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Ken and Barbie Reconciling?


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Mattel said in February 2004 that Barbie and Ken had split after 43 years because they wanted to spend some time apart.

Ken, who appears to have spent time in the gym and at the stylist,

Ha assuming that they were at least 16 when they met that would make Ken 59. He looks pretty good for his age. I 'd say that he has been to more than the gym can you say nip and tuck? HAHAHA I guess now you can say he really is made of plastic. :biglaugh:

I guess Amanda did not work out well for him after all.

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I'm too underwhelmed to comment.

However, if I did choose to comment, I would say shame on Mattel.

I'm 50, and I still want to believe in the fairytale.

Why can't the little ones believe in it too, instead of being manipulated by marketing exec's into accepting a current sad reality of life.

Besides, Barbie would go for some young stud anyway, not some manufactured version of one.

But I really don't care to comment. :yawn1:

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I heard a joke about Barbie and Ken.

This lady walks in to the toy store looking for a Ken doll. She can't seem to find them, so she goes to the store clerk and says "I am looking for the Ken doll. You know, the one Barbie comes with?"

Store clerk: "Silly lady. Barbie just dates Ken. She comes with GI Joe."

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