All the gushing all over him and flocking around him like he's some famous movie star is just sickening! I can't believe I contributed to that ego.... <_<
All the gushing all over him and flocking around him like he's some famous movie star is just sickening! I can't believe I contributed to that ego.... <_<
amen belle
i'll never forget i went rushing to him to tell him i named one of my kids after him
I looked at the other videos. How many acres is the HQ's? What a waste of fertile farmland. Is it just being used to house Howard's family, Wanda, and Donna's family???
Does anyone know if LCM's grown kids are working in the real world now or are they just on staff? I hope they go out and build solid careers.
This would help them to contribute to society as a whole and to have successes that are uniquely theirs, rather than do work that is nothing more than an extension of their parents.
He often said that he would take "breaks" to refresh his mind? Hmm wonder what that meant? I'm with you Belle and bliss. The clip made me sick and gave me the hebeegeebees.
royal-gorge, I have watched everyone of your clips and can't say they bring back fond memmories but it is good to post them here IMO. Thank you :)
I figured that many people may not have seen some of these places and is one reason I posted these videos.
I think the one of the party for LCM shows just how far we went to lavish praise on him. You can't tell from the video but there was a red carpet for LCM to walk on and spot lights shining into the sky!
I expect that the videos will be viewed with various emotions, some good memories and some bad.
But I hope they give some view into The Way International that some may not have otherwise.
royal-gorge, I hope I did not give the wrong impression. Let me expound a little.
Your videos at the rock, hq, fountain and the others just remind me of how I felt when I was there and how everything was going on with the stupid smiles on their faces making me think how twi was such a Godly place. Knowing what I know now and how the perfect the grounds look and how positive people talked and just to know what was really going on just puts a pit in my stomach.
In no way am I suggesting that you don't post the videos. I think it is a very good idea to put them on here.
Thanks for all the replies. It is good to see the videos; I had much of the same reactions as others.
As for the Martindale kids, I will add them to my prayer list that they strike out on their own. VPW's three oldest kids did that. When Don returned to the farm, that's when his life took a terrible turn.
Become teachers, computer programmers, veterinarians, nurses, whatever----but that they go out and give to society. I know the eldest daughter was a music major; she could teach music.
It would be so liberating for them to live life outside that cocoon.
Here I go... First of all... after watching those videos... I FEEL like doing this -----> for about a week.
Then... I feel like doing alot of this ---->
And then some of this ----->
And last but not least ALOT OF THIS ----->
ok... I noticed in the video taken of when LCM spithead finish teaching the class, that he was greated by his daughter Leah and then he went over to Timothy and hugged him... BUT...
He never looked in Donna's direction, nor kissed her... she quickly got behind him and did not walk with him. Leah did.
What a mess.
Forgot... wanted to say 2 things about all the footage of the grounds. HQ about STERILE and LIFELESS! Oh God... and I used to think that was GODLINESS!
The other things was as I watched the videos of the grounds and your commentary... I started imagining how WONDERFUL it would have been to see a streaker or someone run in front of your camera giving you the finger or something.
Nothing personal...just thought it would have given us all a jolt into REALITY!
My husband watched these videos tonight...we have been gasping... cringing and gasping again everytime we think of it. Those LCM shots and the adulation they (we) bestowed him. cringe...gasp... cringe...
Give me a break... Howard and so forth reading all those 'praise be unto the MOG letters from the leadership on the field. OH MY GOD!!
I remember sitting through many of sessions when the BOT would talk about their 'magnificient' accomplishments of the day. God all mighty... boring or what!! Just keep puffing boys... you might just implode yourselves and do everyone a favour!
The blither of LCM.... oh my god.. he said NOTHING! Nothing at all....just filling air...dead air that is.
I'm getting that overwhelming puking feeling again... I better go.
Igotout... great post.
Loved ... Way World = Fantasy World
oh ya... leaders making themselves of great importance... doesn't the bible say something about that???
Does anyone know if LCM's grown kids are working in the real world now or are they just on staff? I hope they go out and build solid careers.
This would help them to contribute to society as a whole and to have successes that are uniquely theirs, rather than do work that is nothing more than an extension of their parents.
rejoice.....last I heard, Tim dropped out of college not too long ago. Don't know the reasons.....nor what he is doing now.
For those who cannot stomach listening to LCM's drivel... I thought I'd type it out and take a look at what it was exactly he was saying... :blink:
MY God .. than man has mastered the art of saying NOTHING, communicating NOTHING and talking about himself. (get me that barf bag quick)
Here you go:
(just thought i'd let you know that this was painful to listen to and write out!)
God Bless you. Thank you. This is a great gathering. I’ve anticipated this with you and looking forward to having some fun in recognition of this accomplishment of the household of God.
Getting this accomplished and done is truly a great credit to all of us – especially to our heavenly father who we of course, we are apart of that. Of course somebody has to believe and continue in that great work that Dr. Wierwille initiated and this is a great representation of that.
So, it’s a real joy to be here. Often throughout the weeks of teaching and of course all the study and preparation and all the hours of work often, I thought of the verse, “My times re in thine hands.” Often that gave me real comfort and encouragement because when there were times where maybe in my head I thought I really ought to have studied more but just didn’t have the energy or the resolve.
So I was able to do something else that would refresh my mind and it would invariably. I’d lean something in that and then there were times when I was just … I was amazed at my own energy, how many hours I could just stay my mind on the word and be able to work throughout a whole morning … take a little break, do it again throughout the rest of the day, comeback at night .. just the…
Often thought of the scripture, blessed me a lot, encouraged me, “My times are in they hands.” Not only for most immediately, but how I just go to thinking… last week … I hadn’t even thought of this. But, Dr. Wierwille and I wee about the same age by the time he filmed the class.
We figured it – he was about 51 I think, when he filmed the class. Of course, he’d been teaching it for years before that. And here … let’s see, I’m 37 (HAHAHAHAHA) I’m 46 – there ya go – 46 so ah… I thought again, “My times are in thine hands.”
And this is the year where exactly half of my life now I’ve been in the The Way Ministry. (oooo, ooooh, oooo). I was 23 years old when I took the class and now I’m 46. So it’s an intriguing correlation. “My times are in thine hands.”
And obviously, you don’t think much about that as you’re living and growing. But God sure is wonderful and ah… just real thankful.
I don’t know that I could have done it a year previous to this or 2 years previous. Just continued to learn things, even right up as I taught. Several of the things of the session you heard I just learned today working the word on that word ZELAOS???
So, I know we’ve given our best and believing it will have the simplicity and depth and longevity that we want. At least ‘til – it lasts a year before we gotta’ do a new one…(HAHAHAHAHAH)….
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All the gushing all over him and flocking around him like he's some famous movie star is just sickening! I can't believe I contributed to that ego.... <_<
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amen belle
i'll never forget i went rushing to him to tell him i named one of my kids after him
his forehead seemed to grow an inch wider!
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I looked at the other videos. How many acres is the HQ's? What a waste of fertile farmland. Is it just being used to house Howard's family, Wanda, and Donna's family???
Does anyone know if LCM's grown kids are working in the real world now or are they just on staff? I hope they go out and build solid careers.
This would help them to contribute to society as a whole and to have successes that are uniquely theirs, rather than do work that is nothing more than an extension of their parents.
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I know that after the lawsuits , their eldest daughter, who finished college, screamed at Loyboy and said;
"I don't even know if Jesus is not God, I don't know what to believe anymore."
They didn't talk to him for a long time. Especially their son, didn't want anything to do with him.
They've had it rough.
As far as the land...................they haven't done anything with it.
oh yea, ....................
that clapping at hootin and hollerin gave me the same heebeegeebees.
I can't believe we did that!
The bible class I attend at a Baptist Church, don't clap at all even after a kick butt teaching.....
they really TRY to give GOD the glory NOT MAN!
It was a breath of fresh air.
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I really feel for those kids. They didn't ask to have a lunatic for a father. I hope they do check out other options than TWI.
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Last I heard Le*h was on staff and working in Way Productions.
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He often said that he would take "breaks" to refresh his mind? Hmm wonder what that meant? I'm with you Belle and bliss. The clip made me sick and gave me the hebeegeebees.
royal-gorge, I have watched everyone of your clips and can't say they bring back fond memmories but it is good to post them here IMO. Thank you :)
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If for us was/is difficult imagine for them, for his kids. :(
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I shot hoops with Timmy at the Ad.CL at Rome CIty.....what a wonderful boy he was. He showed how to throw the ball...
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I figured that many people may not have seen some of these places and is one reason I posted these videos.
I think the one of the party for LCM shows just how far we went to lavish praise on him. You can't tell from the video but there was a red carpet for LCM to walk on and spot lights shining into the sky!
I expect that the videos will be viewed with various emotions, some good memories and some bad.
But I hope they give some view into The Way International that some may not have otherwise.
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royal-gorge, I hope I did not give the wrong impression. Let me expound a little.
Your videos at the rock, hq, fountain and the others just remind me of how I felt when I was there and how everything was going on with the stupid smiles on their faces making me think how twi was such a Godly place. Knowing what I know now and how the perfect the grounds look and how positive people talked and just to know what was really going on just puts a pit in my stomach.
In no way am I suggesting that you don't post the videos. I think it is a very good idea to put them on here.
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Justloafing, I understand.
HQ is beautiful on the outside, but like the "whited sepulchre", it's full of deceit and lies on the "inside"!
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Thanks for all the replies. It is good to see the videos; I had much of the same reactions as others.
As for the Martindale kids, I will add them to my prayer list that they strike out on their own. VPW's three oldest kids did that. When Don returned to the farm, that's when his life took a terrible turn.
Become teachers, computer programmers, veterinarians, nurses, whatever----but that they go out and give to society. I know the eldest daughter was a music major; she could teach music.
It would be so liberating for them to live life outside that cocoon.
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Out There
I watched the video earlier and gave myself a little time before writing how I feel,
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Another reminder of how stupid I was for 10 years.
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A la prochaine
I think I can reply but not sure... I will try!
Here I go... First of all... after watching those videos... I FEEL like doing this ----->
for about a week.
Then... I feel like doing alot of this ---->
And then some of this ----->
And last but not least ALOT OF THIS ----->
ok... I noticed in the video taken of when LCM spithead finish teaching the class, that he was greated by his daughter Leah and then he went over to Timothy and hugged him... BUT...
He never looked in Donna's direction, nor kissed her... she quickly got behind him and did not walk with him. Leah did.
What a mess.
Forgot... wanted to say 2 things about all the footage of the grounds. HQ about STERILE and LIFELESS! Oh God... and I used to think that was GODLINESS!
The other things was as I watched the videos of the grounds and your commentary... I started imagining how WONDERFUL it would have been to see a streaker
or someone run in front of your camera giving you the finger or something.
Nothing personal...just thought it would have given us all a jolt into REALITY!
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Ron G.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyawnzzzzzzzzzzzzzyeah, them videos is cool yawn zzzzzzyup, cool yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsnortzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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ya, i feel for Leah and tim... great people.
if i saw leah today, i'd give her a huge hug, she was a good friend.
PIN IT PAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Gillian Rules
Good Lord! Chief Dumb Numb Nuts.
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Awww! That's sick and embarrassing and scary. WAP appears to be a huge expensive failure as we all know.
How dare they give him a war bonnett from the Sioux nation because he "deserves it more" for teaching WAP!
I cringe inside when I see it. Way world = fantasy world.
You should have stood up like VPW says he did in PFAL and said "It was a disgrace....for have been in this fellowship tonight!!!!!
Then taken your video camear and walked real fast outta there....ha!
Thanks for posting them, Royal. And thanks for the clips you gave me.
I think you deserve a "red carpet party" in celebration of your finishing converting your films to DVD. I'll bring a Sioux bonnett to give you.
Love to your family.
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A la prochaine
Oh my...
My husband watched these videos tonight...we have been gasping... cringing and gasping again everytime we think of it. Those LCM shots and the adulation they (we) bestowed him. cringe...gasp... cringe...
Give me a break... Howard and so forth reading all those 'praise be unto the MOG letters from the leadership on the field. OH MY GOD!!
I remember sitting through many of sessions when the BOT would talk about their 'magnificient' accomplishments of the day. God all mighty... boring or what!! Just keep puffing boys... you might just implode yourselves and do everyone a favour!
The blither of LCM.... oh my god.. he said NOTHING! Nothing at all....just filling air...dead air that is.
I'm getting that overwhelming puking feeling again... I better go.
Igotout... great post.
Loved ... Way World = Fantasy World
oh ya... leaders making themselves of great importance... doesn't the bible say something about that???
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rejoice.....last I heard, Tim dropped out of college not too long ago. Don't know the reasons.....nor what he is doing now.
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A la prochaine
For those who cannot stomach listening to LCM's drivel... I thought I'd type it out and take a look at what it was exactly he was saying... :blink:
MY God .. than man has mastered the art of saying NOTHING, communicating NOTHING and talking about himself. (get me that barf bag quick)
Here you go:
(just thought i'd let you know that this was painful to listen to and write out!)
God Bless you. Thank you. This is a great gathering. I’ve anticipated this with you and looking forward to having some fun in recognition of this accomplishment of the household of God.
Getting this accomplished and done is truly a great credit to all of us – especially to our heavenly father who we of course, we are apart of that. Of course somebody has to believe and continue in that great work that Dr. Wierwille initiated and this is a great representation of that.
So, it’s a real joy to be here. Often throughout the weeks of teaching and of course all the study and preparation and all the hours of work often, I thought of the verse, “My times re in thine hands.” Often that gave me real comfort and encouragement because when there were times where maybe in my head I thought I really ought to have studied more but just didn’t have the energy or the resolve.
So I was able to do something else that would refresh my mind and it would invariably. I’d lean something in that and then there were times when I was just … I was amazed at my own energy, how many hours I could just stay my mind on the word and be able to work throughout a whole morning … take a little break, do it again throughout the rest of the day, comeback at night .. just the…
Often thought of the scripture, blessed me a lot, encouraged me, “My times are in they hands.” Not only for most immediately, but how I just go to thinking… last week … I hadn’t even thought of this. But, Dr. Wierwille and I wee about the same age by the time he filmed the class.
We figured it – he was about 51 I think, when he filmed the class. Of course, he’d been teaching it for years before that. And here … let’s see, I’m 37 (HAHAHAHAHA) I’m 46 – there ya go – 46 so ah… I thought again, “My times are in thine hands.”
And this is the year where exactly half of my life now I’ve been in the The Way Ministry. (oooo, ooooh, oooo). I was 23 years old when I took the class and now I’m 46. So it’s an intriguing correlation. “My times are in thine hands.”
And obviously, you don’t think much about that as you’re living and growing. But God sure is wonderful and ah… just real thankful.
I don’t know that I could have done it a year previous to this or 2 years previous. Just continued to learn things, even right up as I taught. Several of the things of the session you heard I just learned today working the word on that word ZELAOS???
So, I know we’ve given our best and believing it will have the simplicity and depth and longevity that we want. At least ‘til – it lasts a year before we gotta’ do a new one…(HAHAHAHAHAH)….
Alright, we’ll enjoy some pizza.
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