"There is comfort to speak your mind about things you didn't dare bring up in twi. There are people who understand what you experienced."
And if I made add, comfort in speaking our hearts and minds about things that we could not speak of outside of this forum: the world. Couldn't touch these topics out there with a ten foot pole.
I didn't come here because this is a "Christian" forum. If it had been advertised as such, quite honestly, I would have peeked and run. The fact that the forums are packed with people who still have a heart for God is comforting, but it's comforting because we have experienced many of the same things. I have tried other religious gatherings, and have never felt as comfortable. I'm just as happy to listen to anyone who has walked away from their beliefs, or admits they might not have ever been solid in the first place. It's all part of the same experience.
Speaking just for me, however, I prefer not to have my engagement in this forum labeled as participating in a church, unless, as Raf suggested, it's only in the literal Greek.
O.K. , so believe the bible then - bring about world peace, put an end to suffering, hunger, and want. And bring joy to everyone.
I'll watch...
George the bible is not written to unbelievers, nor is God responsible to do anything for them. So you will not at this time bring about world anything.
George the bible is not written to unbelievers, nor is God responsible to do anything for them. So you will not at this time bring about world anything.
I think if you spend more time here (or anywhere) outside twi, you will see that not everyone heals at the same pace. When I came here, I had the attitude of "It's been ___ many years, get over it!!!" But some hurts were just downright evil. Everyone takes a different path. I think God's grace and mercy allows people to learn from situations in their lives and from their mistakes; however long it takes or however it happens whether we agree with it or not. Some need to touch the hot stove MANY times before they realize it hurts. That does not mean it's wrong, it means they learn at a different level than some. It's not a lower level either. It's just "their" level.
Some paths may be Christian-based. Some are not. I've since learned tolerance and the ability to see through others' eyes (instead of my own)in situations. Not all embrace the Bible becaue they feel they were led astray when it comes to all they were taught in twi. Some don't have the confidence that the Word gives them all they need in life because it didn't prove to be true based on their experiences in twi. I give that to them even though I still believe in the Bible wholeheartedly.
I do believe recovery is the heart intended for GSC participants. Some are just slower at getting there. Some may never get there.
There is comfort to speak your mind about things you didn't dare bring up in twi. There are people who understand what you experienced.
You might be amazed how often often I've popped in and out of here over the years to see who says what, and how long they have posted.
It almost reminds me of growing trees. I can pop in on a neighborhood, forest or grove of trees every few months and still tell if they are declining or improving in their environment by the characteristics. People are so similar, it's amazing. Trees, or people, you don't have to be around them every day to know if there is change. Change is still change. And lack of change is still lack of change.
One interesting thing about some forums is the info space that shows the number of users online and the number of non-members. Everyone who is not logged in should display as a non-member.
One arborist forum I visit has about 20 to 30 non-members reading the forum for every registered logged in member. It's almost amusing.
I actually was hired from a lady in Beaverton, OR who had been lurking in the background for months reading posts. That's why I told some of the tree guys to watch their mouth in the forums regarding vocabulary - they will never know if good customer in online reading.
One thing about healing - "He sent his Word and healed them".
If it's not a christian forum, then people will not "recover" - they will merely transform or conform to another fashion of worldly living - if they intend not to believe and become a christian.
That's my perspective as a christian.
Of course thats your perspective if you are a Christian,, it would also be your perspective if you were muslim , a wayite, or part of any group that was the one true anything and had the one and only true way to wholeness....We would expect nothing less....Many people here are rightly wary of anyone or any group who has the only one true way or "all the answers'. We've all been down that road before....its narrowness hindered as many people as it helped
It is your prerogative to think that way but it doesnt mean that people have not found recovery, transformation, healing and meaning (call it waht you will) based on what they have found here.
Some have adopted a christian stance some haven't, but this is not a christian forum --the owner has stated so pointedly many times
Hey, I'm not the one who claimed that I could do "all things".
Yeah, yeah, I know what's coming now, more parsing of words and mindless spin. "It's all things according to The Word, George! (you ignorant, unbelieving boob!)" and such like.
Yes, The Bible has tremendous meaning, but the meaning can't be understood in light of what the words actually mean, but in what the meaning that God meant them to mean, and not necessarily anything resembling reality as we know it, but in the reality that faith reveals to us, or should, anyway. That is, if we have it interpreted right. But we just know it's true, don't we?
I spent twenty years in TWI and left, I figure that qualifies me as ex Way and I can post about my Way experiences on this ex Way forum.
Whether or not I'm recovered according to some poster's definition, who only will accept recovery as being within their own belief system, means very little to me. I know the quality of the life I once lived and the quality of the life I now live. I also know it is pointless to try and explain that to One Way believers. After all, I was a One Way believer myself for many years. That stance holds no surprises ( or attractions) for me.
Claiming that any group or "mob" is a church just because the word ecclessia refers to a mob as well as "the church" is a misunderstanding of language.
"Ecclessia" literally meant "called out"; additionally according to Thayer, it meant called out to a public place for a specific purpose; it came to mean specifically the assembly of Christians, whether at a specific time and place, or in general. In time, the meaning of the word, as well as the various words that were translated from it, no longer carried the broader meaning of "called out", but rather the specific meaning of the "assembly of Christians".
Asserting that Grease Spot is a church is to use a Wierwillite definition that is at odds with the actual definition of the word "church".
Just because ekklesia can be translated church doesn't mean that every ekklesia is what we think of in English when we use the word church. That's a corruption of the concept of translation. We are not a church here in Greasespot anymore than that mob was a church. The point of the teaching was that ekklesia does NOT mean "church" as we think of it, not that it DOES.
Every group called out for a specific purpose is an ekklesia, but not every such group is a church.
If you insist on addressing us in Greek, then please be consistent and use only Greek. If you're speaking to us in English, this ain't no church.
If this is not intended to be a site of profit to the chiristian church, I'd like someone who represents the site to clearly state such - that it's not a christian site, but just a place for any person whosoever to ramble on about one particular religious group.
This is not a Christian site. It is a place for any person interested in discussing The Way International, from whatever perspective they bring. It's primarily for former members, but you don't have to be a former member to post here. You can be a current member. You can be a "never been way" human being.
If your process of recovery is a Christian one, God bless you. If your process of recovery leads you away from Christianity, it is not this site's mission to change your mind or heart on that.
Christians are welcome here, and welcome to share their views. Non-Christians are welcome here, and welcome to share their views.
Hey, I'm not the one who claimed that I could do "all things".
Yeah, yeah, I know what's coming now, more parsing of words and mindless spin. "It's all things according to The Word, George! (you ignorant, unbelieving boob!)" and such like.
Yes, The Bible has tremendous meaning, but the meaning can't be understood in light of what the words actually mean, but in what the meaning that God meant them to mean, and not necessarily anything resembling reality as we know it, but in the reality that faith reveals to us, or should, anyway. That is, if we have it interpreted right. But we just know it's true, don't we?
Whatever blows your skirt up...
I will go ahead and claim it I can do all things in which christ has strengthen me
huh? ckmkeon, how will you make lcm and twi say sorry? they should, but we know they won't.
rumor has it that lcm doesn't feel he did anything wrong. if that's the case, the weeping and nashing on teeth he said the coputs will experience may be something he experiences himself. i'd hate to be in his shoes. that man was a false prophet.
huh? ckmkeon, how will you make lcm and twi say sorry? they should, but we know they won't.
rumor has it that lcm doesn't feel he did anything wrong. if that's the case, the weeping and nashing on teeth he said the coputs will experience may be something he experiences himself. i'd hate to be in his shoes. that man was a false prophet.
By the way, did you know that by hotlinking to that image, every time this thread displays, whether months or years, my server bandwidth gets used up a bit?
It does not copy that image to GSC's server.
That's why I usually put a text hyperlink in posts. It took me a while to find that out myself.
When you get a chance, edit the post so that it hyperlinks to that specific image. Maybe give it name like "mdvaden's Rogue River National Forest Photo". Then folks can click the link.
Now, I needed to borrow the title of master-derailer for a few hours.
When you make it a hyperlink, use the new photo address on my Applegate page. I'm not going to rename it again - the image I swapped will be deleted in a day or two. I just added a "2" to the end of the scenery image and reloaded that webpage to my server.
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ckm, no offense intended, but "knowledge of the word" is what got everybody in trouble to start with. "Knowledge of the word"without a relationship with Jesus causes no end of pain and heartache. I
I have thought this way before as well. Well if the "word" says it then lets just do it. Now I loook at who is saying when where and just how and could care less if the fact a chapter and ver
As far as I know, the bird is still the word. If it has changed please let me know.
lindy, this was too good to be ignored!

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"There is comfort to speak your mind about things you didn't dare bring up in twi. There are people who understand what you experienced."
And if I made add, comfort in speaking our hearts and minds about things that we could not speak of outside of this forum: the world. Couldn't touch these topics out there with a ten foot pole.
I didn't come here because this is a "Christian" forum. If it had been advertised as such, quite honestly, I would have peeked and run. The fact that the forums are packed with people who still have a heart for God is comforting, but it's comforting because we have experienced many of the same things. I have tried other religious gatherings, and have never felt as comfortable. I'm just as happy to listen to anyone who has walked away from their beliefs, or admits they might not have ever been solid in the first place. It's all part of the same experience.
Speaking just for me, however, I prefer not to have my engagement in this forum labeled as participating in a church, unless, as Raf suggested, it's only in the literal Greek.
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George the bible is not written to unbelievers, nor is God responsible to do anything for them. So you will not at this time bring about world anything.
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Yeah your right
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M. D. Vaden
You might be amazed how often often I've popped in and out of here over the years to see who says what, and how long they have posted.
It almost reminds me of growing trees. I can pop in on a neighborhood, forest or grove of trees every few months and still tell if they are declining or improving in their environment by the characteristics. People are so similar, it's amazing. Trees, or people, you don't have to be around them every day to know if there is change. Change is still change. And lack of change is still lack of change.
One interesting thing about some forums is the info space that shows the number of users online and the number of non-members. Everyone who is not logged in should display as a non-member.
One arborist forum I visit has about 20 to 30 non-members reading the forum for every registered logged in member. It's almost amusing.
I actually was hired from a lady in Beaverton, OR who had been lurking in the background for months reading posts. That's why I told some of the tree guys to watch their mouth in the forums regarding vocabulary - they will never know if good customer in online reading.
One thing about healing - "He sent his Word and healed them".
Edited by M. D. VadenLink to comment
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Of course thats your perspective if you are a Christian,, it would also be your perspective if you were muslim , a wayite, or part of any group that was the one true anything and had the one and only true way to wholeness....We would expect nothing less....Many people here are rightly wary of anyone or any group who has the only one true way or "all the answers'. We've all been down that road before....its narrowness hindered as many people as it helped
It is your prerogative to think that way but it doesnt mean that people have not found recovery, transformation, healing and meaning (call it waht you will) based on what they have found here.
Some have adopted a christian stance some haven't, but this is not a christian forum --the owner has stated so pointedly many times
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George Aar
Lorna and ckmkeon
Hey, I'm not the one who claimed that I could do "all things".
Yeah, yeah, I know what's coming now, more parsing of words and mindless spin. "It's all things according to The Word, George! (you ignorant, unbelieving boob!)" and such like.
Yes, The Bible has tremendous meaning, but the meaning can't be understood in light of what the words actually mean, but in what the meaning that God meant them to mean, and not necessarily anything resembling reality as we know it, but in the reality that faith reveals to us, or should, anyway. That is, if we have it interpreted right. But we just know it's true, don't we?
Whatever blows your skirt up...
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I spent twenty years in TWI and left, I figure that qualifies me as ex Way and I can post about my Way experiences on this ex Way forum.
Whether or not I'm recovered according to some poster's definition, who only will accept recovery as being within their own belief system, means very little to me. I know the quality of the life I once lived and the quality of the life I now live. I also know it is pointless to try and explain that to One Way believers. After all, I was a One Way believer myself for many years. That stance holds no surprises ( or attractions) for me.
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Claiming that any group or "mob" is a church just because the word ecclessia refers to a mob as well as "the church" is a misunderstanding of language.
"Ecclessia" literally meant "called out"; additionally according to Thayer, it meant called out to a public place for a specific purpose; it came to mean specifically the assembly of Christians, whether at a specific time and place, or in general. In time, the meaning of the word, as well as the various words that were translated from it, no longer carried the broader meaning of "called out", but rather the specific meaning of the "assembly of Christians".
Asserting that Grease Spot is a church is to use a Wierwillite definition that is at odds with the actual definition of the word "church".
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Just because ekklesia can be translated church doesn't mean that every ekklesia is what we think of in English when we use the word church. That's a corruption of the concept of translation. We are not a church here in Greasespot anymore than that mob was a church. The point of the teaching was that ekklesia does NOT mean "church" as we think of it, not that it DOES.
Every group called out for a specific purpose is an ekklesia, but not every such group is a church.
If you insist on addressing us in Greek, then please be consistent and use only Greek. If you're speaking to us in English, this ain't no church.
Edited by RafLink to comment
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This is not a Christian site. It is a place for any person interested in discussing The Way International, from whatever perspective they bring. It's primarily for former members, but you don't have to be a former member to post here. You can be a current member. You can be a "never been way" human being.
If your process of recovery is a Christian one, God bless you. If your process of recovery leads you away from Christianity, it is not this site's mission to change your mind or heart on that.
Christians are welcome here, and welcome to share their views. Non-Christians are welcome here, and welcome to share their views.
Play nice. :)
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I will go ahead and claim it I can do all things in which christ has strengthen me
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Make twi repent and say they are sorry for everything and everybody they have wronged.
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I will try my best
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
ha ! my ex tried to move a mountain once
guess what happened!
she divorced me!
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"Try"?????????? That is not believing as twi would teach. Just do it. :blink:
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Yeah I'm going to do it and I will make sure LCM and TWI say they are sorry to everyone.
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huh? ckmkeon, how will you make lcm and twi say sorry? they should, but we know they won't.
rumor has it that lcm doesn't feel he did anything wrong. if that's the case, the weeping and nashing on teeth he said the coputs will experience may be something he experiences himself. i'd hate to be in his shoes. that man was a false prophet.
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(TOO funny!!!)
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(Short derail, here.)
Lovely countryside you have there, MDV.
Now --- back to topic. :)
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Why No hope for TWI or LCM
That is very nice countryside
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M. D. Vaden
Yes, good country.
By the way, did you know that by hotlinking to that image, every time this thread displays, whether months or years, my server bandwidth gets used up a bit?
It does not copy that image to GSC's server.
That's why I usually put a text hyperlink in posts. It took me a while to find that out myself.
When you get a chance, edit the post so that it hyperlinks to that specific image. Maybe give it name like "mdvaden's Rogue River National Forest Photo". Then folks can click the link.
Now, I needed to borrow the title of master-derailer for a few hours.
When you make it a hyperlink, use the new photo address on my Applegate page. I'm not going to rename it again - the image I swapped will be deleted in a day or two. I just added a "2" to the end of the scenery image and reloaded that webpage to my server.
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posting in big yellow letters doesn't make it so
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