awww, STL, you beat me to posting this. I thought at first glance that Cheney had shot Dan Quayle, instead of hunting quail. {JK}
I thought it was Gerald Ford who hit someone with a golf shot. but in that case, it was one of his better shots since it was just barely off the fairway.
Ford, Agnew, Cheney; do I see a common trend here?
Become VP and your instantly a clutz, tripping and tumbling down ladders and off speech platforms, beaning folks with golf balls, and now peppering elderly CEOs with shotguns.
I pray I Cor 13:6-7 over this situation: "Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things."
Our prayers and our support should be for our leaders and not against them else we join Osama Bin Ladenand his ilk in working to destroy this country.
Our prayers and our support should be for our leaders and not against them else we join Osama Bin Ladenand his ilk in working to destroy this country.
Kit, are you saying that mentioning an unfortunate event in a VPs day should be off limits? I don't see anyone rejoicing "in iniquity". Its not like dick MEANT to shoot a major campaign contributer. Are you saying hunting birds is wrong? what was the iniquity?
ummm, prayers maybe, Not required, and certainly not always advised. Even so, I would not make this particular shooting incident political by any means.
This is in the open forum, but I don't see any one who has posted a prayer against VP Cheney regarding this incident. That said, it is our very freedom to support or not support a political viewpoint that makes us SAFE from the ilk of BinLaden. I do not know you, and from your posts, you seem very pleasant, but I wonder if people in general who say things like "support our leaders no matter what" feel the same way when another leader is at the helm?
sorry, I don't understand what you tried to get across in that post, but it came across strangely to me.
A transparent ploy to distract attention from NSA-eavesdropping and Halliburton.
There is nothing neocons will not do to support Cheney....even risk death as evidenced by this blinded supporter. In that sense we are like Osama's followers....only instead of 72 virgins we will receive (into manifestation of course) Jimmy Carter, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Palosi, Harry Reid, Al Franken, and Groucho dancing in pink tutus before Dubya.
Contact: Peter Hamm of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, 202-289-5792
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- James and Sarah Brady made comments today related to Vice President Cheney's reportedly accidental shooting yesterday in Texas.
"Now I understand why Dick Cheney keeps asking me to go hunting with him," said Jim Brady. "I had a friend once who accidentally shot pellets into his dog - and I thought he was an idiot."
"I've thought Cheney was scary for a long time," Sarah Brady said. "Now I know I was right to be nervous."
This is something that happens from time to time. You now, I've been peppered pretty well myself," said Armstrong.
The very first lesson anyone who's ever taken a firearm/hunter safety course learns is "There is no such thing as a gun accident" . . . just catastrophic results from stupidity & carelessness.
Playing it off as "No big deal these things happen' doesnt make it so nor excuse the carelessness and stupidity involved
Glad the lawyer is mostly OK - but at the very least the irresponsible should have their gun privileges revoked
all the reports I have heard this morning say the person at fault was the fella who got shot.
Isn't is a hunting "rule" that you make your location known to your companions? This guy came up UNANNOUNCED and crossed near Chaney's line of fire just as the Veep was squeezing off a shot.
This report was given by the person who owns the land and saw it happen.
You are still responsible if you are the one carrying the gun
Whittingham wasn't in his line of fire or even in the direction that they were facing
Whittington "came up from behind the vice president and the other hunter
The article blames Whittingham---(is anyone in this administration ever responsible for anything?) but it sounds like Cheney spun and fired with not much concern for anything other than the bird he was tracking.
When I was 16 years best friend and I were pheasant hunting. We were in a harvested cornfield and about 40 yards apart and nearing the end of the field when this ring-necked specimen tried to make his escape. I, at the time, was "blocking" the end of the field to keep this bird from running and escaping out the back end.
As the bird flushed, my friend pulled up and shot. With a 12-guaged shotgun, the small bb's went whizzing past my head. A very close call.....for sure. And, I scolded him for his stupidity and we rarily hunted pheasant after that.
In my opinion, quail hunting is much more challenging and unpredictable. A small covey of quail, when flushed, will fly in all different directions. And, when the hunter swings to shoot.....he must be fully aware of his surroundings and hunting partners.
ex70s, you are right... I've never hunted birds. I just get frustrated when people find ANY excuse to Bush/Cheney Bash, and I get a little defensive. I mean, there are actually people on capital hill calling for Cheney's resignation over this!!
I think you are right. The parties involved have all declared this "oops" and no charges are being filed.
So, being experientially unlearned in the subject, I respectfully remove myself from this conversation.
Hape4me: One reason I remember about Agnew was that it happened in spring of 1970. It was a celebrity golf tournament of some kind and the person he hit was a pro golfer named Doug Sanders. But a few weeks later the opening game for the Washington Senators had Agnew throw out the first ball from a box seat. Since I lived in MI at the time and the game was against the Detroit Tigers, the Sunday sports section had a cartoon of Agnew winding up to throw out the ball while everybody in the stands behind him was making haste to move FAR AWAY from where he was standing even though he would throw the ball in the opposite direction. It was kinda funny.
It's easier than you think to get shot out in the woods. Happened to me once ...
I was rabbit hunting with a friend and a rabbit darted in between us, and my partner shot the rabbit, but I was in the line of fire a few yards back. I got hit pretty good in the legs... no broken skin but lots of stinging.
Lucky for me the shot pellets weren't larger in diameter.
It's easier than you think to get shot out in the woods. Happened to me once ...
I was rabbit hunting with a friend and a rabbit darted in between us, and my partner shot the rabbit, but I was in the line of fire a few yards back. I got hit pretty good in the legs... no broken skin but lots of stinging.
Lucky for me the shot pellets weren't larger in diameter.
Damn Oldies. I bet that scared the crap out of you guys.
I've been peppered by birdshot by some guys that were shooting clay birds down by the river. But I was in a pick up truck and was driving toward a group of guys throwing clay birds who and shooting in a direction 90 gegrees to the right of where we were driving towards them. And so, when we were showered by bird shot hitting the windshield and front to the truck, we figured we weren't welcome and backed out of there. Those guys didn't know us and I 'spose we were invading their space. Still, didn't have to shoot us though! Geez! But there was no damage to the truck...
Now to me, I just can't wait to hear Jay Lenno tonight, or Letterman. This must be like a "gift from God" to those guys that they can use for their "jokefodder". And, I would be willing to bet money that The President has already ribbed the VP over this one. And so, thank God Mr. Whittingham was not seriously wounded or killed, and we can all be thankful of that. And if people really are "calling for Cheney's resignation", well, fuggem...
And by the way wasn't there a onetime vice president who shot a political opponent? I believe that would have been Aaron Burr, the vice president at the time, who challenged Alexander Hamilton to a duel and shot him to death. Some say that Hamilton missed Burr on purpose, but Burr made sure his aim was true. And so, was Burr a Republi-con or a Democ-rat?
Armstrong said she was watching from a car while Cheney, Whittington and another hunter got out of the vehicle to shoot at a covey of quail.
If these old farts have to drive around to do their hunting, and if they can't stay out of each other's way, could it be it's time to hang up the shotgun? I'd hate to see my mom and dad out hunting. I can see it now:
"Hey, look out!"
"I SAID to look out."
"I thought you said, ""Oooh, my gout!"
There's nothing political about this. I'd say the same thing about any other two septagentarians who were out hunting and one shot the other. (Except I do admit I couldn't help but think, "Hmmm, maybe someone whispered in Dick Cheney's ear that Whittington was hiding WMDs in his hunting vest.")
I'm glad VP Cheney's companion is going to be okay. I wouldn't be laughing if he weren't, but since he is, I've been chuckling about this all day. Talk about embarrassing!
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Reminds me of the time VP Spiro Agnew hit somebody with a golf shot.
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awww, STL, you beat me to posting this. I thought at first glance that Cheney had shot Dan Quayle, instead of hunting quail. {JK}
I thought it was Gerald Ford who hit someone with a golf shot. but in that case, it was one of his better shots since it was just barely off the fairway.
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Man ought to be charged with attempted murder...that's all there is to it.
What's he going out trying to torture innocent, cute little birds, anyway?
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Stayed Too Long
It is fine with me to hunt cute little birds, just don't chase those cute little San Quentin quail.
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Ford, Agnew, Cheney; do I see a common trend here?
Become VP and your instantly a clutz, tripping and tumbling down ladders and off speech platforms, beaning folks with golf balls, and now peppering elderly CEOs with shotguns.
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Kit Sober
I pray I Cor 13:6-7 over this situation: "Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things."
Our prayers and our support should be for our leaders and not against them else we join Osama Bin Ladenand his ilk in working to destroy this country.
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Kit, are you saying that mentioning an unfortunate event in a VPs day should be off limits? I don't see anyone rejoicing "in iniquity". Its not like dick MEANT to shoot a major campaign contributer. Are you saying hunting birds is wrong? what was the iniquity?
ummm, prayers maybe, Not required, and certainly not always advised. Even so, I would not make this particular shooting incident political by any means.
This is in the open forum, but I don't see any one who has posted a prayer against VP Cheney regarding this incident. That said, it is our very freedom to support or not support a political viewpoint that makes us SAFE from the ilk of BinLaden. I do not know you, and from your posts, you seem very pleasant, but I wonder if people in general who say things like "support our leaders no matter what" feel the same way when another leader is at the helm?
sorry, I don't understand what you tried to get across in that post, but it came across strangely to me.
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A transparent ploy to distract attention from NSA-eavesdropping and Halliburton.
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Stayed Too Long
There is nothing neocons will not do to support Cheney....even risk death as evidenced by this blinded supporter. In that sense we are like Osama's followers....only instead of 72 virgins we will receive (into manifestation of course) Jimmy Carter, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Palosi, Harry Reid, Al Franken, and Groucho dancing in pink tutus before Dubya.
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well, if he had shot a dem candidate for office, it would be a different story!
hmm, wonder if there will be a lawsuit? tort reform anyone?
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James and Sarah Brady Comment on the Vice President's Hunting Mishap
2/12/2006 5:40:00 PM
To: National Desk
Contact: Peter Hamm of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, 202-289-5792
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- James and Sarah Brady made comments today related to Vice President Cheney's reportedly accidental shooting yesterday in Texas.
"Now I understand why Dick Cheney keeps asking me to go hunting with him," said Jim Brady. "I had a friend once who accidentally shot pellets into his dog - and I thought he was an idiot."
"I've thought Cheney was scary for a long time," Sarah Brady said. "Now I know I was right to be nervous."
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Ann Compton (ABC White House Correspondant) on the WMAL Morning News right now:
Thank Goodness he shot a fellow Republican.
Can you imagine the reaction had this involved a Democrat.....

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This quote from the article sort of stunned me
The very first lesson anyone who's ever taken a firearm/hunter safety course learns is "There is no such thing as a gun accident" . . . just catastrophic results from stupidity & carelessness.
Playing it off as "No big deal these things happen' doesnt make it so nor excuse the carelessness and stupidity involved
Glad the lawyer is mostly OK - but at the very least the irresponsible should have their gun privileges revoked
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all the reports I have heard this morning say the person at fault was the fella who got shot.
Isn't is a hunting "rule" that you make your location known to your companions? This guy came up UNANNOUNCED and crossed near Chaney's line of fire just as the Veep was squeezing off a shot.
This report was given by the person who owns the land and saw it happen.
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You are still responsible if you are the one carrying the gun
Whittingham wasn't in his line of fire or even in the direction that they were facing
The article blames Whittingham---(is anyone in this administration ever responsible for anything?) but it sounds like Cheney spun and fired with not much concern for anything other than the bird he was tracking.
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I guess that's why they call them "accidents".
Your "is anyone in this administration ever responsible for anything?" remark notwithstanding...
The guy didn't let his friends know where he was, and Cheney spun and fired.
Both stupid things to do.
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I can tell none of you have ever hunted birds. Believe it or not most people around here know of someone or have themselves been hit with bird shot.
Most times this is the same as being hit with BB's. Most of these accidents dont even break the skin. In this case they did.
It was an accident. Any of you ever have a wreck.
If the man that was shot isn't asking for Chaney's arrest just let it drop.
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When I was 16 years best friend and I were pheasant hunting. We were in a harvested cornfield and about 40 yards apart and nearing the end of the field when this ring-necked specimen tried to make his escape. I, at the time, was "blocking" the end of the field to keep this bird from running and escaping out the back end.
As the bird flushed, my friend pulled up and shot. With a 12-guaged shotgun, the small bb's went whizzing past my head. A very close call.....for sure. And, I scolded him for his stupidity and we rarily hunted pheasant after that.
In my opinion, quail hunting is much more challenging and unpredictable. A small covey of quail, when flushed, will fly in all different directions. And, when the hunter swings to shoot.....he must be fully aware of his surroundings and hunting partners.
Like any sport, there is a risk factor.
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ex70s, you are right... I've never hunted birds. I just get frustrated when people find ANY excuse to Bush/Cheney Bash, and I get a little defensive. I mean, there are actually people on capital hill calling for Cheney's resignation over this!!
I think you are right. The parties involved have all declared this "oops" and no charges are being filed.
So, being experientially unlearned in the subject, I respectfully remove myself from this conversation.
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Hape4me: One reason I remember about Agnew was that it happened in spring of 1970. It was a celebrity golf tournament of some kind and the person he hit was a pro golfer named Doug Sanders. But a few weeks later the opening game for the Washington Senators had Agnew throw out the first ball from a box seat. Since I lived in MI at the time and the game was against the Detroit Tigers, the Sunday sports section had a cartoon of Agnew winding up to throw out the ball while everybody in the stands behind him was making haste to move FAR AWAY from where he was standing even though he would throw the ball in the opposite direction. It was kinda funny.
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It's easier than you think to get shot out in the woods. Happened to me once ...
I was rabbit hunting with a friend and a rabbit darted in between us, and my partner shot the rabbit, but I was in the line of fire a few yards back. I got hit pretty good in the legs... no broken skin but lots of stinging.
Lucky for me the shot pellets weren't larger in diameter.
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Damn Oldies. I bet that scared the crap out of you guys.
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J0nny Ling0
I've been peppered by birdshot by some guys that were shooting clay birds down by the river. But I was in a pick up truck and was driving toward a group of guys throwing clay birds who and shooting in a direction 90 gegrees to the right of where we were driving towards them. And so, when we were showered by bird shot hitting the windshield and front to the truck, we figured we weren't welcome and backed out of there. Those guys didn't know us and I 'spose we were invading their space. Still, didn't have to shoot us though! Geez! But there was no damage to the truck...
Now to me, I just can't wait to hear Jay Lenno tonight, or Letterman. This must be like a "gift from God" to those guys that they can use for their "jokefodder". And, I would be willing to bet money that The President has already ribbed the VP over this one. And so, thank God Mr. Whittingham was not seriously wounded or killed, and we can all be thankful of that. And if people really are "calling for Cheney's resignation", well, fuggem...
And by the way wasn't there a onetime vice president who shot a political opponent? I believe that would have been Aaron Burr, the vice president at the time, who challenged Alexander Hamilton to a duel and shot him to death. Some say that Hamilton missed Burr on purpose, but Burr made sure his aim was true. And so, was Burr a Republi-con or a Democ-rat?
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Linda Z
From the AP story that STL posted:
If these old farts have to drive around to do their hunting, and if they can't stay out of each other's way, could it be it's time to hang up the shotgun? I'd hate to see my mom and dad out hunting. I can see it now:
"Hey, look out!"
"I SAID to look out."
"I thought you said, ""Oooh, my gout!"
There's nothing political about this. I'd say the same thing about any other two septagentarians who were out hunting and one shot the other. (Except I do admit I couldn't help but think, "Hmmm, maybe someone whispered in Dick Cheney's ear that Whittington was hiding WMDs in his hunting vest.")
I'm glad VP Cheney's companion is going to be okay. I wouldn't be laughing if he weren't, but since he is, I've been chuckling about this all day. Talk about embarrassing!
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