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The Way Decorators


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Man -- I never realized your house had to look a *certain way* to hold a twig there.

We (my ex and I) held twigs here for a coupla years, and never changed nuthin. :)

She's a weaver, so some of her wall-hangings were on the walls. We NEVER had pics of docvic (or BOT, etc.) on the walls, but those of nature, and things we liked.

When folks came to twig here, they came to OUR house, not some sterile environment.

TV stayed in the living room, books stayed on the shelves, no way mags *on display*, coffee available for those that wanted it, tea for those that did not like coffee (everyone had cup in hand during fellowship), and if ya wanted to hang around after fellowship --- beer in the fridge (Leinenkugel long-necks).

Smoking was allowed on the back porch where (beers in hand), we would talk about the teaching we just had, what we had been learning during the past few days, yada yada.

Some folks in town had their houses all *done up* with the twi paraphenalia, but I (in my ignorance), thought that was just how they lived, and what they preferred.

Edited by dmiller
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[quote seriously i have heard from reliable sources that people even raked their carpets, and even ones at rut locales, to make those fibers line up according to god's word

Guilty as charged.......Exie

Raking carpets in the 70's was popular for those long shags we had a rake at the branch house I think it was there when we moved in. Anyway I remember raking the carpet there,mostly to get the body prints around the fireplace out from our dates the night before. Pitch the wine bottle and rake the carpet and we were good to go. Don't ask about beer shots and the Limb TV.......

Edited by WhiteDove
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  Yanagisawa said:
I lived with a Limb leader who, though nearly illiterate, bought The Harvard Classics because he thought they looked impressive in his office.

how can i forget, the harvard classics... ppl started getting into them after LCM's advanced class..

ppl who didn't even read them. they'd buy a nice bookcase with glass on it, and stuff the untouched H/classics in there.

LCM wannabes were the most annoying ppl ever. dont get me wrong, as a kid i idolized him, but i never tried to be him....

i remember one corpse graduation, LCM had a gotee(sp?). Over half the guys the exact style gotee he did, and a bunch of them went by first initial Middle name Last name... just like L. Craig Martindale.

we watched it on video, we were all lol'ing the whole time...

One of my friends who used to clean LCM's cabin said :

"If we put one glass out of order on a shelf he'd get ....ed."

They then made the statement:

"That man lives at another level, i couldn't live like that."

They said it like they were in awe of him...

of course my reply at the time was,,,, 'thats why he's the man of god" -i was so dumb.

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One of my friends who used to clean LCM's cabin said :

"If we put one glass out of order on a shelf he'd get ....ed."

They then made the statement:

"That man lives at another level, i couldn't live like that."

They said it like they were in awe of him...

of course my reply at the time was,,,, 'thats why he's the man of god" -i was so dumb.

frikkin priceless
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  Catcup said:
Welcome, doglover!

Anything not related to The Way International out in public view was frowned upon.

Mxrk Wxllxce never wanted to see drainboards (even empty ones) on the kitchen counters or anything whatsoever on top of your refrigerator! And certainly nothing magneted to the front, either, unless it was neatly discreetly organized.

Been around, never seen this degree of BS since J*hn N#ve.

"I'm gonna boogalize ya..."

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In residence, I was one of the "back room girls". I know that sounds awful, but basically my responsibilities were to make sure the room (adjacent to the chapel or the auditorium) was in PERFECT condition, and to make tea for the big shots. Yes, we RAKED the carpet. And I'm talking about the early 90's, not the 70's, and the carpets were NOT shag carpets. They were just regular carpets, but the raking removed the tracks that the vacuum cleaner made.

Another LAW was that the edges on both sides of a towel had to be folded inward, before you hung the towel on the rack. God forbid that you should just fold a towel in half and then hang it up!

Also, we could not spray windex on a window, or furniture polish on the furniture. No. The cleaning solution was to be sprayed on to a rag, and then the rag applied to the window or furniture. I was yelled at viciously for doing this the wrong way.

Books on a shelf had to be lined up according to the heigth of the books. Tall ones with tall ones, and shorter ones with shorter ones. Center pieces on a table had to sit directly under the hanging lamp. If it was off-center, heads would roll. The bottom edge of napkins had to be one finger width from the edge of the table. Mints were to be counted, usually just seven in a candy dish, because numbers like six or eleven would invite devil spirits into the "leadership's" environment. Candle wicks had to be trimmed before lighting, and all scented candles had to have their scents approved before using in the back room.

And I remember one poor corps sister of mine, who had the painful honor of being the "Corps Buddy" for LCM when he visited the Indiana Campus. This means that she was his hostess, taking care of his personal belongings and his suite. This girl got reamed in front of the whole corps ... because she hung his clothes in the closet without putting shirts all together and pants all together and jackets all together. Instead, she hung them up, mixing shirts with pants, etc. You would have thought she had murdered LCM's kids or something. Talk about Obsessive-Compulsive !!!

I'm embarrassed to say that I still find myself doing some of this stuff. But you can be assured that my house is now full of color and music and animals and wicker furniture and Indian rugs. My oldest son advised me, "Whatever they told you to do, do the opposite". I have followed that suggestion in so many categories, INCLUDING DECORATING MY HOME.

If you're not in the Way, don't go there. If you're in it ..... ESCAPE NOW before they program you into folding the toilet paper into little triangles !!! -Xena

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Lol me too excathedra....whenever my husband frowns upon the disorder in my home the four cats, the iguanas, turtles fish.... dogs....the horses.....the lack of grass in the yard hee hee hee

I just tell him that I am in open rebellian against anythin deemed spiritual in twi :rolleyes:

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It still amazes me the depth of the anal retentiveness of the upper leadership.

In 1982 when on HQ staff, a small group of folks from the research department (probably about 4-5 couples) got together for Thanksgiving dinner at Schoenheit's house. I made the Turkey and gravy, other folks made the side dishes, we used the Schoenheit's china and Bx and Sxxxxxx Rxxxxxd brought their sterling silver.

Bx had each and every piece taped with his name on the back, hovered over it, and made sure to count each piece he took out of the bag and placed back in it. I can understand keeping track of it-- the stuff ain't cheap. But the hovering made me feel uneasy, as if we were not trusted and he thought it would be stolen.

Later on someone who did his housekeeping told me that this was normal for him, and that the man knows the household inventory down to exactly how many socks he has in his drawer. And, they are lined up neatly according to color.

I never did back room detail, but I did do housekeeping at the Indiana campus while in residence. I never ran into the spray the cloth not the furniture instructions there, but I did later on when I purchased some pricey wood furniture from a high end store. They recommended using their own brand of polish and gave instructions to apply it directly to the cloth but never the furniture. The one time I put it directly on the furniture, I was sorry I did, because it actually left drip marks in the finish that I can't get out. So I suppose it does make a difference how you do that, depending on the chemical and finish used on the furniture.

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..............oh and make sure the horn -o--plenty is passed around "open side" toward the person, (clockwise of course), this was to represent "God's abundance coming back to ya".

I always liked holding it by the butt though........(((shrug))))

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I used to be an administrative assistant to my Department coordingator who was als on the Trustee Cabinet. With that position came the "privilege" to clean his office. He had quite a few pictures and knick-knacks on his desk. One day I came in on a Monday after I cleaned over the weekend to him being peesed off that I hadn't put things EXACTLY as he had them before. I stopped cleaning weekly, and he never noticed. I might take glass cleaner to the main areas he touched and that was it. I didn't dust the bookshelves for weeks at a time. He never noticed that.....interesting.

I remember martinfail saying at lunch that his secretary at the time would never put things back in the exact spot, and he would spend time putting them back. He seemed to laugh about it at the time. He was laughing at his own anal-retentiveness I guess because he said nobody would ever be able to put them back the way he liked them. I'm thinking: What the H are you focusing sooooooo much on how the items are placed. I suppose he didn't have anything else better to do.

Edited by Wayfer Not
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The pathetic reality of all of this is....that their anal attention to detail did NOTHING to help them be spiritually sharp or even minimally spiritual......as was claimed.

These are some of the sleaziest characters on the planet....and yet their attention to detail was what supposedly marked them as great and spiritually in tune with God.....

Like I said.....if lcm and vpw are the results of everything being decent and in order???? Give me disorder and clutter ANY day! :rolleyes:

Do you remember when it was noised abroad that vp liked Gene Stratton Porter books?

We all were scouring the antique store and flea markets for our own copies....though I`ll admit that I did love some of the stories.

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  bliss said:
..............oh and make sure the horn -o--plenty is passed around "open side" toward the person, (clockwise of course), this was to represent "God's abundance coming back to ya".

I always liked holding it by the butt though........(((shrug))))

Bliss, it only is natural to want to hold it that way IMHO. :biglaugh:

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  Catcup said:
It still amazes me the depth of the anal retentiveness of the upper leadership.

In hindsight, the reasons are obvious.


It's easy to require all the M & Ms sorted by position in the rainbow

when YOU'RE not the one handpicking them all.


If they were REALLY on matters of consequence, they would

have focused on THOSE. Since they dwelt on minutiae,

it's obvious they have nothing more important to dwell on.

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Later on someone who did his housekeeping told me that this was normal for him, and that the man knows the household inventory down to exactly how many socks he has in his drawer. And, they are lined up neatly according to color.

ROFL!!! Can someone say OCD here?? :biglaugh:

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We didn't have the chairs, but the books (except the Havard Classics), the dull posters, & the doillies...guilty.

The major exception that I fought constantly with leaders#!t with was a 8x10 b&w of my father in his Navy uniform (KIA 1969, Riverine Forces). Most of the local twits would ask if he was Army (they also wore a black beret). One a$$ (not even leaders#!t- a informant) said she didn't like those eyes staring at her like that, to which I yanked off my glasses, stood in her face, & replied "Ya mean, like THESE?"

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Wow, does this thread bring back yucky memories!!! All that extreme order was so out of order!!


Jxhn Nxve was another anal retentive. He's one who was reeeaaaaly weird, played lots of mind games. I sure felt sorry for Frxn. Maybe more on that later."

Names from the past... I just met up with her last year. Hadn't seen her since they were in the Corps back in the 70's. The girl looks the same after all these years.
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