It is also interesting that when Belle gets upset, 'up pops' Temple Lady from out of the blue !
And Temple Lady, the Mormons have the same amount of reverence for their 'Book of Mormon' 'Pearl of great price' as TWI'ers or exTWI'ers have for the King James, o.k
I didn't pop put of the blue as you so quaintly put it-- Just happened to log on to GS after you fired your first salvo
And as for what the LDS have reverence for and in what degree- I am quite well aware of since I happen to be LDS Since you're not-perhaps you need to refrain from comment on what you again have demonstrated you know very little if anything about
"But, as I've said before (and as others here have said, as well), the Bible reveals God to us. The Bible isn't God."
Nice bait and switch there. So, um, if I want to see God revealed to me, I should read the bible and maybe respect it just a tad, but DON'T RESPECT IT TOO MUCH!!!!!! YOU'LL GO STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!!! QUICK, PUT IT DOWN AND RUNNNNNNNN!!!!!!
Jeez, that makes no sense; that's like a man looking at a Playboy centerfold and as soon as he starts to get aroused.....OH MY GOD! WHERE'S THE FIREPLACE? HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO EVIL?
Some of you guys will go to ridiculous lengths to bash TWI/VPW.
Nice bait-and-switch of your own.
You took a poster saying
"I find the Bible a useful thing that I treat respectfully,
for I believe it makes God known to me"
and turned that into
"The Bible is useful, but by itself can be very dangerous".
The Bible should never be used as a substitute for God.
The Bible-regardless of what certain criminals said-is not God,
and never was. The Bible MAKES KNOWN God.
Anything that MAKES KNOWN God should never be confused
for God HIMSELF. This leads to worshipping the created thing
rather than the CREATOR. (Romans 1.)
The brass serpent was raised in the wilderness, at the direction
of God Almighty. It was very useful, and was meant for
healing from the God that heals. So, that showed an aspect
of God for the people, YHWH-Rapha, YHWH Who Heals.
However, some people later worshipped the brass serpent.
What was the proper response then?
Trash it and smash it to pieces.
It was now leading people AWAY FROM GOD.
I'm also a little curious what led to an analogy between
I'm also a little curious what led to an analogy between
"trying to understand God by reading the Bible"
and pornography.
THAT struck me as going to ridiculous lengths to
defend twi/vpw.
And that, WordWolf, is why I wasn't even planning to give it the distinction of a reply. I think that comment should stand on its own for people to evaluate...
Somehow I think that very few will come to different conclusions than either you or I have.
I don't mind dealing with or posting to neurotics, pscycopaths, nosy parkers, at all.
I just take exception when they start pointing fingers whilst being very hypocritical themselves !!
Temple Lady..I know enough of the Mormon religion to know that it is even more outlandish than 95 percent of the other world religions..Christs return to happen in America, a seperate heaven especially for Mormons, a Mormon being able to be baptised for Hitler, Genghis Khan, etc..etc.. but it is up to Hitler and co. (who are currently waiting in the spirit world) if they want to accept the salvation or not ! I could go on and on but I guess I've made my point.
Nothing against you, just the utter B/S Joseph Smith bewitched those poor people with. Playing on peoples emotions.
If TWI worhipped the bible is not really the point. TWI worhips their own perversion and twisting of scripture which is not the bible anymore after TWI has thier go at it
Jeez, that makes no sense; that's like a man looking at a Playboy centerfold and as soon as he starts to get aroused.....OH MY GOD! WHERE'S THE FIREPLACE? HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO EVIL?
O M Gawd , Johniam, did you just compare the bible with ................................a dirty magazine?
quote: O M Gawd , Johniam, did you just compare the bible with ................................a dirty magazine?
No, I didn't, and this type of one dimensional thinking is what I find most annoying on GSC. What I DID do was to convert 4 nouns into 2 equal fractions. To illustrate this, I have assigned numerical value to the 4 nouns as follows...
Playboy centerfold = 1
being sexually aroused = 2
the bible = 1 million
God = 2 million
OK. Real slow now. Just as the number 1 million is far greater than the number 1, the bible is far greater than a Playboy centerfold, and just as the number 2 million is far greater than the number 2, God is far greater than being sexually aroused, yet the fraction 1/2 is equal to the fraction 1 million/2 million.
People look at a Playboy centerfold to become sexually aroused, and people look at the bible to see God revealed. There, see it?
Probably not, but at least this post documents that you had a CHANCE to actually use your brains.
ps. - This post is not limited to or even clearly pointing at the poster whose quote I used.
There's quite a few GS types that need sorting out, here Allan. Hopefully this will be the start of a much needed cleansing - just a few to start with:
Nosey People
Inquiring minds
Smartie Pants
Wise Ackers
Wise Crackers
And of course, comedians.
Where to start, where to start....
After Johniam's slam I'll take Dumbie, or Dork for 20 , SOCKS!
I was trying for Comedian, even Wise Cracker, but somewhere along the way,(in response to Johniam) I left my brain elsewhere!
My hubby would vote for nosey/smartie pants, but he's not here to decide.
I think you forgot Arrogants/Elitists on your list, you might want to add them............
If TWI worhipped the bible is not really the point. TWI worhips their own perversion and twisting of scripture which is not the bible anymore after TWI has thier go at it
Now, Mickey, I think that's one of the best explanation of what TWI worships that I've ever heard.
Johniam, it's just a suggestion, but given your propensity for illogical comparisons, you might want to find a different way of trying to get your point across. :)
I think it's tremendous progress when he makes a caveat, Nothing against you, just the utter B/S Joseph Smith bewitched those poor people with
Mark based on your and Wordwolfs posts I can only assume that Allan has again reverted to character.
Thank you both for your support it is much appreciated
As for worshipping scripture--it is a trap that is all to easily fallen into -not just in TWI who codified it --but you find it in other faiths as well. It is much easier to confine oneself to the pages of a book then to put the book down and go out and live the principles espoused in said scriptures on a daily basis. Scripture worship is the venue of those who want the blessings and rewards of life without getting their hands too dirty by working at it
Seems to me the mockers and criticizers have a hard time copping their medicine on the chin.
John I am..some of these people are just 'pretending' to be 'simpletons' because it 'suits' their antagonistic attitude, I know it is frustrating.
They cant get over the fact that some posters have the right to hold onto a lot of what Doc Vic taught, I think it disturbs them greatly (I don't really know why).
They cant get over the fact that some posters have the right to hold onto a lot of what Doc Vic taught, I think it disturbs them greatly (I don't really know why).
Well no not so much disturbing, as just very sad that some folks can`t *go beyond what they have been taught* by a false prophet...
What I think is 'sad' is posters like Belle denigrating things to a 'personal level'.
Quote from Belle.." I don't like you, I don't respect you, I don't trust you"
As if I care what someone who has never met me nor knows me thinks of me..geeesh !!
Well I can stand with Belle on this. Anyone that would stand with a person that would Rape and pillage in the name of God. I can't like, respect or trust that person. Real simple dude. If you like what Hitler did or any aspect of what he did, You can expect the same responce. Bottom line he did not care who he hurt in the name of God. Just as long as his wallet was lined and his pleasures where met.
I think you forgot Arrogants/Elitists on your list, you might want to add them............
Arrogance has a certain beauty all it's own. That highly polished sheen that comes from vigorous buffing. So bright, so clean, so shiny!
But, yeah...They gotta go too. I'm not sure who gets to stay yet, haven't gotten that far. Needless to say disagreement with me is going to put you on the Short List, no promises, but it's something to think about.
one thing that really drew me in to twi's god is his "mercy."
remember that thing grace is his divine unmerited favor
mercy is his withholding of merited judgment
well, in restrospect, i think.... having been brought up strict roman catholic and also a victim of child abuse.... now i'm thinking that might make for a healthy measure of GUILT -- so i latched on to his mercy with all my might
i think about this from time to time
and how much veepee frikker and other leaders made me feel even more guilty than i already felt, which i didn't think was possible
still haven't gotten through all the controversies here.....
The bibliolatry dawned on me while I was still in when for the most part memorization of verses, going to classes, listening to a jilliion tapes etc and things of that nature carried much more weight than actually carrying out and doing what most of them had to say---- unless it was a section that fit within the tight controls of TWI theology
now that i can say "amen" to
it dawned on me when i was still in too even though i didn't have the guts to really do anything about it (another thread i suppose)
may i add.... not only did it bother me that these leaders didn't live up to what the bible seemed to teach..... not a one of them (exceptions of course) reminded me of anything like jesus the christ who i would like to know.....
corps night .... stand up and quote a frikkin retemory .... never ONCE asked if i had a relationship with christ or god....
Do I regret taking PFAL or getting involved with TWI?
No. My life changed for the good when I took PFAL. I became more self-confient, learned how to trust God, and many other things that I had been looking for. It scratched an itch, so to say.
What I do regret is staying in for soooo long. I regret taking what VPW taught ABOVE God. I deeply regret taking what LCM SAID above God.
See, in my opinion, and in the TWI I remember, it was MEN who were worshipped - Bible worship would have been refreshing, because at least it would have been closer to God. Maybe now that TWI has a *different* president it's more like Bible worship, but from what I remember....
Well, how do you explain the analogy of the covered bridge into the Promised Land? That ain't in the Bible - that was from a man - a revered (oh, GAG) man.
What about the term "marked and avoid" and HOW it was used? Again, a man taught that and misused it.
I could go on - and I'm sure many of you could, too.
The God that TWI (VPW) introduced me to was one more worthy of worship than the one that was presented to me later on in the form of a balding Okie.
Just Loafin..I never said I stand with VPW, the guys 6ft under (in case you hadn't realized) !
But I believe a lot of what he taught was true, thats what gets up the nose of the other denominalised posters !
WordWolf.. is not calling some of the posters here 'TWI/ VPW apologists' taking an 'antagonistic' and/or or 'baiting' path.? I didn't think so and neither did Mark O, just like my statement of 'Catholic apologist' did not 'bait' or 'antagonise' Mark.Careful because you're treading the fine path of hypocrisy there.
Coolchef..It's o.k. you can call me Kukoo or anything else, I'm not one of the 'handkerchief wringing, thanks for your support fellowposters' type of greasespot member !!
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I didn't pop put of the blue as you so quaintly put it-- Just happened to log on to GS after you fired your first salvo
And as for what the LDS have reverence for and in what degree- I am quite well aware of since I happen to be LDS Since you're not-perhaps you need to refrain from comment on what you again have demonstrated you know very little if anything about
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Amen Socks...well said...Reminds me of Ecclessiates5:1&2
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Nice bait-and-switch of your own.
You took a poster saying
"I find the Bible a useful thing that I treat respectfully,
for I believe it makes God known to me"
and turned that into
"The Bible is useful, but by itself can be very dangerous".
The Bible should never be used as a substitute for God.
The Bible-regardless of what certain criminals said-is not God,
and never was. The Bible MAKES KNOWN God.
Anything that MAKES KNOWN God should never be confused
for God HIMSELF. This leads to worshipping the created thing
rather than the CREATOR. (Romans 1.)
The brass serpent was raised in the wilderness, at the direction
of God Almighty. It was very useful, and was meant for
healing from the God that heals. So, that showed an aspect
of God for the people, YHWH-Rapha, YHWH Who Heals.
However, some people later worshipped the brass serpent.
What was the proper response then?
Trash it and smash it to pieces.
It was now leading people AWAY FROM GOD.
I'm also a little curious what led to an analogy between
"trying to understand God by reading the Bible"
and pornography.
THAT struck me as going to ridiculous lengths to
defend twi/vpw.
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And that, WordWolf, is why I wasn't even planning to give it the distinction of a reply. I think that comment should stand on its own for people to evaluate...
Somehow I think that very few will come to different conclusions than either you or I have.
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allan w.
I don't mind dealing with or posting to neurotics, pscycopaths, nosy parkers, at all.
I just take exception when they start pointing fingers whilst being very hypocritical themselves !!
Temple Lady..I know enough of the Mormon religion to know that it is even more outlandish than 95 percent of the other world religions..Christs return to happen in America, a seperate heaven especially for Mormons, a Mormon being able to be baptised for Hitler, Genghis Khan, etc..etc.. but it is up to Hitler and co. (who are currently waiting in the spirit world) if they want to accept the salvation or not ! I could go on and on but I guess I've made my point.
Nothing against you, just the utter B/S Joseph Smith bewitched those poor people with. Playing on peoples emotions.
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Since you're no longer baiting Mark about his beliefs but ARE still
baiting TL's on her beliefs,
I'm curious if this is due to him being male and this being some sort
of misogynistic impulse-
going after the wimminfolk and leaving the men alone.
If not, perhaps you can progress in your temperance to the point
that you can refrain from attacking her religion at every pretext.
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I think it's tremendous progress when he makes a caveat, Nothing against you, just the utter B/S Joseph Smith bewitched those poor people with.
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this page says it well:
If TWI worhipped the bible is not really the point. TWI worhips their own perversion and twisting of scripture which is not the bible anymore after TWI has thier go at it
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O M Gawd , Johniam, did you just compare the bible with ................................a dirty magazine?
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quote: O M Gawd , Johniam, did you just compare the bible with ................................a dirty magazine?
No, I didn't, and this type of one dimensional thinking is what I find most annoying on GSC. What I DID do was to convert 4 nouns into 2 equal fractions. To illustrate this, I have assigned numerical value to the 4 nouns as follows...
Playboy centerfold = 1
being sexually aroused = 2
the bible = 1 million
God = 2 million
OK. Real slow now. Just as the number 1 million is far greater than the number 1, the bible is far greater than a Playboy centerfold, and just as the number 2 million is far greater than the number 2, God is far greater than being sexually aroused, yet the fraction 1/2 is equal to the fraction 1 million/2 million.
People look at a Playboy centerfold to become sexually aroused, and people look at the bible to see God revealed. There, see it?
Probably not, but at least this post documents that you had a CHANCE to actually use your brains.
ps. - This post is not limited to or even clearly pointing at the poster whose quote I used.
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After Johniam's slam I'll take Dumbie, or Dork for 20 , SOCKS!
I was trying for Comedian, even Wise Cracker, but somewhere along the way,(in response to Johniam) I left my brain elsewhere!
My hubby would vote for nosey/smartie pants, but he's not here to decide.
I think you forgot Arrogants/Elitists on your list, you might want to add them............
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Now, Mickey, I think that's one of the best explanation of what TWI worships that I've ever heard.

Johniam, it's just a suggestion, but given your propensity for illogical comparisons, you might want to find a different way of trying to get your point across. :)
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Mark based on your and Wordwolfs posts I can only assume that Allan has again reverted to character.
Thank you both for your support it is much appreciated
As for worshipping scripture--it is a trap that is all to easily fallen into -not just in TWI who codified it --but you find it in other faiths as well. It is much easier to confine oneself to the pages of a book then to put the book down and go out and live the principles espoused in said scriptures on a daily basis. Scripture worship is the venue of those who want the blessings and rewards of life without getting their hands too dirty by working at it
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LOL! Mo, your post reminds me of the old saying, "Those who can "do" and those who can't teach". TWI sure did make good teachers, didn't they?
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allan w.
Seems to me the mockers and criticizers have a hard time copping their medicine on the chin.
John I am..some of these people are just 'pretending' to be 'simpletons' because it 'suits' their antagonistic attitude, I know it is frustrating.
They cant get over the fact that some posters have the right to hold onto a lot of what Doc Vic taught, I think it disturbs them greatly (I don't really know why).
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Well no not so much disturbing, as just very sad that some folks can`t *go beyond what they have been taught* by a false prophet...
Edited by rascalLink to comment
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allan w.
No..I think 'disturbing' is a more honest term !
What I think is 'sad' is posters like Belle denigrating things to a 'personal level'.
Quote from Belle.." I don't like you, I don't respect you, I don't trust you"
As if I care what someone who has never met me nor knows me thinks of me..geeesh !!
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Well I can stand with Belle on this. Anyone that would stand with a person that would Rape and pillage in the name of God. I can't like, respect or trust that person. Real simple dude. If you like what Hitler did or any aspect of what he did, You can expect the same responce. Bottom line he did not care who he hurt in the name of God. Just as long as his wallet was lined and his pleasures where met.
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Arrogance has a certain beauty all it's own. That highly polished sheen that comes from vigorous buffing. So bright, so clean, so shiny!
But, yeah...They gotta go too. I'm not sure who gets to stay yet, haven't gotten that far. Needless to say disagreement with me is going to put you on the Short List, no promises, but it's something to think about.
Okay, back to topic. Got work to do.
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one thing that really drew me in to twi's god is his "mercy."
remember that thing grace is his divine unmerited favor
mercy is his withholding of merited judgment
well, in restrospect, i think.... having been brought up strict roman catholic and also a victim of child abuse.... now i'm thinking that might make for a healthy measure of GUILT -- so i latched on to his mercy with all my might
i think about this from time to time
and how much veepee frikker and other leaders made me feel even more guilty than i already felt, which i didn't think was possible
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wow i don't remember reading this allan guys stuff befor but is he kookoo? :o
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still haven't gotten through all the controversies here.....
now that i can say "amen" toit dawned on me when i was still in too even though i didn't have the guts to really do anything about it (another thread i suppose)
may i add.... not only did it bother me that these leaders didn't live up to what the bible seemed to teach..... not a one of them (exceptions of course) reminded me of anything like jesus the christ who i would like to know.....
corps night .... stand up and quote a frikkin retemory .... never ONCE asked if i had a relationship with christ or god....
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Call me a fence-sitter on this one...
Do I regret taking PFAL or getting involved with TWI?
No. My life changed for the good when I took PFAL. I became more self-confient, learned how to trust God, and many other things that I had been looking for. It scratched an itch, so to say.
What I do regret is staying in for soooo long. I regret taking what VPW taught ABOVE God. I deeply regret taking what LCM SAID above God.
See, in my opinion, and in the TWI I remember, it was MEN who were worshipped - Bible worship would have been refreshing, because at least it would have been closer to God. Maybe now that TWI has a *different* president it's more like Bible worship, but from what I remember....
Well, how do you explain the analogy of the covered bridge into the Promised Land? That ain't in the Bible - that was from a man - a revered (oh, GAG) man.
What about the term "marked and avoid" and HOW it was used? Again, a man taught that and misused it.
I could go on - and I'm sure many of you could, too.
The God that TWI (VPW) introduced me to was one more worthy of worship than the one that was presented to me later on in the form of a balding Okie.
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allan w.
Just Loafin..I never said I stand with VPW, the guys 6ft under (in case you hadn't realized) !
But I believe a lot of what he taught was true, thats what gets up the nose of the other denominalised posters !
WordWolf.. is not calling some of the posters here 'TWI/ VPW apologists' taking an 'antagonistic' and/or or 'baiting' path.? I didn't think so and neither did Mark O, just like my statement of 'Catholic apologist' did not 'bait' or 'antagonise' Mark.Careful because you're treading the fine path of hypocrisy there.
Coolchef..It's o.k. you can call me Kukoo or anything else, I'm not one of the 'handkerchief wringing, thanks for your support fellowposters' type of greasespot member !!
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