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The Love of Money? Why the Purge?


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Uh...we were talking about Big Topic #2, S. Craig - Money. But you make an interesting point - sex (homo, hetero, amphibio, etc. ) and money often run hand in hand. (figuratively speaking).

You're bringing the topic here back to sexual incidents, homophobia and lesbianism. One vice at a time please. We're on Greed. But then I should talk, me, about Thread Railments. :biglaugh:

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Donna's M's alleged lesbianism is discussed mainly because it stands in stark contrast to TWI's public stance against homosexuality. Kinda like finding out that a KKK leader had an affair with a black woman. It's the irony, doncha know?

And what are you suggesting for "making him pay"? A lynching? :blink:

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Interesting point about the purge and money. From what I understand and what I have read here and waydale. The homo purge basicaly a move to hide lcm's wrong doings. It was in place to slander good people and to keep innies away from those that were Mark and Avoided and labled as homo's that were filled with devil spirits.

lcm did this so he could stay in power to keep every need and want met. He ran but could not hide when you think about it. He was caught with his pants down.

So yes I think the purge was because of the love of money. Maybe not in the way I stated at the start of this thread but it was for one man. It was the mog that loved the power and the money that came along with the position so he thought.

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  Oakspear said:
Donna's M's alleged lesbianism is discussed mainly because it stands in stark contrast to TWI's public stance against homosexuality.

Exactly Oak. It was the double standards twi had. If Donna was or is a lesbian and not in a high profile position since she is in a place that shunned gay's and accused people of being gay that were not. It was a move to keep things hidden and to keep the money comming in. Problem is no one had the guts to kick him out. I wonder why? No I don't. It became doctrine in the higher leadership of twi. They believed it to be right. Donna just happened to get caught in the middle of all this and it just shows the hipocrasy of twi.

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I gotcha S. Craig. I've reviewed the thread a little closer.

Some others have posted thusly - that Mssr. Craigesse probably didn't think twice about the money when he was gettin' 'er done with the Homo Purging.

Why a "purge", and all the baloney that went with it - "genuine suspicion", marking and avoiding? I agree with whoever said he undoubtedly felt guilty about his own activities. Maybe figured it was better to point One Middle Finger at everyone else and dodge the 4 pointing back. Smokescreen. Distract. Identify an easy enemy and a tactical approach so broad and ambiguous it would take all the concentration and time of the masses.

But what got it started, what was stated? The Big Tip Off that homosexuals had infiltrated the Way? Was there an "incident" Craig identified, or something like that?

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Socks said:

But what got it started, what was stated? The Big Tip Off that homosexuals had infiltrated the Way? Was there an "incident" Craig identified, or something like that?

Yeah, I wondered about that too, Socks. Any of you know what started this whole thing?

Catcup? Belle? Anyone?


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  GrouchoMarxJr said:
In my humble opinion, lcm is probably a closet homosexual.

Usually, the people who are screaming the loudest against "homos", are the ones who are a little light in the loafers.

I don't buy that ... my current guess is he found out after marriage that Donna was bisexual (or lesbian) and it sent him over the edge. He could hardly admit to it ... adulterous sex may have helped his shattered ego a little.

Just because some Christians don't think homosexuals should be allowed to marry or become a "protected class" doesn't make them homophobic or "gay". Of course lcm's level of rage :realmad: may have been inspired by something more personal than belief or politics ... maybe it was Donna or a childhood priest that was especially fond of :mooner: him, or maybe he is a frustrated homosexual ...

Don't we have an in house shrink in this place? :confused:

  jardinero said:
Socks said:

Yeah, I wondered about that too, Socks. Any of you know what started this whole thing?

Catcup? Belle? Anyone?J.

You're saying Catcup and Belle started the whole thing? :jump:

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  jardinero said:
Socks said:

Yeah, I wondered about that too, Socks. Any of you know what started this whole thing?

Catcup? Belle? Anyone?


Disclaimer: The beginnings of this "homo purge" seem like eons ago......and the facts might be reconstructed by someone with a better memory than mine. I have NO desire to sensationalize it....nor would I swear on a Bible that my memory of 13 years ago is totally accurate. But the following account is what I remember as the "growing seeds" of the infamous "homo purge" in twi.

Well, as best I remember.......

Several incidents surfaced in a matter of months in 1993/94. One incident involved two girls on HQ staff.....a staffer happened to walk into a Founders Hall bedroom and found two naked girls "between the sheets." Under strict and separate confrontation, the younger apprentice corps girl confessed to this lesbian relationship. And, within days, the older corps grad girl was sent packing to New Jersey. I knew both girls.

In the days and months to follow, Martindale yelled and fumed everytime he held a microphone.

Another incident surfaced on the field.......two guys got caught "in the act." The limb and region leadership related all this information back to hq. The "genuine suspicion doctrine of lcm" gained momentum.

And, another incident at HQ......two guys. One of the guys worked in Transportation and traveled quite a bit. Working the nightshift hours and all, he and this other guy found obscure places on grounds for their homosexual relations. The control room, a small room underneath the hq fountain, was where twi security found them one night......that's the stor-ee that was told to us corps by martindale on a corps teaching.

A couple of other incidents on the field surfaced......and throughout mid-1994 thru 1995 the "genuine suspicion" doctrine was in full gear. Homos, pedophiles, feminine-tendencies in men.....all were subject to intense scrutiny UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE BY THE MOG.

And......I might add, that on some occasions this genuine suspicion homo-purge "witch hunt" implicated the wrong person and/or the wrong outcome. Like twi is known to be.....all was black or white judgement calls. No middle ground. And, the road back to twi was an intense probationary status.

Throughout the spring and summer of 1995, this homo-purge was on top of martindale's agenda. So, for some of us, it came as no surprise that he cancelled the WOW program at the 1995 Rock of Ages. Whether this homo activity took place in tent city during the roa........I don't know.

Hope this helps.

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  justloafing said:
If twi was and is about money. Why the purge of people whether they where labled possesed or homo's or for what ever reason? I know POP took a great toll on twi but the "great purge" had not yet taken place. Was it lcm's weird and paranoid mind? He had to see the money slipping away. Did he really believe he was doing Gods work and not care if he ended up with the homeless just so Gods Word would live? If he was being a buisness man? What sence did it make?

I also know the the defection of twi was when the Allen and twi law suite took place but why kick all those good green backs(money) out of twi?

Justloafing, you ask some good questions!

Personally I think VPW was very into money, he wanted to buy buildings, jets, motorcycles etc. He wanted to look important and be powerful and IMO that required some big money.

With Craig, I think he was more about power more then the money, and obviously didn't know how to handle that. Based on what I've read on all of Martindales moves with TWI I think he went off the deep end, or as Groucho said his cheese slipped off the cracker!

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So, for some of us, it came as no surprise that he cancelled the WOW program at the 1995 Rock of Ages. Whether this homo activity took place in tent city during the roa........I don't know.

Hope this helps.

Actually it was the 94 ROA, I was a casualty of that war! (((yippee)

I have to check more sources, but there were incidents in 91 that were horrible.

ROA 93' Craig was on the war path over "teens" fooling around at the Rock.[/color]

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yeah, top. It happened way back, just wasn't advertized. In fact, my sis-in-law who was also 10th, has an interesting story to tell about being accused.

It was beyond ridiculous, in her case. But we always wondered what it was all about, ya know?

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Thanks Skyrider, and y'all.

So, about 93/94 was the first "incident", in the corps, that got the ball rolling. And there were others previous to that, over the years, but not made so public and not cause for a major investigaton and plan of action.

Craig must have felt like this was a major infestaton and infiltration, and he pulled out all the stops to root out all the 'Mo's in the Way. So you were toast if you even "looked wrong" or suspect. If you disagreed with the evaluation of the severity of the problem or the tactics and methods being used - toast, toasted sesame seed wheat bagel, not the Genetically Sound All American White Bread variety.

And I've read here before that one of the big gripes was "dishonesty". That these people were being dishonest with the "Household". Guess it takes one to know one. Here's a guy carrying on with his own "Spiritually Mature Rules For A Sound Marriage" in secret, and then this. Weird. Was he afraid that others would "catch the gay bug" or something?

Naw, he wasn't concerned about the loss of revenue from booting out cash paying homosexuals. The Way wanted clean money.

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if feminin tendencies were a reason for being booted

craig should have been the first one to leave

when came on stage wearing that silly outfit in aos

Dancer Boy.

John Travolta was really worried, I'm sure. You may be right about that coolchef- figure John Travolta makes a career out of dancing and manages to make it look like a guy thing and still gets mileage out of it, no doubt because hey, he's Italian. :biglaugh:

Craig tries it and can't get 5 minutes onstage without people wondering if Loy is greek for "Too Tight in the Crotch". It's just toooooo weird.

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It just might!

This thread has made me think, always a thrill. AOS, and the many things that developed throughout the 80's and 90's, and the effect they may have had on the financial dreams of the Way. Think about it.....in no particular order -

AOS - ham handed handling of a few defenseless verses in the bible leads bewildered and grossed out audiences to ponder "What would David do?"

The Tithe Defined - cheerful giving replaced by manndatory tax and tough love. No givey, no spitty in your direction.

POP - Prez of the Way gets bich slapped by a guy 5,000 miles away, leading to....

The Fog Years - 3 years of paid vacation while the BOT get their heads untogether.

PFAL Replaced - by a new Way class, most memorable for it's teaching about the Original Lesbian, replacing PFAL with a class that has the acronym...."WAP".

Full Time Corps Employment - drains the Way's cash accounts and utlimately leads to a BOT resignation, and disrupts 100's of people's lives. Until it's cancelled and changed, again disrupting 100's of people's lives. SPECIAL RECOGNITION NOTE FOR TIME MANAGEMENT - this all takes less than two years.

Homo Purge - homo hunt ushers in the era of "genuine suspicion" and "mark and avoid", ultimately leading to Way men everywhere tossing out all their flowered Hawaiian shirts.

No Debt Policy - American dream to work hard, play hard, save, buy a home and raise a family replaced by new "Sell It Now and Move" policy. Genuine suspicion circulates the policy may have been started and promoted by Way Real Estate agents. SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT CERTIFICATE: anyone's life that wasn't previously turned upside down by something gets routed out for not being "faithful". EXTRA WIN-WIN MILEAGE POINTS: around the same time bad housecleaning habits are discovered to be a major cause of much of the world's problems.

The Allen Suit - straw hits the camel's back and the hump comes a-tumbling down. TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION NOMINATION: Settlement includes closing of WayDale, leading to Greasespot Cafe and a steady flow of posters and readers who never read WayDale.

Grease Spots By Midnight - ominous threat by the Way Prez leads to miraculous resurrection of 1000's of former Way members who, having left and disappeared, return, better than ever.

Just when you thought it was safe to surf - they're ba-ack.

:biglaugh: Is it me or....well, never mind. Just thinking

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  justloafing said:
lcm was on the war path of gays long before the 90's. I remember him ranting and making jokes about gays when I was in res in 84.

Yeah.....there were isolated incidents of homosexual influences within twi "long before the 90s."

BUT......in reference to this thread, "Why the Purge?"........the incidents that led up to the infamous 1990s homo-purge had raised the stakes of infiltration.

1) Martindale was furious that it involved HQ staff.

2) Martindale was outraged that corps were succumbing to this "homo-infiltration."

3) Multiple confrontations --- no longer isolated incidents, but infiltration.

4) Twi's theme around this period of time was Living Sanctified.

In my 24 years with twi.......this 1990s homo-purge was a focused, relentless "war path against gays."

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As for times when I remember LCM going on about homos, the first real incident that I remember was at the 1991 ROA where he basically drew a line in the sand about people being "truly delivered" from their former homosexual lifestyle and how they needed to "get honest" with themselves and their leadership if they were not. This stands out to me becuase I had never really thought about TWI's stand before that time on homosexuality - I had only been involved for a couple of years then - and I remember how "quiet" it got in the Big Top that night. I remember being uncomfortable that the subject was even brought it - it was nothing we ever talked about in my home growing up, or in my fellowship or anything else... I was pretty nieve to it all and had to have some of the jokes explained to me....

The heat got turned up in 1993 on the homos - that's when LCM got mean about it. I don't know what the heck happened exactly. For some reason many of the homosexual or "not as straight as the Marlboro Man" were allowed for years and then suddenly got the boot. It was a weird time. We were sponsoring someone in the WC who was from the Washington D.C. area who was m&a'ed on the grounds that he was homo - we had no clue - even though we sent his money to him for another two months before anyone told us he had been 'dismissed'. I'm sure the checks we sent got cashed anyways...

I would venture to say that LCM got crossed by someone who was homo somehow. Someone who was in the HQ area at the time should know the skinny on this one - but I would bet it's something along those lines. Calling someone unclean in this manner became quite a tool for getting rid of anyone - for any reason - even if they were straight as bull in a pasture of cows in season. If LCM was angry about something I don't think that he would have stopped to reason in the least about money. After all, most of the major numbers of members were lost BEFORE this purge with the POP and Fog Years.

So why is discussion about his wife's preferences allowed?

Well, if YOUR life was discussed infront of hundreds of people, as has happened to many posters here, myself included, then it only seems fit that you should be able to discuss someone else's life in a similar manner. Just make sure you're telling the truth.... and the posters I know who have confirmed this about Mrs. M. are telling the truth - I believe them 100%! It's ain't no rumor, hunnie.

As someone who is married to a Greek, I can tell you that from what I could see of Loy's southern region being bound tightly in Spandex.... Loy ain't Greek!

So his name must be of Canardly origins....


You Canardly tell there's anything there!

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  socks said:
Grease Spots By Midnight - ominous threat by the Way Prez leads to miraculous resurrection of 1000's of former Way members who, having left and disappeared, return, better than ever.

Just when you thought it was safe to surf - they're ba-ack.

Funny that he calls "Greasespots by midnight" those who were Kicked Out by or left the Way.

I wonder now that he's one for the past 5 years if he knows how it feels. Of course, I don't think he's doing as great as us being shunned by everyone: his family, his own x-ministry and the people that he victimized.

Plus trading a lazy life of luxury to work as a fitness trainer and loading trucks.

Hmmm... he's more of a greasespot than any of us. :biglaugh:

My message to Loy Boy:

How does it feel being a GreaseSpot now, eh?

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