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Child Molester still has rights- please help

see me

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  Belle said:

Sending good thoughts, energy and prayers your way, seeme!

Hi SeeMe - Megan's law is unique to CA and all of CA'a laws mess with each other and conflict with each other with plenty of room for attorney grope. So I will give you my $0.02 but not be arrogant enough to call it advice. You do what is right for the child/children... That's as simple as I can describe it being a single parent of two great kids. We can discuss rehab and programs until we all hate each other - meanwhile what about the kids? They need to be first - not the person who needs and may or may not respond to counsel. Ex father is a big boy and can pay his own way - or not - but the kids need real care. If he has been busted under Megan's law BTW and tries to touch them through some other relative you can have him slammed back for a long foot time

Sorry - passionate parent speaking now.

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Well I think these types of offenses have the laws in the right place, they are written (by the government)because they want to protect children from being harmed again. What I am hearing is you want me to sign to make it easier for these offenders to get employment, housing, etc.

But my question is why cater to them, and just how long does a first time offense last in prison.

Yes they are people and they have human rights but the committed a crime. what my problem is why should we have to help them. They shouldn't have done it in the first place. Then there would not be so many laws around them. You have to ask yourself

Who committed the crime the Child Molester or the government


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The rights should be taken away in full from either one( a parent or just a regular child molestor) why should we seperate them?? They need a tracking device on them so we know where they are at all times


Edited by ckmkeon
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The world is taking many nasty directions....mostly sexual. Wasnt that what happened to Sodom and Gomorah? What goes around, comes around...there's nothing new under the sun.. God destroyed Sodem and Gemora because of there sexual stuff. You think today is any differernt? Children? Adults..mosty kids. Why shoud this be any diff then that? Pedifiles were there too..and God destroyed the city. Pedifiles are here now...but diff administration...but in the end...GOD WILL judge these sick people.

I took on a child I knew at 5. Gave him a safe home at 12. Didnt work.

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