what will the date january 9, 2006 mean? (that's tomorrow, btw, and i'm about to go to sleep) - but, if i wake up breathing - then it's a good day in my book.
What will the date 06-06-2006 mean when it comes I say it just be another day closer to the return of Christ and the end of all things but what do you say?
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
There's a little problem with your question.
Which calendar should we be using when considering the question...
The Gregorian Calendar, upon which we base our current reckoning of time, was not implemented until 1582.
The Julian Calendar was in use at that time...so if we were to remain consistent, the day 6-6-2006 (Julian) would be 6-19-2006 (Gregorian), by our reckoning.
Of course, we could be talking about the Old Roman Calendar...in which case 6-6-2006 (Roman) would have happened on 11 June 1253 (Gregorian) or 4 June 1253 (Julian -- since that was the calendar scheme in effect at that time).
Having said that, we could be talking the Hebrew Calendar...in which case, if my calculations are correct, 6-6-2006 (Hebrew) would have been approx. 5 Aug 1754BC (Gregorian).
And, on the other hand, if we're talking the Islamic Calendar, then 6-6-2006 (Hijri) won't happen until 5-4-2568 (Gregorian).
So which calendar do you choose to use to calculate such an auspicious date?
Personally, I think it would be wise to consider the above before wasting any time on figuring the significance of a date one way or another...
Perhaps Roy is interested in knowing if anyone has attached particular significance to this numerical occurrence based on some Way teaching which at one time had a fascination with "numbers in scripture". I recall Bullinger's book on the topic.
By the way for those interested in that , there is a free, online verion at http://philologos.org/__eb-nis/chap01.htm#15 . Note this is NOT an endorsement of it just to point out that its there.
There have been different calendaring systems in use throughout the centuries so numerical conincidences are more the result of man made calendars than any divine activity or schedule. I recall once seeing a cashier total up someone's order and it came to $6.66 and the customer looked at the cashier as if she were evil and the cashier looked at the customer with the same view. I guess each thought the other was the anti-christ.
OFM, I'll definitely take you up on your offer to cook, but you'll have to have your finger out of your ear by then! ;)
Oh, Ted, I can hardly wait to hear those!! Will Locked In For Three Days The Baby Is Due 2-2007 explain how that can happen when it's 100 degrees outside with 100% humidity?
The only think I can figure is those parents musta been some of the few with power or a generator.
We can put sleeping bags down on the floor in the living room and the Florida Room and just have one huge slumber party, too!
There's TONS of Floridians on the board here and who wouldn't want to come to Florida for a bonafide Hurricane Party? Now, the 6th is on a Tuesday....would we rather do it the week-end before or the week-end after instead?
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J0nny Ling0
I think that it will mean that it is June 6, 2006.
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It will be my 26th wedding anniversary.
Hiya Roy...good to see you. :)
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June 6, 2006 means there are only 4 more shopping days until my birthday!
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Well, lessee. That's on a Tuesday, right??
Means another week of work for me (My work week begins on Tuesday.)
But with those 3 *sixes* there -- it could be a bad day at work!
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what will the date january 9, 2006 mean? (that's tomorrow, btw, and i'm about to go to sleep) - but, if i wake up breathing - then it's a good day in my book.
sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof
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If I'm not mistaken...it's the day after the 5th, right?
By the way, I may be guessing, but I bet you the 7th follows after the 6th
Ah, I checked the calendar and it does...isn't it amazing how they get the numbers right year after year?
No man knows the hour
Have a blessed day/evening/night
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The day I have marked on my calendar is 6/6/6666
I'm stayin' in bed that day!
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J0nny Ling0
It also means that there are only two shopping days left to my sons birfday which is June 9, and he will be a big 10 years old...
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It's the day before payday!
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There's a little problem with your question.
Which calendar should we be using when considering the question...
The Gregorian Calendar, upon which we base our current reckoning of time, was not implemented until 1582.
The Julian Calendar was in use at that time...so if we were to remain consistent, the day 6-6-2006 (Julian) would be 6-19-2006 (Gregorian), by our reckoning.
Of course, we could be talking about the Old Roman Calendar...in which case 6-6-2006 (Roman) would have happened on 11 June 1253 (Gregorian) or 4 June 1253 (Julian -- since that was the calendar scheme in effect at that time).
Having said that, we could be talking the Hebrew Calendar...in which case, if my calculations are correct, 6-6-2006 (Hebrew) would have been approx. 5 Aug 1754BC (Gregorian).
And, on the other hand, if we're talking the Islamic Calendar, then 6-6-2006 (Hijri) won't happen until 5-4-2568 (Gregorian).
So which calendar do you choose to use to calculate such an auspicious date?
Personally, I think it would be wise to consider the above before wasting any time on figuring the significance of a date one way or another...
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Is there gonna be a party? If there's not gonna be any party then I don't really care.
Is this like Cinco de Mayo only Seis de Junio? Should we start a new tradition?
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It's also the 6th day of the new hurricane season. We could have a hurricane party. There's always time for one of those in Florida.
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Perhaps Roy is interested in knowing if anyone has attached particular significance to this numerical occurrence based on some Way teaching which at one time had a fascination with "numbers in scripture". I recall Bullinger's book on the topic.
By the way for those interested in that , there is a free, online verion at http://philologos.org/__eb-nis/chap01.htm#15 . Note this is NOT an endorsement of it just to point out that its there.
There have been different calendaring systems in use throughout the centuries so numerical conincidences are more the result of man made calendars than any divine activity or schedule. I recall once seeing a cashier total up someone's order and it came to $6.66 and the customer looked at the cashier as if she were evil and the cashier looked at the customer with the same view. I guess each thought the other was the anti-christ.
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Belle I'm with you on that one!
Roy I wouldn't worry too much about the date if I were you, there is not much anyone could do if the devil himself pops out of the ground.
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Who?? Docvic? :unsure: :unsure:
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Moony, that sounds like a WONDERFUL idea!! I'll even host it! I know the perfect band to invite!
Hurricane Party - Belle's House - 06/06/06 - 06:06pm
*edited to reduce image size*
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Cool!! I'll let Ted know (cause he'll be down here by then) and maybe he can do some of his old favorites like:
This is Just the Beginning (of the season)
The Hurricane Across the Street.
The Attic of Your House (is gone)
And who can forget:
Ready to Go (Evacuate)
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6 June 2006 means that it is, 202 shopping days till Christmas.
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Hey Belle...what was that address again?
I should due another R & R by then...I'll even cook!
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TED Ferrell
6- 6- 2006 yep Belle and Moony we do need to have a it's here hurricane season party I will even write some new tunes how about.
1.Raf Keep On Tracking
2.The Cone Took My Phone
3.House Hunting AGAIN!!!
4.I Used To Live In Largo But Got Moved To Orlando
5.21 Days Without Power
5.If You Stay Pray
6.Should All Else Go Hang On To The Coffee Pot.
7.I Don't Have Insurance Blues
8.No Mail Delivery Today
9.Why Oh Why Did I Ever Leave Ohio
10 Locked In For Three Days The Baby Is Due 2-2007
Hey that will work
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How about
If You Got the Coffee Pot, I Got the Generator
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OFM, I'll definitely take you up on your offer to cook, but you'll have to have your finger out of your ear by then! ;)
Oh, Ted, I can hardly wait to hear those!! Will Locked In For Three Days The Baby Is Due 2-2007 explain how that can happen when it's 100 degrees outside with 100% humidity?
The only think I can figure is those parents musta been some of the few with power or a generator.
We can put sleeping bags down on the floor in the living room and the Florida Room and just have one huge slumber party, too!
There's TONS of Floridians on the board here and who wouldn't want to come to Florida for a bonafide Hurricane Party?
Now, the 6th is on a Tuesday....would we rather do it the week-end before or the week-end after instead?
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God first
Beloved likeaneagle, Jonny Lingo, CoolWaters, bowtwi, dmiller, nellie, socks, Jonny Lingo, moony3424, markomalley, Belle, diazbro, herbiejuan, and Zshot, and TED Ferrel
God loves you my dear friend
good to see you too CoolWaters
yes which calendar
My food as ran up tp $6.66 hope am not evil
you mean the devil not in a bottle
looks like a lot of big days coming even a party
great tones coming
sorry to all it took me time to answer I forget to check receive Emails when replys come then I forgot I wrote it sorry my dear friends
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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