Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper in health even as thy soul prospereth
I Cor 13:1Though I speak with the tounges of mean and of angels and have no charity I become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal
Without charity you are nothing (ICor 13:2)
without charity it profiiteth you (ICor 13:3)
Charity never faileth but prophecies fail (ICor 13:8)
I Thess 1:10 And to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead even jesus which saved us from the coming wrath
I Thess 4:16,17
16:For the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first
17:Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord
Matt 4:4
But he answered and said it is written Man shall no live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
You guys just don't listen this topic is what happened to the word (which I created) so I will from now on reply with more verses
Oh, we listen all right. Post all the verses that you want, but just posting them without explanation doesn't make much of a point, does it?
And you may not like being called on your spelling and/or grammar, but cleaning it up and using understandable puncuation does make you a bit more understandable
Ok the "non-sequiter club" but the topic I started with is "what happended to the word" so when I introduced the word into the subject by verses. That was logically correct, but yes the non-sequiter club has been heard from. Thank you for responding from now on I will just call you unlogical for short
You guys just don't listen this topic is what happened to the word (which I created) so I will from now on reply with more verses
You are becoming a cliche as on Waydale and the early days of Gspot there were those who routinely posted scripture "AT" others
presumably to invoke conditioning similar to the proverbial Pavlovian response. Like we are all supposed to snap to attention and go "wow its the word and nothing but the word" ? Post all you wish and if you prefer to let Way publications and classes be your only source for your spiritual information then you have far greater problems than people here at Gspot not listening to you. Many have come before you using the same approach and NONE of them have been successful in their apparent mission of reclaiming people to Way teachings - at least as far as I have been able to determine. I guess you think you will be collecting rewards at the bema for enduring all the reprobates and infidels here who reject the words of VPW and LCM.
So now let me understand.....When you asked the question you really didn`t want an answere or care what we thought?
Was it just a chance for you to scold us with verses?
Are you trying to help people?
Are you trying to reprove people?
Does quoting scripture make your point more valid?
Do you give a damn at all?
Not that an answere is necessary, but sometimes it helps in understanding where a poster is coming from and understand the point that they are trying to make.
Can I ask you an honest, non-confrontational question? Seriously?
Is English your second language? If not, is there something else that might explain why you write as you do? For example, themex is a little tough to follow sometimes because he's thinking in Spanish and writing in English. year2027 is tough to follow sometimes for other reasons. I find your posts tough to follow, not because of the content (which is ringing loud and clear) but because of style.
If you don't want to answer, you don't have to. Just wondering.
Can I ask you an honest, non-confrontational question? Seriously?
Is English your second language? If not, is there something else that might explain why you write as you do? For example, themex is a little tough to follow sometimes because he's thinking in Spanish and writing in English. year2027 is tough to follow sometimes for other reasons. I find your posts tough to follow, not because of the content (which is ringing loud and clear) but because of style.
If you don't want to answer, you don't have to. Just wondering.
No sometimes I like to use old style english I will try to make it a little easier
CMKeon, check your private messages located at top right hand corner along lines of My controls and new messages. If interested, you can pm me without derailing the thread/topic.
I was never "personally" abused in TWI. I was sort of kept in a cocoon. I had good leadership. I wasn't always a good person (i.e.: I didn't tow the line). I loved VPW like a father. I loved LCM like a brother. Neither ever hollared at me, even when I copped out on my Corps commitment (2 times) and my WOW commitment (1 time). They actually extended the odds in my favor.
What I learned in PFAL set me free from the religion I was involved in. It answered questions that I had had for years and years. The Word I learned healed my brain cells from drug abuse. Even today, JC Our Passover and JC Our Promised Seed are 2 of my favorite books. Those books painted the sacrifice of the life of my Lord & Saviour. I will probably always cherish those 2 books. (I know I'm only 4 months out, but I think I will always cherish the content of those books.)
I found GSC over 2 years ago. My thoughts then? "These people need to move on with their lives." "I just find all this stuff hard to believe. Why can't they just get over it?" "They (GSC posters) are as judgemental as anybody in TWI." "Maybe the women that were involved did so consentually; if so, these men are being blamed unjustly." "These people on GSC need to get a life." "Rosalie & Donna lesbians? Hah! That's hilarious. No way!" "I was in leadership postions. I was in the Corps. I spent two years at root locals. I NEVER saw this stuff." "People have weaknesses (like sex and $$ temptations) and others need to understand that." And on and on....I just couldn't believe most of this stuff or I felt I needed to justify any wrong actions....after all there are two sides to every story. (At the same time I would sort of wonder why TWI didn't tell their side; they just said, "Stay away from the internet.")
Then I tried to put myself in the other person's (GSC posters) shoes. (BTW, I learned that from the encounters/teachings I got from VPW.) If these stories on GSC were true, how would I have handled it had it happened to me? Could all these people be lying? Can I admit that I might have been deceived? How do I reconcile my wonderful God times with TWI? What is the fruit? The illnesses with which I dealt so many years, could part of the cause be wrong teaching/practice from TWI? And on and on....many questions.
How does one reconcile all this? I don't have any pat answers, and I am very new on this journey. But I KNOW that I can no longer wear blinders. IT IS WRONG. TO FORGET IS WRONG. PEOPLE MATTER!! People count. To just forget and discard a person's suffering as insignificant is to spit in God's face and in the face of Jesus Christ. To have a broken heart healed does not mean that one forgets the atrosities committed. To forget is to simply have them repeated again.
When I first began to read GSC posts, I put the odds in Craig's favor and in VPW's favor. It was just so hard to believe. "And WHY are people still talking about it?" I would wonder. They talk so people like me can put some pieces of a puzzle together; they talk so that people's lives are not just swept under a rug like a piece of dirt; they talk for their own healing as well. How much better it would be if TWI simply opened up and admitted their crimes. Maybe then, their might be less talk. Their could maybe be some closure for some of these folks. But TWI JUST PRETENDS THAT NOTHING EVER HAPPENED!
I am not defending the RC church but at least they offered counseling to folks from some of the crimes committed in our day and time. If I'm not mistaken aren't some of the priests serving time in prison?
Ckm, I don't know you nor your experiences in life. I implore you to not wear blinders. You can still hold fast the good, yet at the same time recognize the devastations that have happened in other's lives. I'm working on forgiveness toward leadership in TWI...for lying to me. I think too I'm working on forgiving myself, for choosing to wear the blinders for so long. You are an authority on your life, but not on the lives of others. just accused a great many people of lying, some of them personal friends of mine..........not that you would is so much easier to remain in denial than to honestly examine and address the truth.
John Lynn has admitted that the drugging of young women went on.....might as well add HIM to your list of hundreds of people that you have labled liars as well...
Go ahead ..insult our sisters in Christ yet again.....accuse everyone else of lying......remain safelty cocooned in your blissfull ignorance. ...
The bible verses you fling around do not hide your callousness...
I really find it refreshing when folks like you show up here at GS (and yes, they show up with great regularity).
It reminds me of just how bassackwards we are were in our priorities and the utter inablility we had to think clearly. And - sorry to say - I laugh a little bit (at your expense).
But hang in there, you may catch on yet. Or, if nothing else, Rosy may need a poolboy...
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ckm, no offense intended, but "knowledge of the word" is what got everybody in trouble to start with. "Knowledge of the word"without a relationship with Jesus causes no end of pain and heartache. I
I have thought this way before as well. Well if the "word" says it then lets just do it. Now I loook at who is saying when where and just how and could care less if the fact a chapter and ver
As far as I know, the bird is still the word. If it has changed please let me know.
THAT is why we must continue to tell the stories :(
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Well said, Pipes!
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III John 2
Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper in health even as thy soul prospereth
I Cor 13:1Though I speak with the tounges of mean and of angels and have no charity I become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal
Without charity you are nothing (ICor 13:2)
without charity it profiiteth you (ICor 13:3)
Charity never faileth but prophecies fail (ICor 13:8)
I Thess 1:10 And to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead even jesus which saved us from the coming wrath
I Thess 4:16,17
16:For the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first
17:Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord
Matt 4:4
But he answered and said it is written Man shall no live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
These are some of my favorite verses.
:) :)
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Now you are trying to save us with bible verses. Very condescending. I might be wrong but that is how it strikes me.
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I guess that you can`t *hear* us :(
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You guys just don't listen this topic is what happened to the word (which I created) so I will from now on reply with more verses
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go for it.............pretty soon you may have YOUR thread all to yourself
i am still over at that merriam webster site looking up what non-sequiter means
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And you may not like being called on your spelling and/or grammar, but cleaning it up and using understandable puncuation does make you a bit more understandable
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okay got it
non-sequitur noun - 2. a statement as a response that does not follow logically from anything previously said
well said Oakspear
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it connected to oakspears - or because this is your topic am I only allowed to respond to you?
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Ok the "non-sequiter club" but the topic I started with is "what happended to the word" so when I introduced the word into the subject by verses. That was logically correct, but yes the non-sequiter club has been heard from. Thank you for responding from now on I will just call you unlogical for short
Edited by ckmkeonLink to comment
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You are becoming a cliche as on Waydale and the early days of Gspot there were those who routinely posted scripture "AT" others
presumably to invoke conditioning similar to the proverbial Pavlovian response. Like we are all supposed to snap to attention and go "wow its the word and nothing but the word" ? Post all you wish and if you prefer to let Way publications and classes be your only source for your spiritual information then you have far greater problems than people here at Gspot not listening to you. Many have come before you using the same approach and NONE of them have been successful in their apparent mission of reclaiming people to Way teachings - at least as far as I have been able to determine. I guess you think you will be collecting rewards at the bema for enduring all the reprobates and infidels here who reject the words of VPW and LCM.
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So now let me understand.....When you asked the question you really didn`t want an answere or care what we thought?
Was it just a chance for you to scold us with verses?
Are you trying to help people?
Are you trying to reprove people?
Does quoting scripture make your point more valid?
Do you give a damn at all?
Not that an answere is necessary, but sometimes it helps in understanding where a poster is coming from and understand the point that they are trying to make.
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Can I ask you an honest, non-confrontational question? Seriously?
Is English your second language? If not, is there something else that might explain why you write as you do? For example, themex is a little tough to follow sometimes because he's thinking in Spanish and writing in English. year2027 is tough to follow sometimes for other reasons. I find your posts tough to follow, not because of the content (which is ringing loud and clear) but because of style.
If you don't want to answer, you don't have to. Just wondering.
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No sometimes I like to use old style english I will try to make it a little easier
sorry about that.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
CMKeon, check your private messages located at top right hand corner along lines of My controls and new messages. If interested, you can pm me without derailing the thread/topic.
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care to point out where?
looks on the money to me
Im also not catholic
so much for your research skills
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I said I don't care how many women said Chris Geer drugged them it is still not true
and your post was "I don't care". That is not what I said,
that is taking a quote right out of the middle of what I first said.
"Just like the catholic do"
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rascal just accused a great many people of lying, some of them personal friends of mine..........not that you would is so much easier to remain in denial than to honestly examine and address the truth.
John Lynn has admitted that the drugging of young women went on.....might as well add HIM to your list of hundreds of people that you have labled liars as well...
Go ahead ..insult our sisters in Christ yet again.....accuse everyone else of lying......remain safelty cocooned in your blissfull ignorance. ...
The bible verses you fling around do not hide your callousness...
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George Aar
I really find it refreshing when folks like you show up here at GS (and yes, they show up with great regularity).
It reminds me of just how bassackwards we are were in our priorities and the utter inablility we had to think clearly. And - sorry to say - I laugh a little bit (at your expense).
But hang in there, you may catch on yet. Or, if nothing else, Rosy may need a poolboy...
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