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CNN video: "Alleged Sex for Salvation"


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When you go to CNN's main page, there's a section down in the lower right side which says "Watch Video" (in red leters). The video is still there today, January 21. Does somebody out there know how to capture this video for all the Greasespot folks to watch?

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Amazing! Those poor women! Look at all the accusations that have come public and that place is still thriving! That's what's really scary....and sad. At least TWI is taking a major hit.

So many parallels and we DO understand what she's talking about, don't we? Interesting way of putting it. It does seem so stupid and illogical to someone who has never been through the manipulation and thought control that we have been through.

Thanks for posting this!

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Yes it is amazing. I love it how she refers to it as a cult. Mind controll, brain washing. I really like the bloody noses and black eyes too if I only had the chance.

When I start my church "The Church Of The Loafites". I think I will have posted at my front door. No Sex For God.

Edited by justloafing
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Frankly, I think that sexual abuses of the flock by ministers like this transcend theological 'party lines', as it were, be the theology orthodox or heretical.

Basically the thing that encourages this kind of behavior is when said minister gets it inside of his slimy skull that he can use God and the 'authority' therewith to his advantage. Particularly when its often commonly held that naysaying and defying the minister is a big no-no, especially if he's a popular one, held in high esteem by society.

And I know the area in Atlanta too. Been by there a few times.

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