Hahahaha. I just had to go look at the pics again to make sure. :) That little palm tree does look like one doesn't it. Next time I run into our apt. manager I'll have to tell him we have acquired a monster pineapple in our driveway and watch his reaction!
What great pictures bb! I'm glad you shared them and the story.
Two thumbs up for Sharon for that beautiful bike and so much more :)
Your nick was familiar to me BB, then when I pulled up the pictures and saw the xworld url, I thought "aha, I've been there before" I think my nick was esther then. :blink:
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(((((((((((( bb )))))))))))) (((((((((((( shar ))))))))))))
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Awwww what a gift!
What an incredible lady to open the doors to freedom for you biker babe.
So happy for you, I look forward to hearing of your progress ..... your adventures outside of your apt doors :)
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bb, is that a monster pineapple behind you ?
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Hahahaha. I just had to go look at the pics again to make sure. :) That little palm tree does look like one doesn't it. Next time I run into our apt. manager I'll have to tell him we have acquired a monster pineapple in our driveway and watch his reaction!
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I Love Bagpipes
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happy trails BB!!! I too am looking forward to posts filled with stories of conquests and adventure!
I'm really happy for you, and g_d bless sharon.
shiney side up, as they say.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
to sharon
my god lady you are a saint!
to bb
my gosh lady you have fortitude!! i wish you well and pray for you
if you EVER need anything please pm me and it will happen through the club i belong to
god bless you both
i have tears in my eyes but
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What great pictures bb! I'm glad you shared them and the story.
Two thumbs up for Sharon for that beautiful bike and so much more :)
Your nick was familiar to me BB, then when I pulled up the pictures and saw the xworld url, I thought "aha, I've been there before"
I think my nick was esther then. :blink:
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I likee!!! Awesome! Sharon you rock! And Biker Babe, I am so happy you got your freedom in time to enjoy the Arizona heat!
We up north are still waiting for the heat to start...:)
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