Why are 2 guys lip-locked and a guy and gal, holding hands and kissing? Why does your vobabulary change with the couple? I am not bothered by anyone holding hands and sharing a kiss. It's sweet. Boys with boys, girls with girls or one of each. Foreplay by either is inappropriate. And no sir, I am not bothered by 2 guys holding hands or 2 girls holding hands. I am not bothered when a lesbian flirts with me. I am not worried about who I am.
The thing is Brokeback Mountain is a chick flick. If men don't want to see it...heck, I understand that. Jerry Maguire was too much a chick-flick for most guys I know...but why do so many think it's a conspiracy?
Don't like it, don't look...change the channel...ignore the billboards...turn the page of the mag/paper...but stop lying about having anything shoved in your face.
All you homophobes, all you self-righteous mouths of GAWD AWMIGHTY, all you closet queens got lots to say 'bout cowboys being sacred and not being depicted as homos 'cause that's BAD...
But wtf...
Depict cowboys as murdering, raping, pillaging, plundering and decimating women, children and whole races, well, gee, then that's GAWD'S WILL doncha know.
Gawd get it right, they ain't no cowboys, they were sheep herders in the chick flick. They don't have a reputation to live up to, after all it their motto is "ain't all baaaaaaad"
And for the record sheep men solo, they might see another human once a month for supplies and that is about it. They are almost always old hermit types that require a case of whiskey with their food supplies. Nothing like what the previews show and the adultry parts don't bother anyone?
Re:"Nothing like what the previews show and the adultry parts don't bother anyone?"
Now why are you bringing that up? Just to prove you aren't some homophobe or closet queen? Why should adultry bother us one little bit since we have Brad Pitt and whats-her-name Jolie having out of wedlock chilluns? And what about Tom Cruise and his honey bunny? People magazine (a mainstream publication) gushes over these folks with nary a negative word over their lack of a marital state.
There is a fine line between allowing people their freedoms to live sexually as they choose and yet not sanctioning those choices. I don't think its good for a society to approve of parenting with no commitments. I think its detrimental to children to be brought up in one parent homes. The statistics bear me out thus far and its not a religious thing. Marriage is the bedrock of Asian non-Christian countries and has been for a few thousand years. All the sociologists know this but want so badly to explain it away. Children raised in non-traditional homes (a mother and father) don't fare so well.
I loved Jerry MaGuire. I cried when she said; "You had me at hello". But, she was a fine and needful single Mom (with an adorable little boy), and Jerry was a single guy with love in his heart for this Woman. The writers had me to the point where I loved them both. This was not hard to do, because they were male and female. Man and Woman.
Karmic, you said;
It's totally disgusting to you and yet you troll for more info to be disgusted by. Don't you see that it is you that is making yourself disgusted and not one anyone else is doing? Why do you keep touching the flame? You know it's gonna' burn you and yet you keep going back for more.
Hey. I just went and found that description of what went on in the movie to make a point. Somebody else said that they didn't think the movie depicted male anal sex, so I researched it out, and apparently the movie does not skip this aspect. You may call it hypocrisy if you want, but there is no question that somewhere along the way, I'd have run into it anyway. The point is simply that the graphic description is there, and being promoted by Hollywood, and then, a Golden Globe award is awarded for this "brave" and "heroic illustration" which is nothing short of sick.
Sorry, that's my opinion, and I'm stickin to it...
I'm always at amazed at how people feed their hatred of homosexuals by seeking out examples of it. A guy in the neighborhood recently went around talking about how he loathed the existence of gay people and attempted to support his views by finding graphic examples of sexual acts between men, downloading them, and showing them to people. Interesting. Most people I know who are comfortable with their sexuality don't go Googling for gay porn and its my guess that even if they do they don't print it out on a high resolution color printer and then pass it around....unless of course they have an internal struggle and are perhaps attempting to suppress "feelings" ?
I don't like seeing hetro or homo's making out in public either. Nor do kids need to see it either.
What if the couple is a decent couple have morals on how to treat other people in a decent way? What does it matter?
I put those slangs in there for a reason. Since you are bashing gays because they are different well so are the list I listed above. Just ask Hitler or lcm.
Well twi backed up the nazi's more than anything else.
Well, I did see "March of the Penguins" and found it to be very inspiring.
There was a couple "x" rated parts in it, but it was done tastefully, in such a way that I think the penguins involved would have allowed it if they'd known they were being filmed, which they probably didn't. The cinematography was incredible, and it definitely gave me a whole new perspective of love. Penguin love.
I was a little hesitant about going - penguins? But I'm glad I did. In fact, I've got the DVD now. Awesome flick. Even better than "Salmon Run, Fish Swim", a rather obscure independent and controversial Danish film that took a look into the little known world of "rough spawning" amongst salmon, and introduced some ground breaking underwater film technology. A must-see for anyone who has tropical fish and wonder exactly what they do at night. I highly recommend it - you'll never order Lox again and look at it the same way.
as you were so apt to put it. It was simply a quote from the very book from which the movie was written. And so, are you willing to admit that the movie was based on "gay porn", since my quote from the book is about the very same movie in question, taken from the very quote that you refer to as "gay porn?" So, I guess, according to you, I guess it is. It really is quite disgusting isn't it? So much so that you referred to it as "gay porn"....Yawn...
Socks, you are so nice and "neutral"! It's no wonder evreybody here loves you! Me, well, some love me, some dislike me a whole lot. I guess I get myself in trouble for stating my opinions. Look: For me, from what I have read about it, the movie was a promotion of "that lifestyle", which, imho, is a "wrong course to take". But, that is just mho. I do believe that people should be welcome to take the course that they wish to take. BUT, for the movie and it's authors to receive the accolades which they have, is bogus and one sided to me. To me, it is like picking "KISS" over let's say Roy Buchannan because KISS was so brave and bold by way of pushing the "outer boundaries", whereas Roy Buchannon was just another "guitar player", and totally disregarding his superiority.
Now, the penguin movie I want to see! I have heard it is really good, and I have always loved that kind of stuff-yeah must be a fetish-but, good National Geographic stuff is way cool!
Peace dude...
I seen a couple a' salmon "doin' it" last fall rght here in Alaska in a local stream, and, well, it was way ex rated fore shore. Hot! Maybe not as hot as a couple of penguins, but...whoa! Way hot! But then a couple of eagles came down and scooped them up, and well, there went that xxx scene!
When one denies the existence of something it then compels the opposing party to find the proof or evidence to make his or her point. When a attorney brings to light evidence they are not trolling for anything its called discovery. It it perfectly logical that one would do this regardless of their feelings or personal cost otherwise the truth will be denied by the opposing party due to lack of proof. It's a little low to deny something and then hurl cheap insults when they must prove their point.
I didn't read that you were googling gay porn. I read a statement that was not directed to any singled out person.
Thank you for noting it was a quote from the book. That does not suggest it is shown in the movie, which is they way you made it sound. The woman who wrote the book can be a graphic as she likes. I don't read romance novels, but it seems like it would be close to that style of writing.
Thank you for recognizing that I was quoting from the book. And, I also want to point out that the opening statement from the "blog" (why are they called "blogs"?) says this as a preface to the quote from the book;
According to viewers who saw the movie, they say Ang Lee ( the director?) remained faithful to the homosexual anal sex written in Proulx's short story based on this paragraph (warning: graphic language):
And so, I guess someone who saw the movie will have to tell us if that part of the movie was graphically depicted. I won't spend my money just to see if it is true, for the implication is still there...
hmmm - i guess since i'm the only one that has seen the movie, i am compelled to answer the question on how the movie portrayed gay sex.
it was tastefully done. it was honest. it was not porn.
The hetero scenes were by far the more graphic, but also tastefully done - good for a mature audience.
but going back to jerry mcguire, man! what a hetero promo THAT movie was! whoa - right up in my face, promoting love between a man and woman, advertisements, reviews, commercials, billboards - they had a real agenda with that flick...i remember! it was disgusting! i think it might've been a hollywood conspiracy...but wait...hollywood promotes homos...i'm confused.
Nellie, Don't miss the fact that Hollywood does not care about making money, they are all about promoting their liberal anti-christ agenda. Do you get it now?
Jonny, love You too! Salmon in the smoker, notthing gets much better than that.
I haven't seen The Movie. I don't know what it's about, other than the Awards show the other night and stuff I've read.
I've read it's a love story, here and other places. So I'll go non-neutrual here on the love thing.
I thnk people desparately want to love and be loved. Some more than others but once a person's had a taste of true love from another person or even observed it, they want it. They want that personal connection with another person or persons. It's part of the human condition and a factor in the equation of our lives. And it can be dammed frustrating for people, while at the same time being satisfying in a way nothing else can be. Having tasted it myself I feel it's so strong and powerful that if I lost it tomorrow, I think I could live out my life feeding off the memory of what it was once like and be happy to have just been brushed by it's hem. To have loved and lost would be better than not having loved at all, as they say.
I would have a hard time denying that to people, even if they embrace it in a way that I wouldn't. The essence of what they seek is the same, if the manner is not.
I've read - and I'll be careful in how I say this because I really have no idea what I'm talking about - that there are those who have taken a relationship with another person of the same sex, who in fact don't enjoy the sexual part of it, but are pulled to the relationship part of it because of the deep affection and understanding they have with that person. I have no idea if that's true or not, but I can understand it from an intellectiual view.
I can only see the "hetero" side of it, that's all I really understand. (did I say understand? ) But the world can be a lonely, frightening place. On a good day. Is it any surprise we're drawn together whether out of need or for no other reason than we want some kind of shelter, hope, even love?
I don't know. There's a lot of things I don't like and frankly homesexuality is one of them. But I like love. That's really about all I know for sure. I'm not planning on seeing this movie. I've got some DVD's of the Invader Zim series that are stacked up and that li'l Gir is one hot robot!!
Hey. I love LOVE too. Couldn't live without it. It just seems that some things seem so, well, against nature, that's all. I mean, what could be sweeter than a WOMAN with love in her heart for a Man, who in turn loved her, protected her, and would die for her and vice versa. There is plenty of LOVE in that. That seems to fit so very well with the way God designed things for a Woman and a Man. I mean, a Woman is so completely opposite of we coarse and rough hewn Men. They (you Gals) seem to compliment the very things we Men do not have, and vice versa. You gals are so soft, sweet, have the nurturing spirit, while we men are so opposite. It just seems so logical that we are there for each other to compliment each other, and make the two become one so that the best sides of each gender come forth to bring out the best of both worlds as One. But two guys poking eachother? Geez! Too weird for me. Call it love, well, I just don't see it.
And Socks, love you too man. Hope I wasn't offensive, and if so, sorry...
I've no interest in seeing the movie, or in watching two men do anything together of a sexual nature, but I'm not ignorant enough to think that there aren't male couples who love each other just as deeply as any male-female couples do. Is their love unnatural? Maybe so, maybe not. Doesn't matter. It's real to them, and that's all that really matters. I suspect that some of their stories are just as dramatic as those of heterosexual couples.
Regarding my lack of interest (revulsion, actually) in watching two men engaging in sexual activity, the main reason, I think, is that I can't identify with either partner. I'm not attracted to men and find the notion of sexual activity with a man personally repulsive, so my main response to seeing two men relating in a sexual manner is revulsion. I don't have that response to seeing heterosexual or lesbian activity, because I can identify with at least one partner. I'd guess that it is probably easier for most women than for most men to view male homosexual activity with some degree of accepance, and easier for most men than for most women to view female homosexual activity, although that is probably mitigated quite a bit by our society's acceptance and encouragement of females showing physical intimacy (kissing, hugging, etc.) for one another.
Also, men tend to be more visually oriented than women, and women tend to be more inclined to appreciate emotional components of a relationship, so whether a relationship is hetero- or homosexual, I'd guess that women would be more likely than men to focus on the emotional aspects portrayed than on the physical, which in the case of a male homosexual relationship, would be quite a turnoff for many (probably most) heterosexual men. If the guys were good looking, though, heterosexual women might also appreciate some of the physical aspects being portrayed.
i have 2 really good friends in love with each other. they are fellas.
i know i told this before, but back when i was in the way, the last time i saw the brother of one of the guys in this couple, i thumped my bible at him and tried to deliver him, etc. shortly after, he got killed in a car crash and i never got to see him again. i've know both these boys since grammar school
anyhow, i decided to love and accept the other brother and his wonderful partner. it's almost like i got a second chance, but not exactly
i'm glad they're in my life and that i'm not in the way ministry
All right, I went and saw it today (kept the date happy. She's a real artsy-movie buff).
I don't know exactly what to say about this. It is, without question, hands down, the worst 2005 movie I saw. WORST. It's boring. It's virtually inaudible, which is a plus because you can't imagine giving a rat's behind what Heath Ledger has to say.
The gay "community" produces plenty of films about their troubles, their romances, their experiences. Like typical "straight" movies, some are well-reviewed, some are poorly-reviewed. I've seen movies with gay themes, although none as pronounced as this one. Some I've liked (Rent). Others, not so much.
I do not recommend this movie: not because it "glorifies" homosexuality (it doesn't. Not really. It merely accepts homosexuality as a reality and tells a story about it). I do not recommend this movie because it is a bad movie, with a bad beginning, a bad middle, and an unsatisfying ending.
As for how explicit it is: it's not. Not by heterosexual film standards. Basic Instinct is really explicit. By that standard, this was practically a Disney film. There's no full frontal nudity (although there is a nude scene that shows both men, from a distance, in a side view in a non-sexual context: they're jumping into a lake or something).
The scene described in one of the earlier posts is there, but you don't see what's described. You just know it's happening.
Don't avoid this movie because it's "gay." Avoid this movie because it sucks.
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Why are 2 guys lip-locked and a guy and gal, holding hands and kissing? Why does your vobabulary change with the couple? I am not bothered by anyone holding hands and sharing a kiss. It's sweet. Boys with boys, girls with girls or one of each. Foreplay by either is inappropriate. And no sir, I am not bothered by 2 guys holding hands or 2 girls holding hands. I am not bothered when a lesbian flirts with me. I am not worried about who I am.
The thing is Brokeback Mountain is a chick flick. If men don't want to see it...heck, I understand that. Jerry Maguire was too much a chick-flick for most guys I know...but why do so many think it's a conspiracy?
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Don't like it, don't look...change the channel...ignore the billboards...turn the page of the mag/paper...but stop lying about having anything shoved in your face.
All you homophobes, all you self-righteous mouths of GAWD AWMIGHTY, all you closet queens got lots to say 'bout cowboys being sacred and not being depicted as homos 'cause that's BAD...
But wtf...
Depict cowboys as murdering, raping, pillaging, plundering and decimating women, children and whole races, well, gee, then that's GAWD'S WILL doncha know.
Hypocrites the lot of ya.
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Gawd get it right, they ain't no cowboys, they were sheep herders in the chick flick. They don't have a reputation to live up to, after all it their motto is "ain't all baaaaaaad"
And for the record sheep men solo, they might see another human once a month for supplies and that is about it. They are almost always old hermit types that require a case of whiskey with their food supplies. Nothing like what the previews show and the adultry parts don't bother anyone?
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Re:"Nothing like what the previews show and the adultry parts don't bother anyone?"
Now why are you bringing that up? Just to prove you aren't some homophobe or closet queen? Why should adultry bother us one little bit since we have Brad Pitt and whats-her-name Jolie having out of wedlock chilluns? And what about Tom Cruise and his honey bunny? People magazine (a mainstream publication) gushes over these folks with nary a negative word over their lack of a marital state.
There is a fine line between allowing people their freedoms to live sexually as they choose and yet not sanctioning those choices. I don't think its good for a society to approve of parenting with no commitments. I think its detrimental to children to be brought up in one parent homes. The statistics bear me out thus far and its not a religious thing. Marriage is the bedrock of Asian non-Christian countries and has been for a few thousand years. All the sociologists know this but want so badly to explain it away. Children raised in non-traditional homes (a mother and father) don't fare so well.
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J0nny Ling0
I loved Jerry MaGuire. I cried when she said; "You had me at hello". But, she was a fine and needful single Mom (with an adorable little boy), and Jerry was a single guy with love in his heart for this Woman. The writers had me to the point where I loved them both. This was not hard to do, because they were male and female. Man and Woman.
Karmic, you said;
Hey. I just went and found that description of what went on in the movie to make a point. Somebody else said that they didn't think the movie depicted male anal sex, so I researched it out, and apparently the movie does not skip this aspect. You may call it hypocrisy if you want, but there is no question that somewhere along the way, I'd have run into it anyway. The point is simply that the graphic description is there, and being promoted by Hollywood, and then, a Golden Globe award is awarded for this "brave" and "heroic illustration" which is nothing short of sick.
Sorry, that's my opinion, and I'm stickin to it...
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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I'm always at amazed at how people feed their hatred of homosexuals by seeking out examples of it. A guy in the neighborhood recently went around talking about how he loathed the existence of gay people and attempted to support his views by finding graphic examples of sexual acts between men, downloading them, and showing them to people. Interesting. Most people I know who are comfortable with their sexuality don't go Googling for gay porn and its my guess that even if they do they don't print it out on a high resolution color printer and then pass it around....unless of course they have an internal struggle and are perhaps attempting to suppress "feelings" ?
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I don't like seeing hetro or homo's making out in public either. Nor do kids need to see it either.
What if the couple is a decent couple have morals on how to treat other people in a decent way? What does it matter?
I put those slangs in there for a reason. Since you are bashing gays because they are different well so are the list I listed above. Just ask Hitler or lcm.
Well twi backed up the nazi's more than anything else.
Edited by DooWapLink to comment
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Well, I did see "March of the Penguins" and found it to be very inspiring.
There was a couple "x" rated parts in it, but it was done tastefully, in such a way that I think the penguins involved would have allowed it if they'd known they were being filmed, which they probably didn't. The cinematography was incredible, and it definitely gave me a whole new perspective of love. Penguin love.
I was a little hesitant about going - penguins? But I'm glad I did. In fact, I've got the DVD now. Awesome flick. Even better than "Salmon Run, Fish Swim", a rather obscure independent and controversial Danish film that took a look into the little known world of "rough spawning" amongst salmon, and introduced some ground breaking underwater film technology. A must-see for anyone who has tropical fish and wonder exactly what they do at night. I highly recommend it - you'll never order Lox again and look at it the same way.
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J0nny Ling0
I wasn't
as you were so apt to put it. It was simply a quote from the very book from which the movie was written. And so, are you willing to admit that the movie was based on "gay porn", since my quote from the book is about the very same movie in question, taken from the very quote that you refer to as "gay porn?" So, I guess, according to you, I guess it is. It really is quite disgusting isn't it? So much so that you referred to it as "gay porn"....Yawn...
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J0nny Ling0
Socks, you are so nice and "neutral"! It's no wonder evreybody here loves you! Me, well, some love me, some dislike me a whole lot. I guess I get myself in trouble for stating my opinions. Look: For me, from what I have read about it, the movie was a promotion of "that lifestyle", which, imho, is a "wrong course to take". But, that is just mho. I do believe that people should be welcome to take the course that they wish to take. BUT, for the movie and it's authors to receive the accolades which they have, is bogus and one sided to me. To me, it is like picking "KISS" over let's say Roy Buchannan because KISS was so brave and bold by way of pushing the "outer boundaries", whereas Roy Buchannon was just another "guitar player", and totally disregarding his superiority.
Now, the penguin movie I want to see! I have heard it is really good, and I have always loved that kind of stuff-yeah must be a fetish-but, good National Geographic stuff is way cool!
Peace dude...
I seen a couple a' salmon "doin' it" last fall rght here in Alaska in a local stream, and, well, it was way ex rated fore shore. Hot! Maybe not as hot as a couple of penguins, but...whoa! Way hot! But then a couple of eagles came down and scooped them up, and well, there went that xxx scene!
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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When one denies the existence of something it then compels the opposing party to find the proof or evidence to make his or her point. When a attorney brings to light evidence they are not trolling for anything its called discovery. It it perfectly logical that one would do this regardless of their feelings or personal cost otherwise the truth will be denied by the opposing party due to lack of proof. It's a little low to deny something and then hurl cheap insults when they must prove their point.
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I didn't read that you were googling gay porn. I read a statement that was not directed to any singled out person.
Thank you for noting it was a quote from the book. That does not suggest it is shown in the movie, which is they way you made it sound. The woman who wrote the book can be a graphic as she likes. I don't read romance novels, but it seems like it would be close to that style of writing.
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J0nny Ling0
Thank you for recognizing that I was quoting from the book. And, I also want to point out that the opening statement from the "blog" (why are they called "blogs"?) says this as a preface to the quote from the book;
And so, I guess someone who saw the movie will have to tell us if that part of the movie was graphically depicted. I won't spend my money just to see if it is true, for the implication is still there...
And White Dove, thank you for that...
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Blog: abbreviated use of Web log (an online journal or diary)
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i love him because he gives me a glimpse of what real love is
like that unconditional love from god
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hmmm - i guess since i'm the only one that has seen the movie, i am compelled to answer the question on how the movie portrayed gay sex.
it was tastefully done. it was honest. it was not porn.
The hetero scenes were by far the more graphic, but also tastefully done - good for a mature audience.
but going back to jerry mcguire, man! what a hetero promo THAT movie was! whoa - right up in my face, promoting love between a man and woman, advertisements, reviews, commercials, billboards - they had a real agenda with that flick...i remember! it was disgusting! i think it might've been a hollywood conspiracy...but wait...hollywood promotes homos...i'm confused.
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Nellie, Don't miss the fact that Hollywood does not care about making money, they are all about promoting their liberal anti-christ agenda. Do you get it now?
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Ex, you're a Special One.
Jonny, love You too! Salmon in the smoker, notthing gets much better than that.
I haven't seen The Movie. I don't know what it's about, other than the Awards show the other night and stuff I've read.
I've read it's a love story, here and other places. So I'll go non-neutrual here on the love thing.
I thnk people desparately want to love and be loved. Some more than others but once a person's had a taste of true love from another person or even observed it, they want it. They want that personal connection with another person or persons. It's part of the human condition and a factor in the equation of our lives. And it can be dammed frustrating for people, while at the same time being satisfying in a way nothing else can be. Having tasted it myself I feel it's so strong and powerful that if I lost it tomorrow, I think I could live out my life feeding off the memory of what it was once like and be happy to have just been brushed by it's hem. To have loved and lost would be better than not having loved at all, as they say.
I would have a hard time denying that to people, even if they embrace it in a way that I wouldn't. The essence of what they seek is the same, if the manner is not.
I've read - and I'll be careful in how I say this because I really have no idea what I'm talking about - that there are those who have taken a relationship with another person of the same sex, who in fact don't enjoy the sexual part of it, but are pulled to the relationship part of it because of the deep affection and understanding they have with that person. I have no idea if that's true or not, but I can understand it from an intellectiual view.
I can only see the "hetero" side of it, that's all I really understand. (did I say understand?
) But the world can be a lonely, frightening place. On a good day. Is it any surprise we're drawn together whether out of need or for no other reason than we want some kind of shelter, hope, even love?
I don't know. There's a lot of things I don't like and frankly homesexuality is one of them. But I like love. That's really about all I know for sure. I'm not planning on seeing this movie. I've got some DVD's of the Invader Zim series that are stacked up and that li'l Gir is one hot robot!!
Edited by socksLink to comment
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J0nny Ling0
Hey. I love LOVE too. Couldn't live without it. It just seems that some things seem so, well, against nature, that's all. I mean, what could be sweeter than a WOMAN with love in her heart for a Man, who in turn loved her, protected her, and would die for her and vice versa. There is plenty of LOVE in that. That seems to fit so very well with the way God designed things for a Woman and a Man. I mean, a Woman is so completely opposite of we coarse and rough hewn Men. They (you Gals) seem to compliment the very things we Men do not have, and vice versa. You gals are so soft, sweet, have the nurturing spirit, while we men are so opposite. It just seems so logical that we are there for each other to compliment each other, and make the two become one so that the best sides of each gender come forth to bring out the best of both worlds as One. But two guys poking eachother? Geez! Too weird for me. Call it love, well, I just don't see it.
And Socks, love you too man. Hope I wasn't offensive, and if so, sorry...
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I've no interest in seeing the movie, or in watching two men do anything together of a sexual nature, but I'm not ignorant enough to think that there aren't male couples who love each other just as deeply as any male-female couples do. Is their love unnatural? Maybe so, maybe not. Doesn't matter. It's real to them, and that's all that really matters. I suspect that some of their stories are just as dramatic as those of heterosexual couples.
Regarding my lack of interest (revulsion, actually) in watching two men engaging in sexual activity, the main reason, I think, is that I can't identify with either partner. I'm not attracted to men and find the notion of sexual activity with a man personally repulsive, so my main response to seeing two men relating in a sexual manner is revulsion. I don't have that response to seeing heterosexual or lesbian activity, because I can identify with at least one partner. I'd guess that it is probably easier for most women than for most men to view male homosexual activity with some degree of accepance, and easier for most men than for most women to view female homosexual activity, although that is probably mitigated quite a bit by our society's acceptance and encouragement of females showing physical intimacy (kissing, hugging, etc.) for one another.
Also, men tend to be more visually oriented than women, and women tend to be more inclined to appreciate emotional components of a relationship, so whether a relationship is hetero- or homosexual, I'd guess that women would be more likely than men to focus on the emotional aspects portrayed than on the physical, which in the case of a male homosexual relationship, would be quite a turnoff for many (probably most) heterosexual men. If the guys were good looking, though, heterosexual women might also appreciate some of the physical aspects being portrayed.
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the music i've heard sounds wonderful
i have 2 really good friends in love with each other. they are fellas.
i know i told this before, but back when i was in the way, the last time i saw the brother of one of the guys in this couple, i thumped my bible at him and tried to deliver him, etc. shortly after, he got killed in a car crash and i never got to see him again. i've know both these boys since grammar school
anyhow, i decided to love and accept the other brother and his wonderful partner. it's almost like i got a second chance, but not exactly
i'm glad they're in my life and that i'm not in the way ministry
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All right, I went and saw it today (kept the date happy. She's a real artsy-movie buff).
I don't know exactly what to say about this. It is, without question, hands down, the worst 2005 movie I saw. WORST. It's boring. It's virtually inaudible, which is a plus because you can't imagine giving a rat's behind what Heath Ledger has to say.
The gay "community" produces plenty of films about their troubles, their romances, their experiences. Like typical "straight" movies, some are well-reviewed, some are poorly-reviewed. I've seen movies with gay themes, although none as pronounced as this one. Some I've liked (Rent). Others, not so much.
I do not recommend this movie: not because it "glorifies" homosexuality (it doesn't. Not really. It merely accepts homosexuality as a reality and tells a story about it). I do not recommend this movie because it is a bad movie, with a bad beginning, a bad middle, and an unsatisfying ending.
As for how explicit it is: it's not. Not by heterosexual film standards. Basic Instinct is really explicit. By that standard, this was practically a Disney film. There's no full frontal nudity (although there is a nude scene that shows both men, from a distance, in a side view in a non-sexual context: they're jumping into a lake or something).
The scene described in one of the earlier posts is there, but you don't see what's described. You just know it's happening.
Don't avoid this movie because it's "gay." Avoid this movie because it sucks.
No pun intended.
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Thanks. I shall do so.
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