The "Snacks" part really made me chuckle ... it's much cheaper to take your OWN Hershey bars (or other chocolate, for you chocolate lovers like me out there) ... but it is just incredible to me that they would tell an ADULT to do those things .. could it be that the only Advanced Class candidates they plan on having there are children that were raised in TWI? Probably not ... but even teenagers have enough sense to plan ahead to have snack money ...
Lover of Dogs AND chocolate
(but do not give your dog chocolate ... even if he/she has saved money for snacks, the chocolate has some ingredient that is toxic to dogs -- if one feels the need for legalism, let it stop with this "commandment" that you not allow your dog to spend his snack money on chocolate bars...but then again, if you were in TWI, would you be able to have a "serious pet" like a dog? Or would you be confined to having a non-serious, fun-loving hamster?)
This is just bizarre. A man couldn't wear a nice light or medium grey suit? It HAS to be dark? Why? Do light suits draw devil spirits???
Snacks are an important topic? Heck, they'll all be staying in motels--they can plunk a dollar into the vending machine, can't they? My hubby and I had a cooler with fruits and veggies, no one had to tell us, sheesh, being as we were all grown up with functioniong brain cells.
Perhaps this Advanced class is made up mostly of children. I can see telling a thirteen year old they'll need $3 a day for snacks.
And with all the money TWI has--couldn't they send people off to the motels with a soda and a pack of cookies??
What happens if the snacks I planned for are not snacks I'm still interested in
I mean If I Plan KC Masterpiece barbecue Potato Chips by Frito Lay
and in 17 months want Doritos and Salsa instead--what kind of contingency plan do I need
Obviously you have failed to see the in-depth spiritual learning here, if you would have picked your snacks by revelation there would be no problem now would there. Walking by the snack spirit is foundational perhaps you will want to practice before arriving. Please report back each week on your progress with your snack exceller sessions.
This may be a stupid question but if you are staying at a hotel couldn't you just pick up your snacks there. And why do we need snacks anyway? Sounds like someone has cut the food budget.
Prevailing Word Literal: We are planning to starve you while you are here so even though we sold you a meal plan please bring your own food and snacks.
This is just bizarre. A man couldn't wear a nice light or medium grey suit? It HAS to be dark? Why? Do light suits draw devil spirits??? HAS to be a DARK suit.
Doncha see it........the protocol issue is a major issue with twi. Always has been. And, after 6 p.m. it becomes standard protocol to wear evening attire.......or a dark suit (for men).
And, lest we forget...........the advanced class grad pool gives way to the highest percentages of corps material. About midway through the adv class, rico spaghetti or johnny ruppy or isn'the hornie will give the corps promotion speel. The dress code issue is a major hoop towards comformity.
The advanced class has been a tried and tested method for twi for decades. One hoop leads to the next and the next. And, in business that's just standard m.o...............BUT in a "christian" organization it SHOULD be so much greater than that. The education should be BIBILCAL STUDIES..........not twi-conformity.
I think it's true to character. They are letting the "candidate" know that they no longer have to think for themselves, even for their snacks. "Leadership" has it covered...just do what we tell you to thinking required.
The Advanced Class will be starting a week from today. We have been carefully monitoring your progress in fulfilling all the requirements for attendence, and we are pleased to see that you have properly expended all of your hard earned money for your dark suit and umpteen billion required classes, and that you have properly reported your fuel availablity each month on Form FS/346.
However, you have failed to submit your list of snacks on Form SN564 (the orange one) in a timely manner, and we have had a lot of folks here at Htq's who have been doing nothing but waiting for your report. You have failed God, therefore, and must be considered spirtually inadequete to come and listen to our latest dribble. Only people who can FOLLOW EVERY COMMANDMENT will be considered qualified.
You will not be officially marked and avoided, but you must make amends to both your TC, BC, LC, and BOT by sending a letter to them once a week containg the word "snack" written 500 times. Single spaced and handwritten only.
If you fulfil this requirement, we will give every consideration to reinstate you in a level entry position in your Twig. You will be starting over from the bottom.
Hey! Boob Moneyhands has one of those suits!! He was still wearing it when I was involved. ARe they now ungodly?? :blink:
TopofTheWorld, you worked at hq, didn't you? Admit it! You took all those snacks for yourself, didn't you? ;) Are people going to have to submit what snacks they are bringing and which food groups they satisfy? Can't eat too much junk, you know....TWI doesn't give people healthcare in any way shape or form --- especially not visitors!
We are sad to inform you of the passing of Saddy Chips, our Department Head of Snack Patrol. She was killed in a tragic accident involving being buried under a ton of trail mix, which she had been hiding, er stockpiling, in her trailer at Headquarters. It took us some time to find her, since we had to arrange a bucket brigade to remove all the nuts.
We were not aware until this incident that she had asked all of you to submit your snacks in advance. No revelation was given to BOT about this activity. Well, we really weren't listening.
In view of the dangers involved with trail mix, we have decided to "suggest" that all candidates bring pototoe chips to the class. We believe that the sound department can make any filtering adjustments neccessary to overcome the crunching noises we anticipate.
Your cooperation is expected.
BOT (Bout Out of Time)
P.S. Any additional snacks you bring for consumption outside of class time is up to you: however they will be checked for a minimum sugar content of 75g. Anything less will be confiscated.
What's wrong with a cream or beige or light gray suit?
I guess they are planning on you killing yourself during that time (17 months). Then you would already have your suit, all they would have to do is stuff you and send you out
Lets see there are ten items (actually nine since two are gender specific) on the list and seventeen months of "checking in."
Savings for the Advanced Class tuition and meal plan. Registration deadline - Feb. 1, 2007
- Hotel
- Vehicle Fuel
- Snacks
- Spending money
- A dark suit for the men
- A nice dress fro the ladies
- Casually nice clothes (no jeans)
- Complete academic requirements, including the Home Studies
- Faithfully participate in household fellowship on a regular basis
Fuel, clothes (both casually nice and suit or dress), snacks are all things that can be taken care of the week before departing if not the night before. I know, I know, I procrastinate. I usually wait untill just before taking a trip to pack. I'm irresponsible that way.
So that leaves tuition money, hotel reservation and money, spending money, Home Studies and going to a "household fellowship" regularly to report back about for 17 months.
When I did my home studies, it was something that could be done in about one week of on and off "studying." That was in 93'. I know I should have REALLY studied because somehow over the previous 13 years of my life of hearing all that stuff taught over and over and over and over again just didn't make it sink in. That one year of real studying would have done the trick.
So there you have another week.
"Regularly attending a household fellowship" isn't really something you should have to "report back" back about since you are seeing these people at least twice a week for fellowship anyways. Why report to another person telling them you went?
So that leaves us with tuision MONEY, hotel reservation and MONEY, and spending MONEY. You know the song "money, money, money."
So what it comes down to is they want to make sure that you have the money to get them their money. They don't want you pulling out at the last minute and asking for a refund. Apparently, they are having problems with getting "canidates" to the AC. As usual, when they are having those sorts of problems they resort to more control.
I love the line about your goal being to become an Advanced Class Grad! That is funny....yet most likely true. The classes are marketed and pushed in a way that it isn't really about what you are going to learn or how it will bless you. Those are just marketing ploys. The real deal is setting it up in a way that you just want to get to the next level...the next class....the next nametag....the next whatever.
And please...."beyond your wildest dreams?" How rediculous is that?
I guess my question to those who are still in the Way and are Advanced Class "candidates" is,
Do you really think it's worth it?
All of this intrusion into your personal life? This scrutiny of your finances (which, unless you're staff, the Way doesn't help you earn)? The anal-retentive obsession with your clothing choices? The ever-present, ever-increasing flaming hoops of requirement, every one of which you must leap without question, unsinged by the taint of common sense and independent thought?
Especially you who have taken this class in the last five years or so. Did what you learned in the Advanced Class make you glad you sacrificed any semblance of a normal lifestyle?
Did you learn substantially more about anything (especially the operation of the "revelation" and "impartation" manifestations, if they're even called that anymore) than what you knew before? I didn't learn much more about "operating the manifestations" then I had before I got there...and I attended the Advanced Class in Emporia in 1978.
And most, most importantly...Did you have a closer, more intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ after you took that class? Did you love him more? Respect him more? Even think of him more often?
Why isnt this guy who wrote the letter, who has such a massive grasp of the 'manifestations', out healing people at his local AIDs ward or at the childrens cancer hospital-- instead of spending his time fretting over someone else's suit colors?
If twi is an "expert" on hearing God's voice...then why didn't they know that their "ministry" was about to hit the wall harder than Mr MaGoo playing jai lai?
Furthermore...if you gotta tell somebody 17 months ahead of time, that they're gonna need to put gas in their car to get there...what kind of morons are they grooming?
Lemme see now...the "revelation manifestations" are supposed to be "God talking to you"...if this is a reality in their own lives...why don't they just SAY IT plainly? "Advanced class grad"...puuuleeeeze...If God ever spoke to Rosie, she would clutch her chest and die on the spot.
If you ever want to hear God's voice, you better have a dark suit and plenty of snacks...
My question is this...does Rosie wear a nice dress or a dark suit?
ahhh... once again I find myself on the same page with my brother from the sock drawer... (such a warm and cuddly feeling it is)...
now... young hopper! see, if you'd just done things this way you wouldn't be a copout now! (that'll learn ya!)
I guess you could call it "legalism" if you want to...
I really think that it's just a continuation of a mindset that they want the "followers of the way" to perpetually inhabit: "let us do the thinking for you"
I also think it's TWI not wanting to deal with all of those last minute screw ups that missed one or two things and therefore cannot attend (give more money) and minimize the number of folks that they'll have to 'let slide' or 'turn away' because they didn't do a, b or c... thus avoiding the charges of favoritism or legalism that would be associated should they have to actually 'make a call'...
they just want to keep it all smoothly running doncha know!
...besides... this is all a part of "prevailing"... there's no more souls to win, just souls to tend...
- Complete academic requirements, including the Home Studies
Thats my favorite. How ironic since TWI was founded by a man who bought his Phd to fulfill
his "academic requirements".
I never took the advanced class because it wasn't necessary for me to do so since it was routine for people in my area to openly share what they had learned at various classes. My early involvement with TWI was because of my friends so we had that before TWI and , at least early on, that friendship transcended TWI rules and regulations. Anyway the first Advanced class grad in our area came back and was more than happy to go over in detail what he had learned. He had his syllabus and all his notes so people could see all the information. This was what we would have done with any class. We didn't sit there and and guard access to our notes like people later did. We figured "all nine all the time" and anything that we could for each other to make that happen was acceptable in the eyes of God. Of course it wasn't acceptable in the eyes of TWI as we later discovered. Once the word got around (no pun intended) that we had been doing this we were asked to stop. There was even some lame reference to copyrighted material as if we were making copies (Which we weren't) of the syllabus. It was all just to make sure that people were paying money for this information. All that bull about
various classes being "Too heavy" for someone was just a method to make sure you paid for all the classes which would maximize profit for the TWI.
Guys, I think that they place all of these requirements and obsticles in peoples paths in order for them to feel like they have accomplished something huge....something to feel really special, even superior about.
I think that they need to make themselves feel very important and this is a way to accomplish this.
What ELSE do they have to feel good about?
TWI has to manufacture their OWN measuring stick to gauge success....since by every indication in the scripture and by the world is that they are not prosperous, superior, more spiritual....etc.
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The "Snacks" part really made me chuckle ... it's much cheaper to take your OWN Hershey bars (or other chocolate, for you chocolate lovers like me out there) ... but it is just incredible to me that they would tell an ADULT to do those things .. could it be that the only Advanced Class candidates they plan on having there are children that were raised in TWI? Probably not ... but even teenagers have enough sense to plan ahead to have snack money ...
Lover of Dogs AND chocolate
(but do not give your dog chocolate ... even if he/she has saved money for snacks, the chocolate has some ingredient that is toxic to dogs -- if one feels the need for legalism, let it stop with this "commandment" that you not allow your dog to spend his snack money on chocolate bars...but then again, if you were in TWI, would you be able to have a "serious pet" like a dog? Or would you be confined to having a non-serious, fun-loving hamster?)
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This is just bizarre. A man couldn't wear a nice light or medium grey suit? It HAS to be dark? Why? Do light suits draw devil spirits???
Snacks are an important topic? Heck, they'll all be staying in motels--they can plunk a dollar into the vending machine, can't they? My hubby and I had a cooler with fruits and veggies, no one had to tell us, sheesh, being as we were all grown up with functioniong brain cells.
Perhaps this Advanced class is made up mostly of children. I can see telling a thirteen year old they'll need $3 a day for snacks.
And with all the money TWI has--couldn't they send people off to the motels with a soda and a pack of cookies??
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Is Just the regular form they do things, a lot of plannig, preparation and action. For me is not a big deal. May be I atend.
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Obviously you have failed to see the in-depth spiritual learning here, if you would have picked your snacks by revelation there would be no problem now would there. Walking by the snack spirit is foundational perhaps you will want to practice before arriving. Please report back each week on your progress with your snack exceller sessions.
This may be a stupid question but if you are staying at a hotel couldn't you just pick up your snacks there. And why do we need snacks anyway? Sounds like someone has cut the food budget.
Prevailing Word Literal: We are planning to starve you while you are here so even though we sold you a meal plan please bring your own food and snacks.
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skyrider HAS to be a DARK suit.
Doncha see it........the protocol issue is a major issue with twi. Always has been. And, after 6 p.m. it becomes standard protocol to wear evening attire.......or a dark suit (for men).
And, lest we forget...........the advanced class grad pool gives way to the highest percentages of corps material. About midway through the adv class, rico spaghetti or johnny ruppy or isn'the hornie will give the corps promotion speel. The dress code issue is a major hoop towards comformity.
The advanced class has been a tried and tested method for twi for decades. One hoop leads to the next and the next. And, in business that's just standard m.o...............BUT in a "christian" organization it SHOULD be so much greater than that. The education should be BIBILCAL STUDIES..........not twi-conformity.
Been there, done that.
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snacks,hmm.I remember at an ac special 96 brought my own coca cola sure had alot of friends...
Twi is cheap cheap cheap..any class i ever attended for a corporation snacks were provided
Maybe rosie and donna will kick back eating caviar!!
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I think it's true to character. They are letting the "candidate" know that they no longer have to think for themselves, even for their snacks. "Leadership" has it covered...just do what we tell you to thinking required.
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Dear Candidate,
The Advanced Class will be starting a week from today. We have been carefully monitoring your progress in fulfilling all the requirements for attendence, and we are pleased to see that you have properly expended all of your hard earned money for your dark suit and umpteen billion required classes, and that you have properly reported your fuel availablity each month on Form FS/346.
However, you have failed to submit your list of snacks on Form SN564 (the orange one) in a timely manner, and we have had a lot of folks here at Htq's who have been doing nothing but waiting for your report. You have failed God, therefore, and must be considered spirtually inadequete to come and listen to our latest dribble. Only people who can FOLLOW EVERY COMMANDMENT will be considered qualified.
You will not be officially marked and avoided, but you must make amends to both your TC, BC, LC, and BOT by sending a letter to them once a week containg the word "snack" written 500 times. Single spaced and handwritten only.
If you fulfil this requirement, we will give every consideration to reinstate you in a level entry position in your Twig. You will be starting over from the bottom.
Saddy Chips
Department Head for Snack Patrol
P.S. Stay off the internet.
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Now, Topoftheworld, that was funny!
It just sounded so much like them.
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Hmm. I think a light suit looks dapper.

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aw justloafing
you KNOW the guy in the background in the DARK suite looks much more godly :D
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Hey! Boob Moneyhands has one of those suits!! He was still wearing it when I was involved. ARe they now ungodly?? :blink:
TopofTheWorld, you worked at hq, didn't you? Admit it! You took all those snacks for yourself, didn't you? ;) Are people going to have to submit what snacks they are bringing and which food groups they satisfy? Can't eat too much junk, you know....TWI doesn't give people healthcare in any way shape or form --- especially not visitors!
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Dear Advanced Class Candidates.
We are sad to inform you of the passing of Saddy Chips, our Department Head of Snack Patrol. She was killed in a tragic accident involving being buried under a ton of trail mix, which she had been hiding, er stockpiling, in her trailer at Headquarters. It took us some time to find her, since we had to arrange a bucket brigade to remove all the nuts.
We were not aware until this incident that she had asked all of you to submit your snacks in advance. No revelation was given to BOT about this activity. Well, we really weren't listening.
In view of the dangers involved with trail mix, we have decided to "suggest" that all candidates bring pototoe chips to the class. We believe that the sound department can make any filtering adjustments neccessary to overcome the crunching noises we anticipate.
Your cooperation is expected.
BOT (Bout Out of Time)
P.S. Any additional snacks you bring for consumption outside of class time is up to you: however they will be checked for a minimum sugar content of 75g. Anything less will be confiscated.
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I guess they are planning on you killing yourself during that time (17 months). Then you would already have your suit, all they would have to do is stuff you and send you out
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Wow! Unbelievable. Well, not really.
Lets see there are ten items (actually nine since two are gender specific) on the list and seventeen months of "checking in."
Fuel, clothes (both casually nice and suit or dress), snacks are all things that can be taken care of the week before departing if not the night before. I know, I know, I procrastinate. I usually wait untill just before taking a trip to pack. I'm irresponsible that way.
So that leaves tuition money, hotel reservation and money, spending money, Home Studies and going to a "household fellowship" regularly to report back about for 17 months.
When I did my home studies, it was something that could be done in about one week of on and off "studying." That was in 93'. I know I should have REALLY studied because somehow over the previous 13 years of my life of hearing all that stuff taught over and over and over and over again just didn't make it sink in. That one year of real studying would have done the trick.
So there you have another week.
"Regularly attending a household fellowship" isn't really something you should have to "report back" back about since you are seeing these people at least twice a week for fellowship anyways. Why report to another person telling them you went?
So that leaves us with tuision MONEY, hotel reservation and MONEY, and spending MONEY. You know the song "money, money, money."
So what it comes down to is they want to make sure that you have the money to get them their money. They don't want you pulling out at the last minute and asking for a refund. Apparently, they are having problems with getting "canidates" to the AC. As usual, when they are having those sorts of problems they resort to more control.
I love the line about your goal being to become an Advanced Class Grad! That is funny....yet most likely true. The classes are marketed and pushed in a way that it isn't really about what you are going to learn or how it will bless you. Those are just marketing ploys. The real deal is setting it up in a way that you just want to get to the next level...the next class....the next nametag....the next whatever.
And please...."beyond your wildest dreams?" How rediculous is that?
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I guess my question to those who are still in the Way and are Advanced Class "candidates" is,
Do you really think it's worth it?
All of this intrusion into your personal life? This scrutiny of your finances (which, unless you're staff, the Way doesn't help you earn)? The anal-retentive obsession with your clothing choices? The ever-present, ever-increasing flaming hoops of requirement, every one of which you must leap without question, unsinged by the taint of common sense and independent thought?
Especially you who have taken this class in the last five years or so. Did what you learned in the Advanced Class make you glad you sacrificed any semblance of a normal lifestyle?
Did you learn substantially more about anything (especially the operation of the "revelation" and "impartation" manifestations, if they're even called that anymore) than what you knew before? I didn't learn much more about "operating the manifestations" then I had before I got there...and I attended the Advanced Class in Emporia in 1978.
And most, most importantly...Did you have a closer, more intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ after you took that class? Did you love him more? Respect him more? Even think of him more often?
If not, then what's the point?
Was this trip really necessary?
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Why isnt this guy who wrote the letter, who has such a massive grasp of the 'manifestations', out healing people at his local AIDs ward or at the childrens cancer hospital-- instead of spending his time fretting over someone else's suit colors?
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If twi is an "expert" on hearing God's voice...then why didn't they know that their "ministry" was about to hit the wall harder than Mr MaGoo playing jai lai?
Furthermore...if you gotta tell somebody 17 months ahead of time, that they're gonna need to put gas in their car to get there...what kind of morons are they grooming?
Lemme see now...the "revelation manifestations" are supposed to be "God talking to you"...if this is a reality in their own lives...why don't they just SAY IT plainly? "Advanced class grad"...puuuleeeeze...If God ever spoke to Rosie, she would clutch her chest and die on the spot.
If you ever want to hear God's voice, you better have a dark suit and plenty of snacks...
My question is this...does Rosie wear a nice dress or a dark suit?
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Classic comment, socks.......I laugh everytime I think of this thread.
Thanks! :)
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Tom Strange
ahhh... once again I find myself on the same page with my brother from the sock drawer... (such a warm and cuddly feeling it is)...
now... young hopper! see, if you'd just done things this way you wouldn't be a copout now! (that'll learn ya!)
I guess you could call it "legalism" if you want to...
I really think that it's just a continuation of a mindset that they want the "followers of the way" to perpetually inhabit: "let us do the thinking for you"
I also think it's TWI not wanting to deal with all of those last minute screw ups that missed one or two things and therefore cannot attend (give more money) and minimize the number of folks that they'll have to 'let slide' or 'turn away' because they didn't do a, b or c... thus avoiding the charges of favoritism or legalism that would be associated should they have to actually 'make a call'...
they just want to keep it all smoothly running doncha know!
...besides... this is all a part of "prevailing"... there's no more souls to win, just souls to tend...
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Thats my favorite. How ironic since TWI was founded by a man who bought his Phd to fulfill
his "academic requirements".
I never took the advanced class because it wasn't necessary for me to do so since it was routine for people in my area to openly share what they had learned at various classes. My early involvement with TWI was because of my friends so we had that before TWI and , at least early on, that friendship transcended TWI rules and regulations. Anyway the first Advanced class grad in our area came back and was more than happy to go over in detail what he had learned. He had his syllabus and all his notes so people could see all the information. This was what we would have done with any class. We didn't sit there and and guard access to our notes like people later did. We figured "all nine all the time" and anything that we could for each other to make that happen was acceptable in the eyes of God. Of course it wasn't acceptable in the eyes of TWI as we later discovered. Once the word got around (no pun intended) that we had been doing this we were asked to stop. There was even some lame reference to copyrighted material as if we were making copies (Which we weren't) of the syllabus. It was all just to make sure that people were paying money for this information. All that bull about
various classes being "Too heavy" for someone was just a method to make sure you paid for all the classes which would maximize profit for the TWI.
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Guys, I think that they place all of these requirements and obsticles in peoples paths in order for them to feel like they have accomplished something huge....something to feel really special, even superior about.
I think that they need to make themselves feel very important and this is a way to accomplish this.
What ELSE do they have to feel good about?
TWI has to manufacture their OWN measuring stick to gauge success....since by every indication in the scripture and by the world is that they are not prosperous, superior, more spiritual....etc.
They have to have something to feel good about.
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George Aar
Well it's all been said already, but
SEVENTEEN MONTHS ahead of time?(!) Good Gawd, they plan Moon Landings in less time.
This really is hilarious. Yeah, I'm sure the new grads will be able to accomplish things like:
Tying their own shoes
Wiping the spit off their own chins
Finding all the books of the Bible really quick (oooo, that's a tough one!)
They didn't mention anything about pinning a note to your collar so they know where to send you if you get lost. I think that's a gross oversight...
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