There was a case here in Florida where a 7 year-old was taken from her bed, kidnapped, raped for several days, then burried alive. Unfortunately, she wasn't found until after she died. The place where she was taken and all this took place? Across the street from her home. The police questioned the people that lived there and supposidly they didn't know that the brother of one of them was keeping the little girl in a bedroom closet.
There was a case here in Florida where a 7 year-old was taken from her bed, kidnapped, raped for several days, then burried alive. Unfortunately, she wasn't found until after she died. The place where she was taken and all this took place? Across the street from her home. The police questioned the people that lived there and supposidly they didn't know that the brother of one of them was keeping the little girl in a bedroom closet.
How awful, how can you keep a 7 year old child in a bedroom closet with out no one knowing.................
Yes Allan you are right the police would never let us have control, cause we would not let them go rot
in prison using our tax payers money to live a comfortably life..........
Heck, that's nothing... you want to talk sick? How about a judge who doesn't believe in punishment? Even for a man *convicted* of raping a 7 year old child many times over the course of several years. Click HERE!
Yes, I understand you would not have believed me. So, I'll have to give you another link for you to believe me when I say there are people saying Judge Cashman did the right thing. Just look below at the link to the idiocy. How could this be you ask??? Because the prison system in Vermont (a very liberal state) doesn't offer medical TREATMENT for child rapists.. So the judge releases him so he can get treatment. Poor guy.
"But Cashman is also right in saying that society is best protected when inmates receive the treatment they need at the appropriate time. It is time to fix the system rather than crowding it with an ever-increasing number of inmates for whom the system has failed."
For the link to the editorial in a Vermont newspaper this came from click HERE! What's next? Treatment for murderers? Bank robbers? Maybe some of our left leaning Greasespotters here will come to their senses when they see this.
sudo (always irritated at fools masquerading as the intelligentsia)
That truly sickens me, That these people get 60 days for such a harrowing crime to our Children.
The fact they can release them rather than lock them up for a crime that deserves life.
Then pay for them to recieve treatment, that none of them want, again at the cost of us the Tax Payers.
Iam a nurse here in UK, I see terrible abuse commited to children and the elderly that would make
some people vomit, but then to think that these people that commit such crimes get to walk free
sickens and angers me.
I guess i should be thankful that at least here a child offender would not WALK FREE WITHIN 60 days, It sends out wrong messages to the criminals, so they can continue doing these awful things cause they know the punishment does not fit the crime.
Is nobody standing up for the justice system there in Vermont, surely this Judge Cashman
Sad and sick and it happens every day here in the U.S. I was just reading the Courts section this past weekend and read about someone convicted of 3RD offense domestic violence - got less than a month. Somone else convicted of 2nd degree sexual assault on a minor, got about 60 days.
But God forbid you get busted with a joint, for that you will get years!
But God forbid you get busted with a joint, for that you will get years!
No ..... And I don't even like marijuana. I swear, if there was a guy like the one in the article above living nearby, I would be tempted to assasinate him. They should not be allowed to live after something like that. How many times have we read about repeat offenders that rape and then kill their second time around? We read about it over and over and over. Makes me sick. There was that sweet and beautiful college girl up in North Dakota last winter murdered and raped by a "released sex offender". Someone's lovely little girl off to college! The little seven year old girl mentioned above who was raped and then buried alive by the previously convicted sex offender down in Florida. And on and on and on, and on!!
I say cut their nuts off, make 'em suffer and then shoot them between the eyes and bury them. But maybe, like the Brits did back in the 1800's (the brutes!), hang their decomposing bodies in a public place for all to see as a warning, like they did to Captain Kidd the pirate at the mouth of the Thames!
Oh, but we're more civilized now days, and the perpetrators have their "rights". Hey Mary Poppins, try and find the song "I got Rights" by Hank Williams Jr. It may not make your local wrong "right", but, it is a song that seriously expresses your opinion, and may make you smile. We The People believe in justice, but somehow, the idiots who believe that these scum have "rights" are in power. Why is that? Well, I believe that the answer to this is simple. The one responsible for this is the
I think Kaiser Soze' had it right:
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people that he doesn't exist......"
With guys like that I think they should be released into the General Population of the prison and let general prison population do what they have tried to do with Charles Manson over the years and what they did accomplish with JeffreyDahmer ........... I am not to into liberal judges either.
There is also the serial killer in the state of Washington that would not chose between Hanging and Lethal Injection when he was sentenced to death so the judge chose hanging for him ........ The guy got so fat while on deathrow when it came to carry out his death sentence that if he was hung it would be considered cruel and unusual punishment or something to that manner because his head and body would be seperated do to his obesity.
The State or Judge chose this punishment so they could not fall back on the lethal injection option and thus the Obese Serial Killer was stayed his death sentence because he was to fat. Does anyone remember this? It was during the last decade or so and I can't seem to find the information on the net but I do recall reading about it in the papers here ......... I put in Deathrow, Washington State, Obesity and Hanging and could not find this account ....... can anyone help me with a search on it ..........?
I say cut their nuts off, make 'em suffer and then shoot them between the eyes and bury them. But maybe, like the Brits did back in the 1800's (the brutes!), hang their decomposing bodies in a public place for all to see as a warning Oh, but we're more civilized now days, and the perpetrators have their "rights".
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people that he doesn't exist......"
Jonny i'm with ya on cut there nuts off make 'em suffer, just like they make there victim suffer
not just at the act of the crime, but many suffer for life............................................................
The perpetrators should have no rights, they took the victims rights and freewill choice away, so
why should they be treated like the victim.
Obviously we know who is behind all this, We are told the world will wax worse and worse, but
when it actually hits so close to home it really hurts, jonny i will look that song up thanks.
Yes i remember that one, the greatest trick the devil ever pulls, is to make us think hes not there at all
Reading and Seeing these crimes reminds us that he is there, and obviously in power, within the judicial
ABIGAIL I'm sorry that i laughed at your statement but how true it is. Just shows they have all
lost the plot completely,
But God forbid you get busted with a joint, for that you will get years!
From what I understand about prisons is that men who abuse childrin tend to be abused in prison. In this way the punishment fits the crime.
Personally I would just take them down to the river and shoot them. Let the body just lie there and rot. A few bodies pile up and you have no more problems.
Allan, I think Galatian 5:12 would be where I'd start if punishing these monsters was up to me.
We had a case in Ohio a few years back, where a predator living in the neighborhood kidnapped and raped a little girl, and was preparing to move away from where he was staying, and had actually been in the process of keeping her tied up in the attic, but was working to wall up the space, so she would be sealed off and left to die of starvation, bound and gagged and helpless. Well, the SOB was caught, girl was rescued, and he was convicted and sent to prison, where he was promptly (less than 1 year) murdered. Sometimes the bad guys know more about justice that the good guys, who are so concerned about rehabilitating the sick little fellows who perpetrate these crimes.
Digi, I remember that case quite well, lived out there at the time. Clever SOB!
The editorial about how the system failed these inmates...I think the inmates failed the system...I have read and been told many times that many sex offenses are not treatable. LIke the fat guy in WA state, these offenders learn how to work the "system" to their advantage, go to group therapy, take medication, appear contrite, get out early and go grab a little kid again, only this time have even more fun.
This sympathetic judge has no idea that he is loosing on innocent children some of the most vicous human beings alive today. They don't get help, they don't get treatment. They don't get cured. They just get worse. I think we should sell Vermont to Canada!
It makes you wonder about the judge doesn't it. I figure when they let the abuser off easy it's because they are an incestor or sexaul abuser of children.
I think the judge should go to prison - right along with the abuser!!!!
Yes, it makes one wonder about the judge. I'm not so worried about his "sexual" (rape is about a lot more than sex) proclivities as I am his lack of sound mind and judicial temperment as its called. A man that doesn't "believe" in punushment is a judge in Vermont? This whole thread could get moved to the Politics Forum but this is a prime example of the thinking of liberals.
And what is that exactly in this case? 1) that perps in jail are victims, too, and deserve treatment and 2) punishment doesn't work. You hear all kinds of permutations of the last one, Edi. Things, like "capital punishment has been proven not to work". It's not only stupid, it's illogical. If the cops start shooting speeders on the interstate and it becomes known, you will have a LOT less speeding on the interstates. Believe me. And I don't ask folks to take a lot "on faith".
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The 'pollies' would never let the ordinary, everyday people decide their punishment because they know what we would do to them !
This is one of those things that actually strengthens my belief in God, and that there MUST be a 'Judgement Day' because He is a 'righteous' God.
I still believe that there is no real genuine healing without genuine justice.
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There was a case here in Florida where a 7 year-old was taken from her bed, kidnapped, raped for several days, then burried alive. Unfortunately, she wasn't found until after she died. The place where she was taken and all this took place? Across the street from her home. The police questioned the people that lived there and supposidly they didn't know that the brother of one of them was keeping the little girl in a bedroom closet.
Edited by moony3424Link to comment
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How awful, how can you keep a 7 year old child in a bedroom closet with out no one knowing.................
Yes Allan you are right the police would never let us have control, cause we would not let them go rot
in prison using our tax payers money to live a comfortably life..........
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Heck, that's nothing... you want to talk sick? How about a judge who doesn't believe in punishment? Even for a man *convicted* of raping a 7 year old child many times over the course of several years. Click HERE!
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I really couldn't believe what i was reading thank-you for giving me the link to read,
I really dont think i would of believed ya if you just posted about it..........................
60 days or less this is unbelievable, he will be free to do it all again.
What is this world coming to, that you cant even rely on the justice system to protect

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John 10: 10 The devil exist and Working.
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Yes, I understand you would not have believed me. So, I'll have to give you another link for you to believe me when I say there are people saying Judge Cashman did the right thing. Just look below at the link to the idiocy. How could this be you ask??? Because the prison system in Vermont (a very liberal state) doesn't offer medical TREATMENT for child rapists.. So the judge releases him so he can get treatment. Poor guy.
For the link to the editorial in a Vermont newspaper this came from click HERE! What's next? Treatment for murderers? Bank robbers? Maybe some of our left leaning Greasespotters here will come to their senses when they see this.
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That truly sickens me, That these people get 60 days for such a harrowing crime to our Children.
The fact they can release them rather than lock them up for a crime that deserves life.
Then pay for them to recieve treatment, that none of them want, again at the cost of us the Tax Payers.
Iam a nurse here in UK, I see terrible abuse commited to children and the elderly that would make
some people vomit, but then to think that these people that commit such crimes get to walk free
sickens and angers me.
I guess i should be thankful that at least here a child offender would not WALK FREE WITHIN 60 days, It sends out wrong messages to the criminals, so they can continue doing these awful things cause they know the punishment does not fit the crime.
Is nobody standing up for the justice system there in Vermont, surely this Judge Cashman
cant continue to be so leaniant.
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Sad and sick and it happens every day here in the U.S. I was just reading the Courts section this past weekend and read about someone convicted of 3RD offense domestic violence - got less than a month. Somone else convicted of 2nd degree sexual assault on a minor, got about 60 days.
But God forbid you get busted with a joint, for that you will get years!
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J0nny Ling0
No ..... And I don't even like marijuana. I swear, if there was a guy like the one in the article above living nearby, I would be tempted to assasinate him. They should not be allowed to live after something like that. How many times have we read about repeat offenders that rape and then kill their second time around? We read about it over and over and over. Makes me sick. There was that sweet and beautiful college girl up in North Dakota last winter murdered and raped by a "released sex offender". Someone's lovely little girl off to college! The little seven year old girl mentioned above who was raped and then buried alive by the previously convicted sex offender down in Florida. And on and on and on, and on!!
I say cut their nuts off, make 'em suffer and then shoot them between the eyes and bury them. But maybe, like the Brits did back in the 1800's (the brutes!), hang their decomposing bodies in a public place for all to see as a warning, like they did to Captain Kidd the pirate at the mouth of the Thames!
Oh, but we're more civilized now days, and the perpetrators have their "rights". Hey Mary Poppins, try and find the song "I got Rights" by Hank Williams Jr. It may not make your local wrong "right", but, it is a song that seriously expresses your opinion, and may make you smile. We The People believe in justice, but somehow, the idiots who believe that these scum have "rights" are in power. Why is that? Well, I believe that the answer to this is simple. The one responsible for this is the
I think Kaiser Soze' had it right:
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people that he doesn't exist......"
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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With guys like that I think they should be released into the General Population of the prison and let general prison population do what they have tried to do with Charles Manson over the years and what they did accomplish with JeffreyDahmer ........... I am not to into liberal judges either.
There is also the serial killer in the state of Washington that would not chose between Hanging and Lethal Injection when he was sentenced to death so the judge chose hanging for him ........ The guy got so fat while on deathrow when it came to carry out his death sentence that if he was hung it would be considered cruel and unusual punishment or something to that manner because his head and body would be seperated do to his obesity.
The State or Judge chose this punishment so they could not fall back on the lethal injection option and thus the Obese Serial Killer was stayed his death sentence because he was to fat. Does anyone remember this? It was during the last decade or so and I can't seem to find the information on the net but I do recall reading about it in the papers here ......... I put in Deathrow, Washington State, Obesity and Hanging and could not find this account ....... can anyone help me with a search on it ..........?
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Jonny i'm with ya on cut there nuts off make 'em suffer, just like they make there victim suffer
not just at the act of the crime, but many suffer for life............................................................
The perpetrators should have no rights, they took the victims rights and freewill choice away, so
why should they be treated like the victim.
Obviously we know who is behind all this, We are told the world will wax worse and worse, but
when it actually hits so close to home it really hurts, jonny i will look that song up thanks.
Yes i remember that one, the greatest trick the devil ever pulls, is to make us think hes not there at all
Reading and Seeing these crimes reminds us that he is there, and obviously in power, within the judicial

ABIGAIL I'm sorry that i laughed at your statement but how true it is. Just shows they have all
lost the plot completely,
But God forbid you get busted with a joint, for that you will get years!
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God's way of dealing with ultimate evil wasn't rehabilitation, it was a flood.
Man needs to recognize ultimate evil...period!
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From what I understand about prisons is that men who abuse childrin tend to be abused in prison. In this way the punishment fits the crime.
Personally I would just take them down to the river and shoot them. Let the body just lie there and rot. A few bodies pile up and you have no more problems.
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Watered Garden
Allan, I think Galatian 5:12 would be where I'd start if punishing these monsters was up to me.
We had a case in Ohio a few years back, where a predator living in the neighborhood kidnapped and raped a little girl, and was preparing to move away from where he was staying, and had actually been in the process of keeping her tied up in the attic, but was working to wall up the space, so she would be sealed off and left to die of starvation, bound and gagged and helpless. Well, the SOB was caught, girl was rescued, and he was convicted and sent to prison, where he was promptly (less than 1 year) murdered. Sometimes the bad guys know more about justice that the good guys, who are so concerned about rehabilitating the sick little fellows who perpetrate these crimes.
Digi, I remember that case quite well, lived out there at the time. Clever SOB!
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Watered Garden
And yet again...
The editorial about how the system failed these inmates...I think the inmates failed the system...I have read and been told many times that many sex offenses are not treatable. LIke the fat guy in WA state, these offenders learn how to work the "system" to their advantage, go to group therapy, take medication, appear contrite, get out early and go grab a little kid again, only this time have even more fun.
This sympathetic judge has no idea that he is loosing on innocent children some of the most vicous human beings alive today. They don't get help, they don't get treatment. They don't get cured. They just get worse. I think we should sell Vermont to Canada!
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I still believe the demons can sit 'dormant' for awhile before 'striking' again.
Very good with the Galatians verse and I'd probably finish it off with Matthew 18: 6 !!
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J0nny Ling0
I went down to the Mary Carter paint store
I said give me one of them Smith and Wesson magnum forty fours,
Cause there's a man that the law let loose, and justice was not done...
This man killed my wife and my- only little son...
I'll never forget the way he looked all through the trial.
He had his big named lawyer, and he had that "smirkey smile"...
Oh yeah he got you off on a tech-ni-cali-tee,
But you'll have to grow wings and fly to ever get away from me!
Cause I got rights, yeah I got rights too!
And this time there won't be no [/i]damn lawyer and system to pro-tect you..
But I'm gonna read you, I'm gonna read you your rights
You gotta right to know, that you're gonna go, to hell one of these black nights!
(Black sounding guitar solo)
When the trial was over he had the nerve to say; "That's the way it goes"
I said "Well hoss you better get you some corks
Cause you're gonna have to plug up a few holes",
Guess he thought I was talkin' just to pass away time,
But it kinda looks different now on his knees beggin' for his life!
Hey I got rights I got some rights too...
No this time there ain't no damn lawyers and systems to save you!
-Hank Williams Jr.
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Really sick world we live in :(
Babysitters jailed for baby rape
Two babysitters have been jailed for raping a 12-week-old baby girl and taking pictures of the abuse.
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It makes you wonder about the judge doesn't it. I figure when they let the abuser off easy it's because they are an incestor or sexaul abuser of children.
I think the judge should go to prison - right along with the abuser!!!!
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This is again here in the UK..... But....... at least our judge recognised the crime and He got life.
Now we have to take care of him.
He will not get treatment, but if the other inmates get a hold of him, he may need hospital treatment.
Edited by marypoppinsLink to comment
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J0nny Ling0
"He will not get treatment, but if the other inmates get a hold of him, he may need hospital treatment."
Hopefully MP, hopefully...
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Yes, it makes one wonder about the judge. I'm not so worried about his "sexual" (rape is about a lot more than sex) proclivities as I am his lack of sound mind and judicial temperment as its called. A man that doesn't "believe" in punushment is a judge in Vermont? This whole thread could get moved to the Politics Forum but this is a prime example of the thinking of liberals.
And what is that exactly in this case? 1) that perps in jail are victims, too, and deserve treatment and 2) punishment doesn't work. You hear all kinds of permutations of the last one, Edi. Things, like "capital punishment has been proven not to work". It's not only stupid, it's illogical. If the cops start shooting speeders on the interstate and it becomes known, you will have a LOT less speeding on the interstates. Believe me. And I don't ask folks to take a lot "on faith".
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