the most frequent one is that i never finish college. i'm always short a couple of credits. the dream really upsets me each time. i don't get the meaning.
another one i have often is that i have to make it to a campus by a certain time. it's a block change after christmas break and right after i get t here, i'm supposed to go on LEAD. it's always very stressful
there are others but those 2 came to mind immediately. i always feel panic when i have them. been going on for years
Maybe a little off topic since I don't know if it starts from a dream or not. Up untill this past year. I have always had atleast 2 days a year that I think of nothing but twi. I mean every second of that day. It was so draining. Well I let out my feeling here one time and have talked about it to a great person. Ever since then I have not had one of those days. I don't know if it was just expressing it but I have not had one of those days since.
May I remind you I have been out since 1986. I did not not have any contact with twi or extwi when I left untill I found Waydale in early 2000. It happened every year from the year I left. Knock on wood it has not happened since last March.
When I first left TWI and my husband left me I had some really wild, vivid dreams repeatedly. It was really disturbing so I looked into dream interpretation and discussed it with my therapist. They say that we are the best ones to interpret our dreams, but that people who study dreams can help with a lot of the symbolism that things CAN mean and then we have to look at how those meanings might fit into our lives to really be the ones to come up with the meaning.
I also had lots of dreams about going to the bathroom. Trying to get to the bathroom and running into all kinds of obstacles....getting to the bathroom and having people looking in windows, doors missing, etc. Going to the bathroom ourselves and things associated with that are representative of getting rid of old habits, thought patterns and, possibly beliefs. I was "dumping" a lot of TWI logic and teachings (still am) and that's what these dreams represented mostly.
I had terrible, awful dreams of running through dark, long, dirty alley ways and being mob attacked by my ex, the Moneyhands and others in TWI who were instrumental in the abuse I experienced.
I had dreams about ants swarming everywhere and coming through a hole in the ceiling in droves. Tons of ants everywhere!! Then, like a huge vacuum cleaner at the top of the house, it started sucking the ants out. The images were incredibly vivid and wild looking! I found out that dreaming of a house that's yours represents you - your body, thoughts, mind, life....those ants were annoying little issues (TWI issues) and that there was a huge hole in my life because of TWI and it was letting all these petty little issues take over my life. The vacuum cleaner (to me) represented leaving TWI and all these things getting sucked out of my life. The rest of them I took care of with ant spray and a good friend there to help spray me down.
It all made sense to me and, once I made sense of it, the dreams started coming less frequently and eventually stopped. They weren't as disturbing once I started learning the representation and symbollism. It was pretty cool learning about it, too. :)
I have a good friend who helped me work these things out and he does dream interpretation for free in exchange for anonymously posting your dream and his analysis on his website. He only posts them if they are accurate and he discusses it with you to make sure he got it right. There are several of mine up on his site. If you want more information PM me and I'll give you his information.
i don't dream about twi but this is weird i have been retired from the telephone co 11 years next week and almost every night in my dreams there is a short clip of a telephone pole or a telephone
Dreams are interesting--A friend of mine (never TWI) records all of her dreams, over time the patterns in the dreams can be interesting and enlightening. She goes to a Priest as a spiritual director who is also a trained Jungian Analyst about once amonth and gets alot of insight by working through them. She is of the belief that that is the way God speaks to her.
Hers seem more interesting to me than mine --I have had alot of recurring dreams in the past---Most of the ones I have now involve walking around in peanut butter shoes
People are different. I never have recurring dreams, but if something affects me I'll have a dream about it. Right after we left TWI I had this dream that I was in the WAP class and LCM kept saying, "DON"T TELL ME WHAT THE #*%@# THE LOVE OF GOD IS! I THINK I KNOW MORE THAN YOU DO WHAT THE #&%$@ GOD"S LOVE IS! HEY!!" And this went on and on until I woke up, but I only had the dream once.
Then after I discovered GSC/Waydale I had a dream that I was at HQ and LCM himself was acting nice to me, inviting me to participate in stuff but as I looked around me everywhere I looked someone was yelling at someone else (here am I, reprove me) and plus everybody's faces were partially decomposed like that scene in the movie "Poltergeist" where the guy's picking the skin off his face and throwing it in the sink. But everyone was nice to me like it was business as usual. Whew. But I only had that dream once too.
There's a guy who was in TWI in the early 80s in STL who told me he had vivid dreams about stuff and did this have spiritual meaning. Donnie Fugit told him it was just residue from his drug days, but today he eschews TWI and has written 2 books called "Dreams of the spirit" carried by Barnes and Noble. His name is Bart Druckenmiller and a google search will find him and his books. I thought it was interesting that he followed up on that, although I haven't read either one.
Excie, it sounds to me like your first dream may be that you have the thought that because of TWI your life will never be fulfilled and the second is a continuation of the first. Dunno.
Dot, no way your dream isn't comparing the quality of TWI with what's in those toilets.
thanks j yam !!! :) could be. very helpless feeling in those 2 dreams
Hers seem more interesting to me than mine --I have had alot of recurring dreams in the past---Most of the ones I have now involve walking around in peanut butter shoes
and hers are MORE interesting ??? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ex: Hey, I got an idea. I took a psych class in which they said a little boy was in his bedroom looking at a cute little stuffed animal when a really loud noise scared the crap out of him, and for years thereafter the boy would freak every time he saw a stuffed animal the same color as the one when the noise happened. They cured him with a progressive type method where little by little they would introduce the animal to his presence, first a small picture, then a bigger picture, then a little candy animal, then a bigger candy animal, then a little stuffed animal of a different color, then a get the idea.
What I thought might help is if you made a realistic looking diploma, maybe give it some colors that would catch your eye more than a real beige diploma and caligraphy write it with "on this date (pick a date that is close to when you left TWI) this certifies that Ex C. Athedra has been conferred with the degree of (you pick) and all the rights and privileges etc. Then put it in your bedroom just like some corporate person would put it in their office so you can see it regularly. Never know. Might help.
What if you had a dream that Dr. Phil was helping to clean out your car and then you were going someplace with him.....That was all of the dream that I remember, just a couple nights ago......hmmmmm
How interesting that you have bathroom dreams. I have had them too, especially in the last 3-4 years. I don't remember having them until that time. That was about the time I left the splinter group I was involved with and didn't look for anything else to replace it. I also have dreams about futuristic bathrooms, different designs for toilets and such. Either I'm looking for new ways to dispose of crap, or I'm channelling a home decorating network from the fillings in my teeth.
I have dreams about places and houses too. Very elaborate detail. Maybe I'm just dreaming about my....dream house?
The Dr. Phil dream? I dunno cleaning out your old patterns that weigh you down? Maybe you should write him....
Jesuslaughat- hmmmm perhaps you left the OLD ministry and should become a new leader of a new cult? kidding. Perhaps a job with the faucet company that says "build a house around this." Khor or something like that.
Jon - I am going to look up those books, they sound interesting.
Ex - I think the whole thing is to tell you subconcious that you did graduate with the bigger more colorful diaplomas and see if that lets your mind rest in the fact that you did succeed, I dunno.
M- PLEASE elaborate with the peanut butter shoe dream -- WOW
B- the ant thing would freak me out & be a nightmare to me.
C- the telephone theme invades all your dreams? Weird like a neatly placed advertisement or something. Unfinished business, or you are where you are because of them?
Justloafing - maybe those days you want to pray for the people in The Way who need help seeing... I dunno. I will have strong feelings about people and find out they were having a rough time.
J- I still pray or SIT like crazy when I awake with a weird dream or a frightening one
M- PLEASE elaborate with the peanut butter shoe dream -- WOW
I dont know-I dont take it too seriously-its my belief that some dreams are meaningful in understanding hidden aspects of your subconscious, others are just scattered detritus from the day.
The peanut butter shoes have recurred about 3 or 4 times over the last few months in a variety of circumstances and scenarios, although i dont remember them all that well.
One involved collecting seashells and the need to find one specific one of a certain type that had some type of healing moss growing on it (dont ask me--I dont know), then shifts into a mechanics garage full of trucker type people, where cars are up on lifts, after walking through and asking people about (something ---dont remember what) I climb a ladder into an old dusty attic and am about to find the shell in an old trunk-Im very anticipatory and excited but as I am about to open the trunk I look down and see my shoes are made of ........peanut butter........there is sort of a musical power chord thing going and the dream dissipates into a ....'what the heck was that all about' feeling.
Thats one that I remember fairly well --the 2 or 3 others vary alot in texture and format -one has a greasespotter that i havent seem in 20 years in it, but each of them end with the peanut butter shoes.
1. I am back in Prep school at my curent age (over 50, barely), and I have to take more classes there for a year, but I already have two engineering degrees (true) and a business (true), and I am back there again.
2. I am working for my old employer- it was an architectural- engineering sweat shop, and the boss was mean at times. Again- I have my own business and haven't worked there for 15 years.
3. I am back in the Way Corps- usually at HQ.
I call these dreams anxiety dreams- usually when they pop up (just one of them once every year or two) I am under a lot of stress and anxious.
Now if I have these dreams I just leave! I look at the employer, or Teachers at the school, or WayCorpse leadership and I tell them that "this is baloney. This is a dream, and you don't have any authority over me anylonger, it's really laughable. I am leaving when I want to....see ya!"
Once in a Corps dream, and I knew it was a dream, I hung around to see if I could see some folks I had not seen since the days from 1974 to 1986. And I did!
Then I left.
And that's what I do in all of them now...I know it's a dream, and I leave when I want.
I wish I could describe the shock and jawdropping whan I tell these dream figures that they are full of &$*#.
I don't think all dreams can be interpreted or their causes analyzed. I think it was MStar who said some are just "mental debris," and I've heard that dreams are how our brains get rid of it.
When I was a kid I had a recurring scary dream about being chased by a bear (sometimes it was a lion) and running like mad for my grandmother's back door, only to have the door slam in my face. Then I'd wake up, terrified. I think I had it because I had 3 teenage uncles who lived in my grandma's house that was in the dearm, and they told me scary stories all the time. I also had a silly recurring dream as an adult, but it was decades ago. None since.
I did have a weird experience about a month ago involving a dream, though. I dreamed that this person I work with and I were getting on our building's freight elevator, only the floors and walls of it were gone, and the elevator enclosure (the part you stand in) was just a steel frame hanging from some big chains. My coworker was standing, balancing, on the frame of the thing and was hanging onto the chains, saying, "C'mon you big chicken. Get on!"
The funny thing is that this woman has a terrible fear of being trapped in an elevator. I ride the freight elevator all the time at work, and she had rarely even stepped into it before this day. So in the dream I said, "Are you crazy?!? You're the one who's afraid of elevators, not me. And now you're suddenly a daredevil, hanging by chains. No way am I getting on that thing with you!"
The very next morning after the dream, I'm sitting in my office, and the person who was in my dream sticks her head into my office and says, "Would you go down in the elevator with me to pick up some boxes of computer paper?"
I kid you not. I thought, "Whoa! How strange!" I told her about my dream, and we laughed. Then, just to complete all the weirdness, we got stuck in the elevator, halfway between two floors. I've been using that elevator for four and a half years and have never gotten stuck once. I guess the thing she greatly feared had come upon me. :) We were only stuck for about 5 minutes and help arrived.
I guess it was just a wild coincidence, but man, what a specific coincidence!
My main recurring dream is a lot like Engine Rob's....
I'm back at Ole Miss having to re-take classes. The reason isn't clear. But it's the same class schedule as when I was there before.... only..... I can't exactly remember what all is on the schedule. Then I remember a class I haven't been attending AT ALL and it's close to the end of the semester!! Panic time!
I've heard several folks tell me (like Engine) that they have this same recurring dream with a few different details. But the significance of all this? No significance at all, IMNSHO. It's just the mind day dreaming at night. Freud himself said that in dreams, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
I used to have the same dream over and over of someone chasing me. My legs would be so tired and aching they would not move any faster, and I would be in a panic to keep going, for fear of getting captured. The person never caught me and at some point I told myself it was only a dream and when I woke up everything would be okay. Sure enough I would wake up and realize it was just a dream and go back to sleep. I have not had the dream for years now and don't have a clue why it stopped.
I very seldom have any recollection of dreams. I understand we all dream but I sure don't remember them very often.
My wife has had the bathroom dreams, very similar to what you describe, Dot.
She also has what she calls her "ski dream". Before the snows come but after she's gotten the car and the equipment ready, she dreams that she drives up to ski, but there's always something that keeps her from actually getting to the slope. Wrong lift ticket, no parking, etc. She has the dream at least a couple of times each year.
When I can remember my dreams, which isn't very often they tend to be warrior-like. Things like wading in chest-deep water holding a rifle over my head, being chased by people with guns. A couple of months ago, I had an incredibly vivid dream of a large airplane crashing and exploding across the street from me.
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i have recurring dreams absolutely
the most frequent one is that i never finish college. i'm always short a couple of credits. the dream really upsets me each time. i don't get the meaning.
another one i have often is that i have to make it to a campus by a certain time. it's a block change after christmas break and right after i get t here, i'm supposed to go on LEAD. it's always very stressful
there are others but those 2 came to mind immediately. i always feel panic when i have them. been going on for years
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Dot Matrix
Wonder what they mean?
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Maybe a little off topic since I don't know if it starts from a dream or not. Up untill this past year. I have always had atleast 2 days a year that I think of nothing but twi. I mean every second of that day. It was so draining. Well I let out my feeling here one time and have talked about it to a great person. Ever since then I have not had one of those days. I don't know if it was just expressing it but I have not had one of those days since.
May I remind you I have been out since 1986. I did not not have any contact with twi or extwi when I left untill I found Waydale in early 2000. It happened every year from the year I left. Knock on wood it has not happened since last March.
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When I first left TWI and my husband left me I had some really wild, vivid dreams repeatedly. It was really disturbing so I looked into dream interpretation and discussed it with my therapist. They say that we are the best ones to interpret our dreams, but that people who study dreams can help with a lot of the symbolism that things CAN mean and then we have to look at how those meanings might fit into our lives to really be the ones to come up with the meaning.
I also had lots of dreams about going to the bathroom. Trying to get to the bathroom and running into all kinds of obstacles....getting to the bathroom and having people looking in windows, doors missing, etc. Going to the bathroom ourselves and things associated with that are representative of getting rid of old habits, thought patterns and, possibly beliefs. I was "dumping" a lot of TWI logic and teachings (still am) and that's what these dreams represented mostly.
I had terrible, awful dreams of running through dark, long, dirty alley ways and being mob attacked by my ex, the Moneyhands and others in TWI who were instrumental in the abuse I experienced.
I had dreams about ants swarming everywhere and coming through a hole in the ceiling in droves. Tons of ants everywhere!! Then, like a huge vacuum cleaner at the top of the house, it started sucking the ants out. The images were incredibly vivid and wild looking! I found out that dreaming of a house that's yours represents you - your body, thoughts, mind, life....those ants were annoying little issues (TWI issues) and that there was a huge hole in my life because of TWI and it was letting all these petty little issues take over my life. The vacuum cleaner (to me) represented leaving TWI and all these things getting sucked out of my life. The rest of them I took care of with ant spray and a good friend there to help spray me down.
It all made sense to me and, once I made sense of it, the dreams started coming less frequently and eventually stopped. They weren't as disturbing once I started learning the representation and symbollism. It was pretty cool learning about it, too. :)
I have a good friend who helped me work these things out and he does dream interpretation for free in exchange for anonymously posting your dream and his analysis on his website. He only posts them if they are accurate and he discusses it with you to make sure he got it right. There are several of mine up on his site. If you want more information PM me and I'll give you his information.
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i don't dream about twi but this is weird i have been retired from the telephone co 11 years next week and almost every night in my dreams there is a short clip of a telephone pole or a telephone
damn i hate phones
but love the check they send me every month
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Dreams are interesting--A friend of mine (never TWI) records all of her dreams, over time the patterns in the dreams can be interesting and enlightening. She goes to a Priest as a spiritual director who is also a trained Jungian Analyst about once amonth and gets alot of insight by working through them. She is of the belief that that is the way God speaks to her.
Hers seem more interesting to me than mine --I have had alot of recurring dreams in the past---Most of the ones I have now involve walking around in peanut butter shoes
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People are different. I never have recurring dreams, but if something affects me I'll have a dream about it. Right after we left TWI I had this dream that I was in the WAP class and LCM kept saying, "DON"T TELL ME WHAT THE #*%@# THE LOVE OF GOD IS! I THINK I KNOW MORE THAN YOU DO WHAT THE #&%$@ GOD"S LOVE IS! HEY!!" And this went on and on until I woke up, but I only had the dream once.
Then after I discovered GSC/Waydale I had a dream that I was at HQ and LCM himself was acting nice to me, inviting me to participate in stuff but as I looked around me everywhere I looked someone was yelling at someone else (here am I, reprove me) and plus everybody's faces were partially decomposed like that scene in the movie "Poltergeist" where the guy's picking the skin off his face and throwing it in the sink. But everyone was nice to me like it was business as usual. Whew. But I only had that dream once too.
There's a guy who was in TWI in the early 80s in STL who told me he had vivid dreams about stuff and did this have spiritual meaning. Donnie Fugit told him it was just residue from his drug days, but today he eschews TWI and has written 2 books called "Dreams of the spirit" carried by Barnes and Noble. His name is Bart Druckenmiller and a google search will find him and his books. I thought it was interesting that he followed up on that, although I haven't read either one.
Excie, it sounds to me like your first dream may be that you have the thought that because of TWI your life will never be fulfilled and the second is a continuation of the first. Dunno.
Dot, no way your dream isn't comparing the quality of TWI with what's in those toilets.
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thanks j yam !!! :) could be. very helpless feeling in those 2 dreams
and hers are MORE interesting ??? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haLink to comment
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Ex: Hey, I got an idea. I took a psych class in which they said a little boy was in his bedroom looking at a cute little stuffed animal when a really loud noise scared the crap out of him, and for years thereafter the boy would freak every time he saw a stuffed animal the same color as the one when the noise happened. They cured him with a progressive type method where little by little they would introduce the animal to his presence, first a small picture, then a bigger picture, then a little candy animal, then a bigger candy animal, then a little stuffed animal of a different color, then a get the idea.
What I thought might help is if you made a realistic looking diploma, maybe give it some colors that would catch your eye more than a real beige diploma and caligraphy write it with "on this date (pick a date that is close to when you left TWI) this certifies that Ex C. Athedra has been conferred with the degree of (you pick) and all the rights and privileges etc. Then put it in your bedroom just like some corporate person would put it in their office so you can see it regularly. Never know. Might help.
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but i have the real diploma
or am i missing the point
thanks so much
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What if you had a dream that Dr. Phil was helping to clean out your car and then you were going someplace with him.....That was all of the dream that I remember, just a couple nights ago......hmmmmm
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How interesting that you have bathroom dreams. I have had them too, especially in the last 3-4 years. I don't remember having them until that time. That was about the time I left the splinter group I was involved with and didn't look for anything else to replace it. I also have dreams about futuristic bathrooms, different designs for toilets and such. Either I'm looking for new ways to dispose of crap, or I'm channelling a home decorating network from the fillings in my teeth.
I have dreams about places and houses too. Very elaborate detail. Maybe I'm just dreaming about my....dream house?
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Ever since being in TWI if I woke up from a scary dream I just SIT like crazy and within a minute or 2 I'm back to sleep.
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Dot Matrix
The Dr. Phil dream? I dunno cleaning out your old patterns that weigh you down? Maybe you should write him....
Jesuslaughat- hmmmm perhaps you left the OLD ministry and should become a new leader of a new cult? kidding. Perhaps a job with the faucet company that says "build a house around this." Khor or something like that.
Jon - I am going to look up those books, they sound interesting.
Ex - I think the whole thing is to tell you subconcious that you did graduate with the bigger more colorful diaplomas and see if that lets your mind rest in the fact that you did succeed, I dunno.
M- PLEASE elaborate with the peanut butter shoe dream -- WOW
B- the ant thing would freak me out & be a nightmare to me.
C- the telephone theme invades all your dreams? Weird like a neatly placed advertisement or something. Unfinished business, or you are where you are because of them?
Justloafing - maybe those days you want to pray for the people in The Way who need help seeing... I dunno. I will have strong feelings about people and find out they were having a rough time.
J- I still pray or SIT like crazy when I awake with a weird dream or a frightening one
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I dont know-I dont take it too seriously-its my belief that some dreams are meaningful in understanding hidden aspects of your subconscious, others are just scattered detritus from the day.
The peanut butter shoes have recurred about 3 or 4 times over the last few months in a variety of circumstances and scenarios, although i dont remember them all that well.
One involved collecting seashells and the need to find one specific one of a certain type that had some type of healing moss growing on it (dont ask me--I dont know), then shifts into a mechanics garage full of trucker type people, where cars are up on lifts, after walking through and asking people about (something ---dont remember what) I climb a ladder into an old dusty attic and am about to find the shell in an old trunk-Im very anticipatory and excited but as I am about to open the trunk I look down and see my shoes are made of ........peanut butter........there is sort of a musical power chord thing going and the dream dissipates into a ....'what the heck was that all about' feeling.
Thats one that I remember fairly well --the 2 or 3 others vary alot in texture and format -one has a greasespotter that i havent seem in 20 years in it, but each of them end with the peanut butter shoes.
maybe I need to go buy a pair
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Dot Matrix
Okay - Thanks!
I am stumped!
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I have three recurring dreams:
1. I am back in Prep school at my curent age (over 50, barely), and I have to take more classes there for a year, but I already have two engineering degrees (true) and a business (true), and I am back there again.
2. I am working for my old employer- it was an architectural- engineering sweat shop, and the boss was mean at times. Again- I have my own business and haven't worked there for 15 years.
3. I am back in the Way Corps- usually at HQ.
I call these dreams anxiety dreams- usually when they pop up (just one of them once every year or two) I am under a lot of stress and anxious.
Now if I have these dreams I just leave! I look at the employer, or Teachers at the school, or WayCorpse leadership and I tell them that "this is baloney. This is a dream, and you don't have any authority over me anylonger, it's really laughable. I am leaving when I want to....see ya!"
Once in a Corps dream, and I knew it was a dream, I hung around to see if I could see some folks I had not seen since the days from 1974 to 1986. And I did!
Then I left.
And that's what I do in all of them now...I know it's a dream, and I leave when I want.
I wish I could describe the shock and jawdropping whan I tell these dream figures that they are full of &$*#.
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Linda Z
I don't think all dreams can be interpreted or their causes analyzed. I think it was MStar who said some are just "mental debris," and I've heard that dreams are how our brains get rid of it.
When I was a kid I had a recurring scary dream about being chased by a bear (sometimes it was a lion) and running like mad for my grandmother's back door, only to have the door slam in my face. Then I'd wake up, terrified. I think I had it because I had 3 teenage uncles who lived in my grandma's house that was in the dearm, and they told me scary stories all the time. I also had a silly recurring dream as an adult, but it was decades ago. None since.
I did have a weird experience about a month ago involving a dream, though. I dreamed that this person I work with and I were getting on our building's freight elevator, only the floors and walls of it were gone, and the elevator enclosure (the part you stand in) was just a steel frame hanging from some big chains. My coworker was standing, balancing, on the frame of the thing and was hanging onto the chains, saying, "C'mon you big chicken. Get on!"
The funny thing is that this woman has a terrible fear of being trapped in an elevator. I ride the freight elevator all the time at work, and she had rarely even stepped into it before this day. So in the dream I said, "Are you crazy?!? You're the one who's afraid of elevators, not me. And now you're suddenly a daredevil, hanging by chains. No way am I getting on that thing with you!"
The very next morning after the dream, I'm sitting in my office, and the person who was in my dream sticks her head into my office and says, "Would you go down in the elevator with me to pick up some boxes of computer paper?"
I kid you not. I thought, "Whoa! How strange!" I told her about my dream, and we laughed. Then, just to complete all the weirdness, we got stuck in the elevator, halfway between two floors. I've been using that elevator for four and a half years and have never gotten stuck once. I guess the thing she greatly feared had come upon me. :) We were only stuck for about 5 minutes and help arrived.
I guess it was just a wild coincidence, but man, what a specific coincidence!
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Well at least Dr. Phil wasn't making me "detail" my vehicle. Anybody remember that on Sat
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My main recurring dream is a lot like Engine Rob's....
I'm back at Ole Miss having to re-take classes. The reason isn't clear. But it's the same class schedule as when I was there before.... only..... I can't exactly remember what all is on the schedule. Then I remember a class I haven't been attending AT ALL and it's close to the end of the semester!! Panic time!
I've heard several folks tell me (like Engine) that they have this same recurring dream with a few different details. But the significance of all this? No significance at all, IMNSHO. It's just the mind day dreaming at night. Freud himself said that in dreams, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
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Stayed Too Long
I used to have the same dream over and over of someone chasing me. My legs would be so tired and aching they would not move any faster, and I would be in a panic to keep going, for fear of getting captured. The person never caught me and at some point I told myself it was only a dream and when I woke up everything would be okay. Sure enough I would wake up and realize it was just a dream and go back to sleep. I have not had the dream for years now and don't have a clue why it stopped.
I very seldom have any recollection of dreams. I understand we all dream but I sure don't remember them very often.
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My wife has had the bathroom dreams, very similar to what you describe, Dot.
She also has what she calls her "ski dream". Before the snows come but after she's gotten the car and the equipment ready, she dreams that she drives up to ski, but there's always something that keeps her from actually getting to the slope. Wrong lift ticket, no parking, etc. She has the dream at least a couple of times each year.
When I can remember my dreams, which isn't very often they tend to be warrior-like. Things like wading in chest-deep water holding a rifle over my head, being chased by people with guns. A couple of months ago, I had an incredibly vivid dream of a large airplane crashing and exploding across the street from me.
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ok who {besides me} have ever dreamed the were naked in a public place?
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Stayed Too Long
That is sick man!! You should join the blue collar tour and make some money.

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