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Noni Juice


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Also, during the period of the prior noni juice discussion I received a few private topic responses from people who had found benefit, and knew others who had found benefit, from Noni Juice and did not want to get in the wind tunnel of Greasespot ridicule.

I found that ordering it on the internet from Hawaii is the least expensive. I cannot say which is the best brand because i am not a connoisseur, but the stuff with a better taste has cheaper juice concentrates and sugar added. I currently order the 100% noni juice and add my own taste enhancers.

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I received a few private topic responses from people who had found benefit, and knew others who had found benefit, from Noni Juice and did not want to get in the wind tunnel of Greasespot ridicule.

The -- Wind -- Tunnel -- of -- Greasespot -- Ridicule.

If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what does.

Thank you, Kit. :)


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So, first we determine that it's good and that it helps people, then we question objective researchers who try to prove it and, finding no proof, debunk it? How does this work?

I know, "wind tunnel." That's what I used to say about people who made fun of this cult I was a part of.

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A little something for you guys to ponder...

We know how to substantiate whether or not drugs or any kind of treatment modalities work. Or not. Its simple. You run tests on those using the products and a control group who do not use the product. This is widely known. You don't have to be a health care professional to understand or appreciate it.

So.. if we have people who can't quite grasp this simple concept and will spend money on products that have been proven worthless.. what chance do we have of people ever getting wise to religious gurus promising abundant life, good health and prosperity for following their teachings? When there is next to NO way to prove or disprove their claims?

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Well, it's kind of amusing to me that Lipitor is being ripped to shreds on one thread, but to so much as question noni juice or other assorted gas-infused liquids gets you charter membership in the wind tunnel.

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