dmiller, if you had written WG's copy this thread would have died long ago.
This sentence makes no sense to me. I would ask you to explain,
but it seems derogatory, and I am in no mood to reply to flippant comments.
If you'd said, "Hear the greatness of the Word taught by inspired men of God as they work the integrity of God's matchless Word, as taught to us all in PFAL by our father in the Word, Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille!" then somebody might have taken the littlest exception.
Perhaps this sentence explains the first. But if it does, you missed my sarcasm/facetiousness. I do not proclaim ---
"the greatness of the Word taught by inspired men of God as they work the integrity of God's matchless Word, as taught to us all in PFAL by our father in the Word, Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille!"
I said they would look sexy in your cassette player! :D
I have some tapes I want to get rid of (maybe).
Docvic was never my *father in the Word*
Some may revere him that way -- I don't
And I am of the opinion that this thread would have *died long ago*'
had folks just wished WG good luck on the sale,
minus the negative comments.
So what if you don't want the poster in your home?
No, Jonny, but it is a place where people with those feelings exist in large number and have no hesitation expressing those feelings. You wouldn't be shocked to go into a bar and find drinking, even though people who don't drink are welcome there, would you?
Of course not. But if the decision of those non drinkers not to drink is ridiculed in that bar, it would obviously mean that those who don't drink weren't welcome there.
Quite the opposite. If I went into a bar and decided to have a soda, and a bunch of drinkers came up to me and said "you're having a soda? I hate soda, unless there rumminit!" I would think, gee, I must be at a bar, because some drunk guy's makin an idjit of himself. I wouldn't stand up, announce to the whole bar that if they don't welcome non-drinkers, then I'm not coming back, and skulk away. Heck, I might even buy the guy a rum and Coke!
People are allowed to express anti-Way feelings here. They are allowed to express pro-Way feelings here. And the fact that one such feeling is posted does NOT forbid the opposite feeling from being posted on the same thread!
Honestly, I don't see why anyone should be shocked at the responses directed at the PRODUCT being posted here (there were no derogatory comments directed at the person offering the product). WG has the right to feel how she wants about the replies. If it were me, I'd just brush it off.
A later addition to this post:
You know, if I were in a bar, and somebody came in selling Kool-Aid, I might giggle a little.
So then why don't we allow anti way feelings to be posted in the memorial section. I mean after all people could post pro way feelings too there. Now I know the reason and it makes perfect sense it's being respectful, kind ,loving. And yet that person may well deserve to have things posted maybe they were a jerk maybe it reminds some of some horrible way incident. why can't we speak out our feelings there too.
Out of decorum we have the brains to abstain. Yes we have the right but we temper that right with kindness. A quick observation of the post and anyone could tell WG was not looking for a discussion it was not offered as a topic but as an announcement much the same as a memorial announcement for information only not for a commentary. That as I see it is the difference. Having seen that why can't we offer the same respect and decorum for WG, it just makes sense.
We can all be a bit more respectful. But this is the Open Forum section of GSCafe, so no one should be surprised when people openly respond.
Speaking ill of the recently deceased is in bad taste. Speaking ill of an inanimate object is not. For some of us, PFAL represents something good in our past, the way things could and should have been. For others, it represents great pain and great hurt, a tool used to exert control and hedonistic opportunism. On an open forum, particularly on one that has repeatedly disavowed the label "Christian forum," don't be surprised to hear both viewpoints.
It bears repeating that WG was never insulted or attacked in any way: it was the PRODUCT that was insulted and attacked. If that hurt her, well, she has the right. I don't see why she should have been surprised or insulted, and certainly not attacked.
An announcement is an announcement it should not have to be spelled out the proper decorum whatever the section. If I was selling a dog I would consider it bad taste for someone who maybe was bitten once and hates dogs to rant about dogs. Now if I posted a topic on what do you think of dogs I'd say have at it rant all you want It would be the kind thing to see that it is the wrong place to rant even though you might have the right. It's inconsiderate to think your words of wisdom are really that earthshattering and generally they are not anyway. Most often it's just someone needing to be the center of attention anyway Let them sell their dog or poster and if you are not interested shut the @!*# up. Have some class.......
I have a very nice framed poster that I would like to sell. I may list it on E-bay if no one here wants it, but I will give y'all 5 days so everyone can see it.
It is about 20 x 26 or so, whatever size a regular poster is, with a narrow gold frame. There is one tiny imperfection in the frame at the top, about the size of a pin head. The poster itself is darkish green. At the top in gold letters it says Power for Abundant Living (centered), in the center is an open Bible, and at the bottom in smaller script is John 10:10b.
The invoice for the framing is on the back and we paid $44.00 just to have it framed. I'd like $55.00 if the buyer pays for shipping.
I wish I could post a picture, but I'm real lame when it comes to that. Some of you who've been around for a while probably remember the poster. I couldn't begin to say when we got it, probably in the 1980's.
Anyone interested?
Does this say "this is just an announcement?"
Does it say "please don't respond unless you have something nice to say?"
I would think that GSCafe is the LAST place where one would be discouraged from saying what we really think of PFAL.
By the same token it does not say it is not please comment either. I suppose one could have put THIS IS AN Announcement at the head but really most could see it plainly was. I guess if it looks like duck ,walks like a duck then It most likely is........ Don't need someone to post This is a Duck.......
PFAL Poster it's for Sale sounds like a announcement to me kinda like house for rent or car for sale.
I saw a mustang for sale today did not see where anyone felt compelled to rant about how a mustang ruined their life and they hated them blah blah blah.......
No david it has not she most likely gave up!! you know someone who's life was ruined by a gold frame once would feel compelled to tell her about it.... :blink:
If you posted a Mustang for sale on a message board featuring people who feel they've been screwed over by the Ford Motor Company, you can bet your bottom dollar you're going to get some animated responses.
I've got an autographed picture of Ken Lay for sale. I think I'll go over to the ex-Enron message board, "announce" it, and see what they say.
Not everyone was screwed over by the Ford Motor Company, and some people retired from Enron and sold their stock before things went to hell. They might be interested in a Mustang or an autographed photo of Ken Lay.
It would have been just as wrong for me to rant about newspapers and how I hate them and have no use for them blah blah blah...... It would have been thoughtlesss unkind and in bad taste. Yet yes I had the right it's in the open form but I choose to be kind and respectful. Despite the fact that I have no use for newspapers I am glad you are doing well and having sucess. The same consideration could have been shown to WG for her announcement.. I'd Say if I had posted something along those lines I would have never heard the end of it either and I would have deserved it. I guess some people can figure out when to be kind and some need a heading to tell them ........ Then again if my life were destroyed by a gold frame maybe I would think differently Naw maybe not!
With the exception of areas like the Memorial section, I really haven't come across any hard and fast rules (here anyway) that specifically limited comments to keep exclusively to either announcements or asking for folks opinion re: these kinds of posts.
1. This is not a forum about newspaper experiences and the media. Rants against newspapers aren't expected. Rants against TWI should not be a shock to anyone on this site.
2. If you had ranted against newspapers on an open forum, I would have said, "Wow. Sorry you feel that way. But I still love my job." I would not have said, "Well, if the anti-newspaper people aren't going to be happy for me, I'm just going to leave Greasespot, you inconsiderate oafs!"
This is a site where anti-TWI statements are to be expected. Why were they such a SHOCK in this circumstance? Because it was an announcement? Really? That's the best argument you've got? Because I've already dispelled that one.
Announcement: to everyone making announcements promoting old TWI materials: Not everyone here appreciates old TWI materials, and praise GOD we have the right to say it now! Don't be surprised if some people do. It's a freedom we were deprived of in TWI. Toughen up a little. Even Mike laughs at my stuff sometimes!
I don't get it, this thread shoulda died a long time ago. I tried to stay away from it but it keeps coming back! Fact is, from WG's first post, I don't know how one coulda presumed that she would be taking offense at the comical remarks made concerning the poster. She went on the offensive against people twice in the first page, before anyone could ever know she was mistaking their jests at the poster as throwing eggs at her. Daddyhoundog joined in attacking people.
I dunno, maybe WG had a previous issue with Satori? Is there a history here that got carried over from another thread? WG's was a very strange reaction to some very minor ribbing.
When I first read Daddyhoundog's first post on the thread, I thought it was belittling in itself "I threw my PFAL stuff away" or something like that. It wasn't until later when he/she started to "defend" the long gone by-this-time WG's feelings that I understood his post wasn't meant that way.
It is sad that feelings were hurt, it didn't need to happen, but then again, that is what happens when our emotions are so near the surface. I have boiled over myself a few times here, but never over a single thread, which is why I wondered about if there is a history behind this.
It would be a shame if WG stayed away over what amounts to a few simple chiding remarks about a 25 year old POSTER of a class that is what 40 years old? There have been an equal amount of good wishes for her success, since then, and some even came from the targets of WG's and DaddyHoundog's venomous words ("blow off these insults from people who dont value courteousness and still have too much hatred to talk objectively about the old cult."- Lianne) towards the PEOPLE who posted on the thread. Attacks on people often breathes life into a thread. DH exacerbated the battle while trying to end it. Without that venom, the inanimate poster would have been sold on ebay long ago.
Can this thread ever make it to the second page? I guess not if we keep responding to it.
Like Hap, I've pretty much ignored this thread until now. Since it doesn't want to die, I guess I'll throw in my two cent's worth. The original remarks to which WG took offense were innocuous. After she took offense and posted some mildly offensive replies, a few of the posts crossed the boundaries of good taste, IMO. Had she accepted the original posts to which she objected in the spirit in which they were intended, that probably wouldn't have happened.
This is a site where anti-TWI statements are to be expected. Why were they such a SHOCK in this circumstance? Because it was an announcement? Really? That's the best argument you've got? Because I've already dispelled that one.
Yeah Raf that is the best I have got, reading things for what is written, for what they are, and responding in kindness. I'll make no apologies for that.
Not really, Your right I would expect them in a discussion post not in a simple announcement aimed at the few that might have been interested in such a item. Was I shocked ? not at all, but it's misplaced just like a rude word in a memorial thread or in your case Raf in a thread about a success that you accomplished in life. In many ways it has transcended the poster itself it's not about the item but about the person behind it. Was it an overreaction maybe, I would not have responded that way either. That aside it became obvious that what was meant to be a simple kindness had now become a source of hurt for someone ,right or wrong it was still the issue. I suppose I just don't see the point in giving someone grief for no purpose other than being "the funnyman of the moment" What was to be gained from pushing the issue? Were a few laughs worth the cost in human tears and hurt? SHOCKED? NO! JUST DISAPPOINTED........ I WOULD HAVE EXPECTED BETTER.......
HAHAHA Hap I wonder if anyone has noticed that in 5 days this thread has 1/3 of the views that the "THE" thread has had in 4 1/2 years.
And that's with a THE thread that's been DYING. Remember, the current THE thread is only the most recent. The original THE thread had more posts than this has had views. :)
Die, THE, Die!
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Quite the opposite. If I went into a bar and decided to have a soda, and a bunch of drinkers came up to me and said "you're having a soda? I hate soda, unless there rumminit!" I would think, gee, I must be at a bar, because some drunk guy's makin an idjit of himself. I wouldn't stand up, announce to the whole bar that if they don't welcome non-drinkers, then I'm not coming back, and skulk away. Heck, I might even buy the guy a rum and Coke!
People are allowed to express anti-Way feelings here. They are allowed to express pro-Way feelings here. And the fact that one such feeling is posted does NOT forbid the opposite feeling from being posted on the same thread!
Honestly, I don't see why anyone should be shocked at the responses directed at the PRODUCT being posted here (there were no derogatory comments directed at the person offering the product). WG has the right to feel how she wants about the replies. If it were me, I'd just brush it off.
A later addition to this post:
You know, if I were in a bar, and somebody came in selling Kool-Aid, I might giggle a little.
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So then why don't we allow anti way feelings to be posted in the memorial section. I mean after all people could post pro way feelings too there. Now I know the reason and it makes perfect sense it's being respectful, kind ,loving. And yet that person may well deserve to have things posted maybe they were a jerk maybe it reminds some of some horrible way incident. why can't we speak out our feelings there too.
Out of decorum we have the brains to abstain. Yes we have the right but we temper that right with kindness. A quick observation of the post and anyone could tell WG was not looking for a discussion it was not offered as a topic but as an announcement much the same as a memorial announcement for information only not for a commentary. That as I see it is the difference. Having seen that why can't we offer the same respect and decorum for WG, it just makes sense.
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We can all be a bit more respectful. But this is the Open Forum section of GSCafe, so no one should be surprised when people openly respond.
Speaking ill of the recently deceased is in bad taste. Speaking ill of an inanimate object is not. For some of us, PFAL represents something good in our past, the way things could and should have been. For others, it represents great pain and great hurt, a tool used to exert control and hedonistic opportunism. On an open forum, particularly on one that has repeatedly disavowed the label "Christian forum," don't be surprised to hear both viewpoints.
It bears repeating that WG was never insulted or attacked in any way: it was the PRODUCT that was insulted and attacked. If that hurt her, well, she has the right. I don't see why she should have been surprised or insulted, and certainly not attacked.
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An announcement is an announcement it should not have to be spelled out the proper decorum whatever the section. If I was selling a dog I would consider it bad taste for someone who maybe was bitten once and hates dogs to rant about dogs. Now if I posted a topic on what do you think of dogs I'd say have at it rant all you want It would be the kind thing to see that it is the wrong place to rant even though you might have the right. It's inconsiderate to think your words of wisdom are really that earthshattering and generally they are not anyway. Most often it's just someone needing to be the center of attention anyway Let them sell their dog or poster and if you are not interested shut the @!*# up. Have some class.......
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Does this say "this is just an announcement?"
Does it say "please don't respond unless you have something nice to say?"
I would think that GSCafe is the LAST place where one would be discouraged from saying what we really think of PFAL.
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By the same token it does not say it is not please comment either. I suppose one could have put THIS IS AN Announcement at the head but really most could see it plainly was. I guess if it looks like duck ,walks like a duck then It most likely is........ Don't need someone to post This is a Duck.......
PFAL Poster it's for Sale sounds like a announcement to me kinda like house for rent or car for sale.
I saw a mustang for sale today did not see where anyone felt compelled to rant about how a mustang ruined their life and they hated them blah blah blah.......
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well -- It's been 9 days since we were all given 5.
Anyone seen it on e-bay yet???
(I know nothing about that site.)
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No david it has not she most likely gave up!! you know someone who's life was ruined by a gold frame once would feel compelled to tell her about it.... :blink:
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If you posted a Mustang for sale on a message board featuring people who feel they've been screwed over by the Ford Motor Company, you can bet your bottom dollar you're going to get some animated responses.
I've got an autographed picture of Ken Lay for sale. I think I'll go over to the ex-Enron message board, "announce" it, and see what they say.
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Except that not everyone here feels that way some obviously were interested
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And they spoke.
Not everyone was screwed over by the Ford Motor Company, and some people retired from Enron and sold their stock before things went to hell. They might be interested in a Mustang or an autographed photo of Ken Lay.
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Here was another announcement
It would have been just as wrong for me to rant about newspapers and how I hate them and have no use for them blah blah blah...... It would have been thoughtlesss unkind and in bad taste. Yet yes I had the right it's in the open form but I choose to be kind and respectful. Despite the fact that I have no use for newspapers I am glad you are doing well and having sucess. The same consideration could have been shown to WG for her announcement.. I'd Say if I had posted something along those lines I would have never heard the end of it either and I would have deserved it. I guess some people can figure out when to be kind and some need a heading to tell them ........ Then again if my life were destroyed by a gold frame maybe I would think differently Naw maybe not!
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With the exception of areas like the Memorial section, I really haven't come across any hard and fast rules (here anyway) that specifically limited comments to keep exclusively to either announcements or asking for folks opinion re: these kinds of posts.
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You are correct Garth there are not any.
As I said
Since there are not any they did not figure it out I guess.
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Where to begin?
1. This is not a forum about newspaper experiences and the media. Rants against newspapers aren't expected. Rants against TWI should not be a shock to anyone on this site.
2. If you had ranted against newspapers on an open forum, I would have said, "Wow. Sorry you feel that way. But I still love my job." I would not have said, "Well, if the anti-newspaper people aren't going to be happy for me, I'm just going to leave Greasespot, you inconsiderate oafs!"
This is a site where anti-TWI statements are to be expected. Why were they such a SHOCK in this circumstance? Because it was an announcement? Really? That's the best argument you've got? Because I've already dispelled that one.
Announcement: to everyone making announcements promoting old TWI materials: Not everyone here appreciates old TWI materials, and praise GOD we have the right to say it now! Don't be surprised if some people do. It's a freedom we were deprived of in TWI. Toughen up a little. Even Mike laughs at my stuff sometimes!
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I don't get it, this thread shoulda died a long time ago. I tried to stay away from it but it keeps coming back! Fact is, from WG's first post, I don't know how one coulda presumed that she would be taking offense at the comical remarks made concerning the poster. She went on the offensive against people twice in the first page, before anyone could ever know she was mistaking their jests at the poster as throwing eggs at her. Daddyhoundog joined in attacking people.
I dunno, maybe WG had a previous issue with Satori? Is there a history here that got carried over from another thread? WG's was a very strange reaction to some very minor ribbing.
When I first read Daddyhoundog's first post on the thread, I thought it was belittling in itself "I threw my PFAL stuff away" or something like that. It wasn't until later when he/she started to "defend" the long gone by-this-time WG's feelings that I understood his post wasn't meant that way.
It is sad that feelings were hurt, it didn't need to happen, but then again, that is what happens when our emotions are so near the surface. I have boiled over myself a few times here, but never over a single thread, which is why I wondered about if there is a history behind this.
It would be a shame if WG stayed away over what amounts to a few simple chiding remarks about a 25 year old POSTER of a class that is what 40 years old? There have been an equal amount of good wishes for her success, since then, and some even came from the targets of WG's and DaddyHoundog's venomous words ("blow off these insults from people who dont value courteousness and still have too much hatred to talk objectively about the old cult."- Lianne) towards the PEOPLE who posted on the thread. Attacks on people often breathes life into a thread. DH exacerbated the battle while trying to end it. Without that venom, the inanimate poster would have been sold on ebay long ago.
Can this thread ever make it to the second page? I guess not if we keep responding to it.
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Like Hap, I've pretty much ignored this thread until now. Since it doesn't want to die, I guess I'll throw in my two cent's worth. The original remarks to which WG took offense were innocuous. After she took offense and posted some mildly offensive replies, a few of the posts crossed the boundaries of good taste, IMO. Had she accepted the original posts to which she objected in the spirit in which they were intended, that probably wouldn't have happened.
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Yeah Raf that is the best I have got, reading things for what is written, for what they are, and responding in kindness. I'll make no apologies for that.
Not really, Your right I would expect them in a discussion post not in a simple announcement aimed at the few that might have been interested in such a item. Was I shocked ? not at all, but it's misplaced just like a rude word in a memorial thread or in your case Raf in a thread about a success that you accomplished in life. In many ways it has transcended the poster itself it's not about the item but about the person behind it. Was it an overreaction maybe, I would not have responded that way either. That aside it became obvious that what was meant to be a simple kindness had now become a source of hurt for someone ,right or wrong it was still the issue. I suppose I just don't see the point in giving someone grief for no purpose other than being "the funnyman of the moment" What was to be gained from pushing the issue? Were a few laughs worth the cost in human tears and hurt? SHOCKED? NO! JUST DISAPPOINTED........ I WOULD HAVE EXPECTED BETTER.......
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HAHAHA Hap I wonder if anyone has noticed that in 5 days this thread has 1/3 of the views that the "THE" thread has had in 4 1/2 years.
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Well then, this keeps up, we'll have to see if WG could help crank some new life in the THE thread then, thus making her the new Prophet of THE.
All hail THE!
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And that's with a THE thread that's been DYING. Remember, the current THE thread is only the most recent. The original THE thread had more posts than this has had views. :)
Die, THE, Die!
Oh, that's simple then. The answer is, don't.
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