of Ummagumma, I think of all the hours I spent in uh, altered states of mind listening to Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Groovin with a Pyct.
And actually finding meaning to it. :unsure:
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Tom Strange
Bluze... set the controls for the heart of the sun...
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I was on the field when I first heard that (one of the guys in my family actually had the album). It was love at first infusion.
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I couldn't make this up if I wanted to....
I was in Goodwill about six months ago, and there was a boy walking around with an acoustic guitar in his hand. When he finally stopped for two minutes I was able to see the headstock - it was a GUILD - holy cow! The price - $10! He was all of 8 or 9 years old - and his mom ended up buying it for him... but he reminded me of Sid from Toy Story - I just cringed.... I've never wanted to mug a kid before in my life, but that day, I really had to fight the urge....
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Tom Strange
so... after they finished their purchase did you "let them in on the secret"? ... or did you give them your phone number and tell them to call you if they decided to get rid of the guitar?
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Sid! I cringe at the thought too Chas! Hopefully the Guild is one piece still.
American Idol - speaking of guitars, the band and the broadcast mix - anyone else following the show and think the band is so-so? I've been disappointed with the sound - the drums are lost, and the overall rhythm section is hard to hear. I wonder if the monitor mix the singers hear is any better. It sounds pretty weak to me, and the electric guitar(s) are pretty muddy every song. Few weeks ago the acoustics on a song sounded out of tune. Is it just me? :blink:
I like all the singers, would like to hear more from all of them, rather than just a tune each week. It's kind of a drag knowing that someone's always going to be lowest and off each week. Mandisa tonight - way too early! I thought she'd be in the final group.
The INXS show that ran last year had a hot band, I thought they really were good and made the singers sound better. The concept was kind of cheesey, although I've always liked INXS and David Navarro managing to look and act normal was interesting to watch. But the guitarists in that band were both very good and adjusted to each song they worked up. Much better as a basic rhythm section too.
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I thought it was just me who didn't think the mix was good - I have trouble hearing the singers sometimes because the band is just too loud and isn't always a proper arrangement for the singer. They love their synths and drum machines, don't they?
Now, that's something I never gave a whole lot of thought to when I was first learning about music, band, etc. until I saw The Glen Miller Story - he worked hard for years to get a certain sound that is now recognized worldwide even today! It's a trademark arrangement he achieved that wasn't new to the genre of music he played, but it's certainly a trademark of his band.
So, the AI arrangement is almost as bad as a jr. high marching band, as they seem to be all percussion and almost no acoustic. Bad!
I agree with your thoughts about Mandisa, socks, she was voted out too soon. I don't think this will be the last time we'll see her - she's got a niche already. I loved her - big, confident, bold, black woman - she's got a powerful voice and an electric smile - my hero! I loved how she stood up to Simon and confronted him about the comments he made - and she did it in a very mature manner - impressive! I would buy an album of hers - I'd love to see her do a good gospel or jazz album.
INXS - I couldn't watch it. It was cheesey and I was a big fan of theirs - I have all the records (yes, vinyl) including some of the rare EP's etc. I saw them in a tiny venue in Maine when they did their Listen Like Thieves tour - (I snuck a camera in and took some great pics!) They were touring with The Del Feugoes (sp?) at that time. Michael Hutchins had one of the best rock and roll voices - his death was way too soon. (I happened to be in TWI when he died and didn't learn about it until a couple of years later - so sad!) Their mix of jazz, rock, and blues was just perfect - their sound defined 80's/90's rock for me.
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Nope, ain't just you, or us Chas!
My wife keeps commenting on the song keys, they sound too low sometimes for the singers to navigate. Some of the stuff - Like Stevie Wonder's tunes - shows just how great a sound Wonder has in his voice. But it's tough to go from low to high in one verse or chorus and while I assume that the keys are selected carefully they seem like a half step up in some cases would help. It just doesn't always sound like the band is "there" all the time, dunno.
Arrangements - one of the toughtest but most rewarding things to do I think is take a song that's very established and work with that arrangement to add your own mark to it. It can be tough. Some of the stuff the house band on the INXS show did was really good I thought. The guitarists had parts to play that were expected, and they had to hit the mark for the singers and be there, and they did a great job at it. There was a version of Bohemian Rhapsody they did and they nailed it, with energy and without sounding like karaoke.
Seeing INXS up close must have been great! I always liked them, they've got the Big Riff sound down. I haven't really followed the new singer and the stuff they've recorded for release. If you can, post a pic! That would be cool.
Well, this weekend I'm trying to get out with the Girl and look around for a used acoustic guitar, maybe a nylon string. :) If all goes well....might have one soon!
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Danny, on the Ventura guitars, I found this link to a site that has some information on them. I've played one or two in the past - different models though. Is this one like yours? HERE.
The site research said they were made in the same factories at one time where Aria's were made. There's a couple Aria semi-holllow body electrics that are really nice. I like their FA series, HERE's SOME NICE PHOTOS ON THE ARIA SITE.
The FA 71 almond is a nice guitar, as is the FA50E.
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May a NOVICE chime in here?
Have two sons who seem to love playing the guitar lately. They both can figure out any song and play it with 'one string'.... do you know what I mean? (Smoke on the Water seems to be the first… although I’ve heard ‘Fur Elise’ too)
I'm thinking 'lessons' would be the best direction at this point.
Any advise as to acoustic or electric?
We have two acoustic, one is older and has a couple of nylon strings. The other was purchased new on e-Bay, and neither one seem to like that one...?
I'd LOVE for them to get involved with as much music as they’d like...well, one already is in band playing trombone... and many other instruments at home (piano, trumpet & drums)... but guitar seems to be 'in'....
Many thanks,
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Chords are chords, and guit-ar is git-ar. :)
As long as they learn -- All will be cool. :B)
My first guitar was a nylon string Epiphone.
I took it from there, and I'll bet they will too. ;)
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Ditto, SafariVista. They can start on their acoustic guitars with the lessons. Basic stuff they'll learn in the first few months, it won't matter. That's great you're encouraging them! :)
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Ya gotta ask Bluzeman about his new Amp it is a rocker and a half
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Has anyone here seen, or played on a *crazy eight* bass??
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So has no one seen one of these??
They are gaining popularity, here in Minney-soda,
but I haven't had the chance to pick on one of them yet.
I thought meebe one of you all have. :)
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Hey there! dmiller~ I haven't, what do they run! and sound like? Is it electric or...?
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It is incredible the difference in sound as he plays with it. And pretty to look at too. :)
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