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Welcome back to the twi drinking game!


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Hi there.

Numerous tv shows have had their own drinking games.

One of the most famous is the "Hi Bob" drinking game-where you watch

a show and take a drink whenever someone says the words "Hi Bob"

in them. Another was mentioned in a few magazines- the Sabrina game,

where you take a drink every time the talking cat gets a line.

One of the most FUN drinking games is the Star Trek:the Next Generation

drinking game. Not because of the drinking, but because of the elaborate

rules. This game's rules are based in spirit on that game.


Here's the basics on how to play.

A) Arrange for cabs or a sleepover for after the game. :)

B) Everyone prepares by having large amounts of their beverage of

choice ahead of time, and a cup (preferably plastic)

C) An audiotape is selected, and played, start to finish.

D) At certain points, something will happen on tape. Players will

then follow the rules, and drink accordingly.

E) Basic rule-of-thumb for conditions:

1) one drink for something that occurs fairly commonly

2) two drink for something fairly uncommon or specific

3) three drinks for something VERY specific or rare

4) drain entire glass/cup for EXCEPTIONALLY rare stuff


Of course, at least 1/2 the fun is in coming up with the

conditions or rules.

Here's one catch when coming up with conditions:

twi had a few "eras". For convenience sake,

twi-1 is under vpw, twi-2 is under lcm, twi-3 is under rfr.

Please specify WHICH era the condition applies to,

or specify "(ALL ERAS)" or subsets (twi 1 & 2)

I shall provide examples from the old list, so you'll

get the idea. It's really not that hard...

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Here's what we said before:


one drink for every time the phrase "Thank you Father" is said in a prayer

one drink for every "clap-along" song (claps must be on the tape)

one drink for every attempt at a joke by the speaker

one drink whenever "traditional Christians" are mocked

one drink whenever an "alternative title" is said for a renamed holiday

("Ho-Ho", "Resurrection Sunday", "Household Hearts")

one drink whenever a class is being promoted

one drink whenever a new product/music tape is being promited;

two if it is claimed to be superior to anything on the market

one drink when someone changes a word due to "original texts"

("the original text here reads 'Oldsmobile'...")

one drink whenever a Greek word's pronunciation is MANGLED

one drink whenever someone finishes a sentence with "what" so that

the audience fills in the next word in a verse-

"For God so loved the WHAT?"

two drinks if it ends in "What, class?"

one drink for redundant phrases, like "in this day AND HOUR",

"international countries", "chorus choir"...

one drink whenever a sentence ends with the needless addition

of "see?" as if the speaker is imitating Edgar G. Robinson playing

a gangster. ("That's what he told them, SEE?")

one drink when "flip" and "Philippians" are in the same sentence.

("Let's flip to Philippians...")

two drinks for the phrase

"the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation",

three drinks if it ends in "...in the household"

one drink whenever tithing is mentioned (referring to US- Bible verses and

explanations don't count UNTIL WE are mentioned)

one drink whenever "abundant-sharing" is mentioned

two drinks for "tithe/tithing and abundant-sharing"

one drink for "witnessing"

one drink if some global catastrophe is mentioned, past or present-

two drinks if twi "prevented" that catastrophe

(assassinations of political figures included)

one drink when a named celebrity is called "possessed"

1 drink for any translation "according to usage"

3 drinks when a speaker intentionally mispronounces "literal translation

according to usage", i.e. "non-literal according to my misusage"


one drink whenever anyone says "standing household"

one drink whenever anyone says "remnant" or "prevailing word"

three drinks for "standing household of the prevailing word"

one drink whenever speaker compares him/herself to an Old Testament saint.

one drink for every time lcm curses (weak drinkers may pass on this one)

one drink when an ex-TWI person is called a "copout";

two drinks if the "copout" is identified by name (first AND last name)

one drink for every sports analogy, two if it's football

one drink when the phrase "egg-sucking" is used

one drink for "plurality-giving"/"plurality-give"

(yes, that makes 3 for "tithe/tithing, abundant sharing and plurality giving")

one drink when the tithe is mentioned as "15%" or HIGHER

DRAIN ENTIRE GLASS if speaker admits to a wrongdoing, legal or moral

(must acknowledge it was WRONG to do it AND admit doing it)


one drink when vpw addresses any audience as "class" no matter the event

one drink when vpw says "Dat's riiight."

one drink when vpw uses "wonderful" and "beautiful" in the same sentence

one drink for "I wish you could see it in the original"

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one drink for EACH adjective used to describe Jesus Christ in the intro.


"God bless you in the wonderfully victoriously living name of our precious

Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" means 4 drinks.

(Lord, Saviour and Christ do not count.)

2 drinks when a military reference is said to actually be an ATHLETIC

reference, a la AOS.

1 drink when the only explanation given for a bald claim is

"you'd believe this if you worked The Word on this."

(Example: "The Roman soldiers molested Jesus. You'd know this if you worked

the Word." "Mary Magdalene was a drug addict. You'd know this if you worked

the Word.")

1 drink whenever Ephesians is called

"the greatest revelation ever given to the Christian church" or equivalent.

1 drink whenever "faith" in the KJV is changed to "believing"

1 drink whenever a Version other than the KJV is quoted

1 drink whenever the word "brainwash" or "cult" is used

DRAIN GLASS if something complimentary is said about Christians in

another organization;

drain a SECOND GLASS if the group is NAMED AND the compliment

is NOT followed by an insult that removes the compliment.

("Those Presbyterians have really helped that community. They're

incredibly sincere-BUT sincerity is no match for TRUTH, if only they

had the truth of God's Word...")

Twi-2 and 3:

one drink for each reference to our topic of the month in prayer

(i.e. the topic is "JC Our Promised Seed", the prayer calls JC our Promised Seed)

DRAIN GLASS if any non-twi Christian is quoted concerning the teaching topic-

unless it's to mock them.



"whenever lcm yells" is NOT a valid condition-

he yelled so much the drinkers would just pass out.

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Can anyone drink that much? First prayer and I'd be passed out on the floor.

Is it a last-man-standing game?

Well, if you're going to listen to that crap, might as well make it enjoyable.

Edited by GreasyTech
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Let's not forget the drink of the house is Drambuie. hey, for saying that just guzzle until the bottle is empty. :who_me:

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I need a drink just to start playing!

Who's gonna' get Divine Design to make the poster of the rules ( cuz you KNOW that there's no way we'd all remember them after the opening prayer!)

BTW Dmiller - now would be a good time to sell those tapes you were just kidding about!

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Ha! When I was a teen, I wanted to be on Devine Design. Everyone kept complimenting and bragging about my artwork, that I felt like I'd be a celebrity.

Back to topic...

1 drink for "Let's all stand and sing..."

2 drinks when the speaker uses a made-up personal "analogy" (which is really an anecdote) to open their teaching. 1 more drink for each additional time the go back to the anecdote during their teaching.

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I wish we all lived closer! I WANNA PLAY! :mooner:

This is the funniest sheet I ever heard..................... :drink:

Thank you father (slurp)

The prevailing word(slurp slurp) :beer:

we prevail in the household (slurp slurp slurp)

will will see expansion as we Move the word with prevailing might(gulp gulp gulp gulp)

((((((((barf)))))))))) :wacko:

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Nato, you ARE an awesome artist!!

I remember all those very cool posters you did for PFAL when you ran the class at the Stud Farm. ;)

Can we do this with the VHS tapes and have everyone drink when the the singing ladies do those stupid arm movements, wanna be dance steps and those ridiculous dip/pivot things with their hips? If they, or the choir has on tent dresses, then everyone must take two drinks before each song.

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  bliss said:
I wish we all lived closer! I WANNA PLAY! :mooner:

This is the funniest sheet I ever heard..................... :drink:

Thank you father (slurp)

The prevailing word(slurp slurp) :beer:

we prevail in the household (slurp slurp slurp)

will will see expansion as we Move the word with prevailing might(gulp gulp gulp gulp)

((((((((barf)))))))))) :wacko:

:D :D :D :D :D lmao bliss.

I think we will have to have 911 on speed dial on everyone's cell phone becase of alcohol poisening.

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I don't think I'm going to make it through the 1st 5 words of the opening prayer without hurling. :eusa_clap:

Edited by Thomas Loy Bumgarner
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Belle Said,

Can we do this with the VHS tapes and have everyone drink when the the singing ladies do those stupid arm movements, wanna be dance steps and those ridiculous dip/pivot things with their hips?

When I first saw those movements I was reminded of the EARLY days of television back when Lawrence Welk was in black n white and people were afraid of being themselves on teevee.

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I just played the vhs tape of our commissioning to go wow for my daughter to see what bow jr and I looked like back in the day. I had the tape set right before our team was called up so all we saw was about 5 minutes.

I could've used a drink after viewing 5 minutes of that stuff!

Oh well, it was great to show her what her brother looked like back then.

I'm not enough of a drinker for this game, tho I would love to be a designated driver...

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You guys do know a "drink", for purposes of games like this,

is a "SIP", and "2 drinks" is "2 sips", and only "DRAIN GLASS" means

you have to finish a beverage, right?

I mean, you could take very SMALL sips.

(Then again, I knocked a few conditions down from 3 to 2, and 2 to 1...)

Teetotalers could always have an incredibly weak rum and coke or something,

or just drink a soft drink, so long as they kept up. The game would be more

about the game, and not the intoxication.

Then again, if we DID use the "chorus choir", we'd probably have to only

run the game until the teaching started. Between their introduction,

the cheezy stage-time, and opening prayers and songs, most of us would

be pretty finished off.

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Hmmmmm. as a teetotaler now I still remember the taste of a good Framboise. I propose that we take all said tapes, celebrate uncle harry day and use the fire to melt cheese for fondue--A good all purpose cold weather treat, goes well with everything.


1 drink whenever the fire goes pop

1 drink when ever the cheese "strings' attach to your chin

1 drink whenever the logs shift

2 drinks when a bite of fondue ends up in the fire

drain the glass if anyone actually watches a tape before adding it to the fondue warmer

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