I haven't seen Lestoil in a long time either, but Grease Relief spray at the Dollar General Store works as well in my experience. I haven't tried it on clothes yet, but it's worked wonders on my kitchen stove. A friend of mine swears by it.
I hadn't seen Brooks catsup for years and then found it on a shelf here in Missouri - woo hoo! Mom's "bean casserole" just isn't the same without it!. Now it's on the shelves in Wisconsin again too, as is Oxydol laundry soap (another something I grew up using that disappeared somewhere along the line).
On a similar note, I find it very interesting that a friend of mine that grew up in the Bronx uses almost all of the same household and personal hygiene products that I do and I grew up in Milwaukee.
I have great success with OxyClean for our clothing stains. (None have been grease stains tho)
Don't know those, but I understand your frustration. Part of the joy of aging (I know, speak for myself). We get used to certain things, and they disappear because....corporate takeovers, downsizing, competition, lawsuits..who knows.
All I know is I want the stuff that used to be in the blue bottle, ya know what I mean?...as I'm trying to explain it to some youngster in the grocery aisle who's giving me THAT LOOK.
Mercurochrome. It's been gone for about 10 years. I have a couple bottles that I very carefully keep and use. Nothing keeps a surface cut free from infection like it does. It was banned because it has mercury in it and it is "ineffective".
Recently i was thinking of Zud and Bon Ami, cleaning products, and how much I missed them. . . and then a friend gave me a can of each. (She was cleaning out some stuff, found them, and thought I might like them.)
Too cool.
As long as we have WD40 and duct tape, things are repairable.
I can hear my mother saying, "Never say never." and here I am whining because "they don't make 'em like they used to" :huh:
Marathon Chocolate/Caramel Bars
Tab (but I recently found some)
Strawberry Coke
Dial-a-Lash Mascara
Strawberry Shortcake Toys
and I can't find Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy stuff anywhere either. NOT that I need it now, but I'm hoping one day in the future to be wanting to have some....
Two friends were getting ready for a party and had to go to the grocery store at the last minute. They were racing around the asles looking for what they needed and were having no success. They found a young grocery clerk, and running up to him one of the friends gasped: "Do you have cream? " He said, "What kind?" She said, "You know....! (violently shaking her hand up and down). The young man blushes and stutters "Aisle 3, Dairy". As they run off, the other friend starts laughing. The first asks, "What's so funny?" She replies, "Do you always jerk off when you ask for whipped cream?"
Dot.good question....I still have a big ole' rock and srub board..and some ajax...tey work wonders when its raining!...Gona have a shower tommorrow,,,bring ya clothes an c'mon ovr...we/ll have a scrubbin party!
Not the Smithfield ham products presently in Kroger stores. That old Smithfield version of country ham that was so frickin’ salty it was in a class by itself. I once made ham salad out of some of it. Unique stuff.
Many years ago, my parents stopped at a small diner with my older siblings in tow. After looking over and apparently spurning the menu’s offering of beverages, my brother asked a waitress: “What ever happened to sarsaparilla?"
Her reply: “I don’t think she works here, anymore.”
I actually bought some sasparilla and boiled it and made a drink, I got sasparilla soda at a health food store, it didn't taste as good as I remembered.
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No Lestoil? Now how am I going to get auto grease and oil out of a certain hobbiest's clothing?
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Dot Matrix
I know! Where is all the stuff?
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i could go off on a tangent but then i'll sound like a nut
a lot of the old stuff is gone and i think wrongfully so
i guess i'm becoming old stuff
todd kel lindy p-mosh et al you can always add your input :)
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I haven't seen Lestoil in a long time either, but Grease Relief spray at the Dollar General Store works as well in my experience. I haven't tried it on clothes yet, but it's worked wonders on my kitchen stove. A friend of mine swears by it.
I hadn't seen Brooks catsup for years and then found it on a shelf here in Missouri - woo hoo! Mom's "bean casserole" just isn't the same without it!. Now it's on the shelves in Wisconsin again too, as is Oxydol laundry soap (another something I grew up using that disappeared somewhere along the line).
On a similar note, I find it very interesting that a friend of mine that grew up in the Bronx uses almost all of the same household and personal hygiene products that I do and I grew up in Milwaukee.
I have great success with OxyClean for our clothing stains. (None have been grease stains tho)
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I believe Lestoil was M&A'd a long time ago from twi headquarters,
though his brother Moretoil can still be found there.
*Grease Relief* spray is sold in the *privilidged* bookstore,
(located in the chalet) but only to the bod, and waygb
since they are the only ones permited to view this site.
Rumor has it, that it's located next to the drambui.
Internal cleansers, and external. :)
BTW -- that last was a figure of speech!
I'm sure they thought of that when stocking the aisles. ;)

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Don't know those, but I understand your frustration. Part of the joy of aging (I know, speak for myself). We get used to certain things, and they disappear because....corporate takeovers, downsizing, competition, lawsuits..who knows.
All I know is I want the stuff that used to be in the blue bottle, ya know what I mean?...as I'm trying to explain it to some youngster in the grocery aisle who's giving me THAT LOOK.
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Mercurochrome. It's been gone for about 10 years. I have a couple bottles that I very carefully keep and use. Nothing keeps a surface cut free from infection like it does. It was banned because it has mercury in it and it is "ineffective".
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Kit Sober
Recently i was thinking of Zud and Bon Ami, cleaning products, and how much I missed them. . . and then a friend gave me a can of each. (She was cleaning out some stuff, found them, and thought I might like them.)
Too cool.
As long as we have WD40 and duct tape, things are repairable.
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alas,i'm craving a Bonomo's Turkish Taffy.
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Where did my youth go?
it was around here a minute ago
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J0nny Ling0
Can one still find "Bit 'O Honey" candy, or Mary Janes" ?
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
there is a pretty awesome cany store not too far from me
if i find some they will be comming your way
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I'm sorry but I'm ROFLMAO!
I can hear my mother saying, "Never say never." and here I am whining because "they don't make 'em like they used to" :huh:
Marathon Chocolate/Caramel Bars
Tab (but I recently found some)
Strawberry Coke
Dial-a-Lash Mascara
Strawberry Shortcake Toys
and I can't find Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy stuff anywhere either. NOT that I need it now, but I'm hoping one day in the future to be wanting to have some....
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bon ami is still available- awesome stuff
I use "Simple Green" for sensitive areas with grease or oil spots and for cleaning dirt from grout, sometimes.
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This reminds me of a story...
Two friends were getting ready for a party and had to go to the grocery store at the last minute. They were racing around the asles looking for what they needed and were having no success. They found a young grocery clerk, and running up to him one of the friends gasped: "Do you have cream? " He said, "What kind?" She said, "You know....! (violently shaking her hand up and down). The young man blushes and stutters "Aisle 3, Dairy". As they run off, the other friend starts laughing. The first asks, "What's so funny?" She replies, "Do you always jerk off when you ask for whipped cream?"
It's really funnier when you act it out.
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Dot.good question....I still have a big ole' rock and srub board..and some ajax...tey work wonders when its raining!...Gona have a shower tommorrow,,,bring ya clothes an c'mon ovr...we/ll have a scrubbin party!
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Dot Matrix
Mary Janes -- I loved them and saw them at a special all candy shop at the mall.
Remember the old wax small coke bottles with colored sugar water? All gone, is ZUD gone? That worked well.
Raggedy Ann and Andy! I looked for them as well and could not find them. Oh times have changed.
Yes, Oxydol and ERA Laundry soap -- It got out every stain NOW I cannot find it.
What is Mercurochrome?
And do they still make Stoh's beer anywhere?
Balentine beer is no longer being made.
Western Union is gone...
Yes, turkish taffy.... now I am craving some....
Other people are looking for Lestoil as well
Okay-- anyone remember CHARLES CHIPS?
They were so nice and greasy! Loved them!
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Oh Dot
Relax you can find the Raggedy one here in Bettys Attic
With lots of other cool things heck you can even get this Busy Bee
And Mr. Machine and Lamb Chop and Bozo Bop Bag and the Frogman Divers Frogman
You can still find the wax filled bottles Sather's Candy still makes them.
Wax Bottles
See all is Good it was just a bad dream....
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Dot Matrix
Nik-L-Nips... We called them wax bottles when we were kids... fruit flavored syrup drink in 5 wax bottles.
So good to see them agai!
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Try The Vermont Country Store - it's like going back in time and even their catalogues look like old-timey ones - interesting to browse...
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Smithfield ham?
Not the Smithfield ham products presently in Kroger stores. That old Smithfield version of country ham that was so frickin’ salty it was in a class by itself. I once made ham salad out of some of it. Unique stuff.
Many years ago, my parents stopped at a small diner with my older siblings in tow. After looking over and apparently spurning the menu’s offering of beverages, my brother asked a waitress: “What ever happened to sarsaparilla?"
Her reply: “I don’t think she works here, anymore.”
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Dot Matrix
That is funny!
I actually bought some sasparilla and boiled it and made a drink, I got sasparilla soda at a health food store, it didn't taste as good as I remembered.
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