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Internet Addiction


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Isn't there a little bit of irony on having a website devoted to the task of overcoming internet addiction? Well here it is:


I've gone back and forth on this. I've often wondered whether my time on-line is too much, but then again it's not really taking me away from anything, except maybe before I started spending as much time on-line as I do now, I had more of a social life, or at least made more of an effort to go places to be with people. I still spend as much time with my family as before, and with the people who are most important to me. It's some of the others who I've drifted away from. Now I just nudge my mouse, and viola, people and choices and knowledge and resources appear instantaneously. And that has left me more connected and more isolated than before. I don't know if that's good or bad or neither. Maybe just different.

GreaseSpot is the only site I visit with any frequency. In a way I can't explain or don't understand, it keeps me connected to a part of me that believed, really believed, in the goodness of life. And to the people who I once knew, or maybe never knew. I haven't figured that part out yet.

But still . . . how much is too much? Ever wonder?

Or is this whole idea of "internet addiction" the brainchild of some enterprising (and computer savvy) psychologist who saw an opportunity, and created a diagnosis to support a new industry?

Edited by laleo
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After you have identified the category that fits your total score, look back at those questions for which your scored a 4 or 5.

Did you realize this was a significant problem for you? For example, if you answered 4 (often) to Question #2 regarding your neglect of household chores, were you aware of just how often your dirty laundry piles up or how empty the refrigerator gets?


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GreaseSpot is the only site I visit with any frequency.

In a way I can't explain or don't understand, it keeps me connected to a part of me that believed,

really believed, in the goodness of life.

And to the people who I once knew, or maybe never knew. I haven't figured that part out yet.

Yea -- me too. I actually made GSCafe my *home-page*, so that when I log on, I can get right to the *action* I care about! :)

God bless us GreaseSpotters -- each and every one. ;)

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The test is flawed from the beginning as there is no "Never" option to any of the questions.

I spend 8-12 hours a day on line but, my job is to maintain and design custom software. So I would guess I probably spend more time on line than the most prolific poster on this site.

But then, I'm getting paid for it. :)


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Krys, Some of those pictures are amazing, even though I'm not entirely sure what I was watching. I'd like to see that again on an Omnimax screen, with a voice-over guiding me through it. Do they change the video often enough to make an addiction worthwhile?

Bluzeman, Take heart. If they manage to get internet addiction listed as a mental disorder, you'll be protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act, so your employer (if you have one) won't be able to fire you for all the time and effort it takes to post those links on the Nostalgia thread. In fact, you'll be compensated through your health insurance.

And dmiller, an empty refrigerator is probably to your advantage, since you don't have to clean it as often, but put on a fresh shirt every once in awhile, will ya? Don't want to draw flies to the place.

Ala, you're a brave soul. I haven't taken the test yet. I'm afraid of what I might find out about myself.

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Addicted? Moi?? ..... Nahhhh. I can leave any time I want. Anytime. ....

that's if I want to leave, that is.

Nope. No problem whatsoever. .......

...... So what am I still doing here? .... Well, uhh, .... cuz, ... just cuz .....

Not that I have a problem, mind you.

Nope, .... not me ............


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  Bluzeman said:
The test is flawed from the beginning as there is no "Never" option to any of the questions.


Right, the lowest possible score is 20, and they say that is average usage ... and you may spend too much time online at times ... :confused:

I guess they figure if you have time to take their biased test, you are spending too much time online ... maybe they have a point. lol

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