Same thing that would irk anyone: seeing him get misrepresented. All that stuff about sex and plagiarism may be factually true, but he still taught the word of God. THAT'S what gets misrepresented.
Same thing that would irk anyone: seeing him get misrepresented. All that stuff about sex and plagiarism may be factually true....
same thing that would irk ANYONE: seeing him get misrepreseneed all that stuff about sex.....
FACTUALLY true eh what's the other side of the coin ? SPIRITUALLY true ? just like he told me, eh ?
what MIGHT irk someone.... someone who got SEXUALLY ASSAULTED by that man of god using the "word" deceitfully and saying why god felt it was right to raise this teenage girl up properly ?
oh man..... why do i bother
who the hell is getting misrpresented for christ's sake
There's an argument to be made that he didn't exactly do that.
People like Eagle, and many others, have challenged, not Wierwille's "lifestyle", but what he actually taught.
What I have seen in some staunch Wierwillites is an equating of Wierwille's doctrine with their own worth. After all, they have based years of their lives, and built their whole belief system, their whole way of looking at the world and "The Word", on Wierwille's teachings. In most cases, Wierwille and PFAL was the first and only thing to make any sense of God and the bible.
Many Wierwillites therefore see a questioning of Wierwille's conclusions as a questioning of their own judgement. If Wierwille is wrong, then they are wrong as well. Who wants to see what they have based their whole life upon undermined? What's left then?
Now many Wierwillites have questioned small parts of the PFAL canon, or reworked insignificant sections, thereby convincing themselves that they can think and do biblical research, while retaining that core of Wierwillism like a security blanket.
Ex Cathedra..if some of us had been around I hope we would have bopped him right on the nose.
I am not a staunch 'Wierwillite' but I am a staunch 'Word of God is the Will of God' type of person.
What irks me the most are those who walked, ran to other denominations, beliefs etc.. putting down people like me.Some of you have only been Agnostics, Mormons, Catholics, JW's for a short period of time and others maybe not even as long as you were involved in TWI. Either way, don't you think it's a bit premature and naive to take potshots at posters of my persuasion while staunchly defending your new- found beliefs ??
After all, some of us could be Hare Krishnas, Freemasons, whatever by next week and Wiccas, Naturists the week after.??
You should always bother, whenever it counts. If it hadn't been for you, I never would have been able to see the truth about the fundamental foundations of the man I had put on a pedestal all those years.
I had thought that the things that happened to me where the results of individuals perptrating their own sickness: now I understand that it was a pervasive attitude coming from the top that allowed it to happen. Knowing this makes it easy to re-evaluate the basis behind everything I was taught.
I hope you never get tired of speaking up when you feel the fire-and there are plenty who support that 100%.
As for the rest: Maybe there was some good in the stuff: after all, it wasn't all original material, was it?
ome that gave me feedback before cutting me off said I was, along with some others, cutting down what "Doctor" taught and that PFAL should never be fooled with.
In the beginning was PFAL, and PFAL was with God, and PFAL was God.
As long as you understand that, you'll understand their perspective.
You're not criticizing a man's work.
You're criticizing God Almighty and everything He is.
You should always bother, whenever it counts. If it hadn't been for you, I never would have been able to see the truth about the fundamental foundations of the man I had put on a pedestal all those years.
Exactly the same for me topoftheworld. It is people like exi that opened my eyes to the evils of twi and to this day why I speak so negitive of the top leadership and what they taught. I do not think with all the devilish things they did for people in the name of God should be trusted in what they taught one iota. If anything that they taught was true I will find out by myself by my own life experiences. Take pfal and throw it in the trash. I hate everything it stands for.
I think the thing that angers them the most begins when their whited sepulchres are challenged and refuted. What culminates their anger is when they are no longer able to intimidate and shout down the person who dares to challenge them.
There is no excuse for Weirwille's behavior toward women. Once he broke that basic trust that these women had in him and took his "teaching" to a sexual level, he lost every bit of integrity that he ever had. To me he is no better than a pedophile who takes great care to groom "his target", which he and his entourage did - he and LCM didn't have to do it personally, yes they had an entourage to groom these women for him. There is NO EXCUSE. I don't care if he was with God in the beginning and helped write the bible..........
And it wasn't just women who were treated in an ungodly and unjust way.
I would venture to say that, based on MY observations, maybe one half, at most, of those "promoted", or who moved up the leadershi* ladder, were somewhat deserving. The rest were there due to having their noses planted firmly up some "leader's" arse. That means they adopted the same morals and standards as their beloved leaders.
This is so simply and obviously NOT of the true God. For you PFAL advocates, they (the leadershi t) could hash the Word of God with or without a tie on, doncha' see it???
Does this mean EVERYTHING that was taught was devilish or wrong?? Of course not. Just as EVERYTHING a convicted rapist or murderer might say would not be inaccurate. But I wouldn't invite them home on Sunday for the PFAL proverbial "chicken dinner" ...
Each one chooses his or her direction in life as well as the people they hold in respect, which hopefully is DESERVED respect. If VP and the leaders that followed (and continue to follow) him had/have GODLY intentions, they would have my respect.
I don't care if he was with God in the beginning and helped write the bible..........
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
awwww tutties i didn't see your post 'til after my little one there
CHMF thank you. that blesses me a lot :)
tanks toppie and loaf and whoever believes me and doesn't think i'm the hospice person who never dies or the patron saint of the sexually abused ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - two things said about me that will always remain in my heart ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I think the thing that angers them the most begins when their whited sepulchres are challenged and refuted. What culminates their anger is when they are no longer able to intimidate and shout down the person who dares to challenge them.
Yeah.....and if one is a long-standing veteran corps who shows signs of exiting twi.....the LOUDER the confrontation. After all, it not only challenges twi's whited sepulchres....but it points the finger right back at the CONFRONTER... challenging him on twi's indoctrination.
One man awake..........AWAKENS ANOTHER (possibly).
Wierwillites hate it when you challenge their guru's doctrines...
...Pfal...(including the writen form) laden with errors. Probably half of what he taught was wrong. Some of wierwille's doctrines were very destructive to the individual.
When the "absent Christ" doctrine and the "law of believing" doctrine are combined...Suddenly, the "way believer" can now operate power that eminates from within his/her own mind...effecting events in the external world...God is not necessary in this process and Christ has been relegated to a position of uninvolvement... the depersonalized "holy spirit" has become as a car battery...not unlike Green Lantern's power ring.
Ex Cathedra..if some of us had been around I hope we would have bopped him right on the nose.
I am not a staunch 'Wierwillite' but I am a staunch 'Word of God is the Will of God' type of person.
What irks me the most are those who walked, ran to other denominations, beliefs etc.. putting down people like me.Some of you have only been Agnostics, Mormons, Catholics, JW's for a short period of time and others maybe not even as long as you were involved in TWI. Either way, don't you think it's a bit premature and naive to take potshots at posters of my persuasion while staunchly defending your new- found beliefs ??
After all, some of us could be Hare Krishnas, Freemasons, whatever by next week and Wiccas, Naturists the week after.??
I was a freemason while 'in' the Way Ministry, and I knew other masons that were also followers of TWI.
Ex Cathedra..if some of us had been around I hope we would have bopped him right on the nose.
I am not a staunch 'Wierwillite' but I am a staunch 'Word of God is the Will of God' type of person.
What irks me the most are those who walked, ran to other denominations, beliefs etc.. putting down people like me.Some of you have only been Agnostics, Mormons, Catholics, JW's for a short period of time and others maybe not even as long as you were involved in TWI. Either way, don't you think it's a bit premature and naive to take potshots at posters of my persuasion while staunchly defending your new- found beliefs ??
After all, some of us could be Hare Krishnas, Freemasons, whatever by next week and Wiccas, Naturists the week after.??
End Quote
??? So, those not of your belief system are supposed to just hush up? That only the words of long time believers have value?
You know, maybe you should start your own board, where no unbelievers are allowed.
I remember. I was in TWI twenty years, I remember really well. And people a like you are a big reason I 'ran to other beliefs.'
I won't even get into pot shots other than--pot, meet kettle.
I had you on ignore, but you had to go change your name, sheesh. Now I have to go change my settings.
In the beginning was PFAL, and PFAL was with God, and PFAL was God.
As long as you understand that, you'll understand their perspective.
You're not criticizing a man's work.
You're criticizing God Almighty and everything He is.
Oakspear said:
"He still taught the Word"
There's an argument to be made that he didn't exactly do that.
People like Eagle, and many others, have challenged, not Wierwille's "lifestyle", but what he actually taught.
What I have seen in some staunch Wierwillites is an equating of Wierwille's doctrine with their own worth. After all, they have based years of their lives, and built their whole belief system, their whole way of looking at the world and "The Word", on Wierwille's teachings. In most cases, Wierwille and PFAL was the first and only thing to make any sense of God and the bible.
Many Wierwillites therefore see a questioning of Wierwille's conclusions as a questioning of their own judgement. If Wierwille is wrong, then they are wrong as well. Who wants to see what they have based their whole life upon undermined? What's left then?
Now many Wierwillites have questioned small parts of the PFAL canon, or reworked insignificant sections, thereby convincing themselves that they can think and do biblical research, while retaining that core of Wierwillism like a security blanket.
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Same thing that would irk anyone: seeing him get misrepresented. All that stuff about sex and plagiarism may be factually true, but he still taught the word of God. THAT'S what gets misrepresented.
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But Eagle never said otherwise. He just disagreed with Wierwille's conclusions. So, nice try, but doesn't apply.
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FACTUALLY true eh what's the other side of the coin ? SPIRITUALLY true ? just like he told me, eh ?
what MIGHT irk someone.... someone who got SEXUALLY ASSAULTED by that man of god using the "word" deceitfully and saying why god felt it was right to raise this teenage girl up properly ?
oh man..... why do i bother
who the hell is getting misrpresented for christ's sake
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one more thing
in defense of myself as a human being
there are many others besides johnnyam and oh who else mike oldies allan etc.
it is not fair to say that i am hurting anyone by speaking the truth
don't you understand how badly i feel for his kids, his wife, his family
but it doesn't change what happened
so think about that
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Talk about retaping the PFAL class and see what happens....
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"He still taught the Word"
There's an argument to be made that he didn't exactly do that.
People like Eagle, and many others, have challenged, not Wierwille's "lifestyle", but what he actually taught.
What I have seen in some staunch Wierwillites is an equating of Wierwille's doctrine with their own worth. After all, they have based years of their lives, and built their whole belief system, their whole way of looking at the world and "The Word", on Wierwille's teachings. In most cases, Wierwille and PFAL was the first and only thing to make any sense of God and the bible.
Many Wierwillites therefore see a questioning of Wierwille's conclusions as a questioning of their own judgement. If Wierwille is wrong, then they are wrong as well. Who wants to see what they have based their whole life upon undermined? What's left then?
Now many Wierwillites have questioned small parts of the PFAL canon, or reworked insignificant sections, thereby convincing themselves that they can think and do biblical research, while retaining that core of Wierwillism like a security blanket.
It's no surprise that some would shun you, Eagle.
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allan w.
Ex Cathedra..if some of us had been around I hope we would have bopped him right on the nose.
I am not a staunch 'Wierwillite' but I am a staunch 'Word of God is the Will of God' type of person.
What irks me the most are those who walked, ran to other denominations, beliefs etc.. putting down people like me.Some of you have only been Agnostics, Mormons, Catholics, JW's for a short period of time and others maybe not even as long as you were involved in TWI. Either way, don't you think it's a bit premature and naive to take potshots at posters of my persuasion while staunchly defending your new- found beliefs ??
After all, some of us could be Hare Krishnas, Freemasons, whatever by next week and Wiccas, Naturists the week after.??
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Wicca is the religion
a Wiccan is a practicioner of Wicca
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You should always bother, whenever it counts. If it hadn't been for you, I never would have been able to see the truth about the fundamental foundations of the man I had put on a pedestal all those years.
I had thought that the things that happened to me where the results of individuals perptrating their own sickness: now I understand that it was a pervasive attitude coming from the top that allowed it to happen. Knowing this makes it easy to re-evaluate the basis behind everything I was taught.
I hope you never get tired of speaking up when you feel the fire-and there are plenty who support that 100%.
As for the rest: Maybe there was some good in the stuff: after all, it wasn't all original material, was it?
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the one thing guaranteed to anger a Weirwillite is "ignore" him.
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In the beginning was PFAL, and PFAL was with God, and PFAL was God.
As long as you understand that, you'll understand their perspective.
You're not criticizing a man's work.
You're criticizing God Almighty and everything He is.
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Exactly the same for me topoftheworld. It is people like exi that opened my eyes to the evils of twi and to this day why I speak so negitive of the top leadership and what they taught. I do not think with all the devilish things they did for people in the name of God should be trusted in what they taught one iota. If anything that they taught was true I will find out by myself by my own life experiences. Take pfal and throw it in the trash. I hate everything it stands for.
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I think the thing that angers them the most begins when their whited sepulchres are challenged and refuted. What culminates their anger is when they are no longer able to intimidate and shout down the person who dares to challenge them.
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There is no excuse for Weirwille's behavior toward women. Once he broke that basic trust that these women had in him and took his "teaching" to a sexual level, he lost every bit of integrity that he ever had. To me he is no better than a pedophile who takes great care to groom "his target", which he and his entourage did - he and LCM didn't have to do it personally, yes they had an entourage to groom these women for him. There is NO EXCUSE. I don't care if he was with God in the beginning and helped write the bible..........
Edited by outofdafogLink to comment
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And it wasn't just women who were treated in an ungodly and unjust way.
I would venture to say that, based on MY observations, maybe one half, at most, of those "promoted", or who moved up the leadershi* ladder, were somewhat deserving. The rest were there due to having their noses planted firmly up some "leader's" arse. That means they adopted the same morals and standards as their beloved leaders.
This is so simply and obviously NOT of the true God. For you PFAL advocates, they (the leadershi t) could hash the Word of God with or without a tie on, doncha' see it???
Does this mean EVERYTHING that was taught was devilish or wrong?? Of course not. Just as EVERYTHING a convicted rapist or murderer might say would not be inaccurate. But I wouldn't invite them home on Sunday for the PFAL proverbial "chicken dinner" ...
Each one chooses his or her direction in life as well as the people they hold in respect, which hopefully is DESERVED respect. If VP and the leaders that followed (and continue to follow) him had/have GODLY intentions, they would have my respect.
They don't.
CHMF (for you, Sexie...)
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awwww tutties i didn't see your post 'til after my little one there
CHMF thank you. that blesses me a lot :)
tanks toppie and loaf and whoever believes me and doesn't think i'm the hospice person who never dies or the patron saint of the sexually abused ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - two things said about me that will always remain in my heart ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
allan thanks for the bop :)
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Yeah.....and if one is a long-standing veteran corps who shows signs of exiting twi.....the LOUDER the confrontation. After all, it not only challenges twi's whited sepulchres....but it points the finger right back at the CONFRONTER... challenging him on twi's indoctrination.
One man awake..........AWAKENS ANOTHER (possibly).
Edited by skyriderLink to comment
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Wierwillites hate it when you challenge their guru's doctrines...
...Pfal...(including the writen form) laden with errors. Probably half of what he taught was wrong. Some of wierwille's doctrines were very destructive to the individual.
When the "absent Christ" doctrine and the "law of believing" doctrine are combined...Suddenly, the "way believer" can now operate power that eminates from within his/her own mind...effecting events in the external world...God is not necessary in this process and Christ has been relegated to a position of uninvolvement... the depersonalized "holy spirit" has become as a car battery...not unlike Green Lantern's power ring.
Twi is Christianity without Christ.
Edited by GrouchoMarxJrLink to comment
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Leaving twi with..............I-anity.
The worship of self....and what the mind can believe.
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I was a freemason while 'in' the Way Ministry, and I knew other masons that were also followers of TWI.
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QUOTE(allan w. @ Feb 15 2006, 11:47 PM)
Ex Cathedra..if some of us had been around I hope we would have bopped him right on the nose.
I am not a staunch 'Wierwillite' but I am a staunch 'Word of God is the Will of God' type of person.
What irks me the most are those who walked, ran to other denominations, beliefs etc.. putting down people like me.Some of you have only been Agnostics, Mormons, Catholics, JW's for a short period of time and others maybe not even as long as you were involved in TWI. Either way, don't you think it's a bit premature and naive to take potshots at posters of my persuasion while staunchly defending your new- found beliefs ??
After all, some of us could be Hare Krishnas, Freemasons, whatever by next week and Wiccas, Naturists the week after.??
End Quote
??? So, those not of your belief system are supposed to just hush up? That only the words of long time believers have value?
You know, maybe you should start your own board, where no unbelievers are allowed.
I remember. I was in TWI twenty years, I remember really well. And people a like you are a big reason I 'ran to other beliefs.'
I won't even get into pot shots other than--pot, meet kettle.
I had you on ignore, but you had to go change your name, sheesh. Now I have to go change my settings.
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Eagle you are free to pm or email me anytime.
That goes for anyone else.
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