Happy Belated Birthday Radar!!!! I usually am not one big on birthday greetings, but I felt I owed you one, cause you opened my eyes to something new and caused a special person to ask me one day " How much of the book do ya read each day"? I trust that person liked my hospitality as much as I have enjoyed yer gift and I pray yer birthday was ever exceeding all your expectations. You are special and a friend indeed , one I'd consider sharing venison wif anytime! Sometime I would love to enjoy them sandy shores agin! Pehaps next yr I can arrange to be there fer a quart fruit jar fest to help ya enjoy tha occassion. Hope ya had a wonderful birthday! Yer special!
I am alittle behind on my birthday wishes too. But it doesn't make them any less heartfelt. You always give such good insight into things here at the cafe. HAPPY DAYS TO YOU! Until we post again.......
Enjoy the last year of your 40's, and look forward to turning 50. Like the old saying goes, "Life begins at 50." I've loved my 50's, they have been the best!
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i see your birthday is today
i'm a year older than you, well i'll be 50 in june
happy birthday
i think i already said it on here not sure but happy happy
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Hey Radar!!
Happy Birthday!!! I wish I were more witty :(
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Linda Z
Yikes, I almost missed the party.
Happiest of b'days to you, RoR, and many, many more, even if I'm a day late.
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I totally missed it!
Happy Birthday Radar dear, you are the greatest and I hope your life keeps getting sweeter- I am happy for you!
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Happy Belated Birthday Radar!!!! I usually am not one big on birthday greetings, but I felt I owed you one, cause you opened my eyes to something new and caused a special person to ask me one day " How much of the book do ya read each day"? I trust that person liked my hospitality as much as I have enjoyed yer gift and I pray yer birthday was ever exceeding all your expectations. You are special and a friend indeed , one I'd consider sharing venison wif anytime! Sometime I would love to enjoy them sandy shores agin! Pehaps next yr I can arrange to be there fer a quart fruit jar fest to help ya enjoy tha occassion. Hope ya had a wonderful birthday! Yer special!
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Tom Strange
oh ROR! I'm sorry I missed your B'day... but I wish you a happening day tomorrow on the one week anniversary! (of your birthday)
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I am alittle behind on my birthday wishes too.
But it doesn't make them any less heartfelt. You always give such good insight into things here at the cafe. HAPPY DAYS TO YOU! Until we post again.......
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Dot Matrix
Happy Birthday!
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Belated Happy Birthday.
Enjoy the last year of your 40's, and look forward to turning 50. Like the old saying goes, "Life begins at 50." I've loved my 50's, they have been the best!
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Psalm 71 one
ME TOO, Radar! Happy Belated Birthday wishes!! Hope you are having a wonderful time this weekend!
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Dot Matrix
Happy Happy Birthday
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