I like keeping it simple these days...I choose God because I trust his words as his willingness to give us understanding of where life could be, if we choose to trust it is his words, including Jesus Christ as my Savior...
Ive have had many trust issues with TWI and what they promote and what I was taught about the 'Household according to thier Theology..they scared people into staying away from the Copouts (whatever) and heavily promoted the faithful remnant picture and Household theme....I know now that the 'Household' was fabricated to keep people within the bondage of LCM's and post LCm ....
I just choose to trust..I dont even use the word believe anymore..
Believing is a term very hard to define....they took to it ungodly levels and actualy destroyed and hurt people who laid down thier lifes for the work of the Ministry....
Allan, stay on topic and do not try to start any more fights. If you have nothing to contribute to the subject of the thread, then don't post at all.
Mark, yes, I suppose I do/did know. I guess just looking at that today was so unbelievably obvious WHAT is being worshipped that it took me for a loop. :) While I was reading through the stuff, it was like blinker, flashers and fireworks going off because it is so blatant and so "out there" that I was shocked. Shocked that I can see it so clearly now whereas a few years ago I couldn't see it at all - even if someone tried to point it out to me.
Likeaeagle, I like simple, too. In fact, I'll quit participating in a discussion if the discussion itself starts getting too complicated.... Maybe I should just be called "Simpleton" ;)
I guess if my beliefs make me a twi apologist that makes you a catholic apologist, right ?
Yes, Allan, it does. Although I would prefer to characterize myself as an apologist for classic, historical, apostolic Christianity. Because I usually try to keep those beliefs that are uniquely Latin segregated from those that are universal to apostolic Christianity (and if I do mention them, I always try to clearly identify them as such).
Well, seeing as how I started the thread and the topic of the thread is TWI's God - not, "what does allan think about people who disagree with him?" - I consider your posts off-topic, irrelevant and mostly childish name-calling.
I had you on ignore but you changed your name again. If you can't post on topic, then don't post on my threads.
I ask others to please ignore him unless he can actually contribute something to the discussion, which is highly doubtful given his history.
Any topic posted becomes anybody, everybodies topic, Belle. Are you the new moderator (or aspiring to be)? I asked Mark a simple question to which he has replied (thankyou Mark).
As you can see Belle, no need to be neurotic about it !
No, allan, I just don't respect, trust or like you. I started this topic to talk about TWI and how much value and emphasis they put on the Bible to the exclusion of actually worshipping God and emulating Jesus's life. NOT to watch you attack, call names and otherwise derail the thread. Threads I start are pretty much the only ones I try to keep on topic, unless it takes a relevant, interesting or otherwise "worthy" tangent - which yours never are.
Yeah they put total emphasis on the Bible and then by extrapolation the books of Piffle etc ad infinitum ad nauseum.
And before I get questions about the Book of Mormon--let me say --yes we are exhorted to read it , along with the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price and The Bible in the LDS church. But only because these books provide the blueprint of what we should be doing--They are not worshipped, they are not used as cattle prods to keep us in bondage (which is how TWI used the Bible) but merely the foundation for our taking the responsibility for right choices in our lives ands walk in Christ's footsteps.
The bibliolatry dawned on me while I was still in when for the most part memorization of verses, going to classes, listening to a jilliion tapes etc and things of that nature carried much more weight than actually carrying out and doing what most of them had to say---- unless it was a section that fit within the tight controls of TWI theology
I do believe that we do need to know the bible to know God. So that part is fine. I do believe the bible can give us comfort and the Lord knows we need comfort.
Reading that part of the twi web site leads me to believe they do not want you to have a personal relationship with God or Jesus Christ. This is how they control you. They quote you the bible with no love that God had intended in His word. They don't want free thinking people they want their waybots. They want you to stick your head up there arse so you only hear what they want you to hear. No thanks I think it is an exit.
Alan PM me and tell me what screen name you used before. So I know who I am dealing with.
How funny! I was sharing about my cult experience with one of my husband's friends last night. I summed it all as "They are Bible worshippers. There's no relationship with the Lord taught."
I do believe knowing the Bible is beneficial, but I do not think it deservest he pedestal twi gives it.
I do not think you can "know" as in really get and live what the bible says unless you have a personal relationship with the Lord.
really I know of plenty of folks who can spew the bible verses and I feel no love in them I cant relate to their lack of compassion or the "fellowship" we are suppose to have with one another.
jesus wants us to love one another and if we get so academic we shun one another over what a book says we may be in big trouble.
Jesus asks us to come to Him as little children, Little children do NOT have the ability to memorize or have huge amounts of facts and figures about the bible in their head. do they?
yet that is the type of worship the Lord says is to be an example. l
I do not think you can "know" as in really get and live what the bible says unless you have a personal relationship with the Lord.
really I know of plenty of folks who can spew the bible verses and I feel no love in them I cant relate to their lack of compassion or the "fellowship" we are suppose to have with one another.
jesus wants us to love one another and if we get so academic we shun one another over what a book says we may be in big trouble.
Jesus asks us to come to Him as little children, Little children do NOT have the ability to memorize or have huge amounts of facts and figures about the bible in their head. do they?
yet that is the type of worship the Lord says is to be an example. l
Amen Pond, very well said.
markomalley said:
But, as I've said before (and as others here have said, as well), the Bible reaveals God to us. The Bible isn't God.
Just Loafin'..I mentioned on another thread that I had to re-register, same name as before but w/out the (w).
Belle.."attacking Mark, derailing your thread,etc.." ?? You are the one that de-railed it !!
Ask Mark if he felt harrangued, harrassed, attacked before you jump to conclusions.
Change your medication girlfriend !!
It is also interesting that when Belle gets upset, 'up pops' Temple Lady from out of the blue !
And Temple Lady, the Mormons have the same amount of reverence for their 'Book of Mormon' 'Pearl of great price' as TWI'ers or exTWI'ers have for the King James, o.k.
Just Loafin'..I mentioned on another thread that I had to re-register, same name as before but w/out the (w).
Belle.."attacking Mark, derailing your thread,etc.." ?? You are the one that de-railed it !!
Ask Mark if he felt harrangued, harrassed, attacked before you jump to conclusions.
Change your medication girlfriend !!
It is also interesting that when Belle gets upset, 'up pops' Temple Lady from out of the blue !
And Temple Lady, the Mormons have the same amount of reverence for their 'Book of Mormon' 'Pearl of great price' as TWI'ers or exTWI'ers have for the King James, o.k.
Unless you're the poster with the handle "Allan" (from NZ), I wasn't being harassed. You don't sound like you've got the same tone of posting, so I am not assuming you are he.
However, the resemblence between your handles is striking. If you are the same poster, you must have applied for a new account, rather than just doing a handle change.
The poster known as "Allan" used to follow me around and apply liberal harassment at anything I post due to me being Catholic (a member of the Harlot of Babylon, don't ya know).
If you are the same poster as the person who used the handle "Allan" (as opposed to "Allan W"), then she would be entitled to her comments. If not, I'm sure you have the opportunity to clarify that fact.
Either way, no the comment you made didn't offend me in the slightest bit.
Actually I took my wife out for our 25th Valentines date last night ( It's already the 15th here in Australia Bucko !) so while you're still thumbin through the 'personal columns', I've already enjoyed my Valentines !!
Thankyou Mark..I never intended to offend you by my comment, I know we're a bit more grown up than that and after reading your resume` of combat service I know it would take a lot more than that to make you cry !.. but I do take exception to the Belles of this world tryin' to start fights btween posters, thats really quite 'poneros'ish'.
Maybe she would care to apologize for 'sticking her nose in' where it wasn't needed ?
Thankyou Mark..I never intended to offend you by my comment, I know we're a bit more grown up than that and after reading your resume` of combat service I know it would take a lot more than that to make you cry !.. but I do take exception to the Belles of this world tryin' to start fights btween posters, thats really quite 'poneros'ish'.
Maybe she would care to apologize for 'sticking her nose in' where it wasn't needed ?
Allan, I don't think Belle owes anything.
With due respect, there is a little history of antagonism...one which will hopefully remain history...
On the other hand, since you've re-registered (didn't look up the history till now), your posts seem a lot more polite than before. So my hat's off to you...we can disagree while remaining polite about it, can't we...
quote: But, as I've said before (and as others here have said, as well), the Bible reaveals God to us. The Bible isn't God.
Nice bait and switch there. So, um, if I want to see God revealed to me, I should read the bible and maybe respect it just a tad, but DON'T RESPECT IT TOO MUCH!!!!!! YOU'LL GO STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!!! QUICK, PUT IT DOWN AND RUNNNNNNNN!!!!!!
Jeez, that makes no sense; that's like a man looking at a Playboy centerfold and as soon as he starts to get aroused.....OH MY GOD! WHERE'S THE FIREPLACE? HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO EVIL?
Some of you guys will go to ridiculous lengths to bash TWI/VPW.
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I'm glad you recognize that for what it is now (although I think you did before, anyway).
And, for those TWI apologists out there, I am not saying a thing bad in the world about the Bible, studying the Bible, or believing the Bible.
But, as I've said before (and as others here have said, as well), the Bible reaveals God to us. The Bible isn't God.
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I like keeping it simple these days...I choose God because I trust his words as his willingness to give us understanding of where life could be, if we choose to trust it is his words, including Jesus Christ as my Savior...
Ive have had many trust issues with TWI and what they promote and what I was taught about the 'Household according to thier Theology..they scared people into staying away from the Copouts (whatever) and heavily promoted the faithful remnant picture and Household theme....I know now that the 'Household' was fabricated to keep people within the bondage of LCM's and post LCm ....
I just choose to trust..I dont even use the word believe anymore..
Believing is a term very hard to define....they took to it ungodly levels and actualy destroyed and hurt people who laid down thier lifes for the work of the Ministry....
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allan w.
I guess if my beliefs make me a twi apologist that makes you a catholic apologist, right ?
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Allan, stay on topic and do not try to start any more fights. If you have nothing to contribute to the subject of the thread, then don't post at all.
Mark, yes, I suppose I do/did know. I guess just looking at that today was so unbelievably obvious WHAT is being worshipped that it took me for a loop. :) While I was reading through the stuff, it was like blinker, flashers and fireworks going off because it is so blatant and so "out there" that I was shocked. Shocked that I can see it so clearly now whereas a few years ago I couldn't see it at all - even if someone tried to point it out to me.
Likeaeagle, I like simple, too. In fact, I'll quit participating in a discussion if the discussion itself starts getting too complicated.... Maybe I should just be called "Simpleton" ;)
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allan w.
Well who asked you to butt in on that one Belle ?
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Yes, Allan, it does. Although I would prefer to characterize myself as an apologist for classic, historical, apostolic Christianity. Because I usually try to keep those beliefs that are uniquely Latin segregated from those that are universal to apostolic Christianity (and if I do mention them, I always try to clearly identify them as such).
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Well, seeing as how I started the thread and the topic of the thread is TWI's God - not, "what does allan think about people who disagree with him?" - I consider your posts off-topic, irrelevant and mostly childish name-calling.
I had you on ignore but you changed your name again. If you can't post on topic, then don't post on my threads.
I ask others to please ignore him unless he can actually contribute something to the discussion, which is highly doubtful given his history.
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allan w.
Any topic posted becomes anybody, everybodies topic, Belle. Are you the new moderator (or aspiring to be)? I asked Mark a simple question to which he has replied (thankyou Mark).
As you can see Belle, no need to be neurotic about it !
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No, allan, I just don't respect, trust or like you. I started this topic to talk about TWI and how much value and emphasis they put on the Bible to the exclusion of actually worshipping God and emulating Jesus's life. NOT to watch you attack, call names and otherwise derail the thread. Threads I start are pretty much the only ones I try to keep on topic, unless it takes a relevant, interesting or otherwise "worthy" tangent - which yours never are.
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Yeah they put total emphasis on the Bible and then by extrapolation the books of Piffle etc ad infinitum ad nauseum.
And before I get questions about the Book of Mormon--let me say --yes we are exhorted to read it , along with the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price and The Bible in the LDS church. But only because these books provide the blueprint of what we should be doing--They are not worshipped, they are not used as cattle prods to keep us in bondage (which is how TWI used the Bible) but merely the foundation for our taking the responsibility for right choices in our lives ands walk in Christ's footsteps.
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The bibliolatry dawned on me while I was still in when for the most part memorization of verses, going to classes, listening to a jilliion tapes etc and things of that nature carried much more weight than actually carrying out and doing what most of them had to say---- unless it was a section that fit within the tight controls of TWI theology
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I do believe that we do need to know the bible to know God. So that part is fine. I do believe the bible can give us comfort and the Lord knows we need comfort.
Reading that part of the twi web site leads me to believe they do not want you to have a personal relationship with God or Jesus Christ. This is how they control you. They quote you the bible with no love that God had intended in His word. They don't want free thinking people they want their waybots. They want you to stick your head up there arse so you only hear what they want you to hear. No thanks I think it is an exit.
Alan PM me and tell me what screen name you used before. So I know who I am dealing with.
Edited by justloafingLink to comment
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How funny! I was sharing about my cult experience with one of my husband's friends last night. I summed it all as "They are Bible worshippers. There's no relationship with the Lord taught."
I do believe knowing the Bible is beneficial, but I do not think it deservest he pedestal twi gives it.
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I do not think you can "know" as in really get and live what the bible says unless you have a personal relationship with the Lord.
really I know of plenty of folks who can spew the bible verses and I feel no love in them I cant relate to their lack of compassion or the "fellowship" we are suppose to have with one another.
jesus wants us to love one another and if we get so academic we shun one another over what a book says we may be in big trouble.
Jesus asks us to come to Him as little children, Little children do NOT have the ability to memorize or have huge amounts of facts and figures about the bible in their head. do they?
yet that is the type of worship the Lord says is to be an example. l
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Amen Pond, very well said.
Amen to that Mark.
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allan w.
Just Loafin'..I mentioned on another thread that I had to re-register, same name as before but w/out the (w).
Belle.."attacking Mark, derailing your thread,etc.." ?? You are the one that de-railed it !!
Ask Mark if he felt harrangued, harrassed, attacked before you jump to conclusions.
Change your medication girlfriend !!
It is also interesting that when Belle gets upset, 'up pops' Temple Lady from out of the blue !
And Temple Lady, the Mormons have the same amount of reverence for their 'Book of Mormon' 'Pearl of great price' as TWI'ers or exTWI'ers have for the King James, o.k.
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Whoa.....didn't get laid tonight Allan? The night's still young, and it's Valentine's Day. Maybe you should go get sweetened up some.
Edited by Wayfer NotLink to comment
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Unless you're the poster with the handle "Allan" (from NZ), I wasn't being harassed. You don't sound like you've got the same tone of posting, so I am not assuming you are he.
However, the resemblence between your handles is striking. If you are the same poster, you must have applied for a new account, rather than just doing a handle change.
The poster known as "Allan" used to follow me around and apply liberal harassment at anything I post due to me being Catholic (a member of the Harlot of Babylon, don't ya know).
If you are the same poster as the person who used the handle "Allan" (as opposed to "Allan W"), then she would be entitled to her comments. If not, I'm sure you have the opportunity to clarify that fact.
Either way, no the comment you made didn't offend me in the slightest bit.
But thanks for asking!
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allan w.
Actually I took my wife out for our 25th Valentines date last night ( It's already the 15th here in Australia Bucko !) so while you're still thumbin through the 'personal columns', I've already enjoyed my Valentines !!
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allan w.
Thankyou Mark..I never intended to offend you by my comment, I know we're a bit more grown up than that and after reading your resume` of combat service I know it would take a lot more than that to make you cry !.. but I do take exception to the Belles of this world tryin' to start fights btween posters, thats really quite 'poneros'ish'.
Maybe she would care to apologize for 'sticking her nose in' where it wasn't needed ?
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Who is thumbing through the personal columns? Glad you enjoyed your Valentine's Allan.
I just wish you could play nicer here. I know you have it in you. ;)
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Allan, I don't think Belle owes anything.
With due respect, there is a little history of antagonism...one which will hopefully remain history...
On the other hand, since you've re-registered (didn't look up the history till now), your posts seem a lot more polite than before. So my hat's off to you...we can disagree while remaining polite about it, can't we...
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allan w.
Exactly Mark, and hopefully the 'neurotic ones' don't 'butt in'.
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quote: But, as I've said before (and as others here have said, as well), the Bible reaveals God to us. The Bible isn't God.
Nice bait and switch there. So, um, if I want to see God revealed to me, I should read the bible and maybe respect it just a tad, but DON'T RESPECT IT TOO MUCH!!!!!! YOU'LL GO STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!!! QUICK, PUT IT DOWN AND RUNNNNNNNN!!!!!!
Jeez, that makes no sense; that's like a man looking at a Playboy centerfold and as soon as he starts to get aroused.....OH MY GOD! WHERE'S THE FIREPLACE? HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO EVIL?
Some of you guys will go to ridiculous lengths to bash TWI/VPW.
Edited by johniamLink to comment
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