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When everything breaks


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Last week my VCR made a grinding sound then ate a few tapes. I used it constantly so it was no surprise- but still…it will be missed. Bye-bye VCR.

A few days later I put a bag of popcorn in the microwave, set the time and pressed the button, and…no nuke power there. Adios microwave,

Yesterday I came home from work to find the litter-maid electric litter box full of cat poop when it should have looked like the sandy zen garden in the commercials so I called customer service and followed the trouble-shooting instructions to no avail. Of course the warranty just expired so…so long, litter-maid, time to get you replaced.

We won’t even get into the subject of my 12 year old automobile.

These may sound like little things but…the few friends I have called the past two weeks have been unavailable and I spent the last 2 weekends completely alone-which is something I am not used to.

My job- which used to be hectic and give me a nice distraction from any personal troubles- no longer does because my office has become so slow that we all are in fear for our jobs and I keep running out of work.

Not only that, but we were recently taken over and jobs reallocated and I lost my position of 18 years and now am working under the guy who was the mail room clerk 9 years ago. I guess I was so busy planning my husband’s memorial service that I didn’t notice co-workers playing up to the new boss and scrambling for position.

I really would like to feel normal for a bit but then a big part of life does seem to be maintenance.

Have you ever come to a place in your life where it seems like everything is breaking?

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  Hopefull said:
I really would like to feel normal for a bit but then a big part of life does seem to be maintenance.

Have you ever come to a place in your life where it seems like everything is breaking?

I think I know how you feel. With some important differences on both ends.

When it seems like everything is breaking, I somehow remember about enough things that aren't breaking to keep the thought that there is hope (no pun intended) yet...with someone who gives hope.

Despair is sometimes forced out by the stark reality that there are some others who directly depend on you.

But I think people can be (energized, encouraged, given hope, motivated, made to feel needed, pick all that apply) not only by what they have to do, but by what they can do but havent yet done. Have many of us at times failed to make the difference in someone's life because we didn't "have to"?

As for fixing the breaking, I don't have the answers. I wish I did.

Still have that picture you sent a few years ago.

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Prayers are extended.

I'm in a similiar boat at the moment, Hopefull, and haven't a clue what the future holds.

The only thing that's keeping me grounded is this place.

Get your resume up to date and get it posted. There is life to be had after..as we all know. Taking that step is the tough one. And yes, things are designed to fail, so we just have to upgrade when they do.

Hang tough, grit your teeth, go for it!! ***t happens, we keep shoveling it out of the way! :anim-smile:

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Frickin' pieces of crap these electronic doo-dads. Ya know? Why the hell does life have to up and change just when I got used to things the way the were? That's what I'd really like to know, ya know? I mean, seriously, crap can't just keep happening and the universe expect me to stay sane. Frick the universe, I'm going insane for awhile.

Yep...I'm ranting...but I'm not making fun...because the above rant goes through my mind several times a week...and I just get good and p*ssed off.

Then I feel better.

I always tell my kids and hubs that it's better to be p*ssed off than p*ssed on...and if you get good and p*ssed off about getting p*ssed on...well, at least that shows you're no victim. I think. ;)

OK, Hopefull, I'm trying to get you to laugh. If it's not working, I'm sorry...because laughter really is the best medicine...since nothing else works.



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I'm soooo sorry!! I know exactly how you feel. Maybe hearing about my first year alone (no hubby & no TWI) will give you a good laugh and let you know that it will get better....

Week 1 - Sick as a dog - literally thought I was going to die - I've never felt so bad in my life

Week 2 - Hurricane Charlie - scariest night of my life (no power for four days)

Week 3 - Car crash - not my fault, but major inconvenience (this story alone is hilarious...now :D If you want details let me know)

Week 4 - Hurricane Frances - 2nd scariest night of my life (no power for two days)

Week 5 - Fell and sprained my right ankle and my left foot really, really bad - STILL having problems with my foot.

Week 6 - Hurricane Jeanne - I'm getting to be a pro at these. :rolleyes:

Week 7 - The company wants us to use our "vacation & sick days" for the days the company was closed because of the hurricanes. (Small company and it would have seriously hurt our bottom line to pay everyone for those 8-10 days AND pay for vacation/sick time, too)

Week 8 - Can it GET any worse? (said in my best Chandler Bing impersonation) I get the most vicious, venomous, hate-filled letter from my ex husband with all kinds of accusations and attacks.

I was getting ready to have a meltdown. I just wanted to curl up and die, but I couldn't and the world wouldn't stop spinning for me either.

What I did do was:

- Go see my therapist every week

- Found things to laugh at about this horrible string of events (and it IS kinda funny when it's not you...)

- Reminded myself how very thankful I am for being so lucky to have so many good friends to lean on

- Posted a lot more at GSpot

- Read some light, funny books

- Walked the dog - a lot!

- Picked up an old hobby that I love

- Wrote "just because" letters & sent funny cards to unsuspecting friends & family

- Reminded myself that sh1t happens and it really stinks when it all happens at once, but that I'll get my good sh1t happening when this is over and I'll be stronger and better for surviving this bad time (and the good stuff has been happening for a while now. :) )

Mama has always said, "this too shall pass" and it does (the good and the bad times). We're on a journey and there are more roadbumps on some parts of the path than others, but we can batten down the hatches and keep telling ourselves that the light at the end of the tunnel is NOT a freight train.

If you ever need/want to vent, chat or cry on a shoulder, please feel free to contact me. You've helped me a lot on here and I'd be so happy to return the favor. :love3:

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I was in the process of disassembling my Dodge Dakota engine for a trip to the machine shop to have everything ground and cleaned and honed up for a complete overhaul when I discovered 3 cracks in it's little aluminum head....another added $700 or so, on top of the $1500 to rebuild the stupid thing in the first place.

Maybe it's time to say goodbye to my dear beloved little truck *sniff* in which Andrew and I have shared so many adventures. I guess I got my moneys worth out of it at 320,000 miles.

Seems like everything breaks at once, too....doesn't it?

I tend to get things and use them heavily and take care of them and keep them for decades...like my '78 Zenith color teevee that Andrew is watching as I type...my 1950 Ford 8N tractor...my tools etc.

I'll be praying, tho.

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i hate to say it but i always hope that our next life is what we're hoping for

in the meantime, hang in there, kid, like i do

i can only think your unimaginable terrible loss made your loss of those goddamn things so much worse. i don't know how you handle it. you're so strong. is the mail guy okay ?

love, ex

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road bumps .

more like I have been in hell itself for the last few weeks.

on and on it went , I began to hide .

then last week it was the last straw.

death dying and pure hatred I have been putting up with life as a nightmare . a series of unfortunate events.

do want to know what put me over the edge?

just lost it?

I found a bald spot on my cat.

didnt want to go on.

I found myself crying in heaps to my friend about a frigggin bald spot on my cat!!!

are you laughing ?

it isnt funny.

this whole dam thing called life just sometimes aint funny no more.

better days are coming.

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  Hopefull said:
Have you ever come to a place in your life where it seems like everything is breaking?

Yes, but it has little to do with electronic or mechanical things, which don't really mean much, and not a lot to do with personal relationships, except with my daughter. Due to poor maintenance in the past, my body is breaking, much earlier than it should have. I'm not sure how much of the damage can be reversed at this point, but unless it can, I don't think I'm going to be around too much longer. That's pretty depressing in one sense, but being the somewhat optimistic pragmatist that I am, I tend to be thankful that my life has been better than many, if not most, and am now focused on trying to make sure that I leave behind the best legacy possible, given my circumstances, and at least the certainty in my daughter's mind that I love her and have, within my severe limitations, done my best for her. Not much else matters.

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Dear Hopefull,

first year without twi....

Mine was in 1995 -- I lost my job. My friends were all in twi, and the guy who had been my friend for almost 20 years wrote a letter to the people who attended his twi, my friends, telling them that I was M&A. . .(We worked together when he got into twi, I listened to his first teaching, and learned to trust him as a friend.) My mom was dead and my brothers and sister thought I was a lost cause. . . . My husband thought I was a M&A, too.

and this was before Greasespot Cafe and even WayDale. All there was was a fleeting bunch of ranting and raving, and of course I assumed the hosts of that place were wrong and that twi was right.

Seems like others have the same experience -- maybe it's like waking up from a dream and dealing with the real world, but it can be done.

Here it is only 11 years later. Fred and I are doing better than ever. I have been able to keep working. I am studying to become certified as an Internal Auditor, which is right up my alley because of the attention to detail I developed while in twi. -- Challenges abound and without the prayers of friends, WayDale and Great Greasespot I don't know where I would be.

But Greasespot is here. Information is here of the reality of the world from a viewpoint other than twi.

The prayer room has always had an abundance of work-related prayer requests. Some happily resolved, and others not so happily. But I think with the help of each others, these problems as well can be resolved.

Coming out of any addiction is difficult and probably impossible without the Lord.

As for stuff breaking. That happens. (My dishwasher is out. The front screendoor doesn't close. The juicer is making a grinding noise.... The pillows on our bed were just too old to be kept. That was replaceable with my budget. The other stuff will wait.....)

Prayers are with you, and mine also added into this mix.

Hopefully in hope for Hopefull and the rest of us to make it through this life with a maximum of good times and laughs and sorrows always mitigated by the comfort of friends and family,

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And added to what LG said about body parts breaking down.

It was much easier to believe for good health when we were 20, and the roughest road we hit was the flu.

(All the heavier stuff was dismissed as "not believing" and ignored.)

LG praying with you for good health too. Prayers still work because the Lord has not gotten weaker.

But our definition of answered prayer may change. Joni Tada is still cooking and providing inspiration and hope for millions world wide. Her mouth-painting is not all she does. She is a wonderful inspirational speaker and she also has a wheelchair for the world program that distributes used wheelchairs to people who would never receive them otherwise. Her unanswered prayer for healing was not ignored by the Lord. She has stated that if he had been "healed" her heart would never have been so full of love and compassion as the Lord has been able to give her from her position as it is.

Our twi prayers were more telling the Lord what He should do to satisfy us, whereas His wisdom is truly the great one, not us.

Getting kicked out of twi was blessing to me, and I know more than I did in twi that His eye is on the sparrow and He watches over me. Always.

Still hopefull,

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Long Gone, That is depressing. I'm sorry. I take it you're someone who has found renewed purpose, if not redemption, in illness. Sometime, if you're willing, I'd love to hear your story.

Hopefull, Honestly, I don't know what I would do in your shoes. It would be a hard, hard blow if I were to lose my husband, and I'm sure that every loss after that would be magnified. I wish I knew what to say.

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I'm sorry that has all happened to you this year. As far as the appliances go,

your situation mirrors mine. Even our garage door broke and it was only five

years old! Also, I'm not having the easiest year of my life

either having started a new job in August.

Here's what I do sometimes when I don't feel good mentally. I either watch one

of my favorite videos, or rent some, or check out a slew of them at the library

(that's the best because they don't cost anythng). One of my favorites that I

watch every year is Pride and Prejudice--the A&E one. It's drama, romance,

and is funny! Honestly, I just take a whole Saturday when that happens

and watch videos (uplifting ones with good endings). Two that we saw last night

that were good were March of the Penguins and Cinderella Man. They

both were very good and had good endings (well, I fell asleep at the end of the

Penguins, but it was amazing what they go through for the babies and the father's

sit on the eggs after the mothers lay them. Then the moms walk miles and miles

to get food and bring it back to the dads who haven't eaten in four months usually

by then. It's really cool to see them swimming underwater, too. And Morgan

Freeman is the narrator and he is fabulous).

So, maybe you could get a $35 VCR somewhere and watch some movies and just

sort of zone out. It always works for me and the next day I'm rejuvenated! Also,

updating your resume, as suggested above by one of our gs friends, sounds like

sound advice and may help to take some pressure off. Then, if you have to start

sending it around you're ready, but if not, you're still better off having it current.

Well, take care. I'll be thinking about you.


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Don't know whats up LG, BUT when my body was breaking down I went on a lengthy course of Olive Leaf Extract..Google it to see its' benefits !!! It is somewhat of a miracle cure all (well almost )

Makes me think too of the coming administration where the leaves of a tree are given for the nations healing.

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You know everything was working just fine until I read this thread. This weekend the transmission on the washer went out of course the guy had to say I've never seen one do that, thats only four years old. Today the drain seems to be running slow. Guess I am going shopping for a new washer today. Geee Hopefull thanks for sharing...... :blink: :( Here is a little song to sing as we fork over the dollars to fix everything.

Everything is Broken- Bob Dylan

Broken lines, broken strings,

Broken threads, broken springs,

Broken idols, broken heads,

People sleeping in broken beds.

Ain't no use jiving

Ain't no use joking

Everything is broken.

Broken bottles, broken plates,

Broken switches, broken gates,

Broken dishes, broken parts,

Streets are filled with broken hearts.

Broken words never meant to be spoken,

Everything is broken.

Bridge: Seem like every time you stop and turn around

Something else just hit the ground

Broken cutters, broken saws,

Broken buckles, broken laws,

Broken bodies, broken bones,

Broken voices on broken phones.

Take a deep breath, feel like you're chokin',

Everything is broken.

Bridge: Every time you leave and go off someplace

Things fall to pieces in my face

Broken hands on broken ploughs,

Broken treaties, broken vows,

Broken pipes, broken tools,

People bending broken rules.

Hound dog howling, bull frog croaking,

Everything is broken.

Copyright © 1989 Special Rider Music

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  Belle said:
Mama has always said, "this too shall pass" and it does (the good and the bad times). :love3:

you took the words right out of my mouth!

There is always tomorrow......................................

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Justloafing- Thanks for your prayers-

Lifted Up/ Uppity- You have many others who depend on you- as for me, sometimes I look at my kitty cats and say to them- “it’s lucky for me that I still have to take care of you” -does that count? Sometimes I feel a little despair but then I have to say to myself that this is temporary and God really has a good plan for the second half of my life!

topoftheworld- I have been procrastinating on the resume update- I know the future will get clearer for us soon-

Clearwaters- you said “Why the hell does life have to up and change just when I got used to things the way they were? That's what I'd really like to know, ya know? I mean, seriously, crap can't just keep happening and the universe expect me to stay sane. Frick the universe, I'm going insane for awhile!

Yes that is it exactly!

Belle- I remember reading your posts about a lot of that- what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? your suggestions were great, thanks. I did sleep a lot of the past weekend- of course I was snowed in on Sunday- and nothing else broke!

Ron, I feel your pain with the truck- fortunately my car is still running so not Everything is breaking- it just feels like it! I always have cried when the family car was traded in or when my time with my cars ended-

Thanks Excath, I hope the next life is the place we really want to be and life is just one big school of hard knocks-

- but who is the mail guy?

Pond- I spent most of my life never crying and now I cry many times a day- a bald spot on one of my kitties would put me over the edge too- it is just when stresses happen on TOP of stresses that is seems unbearable- yes better times are coming.

George- you may not mean to but you make me laugh.

LG- I am sorry for your health troubles- stuff breaking is nothing compared to us breaking- I am praying for your physical strength.

Wacky- Hi!!

Kit Sober, I always love your posts- thanks. I do have some things I am looking forward to- a trip to see a good friend out west, a family wedding in the Midwest, and a week long gathering of family in July- I am very lucky to have these events in my future!

WhiteDove- sorry about your washer- I don’t own one of those- I didn’t know that had transmissions that could break!

Bliss, Mama told me there’d be days like this, there’d be days like this my mama said!

I guess the fact that my husband was the “fixer”- as he was a mechanical technician- and things breaking- is just another reminder that he is gone- and I really liked being married- and I really miss him- it is just one of those many secondary losses that happen-

Thanks ((((((((((((((all))))))))))))) for your posts.

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A note on out-of-twi time frame. . . It has taken all of these 10+ years to achieve my current more rational and stable reaction to the ebb and flow of problems and their resolution. (Also right now I have communication with family members, a job, a home, a loving spouse, a couple of friends even and a professional goal I am working on. I am wealthy right now.)

And your Hopefull name has been an inspirational benchmark.

I believe our prayers help keep the whole ball of wax afloat so to speak, and that when some friends and family get the lion's share of attack, friends and family surround the situation with the protection of loving prayers and other support we can give.

In hope,

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