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funny pic, its soooo obvious...

if donna is a supposed lesbian, why did she have three kids?? makes no sense. she was all involved in the motherly thing, and still is. unlessss, she is that mentally disturbed to have the facade of being married, yet carried on lesbian affairs in the past and presently has one with Rozilla?? who has the devil spirits now, bi-yotch?? :evilshades: this is all getting confusing... :blink:

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well, im confused, too. If donna was/is a lesbian, which it seems is what most people think on here, wouldn't it be horrific suppression of sexual orientation to A. LIKE being married to LCM and b. to start and continue having sex with him during their marriage?? If that is so, these women, who are supposed lesbians or bi-sexual, must be living under tremendous physical, mental, and spiritual bondage, while orchestrating their own witch hunts on supposed gays in The Way!! Talk about hypocrisy!!

nothing against lesbians raising kids!!

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  Raven said:
If donna was/is a lesbian, which it seems is what most people think on here,

Or bisexual, which seems another option..

wouldn't it be horrific suppression of sexual orientation to A. LIKE being married to LCM and b. to start and continue having sex with him during their marriage??
Donna made it rather clear, on more than one occasion, that she was going

to get married eventually-and that whoever she married would have to be a

big-timer in twi.

vpw spoke to her before she agreed to marry lcm. vpw told her that lcm was

going to be a big-timer in twi.

Connect the dots.

Furthermore, who said she LIKED being married to lcm?

She seemed to live her own life while he lived his-

which is the current state of affairs as well.

It was a "political" marriage.

As to whether or not she was having sex with him during their marriage,

nobody who wasn't there in the same room can say for certain.

They DID have kids, so it's expected they had sex at some point.

Whether or not that was FREQUENT was something else.

We DO know lcm was unfaithful and had sex with other women.

We also know that Donna and Rozilla chose to travel and stay in

a single-bed hotel room. Normally, they live luxuriously, so cutting

costs by doing that is SENSELESS-either they'd get a "quad" room with

2 beds, or get 2 rooms.

We also know that lcm interpreted Adam and Eve's original sin into

something where Eve had lesbian sex with satan in the form of a woman.

SOMETHING about that must have disturbed him fundamentally and

have been on his mind long enough to formulate an entire doctrine

around it.

You may call all of those like you see them. Me, I think the

accumulation of information paints a picture.

(You can check out the "vp and me in wonderland" thread

for some quotes from Donna on getting married,

and from lcm as to how it happened.)

If that is so, these women, who are supposed lesbians or bi-sexual, must be living under tremendous physical, mental, and spiritual bondage, while orchestrating their own witch hunts on supposed gays in The Way!! Talk about hypocrisy!!

How is that "physical" bondage?

For the most part, they've done whatever they wanted to, and just

kept it out of the spotlight. Roza-lie had a lesbian couple renting a room

in her house for some time, DURING the "homo purges"- but nobody

seemed to comment on it. (She also had a cat while cats were forbidden

as pets to staff.)

They've painted lcm to be the sole mover in the entire persecution of

"homos and homo sympathizers"-which includes straight people who just

asked questions, of course. Supposedly, when he left, all the persecution

ended, and it's a kinder, gentler twi. (Yeah, right.)

Those who are in, of course, are unable to ask probing questions about

any of this. There's no policy in writing, but they will get evasive answers,

and will be singled out for scrutiny and spying, as a prelude to kicking them

out on some pretext or other.

Yes, it's blatant hypocrisy. That's not so hard if you've practiced shutting off

your conscience over the years. Many people here have interacted with

Rozycheeks, and not ONE of them ever saw a drop of compassion from her.

She's famous for putting on a facade, and stabbing you in the back seconds

after allaying your concerns.

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I understand about some type of bondage. If DM and R are a couple, I have no problem with that, people's orientation is their own business.

I would think it would be a lot of pressure to keep up the pretense of being straight to the TWI folk.

I also find it terribly hypocritical. Its a terrible charade and will take its toll. Someones true self eventually cannot be hidden and must come out.

If they are a couple, if they were honest, they would leave TWI and live their lives happily together somewhere else without the lies they must keep up. They'd be a lot happier. More power to them if they did that.

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  Sunesis said:
I understand about some type of bondage. If DM and R are a couple, I have no problem with that, people's orientation is their own business.

I would think it would be a lot of pressure to keep up the pretense of being straight to the TWI folk.

I also find it terribly hypocritical. Its a terrible charade and will take its toll. Someones true self eventually cannot be hidden and must come out.

If they are a couple, if they were honest, they would leave TWI and live their lives happily together somewhere else without the lies they must keep up. They'd be a lot happier. More power to them if they did that.

Maybe DM is simply waiting for her youngest daughter ( 15 or 16 years old....??? ) to finish high school in the New Knoxville area? From all that I've observed, DM is very methodical in her choices and rarily takes any "leaps of faith" or bold moves outside the shadows of twi.

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"Quote"If DM and R are a couple, I have no problem with that, people's orientation is their own business.

I have to say that I have a problem with that. This organization accused people of homosexuallity on what at times was flimsy or no information, and threw people out based on those assumptions. IF these two ladies are more than just friends, then it makes those who were forced to leave everything that they loved and believed in behind that much more horrific. If they are not, then we are as bad as they are assuming things based on our willingness to believe the worst.

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  outandabout said:
How many kids did Donna and LCM have?

Three kids. As best I recall, the kids are 6 years apart.

Oldest girl...........Lxxx is 27 years old (??)

Middle boy...........Txx is 21 years old (??)

Youngest girl........Dxxxxxx Gxxxx is 15 years old (??)

The youngest would still be in New Knoxville High School.

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thanks for the lowdown!!

wordwolf, i would say if there was no physical bondage then Rosie and Donna would come out of the closet, paw in paw, on a SNS. Until that time, it seems pretty stealthy to me, ie...closet lebians, IF they are. the pieces DO paint an interesting picture...

...and they are raking in the ABS on the pretense that homosexuality is wrong according the The Word, yet they do all this weird $*@!e in front of everybody. That is awful bold...i wonder what innies think?? must raise eyebrows if anything...

Edited by Raven's Claw
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i guess it would be safe to say they had sex once every six years !!!!!!

i think these two might be the epitome of hypocrisy at the way international.... well except for wierwille being the man of god

by these two i meant donna and rosalie but i guess it could apply to donna and craig equally

when i was on staff i had a flip flop day/night shift every other week

i remember driving down a country road to work - probably wierwille road or one nearby - they all look the same to me (actually i'm old and i forget) - and seeing the two gals pulled over on the side in the car. they looked really cozy rozie

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  excathedra said:
i guess it would be safe to say they had sex once every six years !!!!!!

i think these two might be the epitome of hypocrisy at the way international.... well except for wierwille being the man of god

by these two i meant donna and rosalie but i guess it could apply to donna and craig equally

when i was on staff i had a flip flop day/night shift every other week

i remember driving down a country road to work - probably wierwille road or one nearby - they all look the same to me (actually i'm old and i forget) - and seeing the two gals pulled over on the side in the car. they looked really cozy rozie

did it look like this?? :knuddel:

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I just typed a very long post regarding this shot of my cousin-in-law. Have only met her once (possibly twice). Thanks, Greasespot, for the forum and for the outlet. A picture often speaks more than a gazillion words ever could. God love you, Donna, but/and please be true to yourself, and listen to that still, small voice.

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Trying to picture Donna wearing the aviator shades hooked in the open collar. Maybe with the leather chaps and a motorcycle jacket.

"Pull over Miss Rosalie, I believe you were doing 105."

"Wah, Offisuh Donna, ah don't buhleave ah was goin' more than 99, but maybe y'all bettah frisk me, just in case ah have a concealed weapon."

"Miss Rosalie, I wouldn't be doin' my sworn duty lessin' I did. Please remove your garments."

"Wah Offisuh Donna, suppose ah catch a chill?"

"You should have thought of that before you became a menace to society, Miss Rosalie. Up against the wall, and spread em!"

"Hee hee hee hee hee...."


If sunglasses could talk, what a tale they might tell.

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