Hope: The Ent-draught scene appeared only in the Extended DVD of TTT, so those moviegoers who hadn't seen that version would only be confused if the other characters commented on Merry & Pippin's growth spurt.
I think that it was a good decision to leave out the whole Scouring of the Shire episode. If you think about it, what was the whole point of the journey, if their home was going to be sacked and burnt in the end anyway? Sure, it sets up for the hobbits to be made the local leadership to rebuild, but it would have been a cinematic downer to have to go through all that after the climax at Mount Doom.
Just my 40% of a nickel,
Secret Signature of the Day==v
"You think you hate it now, but wait till you drive it..."
How about Merry and Pippin? In the scene where they had to be separated when Pippin rode off with Gandalf to Minas Tirith and Merry stayed in Rohan, they seemed like a lot more than just friends.
It's sad that we've fallen so far in our collective morals that we see any display of affection between members of the same gender as homosexual.
Tolkien's manuscript is pretty much just as "gooey" between the members of the Fellowship, but remember that he originally wrote the tale for his son Christopher while he was away at war. The bond between two soldiers can save both of their lives, so of course Tolkien would emphasize camaraderie in the face of incredible danger. If you'll read the appendices in ROTK, all of the hobbits later married and had children, save Frodo. (Which leaves the only really gay couple as Legolas and Gimli... :D--> )
Secret Signature of the Day==v
"You think you hate it now, but wait till you drive it..."
In that one scene, I really expected Frodo and Sam to lip lock.
Agreed. The relationship between Sam and Frodo was the gayest thing on film since "The Birdcage" and even then it's close.
I think it's the same one, but towards the end right before Frodo gets on the boat, the camera pans in such a way that it is focused on the sides of Frodo and Sam while it's mostly just their heads in the shot, which is a pretty standard kissing position in movies. The fact that they didn't kiss suprised me.
quote:SAM and FRODO are sitting together on a rock. SAM stretches, and drops his arm around FRODO's shoulders.
SAM: So, sir. Finally it's just you and me.
FRODO: "Finally"? What do you mean?
SAM: Oh, uh...nothing...
FRODO: Well, you're wrong. We've got company.
GOLLUM flies out of the rocks and pounces on FRODO.
SAM: Hey! Wait your turn!
SAM and FRODO tie up GOLLUM.
GOLLUM: No! Smeagol not into ropes, nassty kinky hobbitses.
FRODO: We just want you to take us to Mordor, you sicko.
GOLLUM: Mordor? Hobbitses having little Goth phase, maybe? Very angsssty, wanting to go to Mordor, yes yes. Can Smeagol offer black eyeliner to angsssty hobbitses?
SAM: You stop talking to Mr.--hmm. (to FRODO) You know, you wouldn't look half bad in eyeliner.
quote:FARAMIR: So, who are you, exactly?
FRODO: I'm Frodo. This is Sam.
FARAMIR: Your...image consultant?
SAM: His gardener.
FARAMIR: Ohh, like in a 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' kind of way?
SAM: Exactly.
FRODO: Righ?What??
quote:FRODO puts on some black eyeliner, climbs to the top of a ruined building, and holds up the Ring. SAM pounces him and brings him tumbling down the stairs.
FRODO: Ow! Hey! That's it?this time I'm cutting your throat.
SAM: But Mr. Frodo...I was saving the world...you were going to give the Ring to that Nazgul...
FRODO: No, I wasn't. I was doing a lightning experiment.
SAM: Well, that's pretty stupid too, now isn't it.
FRODO: Hmm. I suppose so. Sorry, dude.
FRODO puts down the sword. SAM gets up and starts a speech.
SAM: There are good things in the world. And that's what we're protecting. And up there, it's their time, but down here, it's OUR time...
quote:SAM: Whew. All right, Mr. Frodo, I know I've teased you about running from spiders before, but I don't blame you for that one. Er, Mr. Frodo? (prod) Frodo?...
FRODO is not looking good. SAM begins weeping and cradling him.
SENTIMENTAL BOOK-READERS: Say "Don't go where I can't follow." Say "Don't go where I can't follow." Say "Don't go where I can't follow."
SAM: Don't go where I can't follow!
SENTIMENTAL BOOK-READERS: Woohoo! All right; I can die happy now.
Yes, Rafael, we've all read the parodies. Twice. Move along...
Besides, if you haven't read the original parody, Harvard Lampoon's Bored of the Rings, you can't call yourself a true Tolkien geek. Then again, you HAVEN'T EVEN READ THE FREAKIN' BOOKS, so that epithet is a long way from being apropos anyway.
Secret Signature of the Day==v
"You think you hate it now, but wait till you drive it..."
Merry & Pippin are cousins, aren't they? They didn't seem as "close" as Sam & Frodo did. Besides, Frodo is "pretty"... those hyper-thyroid eyes and all.
Personally, I'd lip lock with Aragorn any day... don't tell hubby!
Rafael - you really should read the books! Take a week's vacation on the Beach, put on some sunblock and let LOTR take you away!
They could have broken up "The Scouring of the Shire" somehow. Showed Saurman & Wormtongue doing their dirty work. Cut to the other stuff that was in the film, and gone back BEFORE the Sam marries Rosie scene and taken care of it.
There are ways precioussssssss.....
Hope R. color>size>face>
What a long, strange trip it's been!size>face>color>
Hope: Yes, Merry and Pippin are cousins, as well as Frodo's distant kinsmen. (kinshobbits?)
Aragorn, eh? I would have figured you more for the Legolas Estrogen Brigade, but what do I know? It's not like there was a big menu of babes for us guys to adjust our scabbards for, but I think Eowyn would get my vote. Apart from that one scene in FOTR, Arwen was sort of a boring time-filler in the films.
As for the Scouring of the Shire, it makes sense to have it that way in the books, since the whole War of the Ring really came and went without moving west of Rohan. No one in the Shire would have believed the four hobbits had saved all of Middle Earth if they weren't somehow touched by the conflict. Cinematically, though, you'd need to have spent more time in the Shire at the beginning of FOTR (more even than the Ext.Ed.) to drive the point home. In the book, remember, FIFTY YEARS passes between Bilbo's eleventy-first party and Gandalf revealing the Ring to Frodo.
Secret Signature of the Day==v
"You think you hate it now, but wait till you drive it..."
Zixar, this one's for you - an Easter Egg on the LOTR:FOTR extended edition DVD:
Using Disk One Of The 4-Disk Special Extended DVD Edition (Not the 2-Disk Set). Go to "Select a Scene" and go to the very last scene on the selection which should be #27 "The Council of Elrond". Press Down Once and you should see a little ring next to "New Scene". Select it and Peter Jackson should come on telling you that you've stumbled across a surprise. Which is the MTV parody done at the last MTV Movie Awards with Jack Black and Sarah Michelle Gellar.
There's an even better one at the end of the first Two Towers disk (extended version).
Go to the scene selection, all the way down to the last scene. Then go down one more and press enter. It's the acceptance speech by Andy Serkis at the MTV awards for best CG character.
Easter Eggs: The Fellowship of the Ring (Extended Edition)
quote:Two Towers Trailer
On Disc 2 go to Scene Selection screen. Highlight Scene 48 "Official Fan Club Credits" Press down to highlight image of the Two Towers. Press Enter to watch trailer.
MTV spoof
Go to Scene selection screen on Disc 1. Highlight Scene 27 "The Council of Elrond". Press down to highlight image of The Ring. Press enter to view clip.
From The Two Towers:
quote:On the first disc, go to the scene selection and then highlight chapter 30. Press down to reveal a ring. Press enter to see Gollum's acceptance speech from the MTV movie awards.
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Oh, you thought that too? I thought it was just me.
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Hope: The Ent-draught scene appeared only in the Extended DVD of TTT, so those moviegoers who hadn't seen that version would only be confused if the other characters commented on Merry & Pippin's growth spurt.
I think that it was a good decision to leave out the whole Scouring of the Shire episode. If you think about it, what was the whole point of the journey, if their home was going to be sacked and burnt in the end anyway? Sure, it sets up for the hobbits to be made the local leadership to rebuild, but it would have been a cinematic downer to have to go through all that after the climax at Mount Doom.
Just my 40% of a nickel,
Secret Signature of the Day==v
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Frodo and Sam?
How about Merry and Pippin? In the scene where they had to be separated when Pippin rode off with Gandalf to Minas Tirith and Merry stayed in Rohan, they seemed like a lot more than just friends.
My teenage son mentioned it too.
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It's sad that we've fallen so far in our collective morals that we see any display of affection between members of the same gender as homosexual.
Tolkien's manuscript is pretty much just as "gooey" between the members of the Fellowship, but remember that he originally wrote the tale for his son Christopher while he was away at war. The bond between two soldiers can save both of their lives, so of course Tolkien would emphasize camaraderie in the face of incredible danger. If you'll read the appendices in ROTK, all of the hobbits later married and had children, save Frodo. (Which leaves the only really gay couple as Legolas and Gimli...
:D--> )
Secret Signature of the Day==v
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Affection is one thing, this seemed beyond that.
In that one scene, I really expected Frodo and Sam to lip lock.
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Mister P-Mosh
Agreed. The relationship between Sam and Frodo was the gayest thing on film since "The Birdcage" and even then it's close.
I think it's the same one, but towards the end right before Frodo gets on the boat, the camera pans in such a way that it is focused on the sides of Frodo and Sam while it's mostly just their heads in the shot, which is a pretty standard kissing position in movies. The fact that they didn't kiss suprised me.
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Yep, that's the scene I'm talking about
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Read the parodies! Read the parodies!
There's more. It's hilarious.
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Yes, Rafael, we've all read the parodies. Twice. Move along...
Besides, if you haven't read the original parody, Harvard Lampoon's Bored of the Rings, you can't call yourself a true Tolkien geek. Then again, you HAVEN'T EVEN READ THE FREAKIN' BOOKS, so that epithet is a long way from being apropos anyway.
Secret Signature of the Day==v
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Hope R.
Merry & Pippin are cousins, aren't they? They didn't seem as "close" as Sam & Frodo did. Besides, Frodo is "pretty"... those hyper-thyroid eyes and all.
Personally, I'd lip lock with Aragorn any day... don't tell hubby!
Rafael - you really should read the books! Take a week's vacation on the Beach, put on some sunblock and let LOTR take you away!
They could have broken up "The Scouring of the Shire" somehow. Showed Saurman & Wormtongue doing their dirty work. Cut to the other stuff that was in the film, and gone back BEFORE the Sam marries Rosie scene and taken care of it.
There are ways precioussssssss.....
Hope R. color>size>face>
What a long, strange trip it's been!size>face>color>
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How come Elrond is the only Elf that's not pretty?
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Because he's the serious one.
Plus, he's played by that guy from the Matrix.
Zixar, how you managed to make it thru "Bored of the Rings", I'll
never know.
The only stuff I thought was funny was naming the elf "Legolam" and
one of the towers "Minas Troney". Otherwise, it struck me as something
you couldn't read sober.
"Oh, I didn't like that scene, so I'm leaving it out." (Smack.)
I felt the scouring of the Shire showed how much they had changed,
and how their lives were up to them now,
and how far "Sharkey" had fallen.
("A little trouble in a mean way.")
Somebody I know said they could easily have fit in the entire
"Scouring of the Shire" sequence if they trimmed down some of the
scenes where everybody stared at each other.
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Hello again Word Wolf,
You have a great sense of humor! hee hee hee.
"Bore of the Rings"!!! ha aha hahahahah. I like the series. Are you a writer?? you certainly sound like one.
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Hope: Yes, Merry and Pippin are cousins, as well as Frodo's distant kinsmen. (kinshobbits?)
Aragorn, eh? I would have figured you more for the Legolas Estrogen Brigade, but what do I know? It's not like there was a big menu of babes for us guys to adjust our scabbards for, but I think Eowyn would get my vote. Apart from that one scene in FOTR, Arwen was sort of a boring time-filler in the films.
As for the Scouring of the Shire, it makes sense to have it that way in the books, since the whole War of the Ring really came and went without moving west of Rohan. No one in the Shire would have believed the four hobbits had saved all of Middle Earth if they weren't somehow touched by the conflict. Cinematically, though, you'd need to have spent more time in the Shire at the beginning of FOTR (more even than the Ext.Ed.) to drive the point home. In the book, remember, FIFTY YEARS passes between Bilbo's eleventy-first party and Gandalf revealing the Ring to Frodo.
Secret Signature of the Day==v
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Is it 50 years? I think it's less than that. Frodo is 50 when he leaves the Shire. He's 30 at Bilbo's party.
So anyway, I'm reading the friggin books, okay!?!?!?!
They're about to enter the Mines of Moria. Bill the pony has that look on his face right now, that special look that says, "I'm Warg food."
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Raf: My mistake. The LOTR-UK website's timeline generator lists the timespan as 17 years. Still...
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Raf: Thought you might find this link interesting.
It's a Tolkienesque Name Translator.
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Mister P-Mosh
I tried it using my real name and got the following:
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Creepy. But I came up with a different answer on the tavern: The Kraken
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Zixar, this one's for you - an Easter Egg on the LOTR:FOTR extended edition DVD:
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There's an even better one at the end of the first Two Towers disk (extended version).
Go to the scene selection, all the way down to the last scene. Then go down one more and press enter. It's the acceptance speech by Andy Serkis at the MTV awards for best CG character.
A friggin RIOT.
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That's fricking hysterical.
I loved both skits.
The Sarah Michelle Geller/Jack Black scene is where we find out
that Jack had the one ring attached to himself with a body
piercing (a "Prince Albert", to be specific).
The acceptance speech with Slinker and Stinker was, if anything,
a LOT funnier.
The only thing I liked better was Yoda's acceptance for
"Best Fight Sequence" that year.
BTW, Frodo was 33 at the time of the party.
Bilbo was 111.
The "private dinner" at the end of the party was planned to
equal their ages in guests, 12 dozen, or one gross.
I'm glad they kept in Bilbo's second comment, intact. That
was the one that confused the guests, where he said he liked
half of them half as much as they deserved, and so on.
I also like that we saw him telling the kids stories about his
journey "there and back again".
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Easter Eggs: The Fellowship of the Ring (Extended Edition)
From The Two Towers:
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Oh, btw, if you hate "talky" stay far, far away from The Silmarillion. It's more a history text than a story.
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