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"I agree so examine it! but as I said either it is true or it is not. How one uses truth does not change the fact that it is true. That's like saying how one uses a gun changes the fact that it is a gun. If you use a gun wrongly it is the wrong use of a gun nothing more If you use the bible wrongly it is the wrong use of the Bible nothing more."

If the Professor on Gilligan's Island dismantles a Beretta 92 FS 9mm Semi Automatic Pistol – uses every part to fabricate a very complicated mousetrap – is the Beretta still a gun? If it was very effective in catching mice, providing food for Survivors [oops – wrong show] – is that a wrong use of the gun? If you used a Bible for kindling in your fireplace – is it still a Bible?


"It is because that is what by nature truth is. If it was not then it would not be truth now would it? You are right he was refuting the attempt to use that which was true (truth) dishonestly. But that does not make it not truth. It makes it a dishonest use of something that is true. 2+2=4 that is true if I were to tell you it was 8 you could refute me (as Jesus did) and say no it is not it's 4 and here is why, but my misuse of truth does not make the answer no longer 4 now does it. The devil quoted that which was true his motive however was not well intentioned Jesus never said his words were not true he responded to his motive."

The devil just quoted the verses in Psalms? He did nothing else but quote truth?

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I do not know how to post links .

I have never done it .

Do I say I have a link somewhere?

I might refer to the above "links" that are on the first page of Greasespots, with the drop down. to go to CES whcih will redirect you to spirit and truth web site.

I cant find where I said I had a link It must be a miscommunication cause I fo not know how to do that . but I think I did say something about the lnk that is on the grease spot page.. show me if you can i will try to help.

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We were talking about motives or intentions taking a section of scripture and quoting it as it is written. Not dismantling it and fabricating something else. The devil used scripture as is he did not dismantle it into anything else had he done that Jesus would have called him on that. He did not.

The devil just quoted the verses in Psalms? He did nothing else but quote truth?

Not what I said! If you would read my posts you would find the answer to your questions


When the devil quoted scripture it was truth (God's Word) The words he spoke were true his motive however was not.
You are right he was refuting the attempt to use that which was true (truth) dishonestly. But that does not make it not truth. It makes it a dishonest use of something that is true
Edited by WhiteDove
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  Shellon Fockler-North said:
You hear she needs approval, etc? Can you explain that to me please?

Thank you

I will try, it seems when Rascal says posters need to "EARN"respect that somehow approval of the group is paramount to having a disscussion worthy of posting on this site.

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oh thank you

I met my above POST . Not link I was thinking it was connecting to what you said "linking " or as in close conection.

I do nt think of "links" in the puter sense of "links" haha cause I do not know how to do it. I should be more aware and will use differnt wording now.

I met the above post was closely related to what you had just said "linked".

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  WhiteDove said:

We were talking about motives or intentions taking a section of scripture and quoting it as it is written. Not dismantling it and fabricating something else. The devil used scripture as is he did not dismantle it into anything else had he done that Jesus would have called him on that. He did not.

The devil just quoted the verses in Psalms? He did nothing else but quote truth?

Not what I said! If you would read my posts you would find the answer to your questions


Dove, you are correct about the word being the truth. There is one difference though in what you are saying. Jesus was taught the word correctly he studied and taught it and applied it correctly. We were taught only some of the word correctly.

That is where vp,lcm and others were able to impose their will on us. We believed what was said while they raped and and destroyed peoples lives because of what we believed. It was because of what was taught by these people. Twi did not apply the word correctly. As the debbile told Jesus to jump, Jesus was not stupid and did not. We can only go as far as what we were taught. As we got older we found out we were taught wrong and very wrong. We supported these people so they could have their way with us. They misued the Word for their own benifit not ours.

The Word is the Word but in twi the Word is what they(twi) say it is even if they know it is wrong. And we bought it and some with their lives :blink:

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That must be why Allen W aka Allen, pond aka MJ, White Dove and others are on the defensive when their position doesn't meet with approval, right???

Most people here defend their points it is a discussion board which means you post pro or con on your issue. The problem is when a point of view is not PC or in agreement with accepted way to think, then it changes from what everyone does (ie Defending their positions) and changes somehow into being on the defensive, instead of discussion. Another words if you are on the side of the fence that needs to have every post tell of all that was wrong in the way for instance. Then you are discussing if you are on the side that chooses to see the wrong but also chooses to acknowledge the good you are a Wierwillite or apologist who is defending their position. In reality both are defending their position. But we get a label or labels. what if we labled you as a oh the molestites or the rapeites are violently defending their position. I doubt it would fly well.

That being my point the playing field is not even as some think. You can earn all the respect you want but you will always be a Wierwillite whatever the hell that is anyway. You are another example of what I was saying you will always be a LDS, which most people think is a cult just as the Way it's not an even playing field for you either.

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Dove, you are correct about the word being the truth. There is one difference though in what you are saying. Jesus was taught the word correctly he studied and taught it and applied it correctly. We were taught only some of the word correctly.

You raise a good point JL

We were taught a mix of right and wrong. But here is something for you to consider. Like Jesus we also should have invested the time to figure out which was which. Do you really think Jesus never had any wrong interpretation of scripture presented to him? I mean Mary and Joseph were no biblical scholars and he reasoned with the Scribes and Pharisees we know they taught wrong interpretation of scripture. I think he had as much opportunity to wrong teaching as anybody else and yet he saw the truth of the scripture.

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  WhiteDove said:
You raise a good point JL

We were taught a mix of right and wrong. But here is something for you to consider. Like Jesus we also should have invested the time to figure out which was which. Do you really think Jesus never had any wrong interpretation of scripture presented to him? I mean Mary and Joseph were no biblical scholars and he reasoned with the Scribes and Pharisees we know they taught wrong interpretation of scripture. I think he had as much opportunity to wrong teaching as anybody else and yet he saw the truth of the scripture.

You are correct. I guess my point is we could not reason with the Scribes and Pharisees (twi). If we did we were either thrown out or labled "possesed". As many times I did not understand some of the teachings of twi. I thought I would see it as I grew in the Word. Many times I had that gut feeling a teaching or part of the teaching was wrong. I guess I should have gone with my gut and ran when I heard for the first time "Do you know what killed that little boy?".

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Respect is earned....nobody owes you or your pov any pond.

In painting everybody that you disagree with as psychotic basket cases in serious need of meds....it makes it safe in your mind to conveniently dismiss them rather than to have to then thoughtfully examine the context of their posts....

Dove and Allen, a lot of Wierwille/twi defenders do the same thing....slap a lable of meanie on a poster or declare them unloving....and bingo you are free to now ignore their input.....

There ARE twi supporters that ARE able to respectfully disagree and have earned respect for their pov....Johnny Lingo comes to mind...as does Raf, and dmiller in their address of controversial doctrinal issues.

Geeze, Look at how gracious ex 10 is in her presentations and disagreements.....these people have earned my respect, even when I didn`t agree with their pov per say.


I don`t understand why anybody would feel the need for aproval for their beliefs here....post your thoughts cogently, ....treat your fellow posters respectfully and your pov will be considered....possibly agreed with...possibly dismissed....it shouldn`t matter to you either way.

Quit sulking, it is an equal playing field here....it you do not recieve the attention and respect that you think that you are entitled to...try examining your own posts to consider why.

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Jesus lived in a time when the scripture was much less adulterated I believe.

So it was not as tho he had the internet and the book stores full of how to be a christian like we do today.

In general I think there was much Less confusion about chapter and verse.. they had the actual scrolls White Dove what we have today is far removed from those days of learning.

I have heard this idea of Jesus being a man taking to extremes as well.. He had one thing no MAN had or will ever had.. A virgin mom and a Father that is GOD !

I would say his spiritual ears had a slight more perkynes than the average man . right?

That is why he died so we could have the holyness he had from his natural birth!

"born again" we could be born as HE was. the comforter was sent because of his life and death.

so the Jews of His day had a definate disadvantage for learning or rather to say Jesus Christ did have an advantage He chose to take .

he is the Saviour of mankind not an average jo made good by God.

God went all arms for HIM , just as He does for all of His children today, But then(when Jesus was on the earth) the Holyness of a man realy was on many many conditions and God really did not open the doors for learning unless He wanted to.

Today we have the ability to learn and discern truth and Error much more freely because of the grace Jesus brought.

Our ability to Worship God was made available BY the death and rising of the LORD> before that it was much much differnt. It really was by what God or Satan directed very little mercy .

I think Jesus made critical thinking skills skills he learned from being raised by devout parents in a religous home and by having the spirit in much more capacity than any other man ever had other than the first ADAM.

but it was the very voice of God He heeded , and with the days of confusion and mass knowledge we have available today I believe that is what it takes today. the comforter comforts us in confusion and pain regarding spiritaul matters . not so much a "teaching".

What it really came down to for me with Jesus is who He listened to .. and what God told him was not written it was still in the stars it was Jesus mircle of loving us that took HIM to the extreme . He had to believe He was the ONE the bible was talking about and it was indeed quite an ugly story of crucifying HIM.

Jesus is special. None of us will ever be asked to believe a bible verse about our death rather we get the glory of eternal life. so I would not compare how we learn or what we read or study to HIs will in life for me Jesus was about love more than chapter and VERSE and what He learned about whether it was correct or not came down to HIM knowing He was to SUFFER horrible for the doing of it. He loves not ONLY God BUT US mankind people those God created, that was his motive all along not what the scrolls said.

the scrools did not say Jesus Christ YOU are the one to be murdered God told HIM that . He took the learning form the scripture and placed it in his life and said uhoh and obeyed anyway.

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  rascal said:
Respect is earned....nobody owes you or your pov any pond.

In painting everybody that you disagree with as psychotic basket cases in serious need of meds....it makes it safe in your mind to conveniently dismiss them rather than to have to then thoughtfully examine the context of their posts....

Dove and Allen, a lot of Wierwille/twi defenders do the same thing....slap a lable of meanie on a poster or declare them unloving....and bingo you are free to now ignore their input.....

There ARE twi supporters that ARE able to respectfully disagree and have earned respect for their pov....Johnny Lingo comes to mind...as does Raf, and dmiller in their address of controversial doctrinal issues.

Geeze, Look at how gracious ex 10 is in her presentations and disagreements.....these people have earned my respect, even when I didn`t agree with their pov per say.


I don`t understand why anybody would feel the need for aproval for their beliefs here....post your thoughts cogently, ....treat your fellow posters respectfully and your pov will be considered....possibly agreed with...possibly dismissed....it shouldn`t matter to you either way.

Quit sulking, it is an equal playing field here....it you do not recieve the attention and respect that you think that you are entitled to...try examining your own posts to consider why.

I think you make some false accusations in your post, Rascal , I have not called anyone a "basket case" nor recommend meds , and Im not sulking by a long shot.

Nor do I treat other posters as children and give demands .

The way you write with the name dropping sometimes appears as if you want an us or them position ,the rating posters on how well you may like them or not appears to be in your vocabulary of making a group thinking defense or opinion once again.

I do not understand it that is for sure.

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Geeze, I mentioned some posters whom are able to disagree respectfully...and in turn have EARNED my respect.

I do not know them nor necessarily agree with their povs .......They ARE however tactfull and respectfull...and as such I can consider their input....and enjoy their at times different pov.

If I wanted to listy peaple I knew and agreed with, it would be an entirely different list.

You have taken a point and percieved an ugliness and ulterior motive that was never there...no big suprise to me.

You have accused in the past on a regular basis .... a great many posters of needing proffessional help and meds and even going so far as accusing them of being a danger to loved ones....instead of actually considering the content of our posts....

No problem....but please understand.....this WILL be percieved as a personal attck....this WILL not engender very much respect for you or endear you to the folks that you attempt to maligne and try to discredit their input as the maunderings of someone who is mentally disturbed... :rolleyes:

I REPEAT....if your pov is not well recieved....stop blaming the other people here, and adress the content and manner in which you present your pov...IF you want people to give your ideas credence and you as a person respect.

It is all pretty simple.

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  rascal said:


I don`t understand why anybody would feel the need for aproval for their beliefs here....post your thoughts cogently, ....treat your fellow posters respectfully and your pov will be considered....possibly agreed with...possibly dismissed....it shouldn`t matter to you either way.

Your most recent post seems to have a conflict of interest with your previous post.

Rascal you make it personal , in my opinion.

You accuse and then when I try to reply you come up with more accusations.. it just never seems to end.

No personal attack , I do not even know you as a person and vice versa , it is just I read your posts as angry and defensive and often accusatory and very often directed at a very personal level.

YOU seem to like to make the thread about a problem you have on a personal level with me, I read the front page of the web site to read to take such issues OUTSIDE of the forums as it does clutter the discussion qute a bit and I understand the reasoning behind such a rule.

Yet you do not respect such a consideration and in the same voice claim to be heavily invested in posting here.

That is confusion to me.

I guess sometimes I feel as if you can not have respect for the rules of the forum which are set in place for everyone benefit, to avoid this type of situation and messy threads full of what one poster thinks of another , I consider the source.

I ask you now stop making this thread baout your feelings about me and allow the discussion to further itself without such issues.

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  allan w. said:
Good on your wife Plinio ! The Way had one of their leaders call my wife on the phone to get her to leave me( it was actually her brother). She told them that I was still her husband, the father of her children and for The way to go take a hike, God bless our strong ladies !!

Take your next pill yourself allen. Your wife has more sence than you do. Your not defending the Word, your defending twi. Maybe your wifey needs to slap you.

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I give up, You guys will see only that which you want to see....and it isn`t just in this thread.

You need a conspiracy? A clique? Go ahead....place the blame on the rest of the posters for not giving the feed back that you require or feel is your due, instead of showing the kindness and respect that would bring credibility to your pov.

It is a shame because there are a lot of terrific folks here with great perspective and input on either side of an issue.

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I tried to take this out of the context of the Way in hopes that you would see beyond your idea that it is just a bunch of Wierwilleites who are feeling neglected. That's why I posted the quote from Mark from the Momentous thread. Do you think he posted that comment because he was needing to be a martyr or he needs a conspiracy? A clique?

Here is a couple of posts from EX 10 from the same thread. The second one was just before Marks post which prompted his remark. Do you think she just made this idea up, or did she perceive that because Momentus was seen as a John Lynn thing it was hopeless to try and continue?

Being an attendee of Momentous, I would love to be a part of the conversation. However, I am a total wuss type person, and can't stand arguing and barking.

Seems to me, judgment has been passed, so I probably have nothing worthwhile to say.

Seems a shame. That's why I left the cult. No room for a voice that's different from the crowd.

I'm in no way disparaging those who dislike Momentous. I think they were ill-prepared for the experience, and probably didn't know what they signed up for.

Ok, crucify me.

You can ignore the fact that it exists and blame it on Wierwilleites if that makes it feel better for you , but it goes well beyond that Rascal. The truth is other people know that it is not a level playing field where things are excepted on kindness and trust alone. That is not to say they are not important but if you are different from the crowd then it will not be enough. Hopefully taking it out of the Way context will allow you to think about it a little more and maybe ask yourself if you are seeing only what you want to see.

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There are people on here with different agendas. Mine is to slam twi for all it is worth. I see nothing good about it. Never will. They made to many people pay the "high price" for their(twi) own pleasure. Nope absolutly nothing at all good about that cornfield cult not even a single word that came out of their mouths.

Then there are some that don't care a whole lot about twi, They believe what they were taught to be good and life changing. That is fine. People can think a prt of that corfield cult was good. To me, sort of like saying Hitler had good ideas so he was not all that bad.

Some are here to heal them selves. Either they have just gotten out and still have that doubt about leaving. They still have bad dreams about twi and sometimes guilt about leaving Gods ministry.

Some are still in wondering if it is okay to step out of that cornfield cult and just read to see what life is like on the outside wondering if they should take the leap of faith and wonder if there is a God on the outside of twi. Let me assure them God is out here, a heck of a lot more than the strangle hold that twi has on them.

I wont even discuss the next party, "The WAYGB"

So what happened to the Word in Twi?

Personally I don't think they ever had it. I thought about that the other day from reading GSC. Their founder was a liar from the start. Starting with Pikes Peak and the snow on the gas pumps. Twi was never rooted in truth but lies so a man(vp) could make him look "God like". He taught other peoples works in his own name. He raped our sisters in Christ in the name of God and telling them it was a blessing and a healing to them. There is no doubt in my mind between twi I and twi II thousands of peoples lives were ruined. A trail of destruction is a better picture. Sort of reminds me of the picture of the Highway of death in the first gulf war. All in the name of God.


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