Coffee? You reproved somebody for having a cup of CAW-FEE???
Why ... why ... why, in many church circles, both orthodox and heretical, *coffee* is regarded as pert near the Nectar of the God(s), almost even one of The Most Holiest of Sacraments! (Do I hear an Amen! from the peanut gallery?)
3 Hail Marys, 5 Our Fathers, and 20, count 'em, 20 decaffinated cups, _without_ cream OR sugar, for you, sinner!
1600: Coffee, introduced to the West by Italian traders, grabs attention in high places. In Italy, Pope Clement VIII is urged by his advisers to consider that favorite drink of the Ottoman Empire part of the infidel threat. However, he decides to "baptize" it instead, making it an acceptable Christian beverage. husband years ago once reproved me once for using the microwave to defrost the meat for supper when I could have saved by thinking ahead and laying the meat out that morning to defrost.
I offered him a nickle for the electricity I had just made him madder.... it was the *principle* of the thing doncha know?
OK enough about the coffee already!!! I knew I was asking for trouble with my example...........I did my Hail Mary's already, and drank my coffee today, thankyou.
But this is a thread on SILLY REPROOF ok, any one want to ADMIT their sillyness?
One day, I blatenly said to her, " so why do you drink coffee every morning? Are you addicted?"
She was so caught off gaurd, and said, "No , I just like it?"
I said, "if you HAVE to have it, then it is wrong and you should consider what your motives are".
Well, I certainly said my share of "way too Way" things before, but there is another side to that. People do get addicted to many things ... coffee, internet, alcohol, power, sex etc. Recognizing addictive behavior is important ... but TWI no doubt twisted it from helping people to controlling people ... still, there is some underlying truth I think ...
I give myself a break from alcohol every now and then ... but come to think of it ... when did I last go without my morning pot of coffee? :blink: I mean, it's not like I HAVE to have coffee to keep going, the cocaine suffices for that, but I'd sure miss that java LOL Just trying to stir the shi... pot ... ;)
Perhaps the two drink limit doctrine would apply to this situation?
...or perhaps in Rhino's case, the two "bump" limit.
But...going back to the topic, Yes, there were some very silly and stupid things that people got reproved for:
The local BC called me and asked me to drive him all over town (his car was in the shop)...I reluctantly agreed...I drove him about 50 miles all over town and back with no offer from him to give me any gas money. As we were driving, he heard a "noise" in my brakes ( I heard nothing)...He then proceeded to reem me out for endangering his life because of how important he was to God's master plan...
Perhaps the two drink limit doctrine would apply to this situation?
...or perhaps in Rhino's case, the two "bump" limit.
OK, is a bump like a hit of coke? silly me LOL
He then proceeded to reem me out for endangering his life because of how important he was to God's master plan...
I musta been outta my mind....
a good time to question him on God's purpose for not giving him revelation about how his life was being endangered LOL I never remember any Way leaders being so blatantly full of themselves .... sheesh ... besides, the squeelers are there when the brakes are still working, you don't have to worry till they stop squeeling, then there is the grinding ... LOL ... or if you have to pump more than ten times before the brakes kick in, it may be time to check them :)
btw, i only know this thru anecdotal evidence from Way slackard chauffers that don't watch out for their masters ... er, leaders ;)
You are gonna get it Rhino! Forget the pics now..........................
Oh sure, like you just about had them ready to send :) I actually remember a daisy duke discussion with younger Corps gal that moved to New Orleans. She claimed her arse wasn't really showing ... it was just her upper thigh LOL I ran my finger up the thigh (Patsy B was in attendance) till it hit a stopping point ... "see, now that is where the thigh ends and the arse starts ... then we go way up here before the shorts start" :)
cute little thang, but dumber than a box of rocks! OK, I just like that expression, but it is reprehensible that something that so many put so much of their lives into, degenerated to something largely about sex and power. Good grief ... or maybe it was that way before ... but I do like daisy dukes ...
How big are those drinks in the two drink limit? Or is it like two types of drink? Like I was drinking beer, then went to tequila ... so no thanks, no jaegermeister for me ... now that is discipline !
How big are those drinks in the two drink limit? Or is it like two types of drink? Like I was drinking beer, then went to tequila ... so no thanks, no jaegermeister for me ... now that is discipline !
We liked going to Bennigan's on happy hour when it was "2 for 1" and they gave you two shots in one glass. We used to drink B52s. Just 2 (in the 2 for 1 happy hour). Since that drink is a shot drink, we got a good buzz going.
I was working as a foreman on a carpentry crew for a short time and we hired a guy who was Interim corps. a WOW FC and "one of the prized Dancers from athletes", worked on Way Builders in-res - in other words SUPER WOW!!
First morning on the Job he's telling me he can do anything needed to get the job done. I sent him inside to get a Board Stretcher for which he ran inside and started asking the other carpenters for.
That night I was hauled in for embarresing a MOG like that
I'll have to think of some of the best ones. I was pretty darn good at finding things to reprove someone on.
I reproved a mom once because her daughter's hair was always a mess. It was dry and tangled and looked very unkempt. I brought hair conditioner to fellowship once for them to use on her hair and a detangler. The mom was a good mom and I knew the kid was clean and well taken care of, but her hair was just a mess.
Turns out, after a very mean few run-ins with her, the kid was battling a head lice epidemic at school and the stuff they were using to keep her safe from head lice was what was drying her hair out so bad. I felt terrible! But by then it was too late.
Then there was the couple that our HFC's didn't think were speaking in tongues enough. My ex and I were tasked to reproving them and working with them on their SIT.
There's the Moneyhands hissy fit when everyone clicked their syllabi notebooks at the wrong time. Total hissy fit!
There's the Moneyhands hissy fit when everyone clicked their syllabi notebooks at the wrong time. Total hissy fit!
Martinpuke did that too when he was running his WAP Advanced Class for the staff and corps at HQ. It seems that we didn't get back in to our seats in time BEFORE the break ended to be able to open up the syllabus and pull the page out that we were studying. He stopped the video and yelled prolifically with his trashy mouth and made accusations that we weren't thankful. And all of us in that room who weren't corps should be so privileged to be able to view it with the corps because he didn't have to let us see it with them.......... Get over yourself big man! That class was $h*t!!! Thank God I didn't try to retemorize those damn manifestation descriptions.....geez! that crap we were willing to do for an organization.
I got reproved for not making my bed for a week (my back was out - I found out last year when I was expecting Andreas that I have a disk that's slipping in my lower back). My HHFC, who was also my room mate (different bedrooms, thank you) (she snored like a lumberjack) never offered to help or even look the other way. I could barely dress myself and make it to work, but damn it if my bed being made wasn't a top priority.
Then, there was the time that I made all the necessary arrangements to go to my 10 year high school reunion, only 90 mins away, and it was approved by leadership. A day before I was supposed to go I was confronted on why I was going (my real motive) and why I wasn't bringing anyone with me (like, another girl - sure, don't you want to look like a dyke?) I went anyways. Had a blast. Got called on the carpet by all the WC in the state for going the following week. Like... if that was the worst thing going on then things were pretty boring in those parts...
Our fellowship got screamed by Gre% B01kc#alk for a good 20 min because we didn't meet him in the driveway when he pulled up one night to teach at our fellowship. He wasn't crip, or bringing in anything heavy - just him and his Bible... but he slammed books, cussed, yelled, and acted worse than a toddler who'd missed nap time. I mean, the man was in his late 30's - not elderly - WTF?! He was an ultra maroon!
Got reproved on staff when the dish waiters (metal rolling cabinates that hold huge stacks of dinner plates) weren't polished and lined up correctly in the damn storage area of the OSC (you know, the part that's the same dimentions of the ark...) (Here's your ABS hard at work - at least 2-3 hours a week and a half a can of metal polish were spent on these things that no one hardly used and seldom got to see - but they sparkled!) :blink:
And did I tell you about how I ruined Donna Martindale's birthday one year?
Yes, I'm sure she remembers this one.... Well, since it was her birthday, a day more holy than Easter or Christmas, but not as holy as Cinco d Mayo or St. Patrick's Day, a bunch of her biggest fans were all saving up seats near the head table. I was asked if my husband and I would join a group at a table - it happened to be in the area where we usually sat anyhow, so I saved us seats. I didn't get to see hubby before lunch and then got pulled out to usher at the last minute.
Next thing I knew, hubby was sitting at a different table and had saved me a seat. ROT-ROW... Now I had 2 empty seats to fill near the head table and there was no one left to seat them. The head of food services (IR@) came up to me in a huff and ripped me in front of a couple of tables about these EMPTY SEATS... I mean... no one was bleeding, right? You'd have thought Christ was never going to come back now because *I* had NOT filled 2 freaking chairs near the head table... IR@ went almost purple yelling at me (and I'm usually pretty soft about these things - I don't hold together well when I get yelled at, but he was so short and so purple it was hard not to laugh...) What was up with that?! Yeah... I bet Donna stays awake every night thinking about that one...
I got reproved for listening to the Talking Heads. Oh, yes. My LC was getting a lift to buy some chew and a biscuit at Hardees (if his sprout eating wife had known, she'd have throttled us both!), when he discovered a Talking Heads cassette in my car. With songs like 'Burning Down the House', I was really getting into some devilish stuff, don't cha' know. Glad he didn't find my Violent Femmes cassette... phew! (And these people thought Kenny G was the greatest thing since toast on a stick...) husband years ago once reproved me once for using the microwave to defrost the meat for supper when I could have saved by thinking ahead and laying the meat out that morning to defrost.
I offered him a nickle for the electricity I had just made him madder.... it was the *principle* of the thing doncha know?
I'd like to know what he would say about this incident now, heh heh.
Actually, putting meat out to defrost for hours is not supposed to be very healthy, according to folks in the know about things like that ... more bacteria can grow ... they actually SUGGEST defrosting it in the microwave ... but anal-retentive, religious legalists probably don't care about that ...
Actually, putting meat out to defrost for hours is not supposed to be very healthy, according to folks in the know about things like that ... more bacteria can grow ... they actually SUGGEST defrosting it in the microwave ... but anal-retentive, religious legalists probably don't care about that ...
You are correct...and I am one of those folks "in the know"
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I think you owe someone a cup of CAWFEE!!!
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I agree.
Edited by moony3424Link to comment
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Coffee? You reproved somebody for having a cup of CAW-FEE???
Why ... why ... why, in many church circles, both orthodox and heretical, *coffee* is regarded as pert near the Nectar of the God(s), almost even one of The Most Holiest of Sacraments! (Do I hear an Amen! from the peanut gallery?)
3 Hail Marys, 5 Our Fathers, and 20, count 'em, 20 decaffinated cups, _without_ cream OR sugar, for you, sinner!
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That's what I'm saying. :D
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rascal husband years ago once reproved me once for using the microwave to defrost the meat for supper when I could have saved by thinking ahead and laying the meat out that morning to defrost.
I offered him a nickle for the electricity I had just made him madder.... it was the *principle* of the thing doncha know?
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OK enough about the coffee already!!! I knew I was asking for trouble with my example...........I did my Hail Mary's already, and drank my coffee today, thankyou.
But this is a thread on SILLY REPROOF ok, any one want to ADMIT their sillyness?
I said it was silly!
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I give myself a break from alcohol every now and then ... but come to think of it ... when did I last go without my morning pot of coffee? :blink: I mean, it's not like I HAVE to have coffee to keep going, the cocaine suffices for that, but I'd sure miss that java LOL Just trying to stir the shi... pot ... ;)
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You are gonna get it Rhino! Forget the pics now..........................
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Perhaps the two drink limit doctrine would apply to this situation?
...or perhaps in Rhino's case, the two "bump" limit.
But...going back to the topic, Yes, there were some very silly and stupid things that people got reproved for:
The local BC called me and asked me to drive him all over town (his car was in the shop)...I reluctantly agreed...I drove him about 50 miles all over town and back with no offer from him to give me any gas money. As we were driving, he heard a "noise" in my brakes ( I heard nothing)...He then proceeded to reem me out for endangering his life because of how important he was to God's master plan...

I musta been outta my mind....
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btw, i only know this thru anecdotal evidence from Way slackard chauffers that don't watch out for their masters ... er, leaders ;)
Edited by rhinoLink to comment
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I had more silly reproofs come out of my mouth than I can keep track of. My oldest son and I get together occassionally and laugh about them.
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cute little thang, but dumber than a box of rocks! OK, I just like that expression, but it is reprehensible that something that so many put so much of their lives into, degenerated to something largely about sex and power. Good grief ... or maybe it was that way before ... but I do like daisy dukes ...
How big are those drinks in the two drink limit? Or is it like two types of drink? Like I was drinking beer, then went to tequila ... so no thanks, no jaegermeister for me ... now that is discipline !
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We liked going to Bennigan's on happy hour when it was "2 for 1" and they gave you two shots in one glass. We used to drink B52s. Just 2 (in the 2 for 1 happy hour). Since that drink is a shot drink, we got a good buzz going.
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My favorite reproof (although I'm not sure it's silly) is when a believer said to me, "See? Worked like a charm!"
To which I replied, "Charms don't work!!"
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How about reproof for wearing stuff with Christian slogans on it?
Nobody had the guts to come up to my FACE and tell me, but they
muttered behind my back about me not being "serious".
Wearing a target 24/7 was not a sign of being "serious". You want to
be "serious", you had to put on a suit and never smile.
Fine. I'm STILL not "serious."
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Out There
I was working as a foreman on a carpentry crew for a short time and we hired a guy who was Interim corps. a WOW FC and "one of the prized Dancers from athletes", worked on Way Builders in-res - in other words SUPER WOW!!
First morning on the Job he's telling me he can do anything needed to get the job done. I sent him inside to get a Board Stretcher for which he ran inside and started asking the other carpenters for.
That night I was hauled in for embarresing a MOG like that
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I'll have to think of some of the best ones. I was pretty darn good at finding things to reprove someone on.
I reproved a mom once because her daughter's hair was always a mess. It was dry and tangled and looked very unkempt. I brought hair conditioner to fellowship once for them to use on her hair and a detangler. The mom was a good mom and I knew the kid was clean and well taken care of, but her hair was just a mess.
Turns out, after a very mean few run-ins with her, the kid was battling a head lice epidemic at school and the stuff they were using to keep her safe from head lice was what was drying her hair out so bad. I felt terrible! But by then it was too late.
Then there was the couple that our HFC's didn't think were speaking in tongues enough. My ex and I were tasked to reproving them and working with them on their SIT.
There's the Moneyhands hissy fit when everyone clicked their syllabi notebooks at the wrong time.
Total hissy fit!
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Martinpuke did that too when he was running his WAP Advanced Class for the staff and corps at HQ. It seems that we didn't get back in to our seats in time BEFORE the break ended to be able to open up the syllabus and pull the page out that we were studying. He stopped the video and yelled prolifically with his trashy mouth and made accusations that we weren't thankful. And all of us in that room who weren't corps should be so privileged to be able to view it with the corps because he didn't have to let us see it with them..........
Get over yourself big man! That class was $h*t!!! Thank God I didn't try to retemorize those damn manifestation descriptions.....geez! that crap we were willing to do for an organization.
Edited by Wayfer NotLink to comment
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Let's see...
I got reproved for not making my bed for a week (my back was out - I found out last year when I was expecting Andreas that I have a disk that's slipping in my lower back). My HHFC, who was also my room mate (different bedrooms, thank you) (she snored like a lumberjack) never offered to help or even look the other way. I could barely dress myself and make it to work, but damn it if my bed being made wasn't a top priority.
Then, there was the time that I made all the necessary arrangements to go to my 10 year high school reunion, only 90 mins away, and it was approved by leadership. A day before I was supposed to go I was confronted on why I was going (my real motive) and why I wasn't bringing anyone with me (like, another girl - sure, don't you want to look like a dyke?) I went anyways. Had a blast. Got called on the carpet by all the WC in the state for going the following week. Like... if that was the worst thing going on then things were pretty boring in those parts...
Our fellowship got screamed by
Gre% B01kc#alk
for a good 20 min because we didn't meet him in the driveway when he pulled up one night to teach at our fellowship. He wasn't crip, or bringing in anything heavy - just him and his Bible... but he slammed books, cussed, yelled, and acted worse than a toddler who'd missed nap time. I mean, the man was in his late 30's - not elderly - WTF?! He was an ultra maroon!
Got reproved on staff when the dish waiters (metal rolling cabinates that hold huge stacks of dinner plates) weren't polished and lined up correctly in the damn storage area of the OSC (you know, the part that's the same dimentions of the ark...)
(Here's your ABS hard at work - at least 2-3 hours a week and a half a can of metal polish were spent on these things that no one hardly used and seldom got to see - but they sparkled!) :blink:
And did I tell you about how I ruined Donna Martindale's birthday one year?
Yes, I'm sure she remembers this one.... Well, since it was her birthday, a day more holy than Easter or Christmas, but not as holy as Cinco d Mayo or St. Patrick's Day, a bunch of her biggest fans were all saving up seats near the head table. I was asked if my husband and I would join a group at a table - it happened to be in the area where we usually sat anyhow, so I saved us seats. I didn't get to see hubby before lunch and then got pulled out to usher at the last minute.
Next thing I knew, hubby was sitting at a different table and had saved me a seat. ROT-ROW... Now I had 2 empty seats to fill near the head table and there was no one left to seat them. The head of food services (IR@) came up to me in a huff and ripped me in front of a couple of tables about these EMPTY SEATS...
I mean... no one was bleeding, right? You'd have thought Christ was never going to come back now because *I* had NOT filled 2 freaking chairs near the head table... IR@ went almost purple yelling at me (and I'm usually pretty soft about these things - I don't hold together well when I get yelled at, but he was so short and so purple it was hard not to laugh...) What was up with that?! Yeah... I bet Donna stays awake every night thinking about that one... 
I got reproved for listening to the Talking Heads. Oh, yes. My LC was getting a lift to buy some chew and a biscuit at Hardees (if his sprout eating wife had known, she'd have throttled us both!), when he discovered a Talking Heads cassette in my car. With songs like 'Burning Down the House', I was really getting into some devilish stuff, don't cha' know. Glad he didn't find my Violent Femmes cassette... phew! (And these people thought Kenny G was the greatest thing since toast on a stick...)
Oh, what fun!
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so talking heads and violent femmes were bad but kenny g was "approved"?
gawd i knew people like this too
seems to me there were alot of folks who had their hang ups with music
any reproof about happy fun music of any stripe is silly!!
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it seems so bizarre now doesn't it ? empty chairs near the head table ? it's like the oscars
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Lifted Up
I'd like to know what he would say about this incident now, heh heh.
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Actually, putting meat out to defrost for hours is not supposed to be very healthy, according to folks in the know about things like that ... more bacteria can grow ... they actually SUGGEST defrosting it in the microwave ... but anal-retentive, religious legalists probably don't care about that ...
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