The more I think about it, time spent together would be best; however time will tell if she is M & A me. I will definitely let you all know how it works out. Thank you all again.
The more I think about it, time spent together would be best; however time will tell if she is M & A me. I will definitely let you all know how it works out. Thank you all again.
One thing that I try to remember when I read missives like that from people still associated with the Way...
We were once where they are now. But we aren't any longer.
She might be harboring doubts of her own, and may be trying, via Wayspeak, to communicate with someone whom she knows is no longer required to parrot TWI edicts.
In any case, should you choose to pursue this, keep your ears open, your mind alert, and your heart guarded.
As far as "See Ya At The Bema",
I have no problem with the phrase *See Ya At The Bema*. far as that phrase goes ---*See ya at the bema*
it's just one more way to say *see ya later!*
We used to have a saying when we parted, "See you here, there, or in the air!" But this was a generally friendly farewell, rather than an oblique way of saying, "P1$$ off!"
We used to have a saying when we parted, "See you here, there, or in the air!" But this was a generally friendly farewell, rather than an oblique way of saying, "P1$$ off!"
Hi Kevlar,
I know this particular person and this was not the same as here there or in the air. She really meant that she would not see me until the Bema. It is however contridictory to her first statement of M & A.
So when I do call her I will tell her that I thougt it was great that there is no more M & A (God that sounds like S & M) and I thought we could get together. Of course the TWI spies may already know who she is and I just might get M & A'd again. hahaha
I know this particular person and this was not the same as here there or in the air. She really meant that she would not see me until the Bema. It is however contridictory to her first statement of M & A.
Ahhh. So I misunderstood it also. I do agree about it contradicting the first statement.
I agree with other posters here that say to go ahead and write her back and gave some examples. I once wrote a letter to a TWI member a few years after departing and got a response from her saying that unless I followed TWI and admitted that LCM was the MOG that I was not to write to her again.
I wrote to her again and basically said that I was not giving her the last word on that and that I do not follow the corrupt practices of TWI and no one tells me who the MOG is unless they are speaking of Jesus Christ. I also told her I did not appreciate the hostile nature of her letter and advised her to NEVER write another like that again. Then I told her I had no problem not contacting her after this.
But I knew I couldn't win mine over. I thought hitting her hard right back was the only appropriate action.
But yours sounds at least a little nicer, which is why I recommend not only writing her back but inviting her to dinner at your place or a weekend together somewhere away from TWI.
I think that we should fellowship with the innies. To tell them the truth as much as possible. Also we need to love each other. That the devil do not divide us any more!
I think that we should fellowship with the innies. To tell them the truth as much as possible. Also we need to love each other. That the devil do not divide us any more!
Actually from her letter it's more like "when Dr. Wierwille" ran the ministry and we are no more M & A. So you really should hang with the innies. Maybe some of them would really welcome being with those who left so they can get updated on what's really going on in their own lives. hahahahahahahahahahaha
( From an innie ) This is how I see it now. I lived through all the anal stuff. I'm not blinded to what all happened. A lot happened to a lot of good people. For the people that stuck it out - well it was hard. BUT it is getting better. Almost all of the legal stuff is gone. The only beef I have is with the debt issue. IF...... owing a mortgage is wrong, it certainly doesn't say for the church to get in people's private biz.
Depending on where you live things have gotten really good. My fellowship (twig) is awesome - we through the box out the door. There are still some areas where the legalism is there a little. It didn't get there over night - it's best to allow healing time for all involved. It does take time. It's almost like you have to go through the healing process just like the people who left. The hurt does hit eventually and at different degrees. BUT the healing IS taking place.
I've made many apologizes in the last several years. In a lot of cases, it has taken for someone to hurt you like you've hurt someone, to really know how you've affected others.
There's been a big softening. I haven't heard yelling, there are no more calls saying "we need to meet" for a long time now. If things come up we do it over dinner with mutal respect and great concern. At the end of the day it's left at "it's up to you" I'll help you just let me know how and when.
I know it's hard to believe that this is true - espec. those of us who had to deal with mogfot for so long.
As for the letter - those of you who got "m&A" remember this little scenario. You saw a "believer" somewhere out and about. They completely ignored you - right . You were "evil" not to be talked to, etc. Why now would someone who thought you were evil suddenly come around? Having gone through some of the same things the person in the letter wrote - I loved the people that undershep. me, I miss them and still love them, s.i.t .for them as I do ALL my family. Maybe, she didn't express it correctly, but she knows the way things were handled in the past were very wrong. Remember, we are healing at different degrees and slowly but surely - changing our thoughts back to the love of God and his word- not some MOGFART (I'm sorry mogfot).
Depending on where you live things have gotten really good. My fellowship (twig) is awesome - we through the box out the door. There are still some areas where the legalism is there a little. It didn't get there over night - it's best to allow healing time for all involved. It does take time.
Hey there djs. :) :)
Welcome to Greasespot. From the above quote, it sounds like twig works for you.
If if does, that's great. May it continue.
Feel free to stick around and read the articles.
We're pretty open about where we are at these days, too.
As for the letter - those of you who got "m&A" remember this little scenario. You saw a "believer" somewhere out and about. They completely ignored you - right . You were "evil" not to be talked to, etc. Why now would someone who thought you were evil suddenly come around? Having gone through some of the same things the person in the letter wrote - I loved the people that undershep. me, I miss them and still love them, s.i.t .for them as I do ALL my family. Maybe, she didn't express it correctly, but she knows the way things were handled in the past were very wrong. Remember, we are healing at different degrees and slowly but surely - changing our thoughts back to the love of God and his word- not some MOGFART (I'm sorry mogfot).
From a different prospective,
That's all well and good, djs, but if TWI believes what they did with their m&a and related policies was wrong, don't you think they could "help the healing" along a little better and take the onus off of their believers?
Why is it up to Joe Believer to continue to make excuses for The Way's past policies and tell people how much better it is now? If Joe Believer didn't make these policies, why should Joe Believer have to deal with the clean-up?
The Way International should deal with it themselves by writing a letter of admission regarding every one of their damaging policies and apology for the damages incurred to every person who has ever been involved in the ministry. I worked for Auntie Em, I did the all-mailings. TWI has the ability to contact people if they want to bad enough.
The only reason they haven't so far is because we simply aren't that important to them. Or, ah, yes, we remain a legal liability. Because if they admitted what they did was wrong, then they'd have to pay for the resulting damages.
A formal, engraved letter of apology to each and every person who was ever in TWI admitting all their past sins and abuses would be more-or-less meaningless.
The basic, fundamental theology embraced by TWI is flawed. It is auto-idolatrous. (worship of self) -- they are no better, and in many cases, far worse than such Word-Faith preachers as Benny Hinn, Robert Tipton, and Jim Bakker. Until such time as they are able to fully renounce their flawed theological roots, fully re-examine each and every doctrine they have taught, and re-educate their entire leadership from the home fellowship level to the top of the pyramid on correct doctrine, they will be wrong, and they will be dangerous.
You said recently that you have been re-examining all your beliefs...well, they need to do exactly the same thing. Until such time as that happens (no, I'm not holding my breath), it doesn't matter what they say.
A formal, engraved letter of apology to each and every person who was ever in TWI admitting all their past sins and abuses would be more-or-less meaningless.
The basic, fundamental theology embraced by TWI is flawed. It is auto-idolatrous. (worship of self) -- they are no better, and in many cases, far worse than such Word-Faith preachers as Benny Hinn, Robert Tipton, and Jim Bakker. Until such time as they are able to fully renounce their flawed theological roots, fully re-examine each and every doctrine they have taught, and re-educate their entire leadership from the home fellowship level to the top of the pyramid on correct doctrine, they will be wrong, and they will be dangerous.
I totally agree........any twi apology would be meaningless to me.
My heavenly Father knows my heart......and my actions throughout my twi tenure. I walked away from twi to uphold my spiritual integrity. I certainly do NOT need twi to endorse THEIR WRONGDOINGS to me.
When justice is at hand, twi leadership will be accountable to God Almighty.
I totally agree........any twi apology would be meaningless to me.
My heavenly Father knows my heart......and my actions throughout my twi tenure. I walked away from twi to uphold my spiritual integrity. I certainly do NOT need twi to endorse THEIR WRONGDOINGS to me.
Those were pretty noble intentions.
When justice is at hand, twi leadership will be accountable to God Almighty.
That suits me just fine.
It's not up to me to determine who will receive retribution and who won't.
God is merciful, and if one calls on His name even at the hour of death, He will forgive. So my prayer is not for divine retribution, it's for authentic repentence on the part of the leadership, past and present. Until such time as they do so, though, not just for their abuses, but also for their heresy, then TWI remains a dangerous outfit with which to be associated.
A formal, engraved letter of apology to each and every person who was ever in TWI admitting all their past sins and abuses would be more-or-less meaningless.
The basic, fundamental theology embraced by TWI is flawed. It is auto-idolatrous. (worship of self) -- they are no better, and in many cases, far worse than such Word-Faith preachers as Benny Hinn, Robert Tipton, and Jim Bakker. Until such time as they are able to fully renounce their flawed theological roots, fully re-examine each and every doctrine they have taught, and re-educate their entire leadership from the home fellowship level to the top of the pyramid on correct doctrine, they will be wrong, and they will be dangerous.
You said recently that you have been re-examining all your beliefs...well, they need to do exactly the same thing. Until such time as that happens (no, I'm not holding my breath), it doesn't matter what they say.
I couldn't agree more regarding their need to re examine their beliefs, but like you, I'm not holding my breath. But to acknowledge their wrongdoing is a start. Again, I'm not holding my breath.
The pattern of damaging others while accepting no accountability for the hurt, and changing only when it affects them personally or legally, reflects not only their dangerous doctrinal error, but also the sick psychology of the organization and it's top people.
To me, the fact that they have not publicly stated that they did "X" and it was WRONG so now they are doing "Y". They realistically CAN'T contact people individually, but they CAN make a blanket public apology on a STS or in the Way Rag or here on GSpot. It should come from the top, too.
We know that won't happen, though, and the reason it won't happen is because they aren't sorry. They don't care and those in charge with RFR at the helm are the ones primarily responsible for all the evils, wrongs and procuring victims for vee pee and craig.
This part of Catcup's post bears repeating:
The pattern of damaging others while accepting no accountability for the hurt, and changing only when it affects them personally or legally, reflects not only their dangerous doctrinal error, but also the sick psychology of the organization and it's top people.
( From an innie ) This is how I see it now. I lived through all the anal stuff. I'm not blinded to what all happened. A lot happened to a lot of good people.
What about the people who caused these innocent, good people to get hurt? What about the people who allowed women to be raped by LCM and vpw? What about the people who carried out “all the anal stuff”? They ARE still in power in TWI.
Do you know that D*ttie M*ynihan actually counselled women raped by vpw and craig martindale FOR DECADES and not once did she do anything to stop it. In fact, she denied having any knowledge of it to someone’s face until she got caught in her lie.
Do you know that RFR lied on the stand and that the judge stated that there was sufficient cause to believe that she was responsible for luring women into having sex with craig?
I’d say a lot of really good people had their lives ruined by those who are still in charge at TWI and they haven’t shown any Godly remorse for what they’ve done.
For the people that stuck it out - well it was hard.
Does it seem like any organization that’s truly of God would have to go through something they have to “stick it out”? What kind of “fruit” is that?
BUT it is getting better. Almost all of the legal stuff is gone.
Is that what they’re telling you? Have they told you how much of your ABS they’ve spent on all that legal stuff? Have they told you about all that legal stuff, or do you have to come here to read it?
The only beef I have is with the debt issue. IF...... owing a mortgage is wrong, it certainly doesn't say for the church to get in people's private biz.
BUT this “church” IS getting into people’s private biz and that’s “off the word”, is it not? Why follow a group who is obviously ignoring what God says in the Bible? Why follow a group who is obviously twisting some scripture to justify their action?
Depending on where you live things have gotten really good. My fellowship (twig) is awesome - we through the box out the door. There are still some areas where the legalism is there a little.
What happened to “One Body” and all being like-minded? Has that been thrown out the window after so much “chapter and verse” teachings on it?
There's been a big softening. I haven't heard yelling, there are no more calls saying "we need to meet" for a long time now. If things come up we do it over dinner with mutal respect and great concern. At the end of the day it's left at "it's up to you" I'll help you just let me know how and when. I know it's hard to believe that this is true - espec. those of us who had to deal with mogfot for so long.
DJS, there doesn’t have to be yelling involved for the abuse to be there. :( Have you read “The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse”? I highly recommend it! TWI does more to manipulate, oppress, control and abuse people than just by yelling at them.
As for the letter - those of you who got "m&A" remember this little scenario. You saw a "believer" somewhere out and about. They completely ignored you - right . You were "evil" not to be talked to, etc.
What has TWI said about M&A? Are we all now all of a sudden no longer possessed and evil? Have people been encouraged to contact long lost buddies, family and friends or are y’all doing this on your own?
Just a few more questions, if I may?
- When is Rosie stepping down? Wasn’t there something about the Pres. only serving for five years?
- Are they opening their financial books for everyone to see what’s really going on with YOUR ABS? All the churches I know allow any and every member to see their financial statements and budget at least once a year.
- Are you still restricted from taking the advanced class if you are in debt according to TWI standards?
- How many new people are coming?
- How many people are in the WC and going WD this year?
- Do you like Valentine’s Day cookies? (Are you allowed to say “Valentine”?)
I appreciate your post here, but I'd like to challenge you on something.
If things really have changed, if it really has softened up, if the legalism really is going away...
... then state your name.
I say this because it's my suspicion that you are still under the ministry's "control." You will be penalized for posting here, particularly for posting something that's not 1000% supportive of TWI's position. If I am wrong about this, then I am wrong. Such is life. I've been wrong many times before and will be again.
But if I am right, DJS, then you are not free, and the liberty you have in Christ has been usurped by an organization.
Every positive thing you cite is available outside of TWI. Every last one, plus the freedom to express yourself as you wish, without concern that someone will find out.
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My note was tongue in cheek, so no, I definitely do not recommend sending it, and yes, a little more tenderness would be appropriate. :)
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Gillian Rules
The more I think about it, time spent together would be best; however time will tell if she is M & A me. I will definitely let you all know how it works out. Thank you all again.
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Thanks, and good luck!! :)
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Hi Gillian,
One thing that I try to remember when I read missives like that from people still associated with the Way...
We were once where they are now. But we aren't any longer.
She might be harboring doubts of her own, and may be trying, via Wayspeak, to communicate with someone whom she knows is no longer required to parrot TWI edicts.
In any case, should you choose to pursue this, keep your ears open, your mind alert, and your heart guarded.
As far as "See Ya At The Bema",
We used to have a saying when we parted, "See you here, there, or in the air!" But this was a generally friendly farewell, rather than an oblique way of saying, "P1$$ off!"
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Gillian Rules
["As far as "See Ya At The Bema",
We used to have a saying when we parted, "See you here, there, or in the air!" But this was a generally friendly farewell, rather than an oblique way of saying, "P1$$ off!"
Hi Kevlar,
I know this particular person and this was not the same as here there or in the air. She really meant that she would not see me until the Bema. It is however contridictory to her first statement of M & A.
So when I do call her I will tell her that I thougt it was great that there is no more M & A (God that sounds like S & M) and I thought we could get together. Of course the TWI spies may already know who she is and I just might get M & A'd again. hahaha
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Ahhh. So I misunderstood it also. I do agree about it contradicting the first statement.
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I agree with other posters here that say to go ahead and write her back and gave some examples. I once wrote a letter to a TWI member a few years after departing and got a response from her saying that unless I followed TWI and admitted that LCM was the MOG that I was not to write to her again.
I wrote to her again and basically said that I was not giving her the last word on that and that I do not follow the corrupt practices of TWI and no one tells me who the MOG is unless they are speaking of Jesus Christ. I also told her I did not appreciate the hostile nature of her letter and advised her to NEVER write another like that again. Then I told her I had no problem not contacting her after this.
But I knew I couldn't win mine over. I thought hitting her hard right back was the only appropriate action.
But yours sounds at least a little nicer, which is why I recommend not only writing her back but inviting her to dinner at your place or a weekend together somewhere away from TWI.
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I think that we should fellowship with the innies. To tell them the truth as much as possible. Also we need to love each other. That the devil do not divide us any more!
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Gillian Rules
Actually from her letter it's more like "when Dr. Wierwille" ran the ministry and we are no more M & A. So you really should hang with the innies. Maybe some of them would really welcome being with those who left so they can get updated on what's really going on in their own lives. hahahahahahahahahahaha
Does that make sense?
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Nice sentiments themex.
I doubt if you'd find many/any of them still in
willing to do that though. <_<
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Well Mex, the "innies" threw me out. If I "fellowshipped" with them, I can't imagine being allowed to freely speak the "truth".
And btw, I don't believe in the devil.
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( From an innie ) This is how I see it now. I lived through all the anal stuff. I'm not blinded to what all happened. A lot happened to a lot of good people. For the people that stuck it out - well it was hard. BUT it is getting better. Almost all of the legal stuff is gone. The only beef I have is with the debt issue. IF...... owing a mortgage is wrong, it certainly doesn't say for the church to get in people's private biz.
Depending on where you live things have gotten really good. My fellowship (twig) is awesome - we through the box out the door. There are still some areas where the legalism is there a little. It didn't get there over night - it's best to allow healing time for all involved. It does take time. It's almost like you have to go through the healing process just like the people who left. The hurt does hit eventually and at different degrees. BUT the healing IS taking place.
I've made many apologizes in the last several years. In a lot of cases, it has taken for someone to hurt you like you've hurt someone, to really know how you've affected others.
There's been a big softening. I haven't heard yelling, there are no more calls saying "we need to meet" for a long time now. If things come up we do it over dinner with mutal respect and great concern. At the end of the day it's left at "it's up to you" I'll help you just let me know how and when.
I know it's hard to believe that this is true - espec. those of us who had to deal with mogfot for so long.
As for the letter - those of you who got "m&A" remember this little scenario. You saw a "believer" somewhere out and about. They completely ignored you - right . You were "evil" not to be talked to, etc. Why now would someone who thought you were evil suddenly come around? Having gone through some of the same things the person in the letter wrote - I loved the people that undershep. me, I miss them and still love them, s.i.t .for them as I do ALL my family. Maybe, she didn't express it correctly, but she knows the way things were handled in the past were very wrong. Remember, we are healing at different degrees and slowly but surely - changing our thoughts back to the love of God and his word- not some MOGFART (I'm sorry mogfot).
From a different prospective,
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Hey there djs. :)
Welcome to Greasespot. From the above quote, it sounds like twig works for you.
If if does, that's great. May it continue.
Feel free to stick around and read the articles.
We're pretty open about where we are at these days, too.
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Sorry Djs..if I didn't personally know the new 'intl.leadership training' guy who has been appointed, I allllmost could fall for what you're saying !!
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And they like it that way.
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That's all well and good, djs, but if TWI believes what they did with their m&a and related policies was wrong, don't you think they could "help the healing" along a little better and take the onus off of their believers?
Why is it up to Joe Believer to continue to make excuses for The Way's past policies and tell people how much better it is now? If Joe Believer didn't make these policies, why should Joe Believer have to deal with the clean-up?
The Way International should deal with it themselves by writing a letter of admission regarding every one of their damaging policies and apology for the damages incurred to every person who has ever been involved in the ministry. I worked for Auntie Em, I did the all-mailings. TWI has the ability to contact people if they want to bad enough.
The only reason they haven't so far is because we simply aren't that important to them. Or, ah, yes, we remain a legal liability. Because if they admitted what they did was wrong, then they'd have to pay for the resulting damages.
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A formal, engraved letter of apology to each and every person who was ever in TWI admitting all their past sins and abuses would be more-or-less meaningless.
The basic, fundamental theology embraced by TWI is flawed. It is auto-idolatrous. (worship of self) -- they are no better, and in many cases, far worse than such Word-Faith preachers as Benny Hinn, Robert Tipton, and Jim Bakker. Until such time as they are able to fully renounce their flawed theological roots, fully re-examine each and every doctrine they have taught, and re-educate their entire leadership from the home fellowship level to the top of the pyramid on correct doctrine, they will be wrong, and they will be dangerous.
You said recently that you have been re-examining all your beliefs...well, they need to do exactly the same thing. Until such time as that happens (no, I'm not holding my breath), it doesn't matter what they say.
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I totally agree........any twi apology would be meaningless to me.
My heavenly Father knows my heart......and my actions throughout my twi tenure. I walked away from twi to uphold my spiritual integrity. I certainly do NOT need twi to endorse THEIR WRONGDOINGS to me.
When justice is at hand, twi leadership will be accountable to God Almighty.
That suits me just fine.
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Those were pretty noble intentions.
It's not up to me to determine who will receive retribution and who won't.
God is merciful, and if one calls on His name even at the hour of death, He will forgive. So my prayer is not for divine retribution, it's for authentic repentence on the part of the leadership, past and present. Until such time as they do so, though, not just for their abuses, but also for their heresy, then TWI remains a dangerous outfit with which to be associated.
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Hi djs,
Thanks for your input, and I hope you stick around and share your thoughts and opinions.
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I couldn't agree more regarding their need to re examine their beliefs, but like you, I'm not holding my breath. But to acknowledge their wrongdoing is a start. Again, I'm not holding my breath.
The pattern of damaging others while accepting no accountability for the hurt, and changing only when it affects them personally or legally, reflects not only their dangerous doctrinal error, but also the sick psychology of the organization and it's top people.
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To me, the fact that they have not publicly stated that they did "X" and it was WRONG so now they are doing "Y". They realistically CAN'T contact people individually, but they CAN make a blanket public apology on a STS or in the Way Rag or here on GSpot. It should come from the top, too.
We know that won't happen, though, and the reason it won't happen is because they aren't sorry. They don't care and those in charge with RFR at the helm are the ones primarily responsible for all the evils, wrongs and procuring victims for vee pee and craig.
This part of Catcup's post bears repeating:
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DJS – welcome to the spot!
What about the people who caused these innocent, good people to get hurt? What about the people who allowed women to be raped by LCM and vpw? What about the people who carried out “all the anal stuff”? They ARE still in power in TWI.Do you know that D*ttie M*ynihan actually counselled women raped by vpw and craig martindale FOR DECADES and not once did she do anything to stop it. In fact, she denied having any knowledge of it to someone’s face until she got caught in her lie.
Do you know that RFR lied on the stand and that the judge stated that there was sufficient cause to believe that she was responsible for luring women into having sex with craig?
I’d say a lot of really good people had their lives ruined by those who are still in charge at TWI and they haven’t shown any Godly remorse for what they’ve done.
Does it seem like any organization that’s truly of God would have to go through something they have to “stick it out”? What kind of “fruit” is that?
Is that what they’re telling you? Have they told you how much of your ABS they’ve spent on all that legal stuff? Have they told you about all that legal stuff, or do you have to come here to read it?BUT this “church” IS getting into people’s private biz and that’s “off the word”, is it not? Why follow a group who is obviously ignoring what God says in the Bible? Why follow a group who is obviously twisting some scripture to justify their action?
What happened to “One Body” and all being like-minded? Has that been thrown out the window after so much “chapter and verse” teachings on it?DJS, there doesn’t have to be yelling involved for the abuse to be there. :( Have you read “The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse”? I highly recommend it! TWI does more to manipulate, oppress, control and abuse people than just by yelling at them.
What has TWI said about M&A? Are we all now all of a sudden no longer possessed and evil? Have people been encouraged to contact long lost buddies, family and friends or are y’all doing this on your own?
Just a few more questions, if I may?
- When is Rosie stepping down? Wasn’t there something about the Pres. only serving for five years?
- Are they opening their financial books for everyone to see what’s really going on with YOUR ABS? All the churches I know allow any and every member to see their financial statements and budget at least once a year.
- Are you still restricted from taking the advanced class if you are in debt according to TWI standards?
- How many new people are coming?
- How many people are in the WC and going WD this year?
- Do you like Valentine’s Day cookies? (Are you allowed to say “Valentine”?)
These are fresh from the oven!

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I appreciate your post here, but I'd like to challenge you on something.
If things really have changed, if it really has softened up, if the legalism really is going away...
... then state your name.
I say this because it's my suspicion that you are still under the ministry's "control." You will be penalized for posting here, particularly for posting something that's not 1000% supportive of TWI's position. If I am wrong about this, then I am wrong. Such is life. I've been wrong many times before and will be again.
But if I am right, DJS, then you are not free, and the liberty you have in Christ has been usurped by an organization.
Every positive thing you cite is available outside of TWI. Every last one, plus the freedom to express yourself as you wish, without concern that someone will find out.
Please consider it.
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