I got out of TWI in 1989 and I was thankful to be out. I became involved in an ex-way group and suffered even more deep hurt. I got out of the ex-way group a few years ago and I'm glad to be out of both groups. That's why my name is Gladtobeout.
As far as my avatar is concerned: I picked Marge Simpson because my son likes the Simpsons and I don't don't how to go about finding a more appropriate one.
"Jardinero" means gardener in Spanish - - and although I am really a "jardinerA" (female) - - that name was taken somewhere where I was registering way back. So Jardinero -- because I enjoy gardening (and Paw has allowed me to be the Greasespot Gardener) and my name is in Spanish because of my own family heritage.
Doveman - - O.K., I'm in.......how about "Dovinero"?????
Oh yeah - - for you folks who don't know how to pronounce it (and lest I should use the "G" word and start a controversy again, my dear hermanito, Oaksie) - - my name is pronounced:
It's interesting to read people's reasons for their names and avatars. Thanks for the thread, Digi.
I went with my real first name and my last initial because I figured it might help me reconnect with old friends and because I had no reason to hide my identity.
My current avatar came about when the new site for GS went up and it became easier for me to put scanned photos in the avatar spot. I just happened to have a 1940s package of Kool-Aid that I had scanned so I could sell it on ebay. It seemed like a perfect visual for the "tagline" I wanted to put under the avatar, "Only sipped." I used that because although I was involved in twi for 17 years, I didn't buy everything twi was selling during all those years, which made it a lot easier for me to leave than it might have been if I'd been a more obedient little Wayfer.
I was a little worried that my tagline would sound sorta smug, but I don't mean it that way. I've been an independent cuss since childhood, which has sometimes been a good thing and has sometimes gotten me into trouble. But in the case of twi, thank God, it gave me the ooomph to put twi in my rearview mirror. So I'm glad for the chance to explain what I meant. Thanks, Digi!
(I'm getting a little bored with the photo and the tagline, though. I think I'll change them soon.)
I loved your avatar and message under it. It is so appropriate for this board. I did wonder where you found the picture. BTW, I am an ebay junkie and dream of ways to be able to make money on ebay. What does a 1940s package of Kool-Aid go for?
Geese with all this cash I mean growth rolling in I guess I better start looking for a worldwide HDQTS. Hey Hap is that piece of woods up by you for sale cheap yet? :) I'm going to have to make Digidove VP of worldwide outreach.
I own a number of Alfa Romeo cars, so there is the "alfa" part. We have 3 cats, I really enjoy jazz and Alfas and am therefore an -- alfakat -- ...besides the tie-ins w/ my first name....
The avatar is a grille shot of an Alfa prototype of a few years back, showing the famous heart-shape that Alfa Romeo has been famous for for at least 75 years of their existence.
Geese with all this cash I mean growth rolling in I guess I better start looking for a worldwide HDQTS. Hey Hap is that piece of woods up by you for sale cheap yet? :) I'm going to have to make Digidove VP of worldwide outreach.
Hey WhiteDove -- have you considered buying Hap's *fix and flip*??
Thank for your consistent love and understanding for me and I would like to accept nationally and internationally the role of VP for WorldWide WhiteDove Cult Ministries.
If Hap doesn't have the acereage we have 5 acres we can offer for outreach purposes ..... an auditorium could be started as soon as the ground thaws. Bonus is the fishing is great up here. JohnyLingo might offer hunting in his part of the territory also then we can have DoveLingo. If Hap has the land available we will find a way to convert it too, as we are all about conversion here to WhiteDoveMinistries.
I have only 2 acres, but it is at 9000 ft elevation, so we could look down on everyone that doesn't dive into Dove. There is a clear view all the way to Ohio also, so if you spit real hard the wind will carry our message there, where it can be transcribed onto SNS tapes.
Perhaps we could build cabins on Digi's place and do our Advances from there. Of course, upon your death, the cabin you paid for will become souly (<---) owned by the BOT.
Digi's place would be closer for opening our European outreach program, and I hope to be able to start that next fall with a trip to Germany and Italy. Please begin planning NOW to schedule my teaching in your Olive Branches. Dove carries those branches everywhere he goes.
Of course, I will accept your freewill offerings to teach you the WordofDove. Alternatively, you may offset this offering with an ample supply of Dove bars, (original dark chocolate flavor only, please)
hmm, speaking of bars, has anyone checked into the legality of this program under the new NSA/Homeland security rules? I am terrified of terrorist plots. Maybe they will give us the bird.
Now I bettter fly on the wings of a dove, ducking from eagles mounting on THEIR wings, spreading peace.
Out of control! What do you mean we're out of control. We are under the control of WhiteDove Cult Ministries, so we are very controled. :blink:
As far as the sex slave thing, do you think he'd be willing to dress in a Roman toga and hand feed me peeled (seedless) grapes. Then as far as my last meal, I would like prime rib (Rare of couse, since I'm in a rare mood.), with all the fixings. Coolchief, I'll put you in charge of the meal. Remember, that encludes beverage(s).
PowerFilled Truly an excellent name ............ love the stud muffin in your avatar ...... wowsa .... can I borrow him to be my bodygaurd .........
WhiteDove, President of WhiteDoveCultMinistries I think we are going to need an administrative assistant and also a Dove Builders Program ......... If we use my property for European Outreach Program I will have to definately become a member of the BOT so I don't have to sacrifice my own cabin and can become permanent owner along with other BOT of addditonal cabins.
Thank you very much ......... I take my Dove Bar in Gold .......... but if not milk chocolate with almonds will do.
Send all donations to DigiDove until we find a treasurer............ We accept Gold, Gems, Cash and any other untraceable Booty.
Many have asked me to post the explanation of my handle - doojable. It all started as the word, "dooj."
A "dooj" Well - when my first little girl was born we called her a "pookie doodle" As things go. After a while all sorts of things had the term doodle attached to them. We had a friend that got really into Paulie Shore and his was of speaking (ie Grindage, Grundage, etc) we tried to get our then 2 year old to say "doodle-age" and it came out "dooj" - After that everything became "dooj - _____" So instead of being "do-able" it was "doojable."
Now my avatar...I am a Drawing teacher and artist. The avatar is one of my paintings entitled, "One Afternoon in February." It is one of my favorites because of the colors and that "don't frack with me" look on the model. (Anyone watch Battlestar Gallactica?)
I'll use other avatars but that just seemed like the right one at the time.
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I don't think so
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Maybe Dovewing
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Nah, she's only got a taste for TWI rats...
Moondove sounds nice.... love the pic as well....
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As far as my avatar is concerned: I picked Marge Simpson because my son likes the Simpsons and I don't don't how to go about finding a more appropriate one.
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"Jardinero" means gardener in Spanish - - and although I am really a "jardinerA" (female) - - that name was taken somewhere where I was registering way back. So Jardinero -- because I enjoy gardening (and Paw has allowed me to be the Greasespot Gardener) and my name is in Spanish because of my own family heritage.
Doveman - - O.K., I'm in.......how about "Dovinero"?????
Oh yeah - - for you folks who don't know how to pronounce it (and lest I should use the "G" word and start a controversy again, my dear hermanito, Oaksie)
- - my name is pronounced:
Har - - din - - ARROW (emphasis on the ero part)
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Linda Z
It's interesting to read people's reasons for their names and avatars. Thanks for the thread, Digi.
I went with my real first name and my last initial because I figured it might help me reconnect with old friends and because I had no reason to hide my identity.
My current avatar came about when the new site for GS went up and it became easier for me to put scanned photos in the avatar spot. I just happened to have a 1940s package of Kool-Aid that I had scanned so I could sell it on ebay. It seemed like a perfect visual for the "tagline" I wanted to put under the avatar, "Only sipped." I used that because although I was involved in twi for 17 years, I didn't buy everything twi was selling during all those years, which made it a lot easier for me to leave than it might have been if I'd been a more obedient little Wayfer.
I was a little worried that my tagline would sound sorta smug, but I don't mean it that way. I've been an independent cuss since childhood, which has sometimes been a good thing and has sometimes gotten me into trouble. But in the case of twi, thank God, it gave me the ooomph to put twi in my rearview mirror. So I'm glad for the chance to explain what I meant. Thanks, Digi!
(I'm getting a little bored with the photo and the tagline, though. I think I'll change them soon.)
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I loved your avatar and message under it. It is so appropriate for this board. I did wonder where you found the picture. BTW, I am an ebay junkie and dream of ways to be able to make money on ebay. What does a 1940s package of Kool-Aid go for?
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I think HAPpydove works, have you ever seen a ticked off one?
by the by, HAP are my initials the rest just followed, but I guess I could be HAP-e-4U.
When I first got online in the 80s, the ISP wouldn't allow names over 7 letters, so HAPpy4me wouldn't work. This has been me ever since.
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As I was rifeling through the thread and say all the "Dove" posts...
I was thinking... Doveshot

Be back later... Going to shoot the breeze for a while...
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Sounds better than Dovetuckett!!!
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Geese with all this cash I mean growth rolling in I guess I better start looking for a worldwide HDQTS. Hey Hap is that piece of woods up by you for sale cheap yet? :) I'm going to have to make Digidove VP of worldwide outreach.
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hi,As I have said on other posts open and honest,and I like oleblue eyes "I did it my way"
twi hates that,And the avatar ole flick from a bugs life,He means well in the movie,he was not a hotshot just a guy getting by.
Put the two together and you just about have my real name.You all here on greasespot are numero uno with me.
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I own a number of Alfa Romeo cars, so there is the "alfa" part. We have 3 cats, I really enjoy jazz and Alfas and am therefore an -- alfakat -- ...besides the tie-ins w/ my first name....
The avatar is a grille shot of an Alfa prototype of a few years back, showing the famous heart-shape that Alfa Romeo has been famous for for at least 75 years of their existence.
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Hey WhiteDove -- have you considered buying Hap's *fix and flip*??
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To WhiteDove Cult Ministries,
Dear WhiteDove, President
Thank for your consistent love and understanding for me and I would like to accept nationally and internationally the role of VP for WorldWide WhiteDove Cult Ministries.
If Hap doesn't have the acereage we have 5 acres we can offer for outreach purposes ..... an auditorium could be started as soon as the ground thaws. Bonus is the fishing is great up here. JohnyLingo might offer hunting in his part of the territory also then we can have DoveLingo. If Hap has the land available we will find a way to convert it too, as we are all about conversion here to WhiteDoveMinistries.
Any volunteers for our sacrifice program?
DigiDove, VP
WorldWide WhiteDove (Cult) Ministries
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Oh great dove, I will accept the role of official sacrifice with the grace and honor given to it.
(Oh, I do get a last dinner and a sex slave beforehand, don't I?
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You two are out of control :blink:
and moony you already have a sex slave
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I have only 2 acres, but it is at 9000 ft elevation, so we could look down on everyone that doesn't dive into Dove. There is a clear view all the way to Ohio also, so if you spit real hard the wind will carry our message there, where it can be transcribed onto SNS tapes.
Perhaps we could build cabins on Digi's place and do our Advances from there. Of course, upon your death, the cabin you paid for will become souly (<---) owned by the BOT.
Digi's place would be closer for opening our European outreach program, and I hope to be able to start that next fall with a trip to Germany and Italy. Please begin planning NOW to schedule my teaching in your Olive Branches. Dove carries those branches everywhere he goes.
Of course, I will accept your freewill offerings to teach you the WordofDove. Alternatively, you may offset this offering with an ample supply of Dove bars, (original dark chocolate flavor only, please)
hmm, speaking of bars, has anyone checked into the legality of this program under the new NSA/Homeland security rules? I am terrified of terrorist plots. Maybe they will give us the bird.
Now I bettter fly on the wings of a dove, ducking from eagles mounting on THEIR wings, spreading peace.
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Out of control! What do you mean we're out of control. We are under the control of WhiteDove Cult Ministries, so we are very controled. :blink:
As far as the sex slave thing, do you think he'd be willing to dress in a Roman toga and hand feed me peeled (seedless) grapes. Then as far as my last meal, I would like prime rib (Rare of couse, since I'm in a rare mood.), with all the fixings. Coolchief, I'll put you in charge of the meal. Remember, that encludes beverage(s).
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Hi Digi.
I use POWERFILLED because it was a lot easier typing Powerfilled (reminds me of acts 2:4 Hence the pentecost sig
then typing filled with power.
The Picture of musleman (ME) i wish....... NOT.....
Reminded me of Power and being strong
bless you
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PowerFilled Truly an excellent name ............ love the stud muffin in your avatar ...... wowsa .... can I borrow him to be my bodygaurd .........
WhiteDove, President of WhiteDoveCultMinistries I think we are going to need an administrative assistant and also a Dove Builders Program ......... If we use my property for European Outreach Program I will have to definately become a member of the BOT so I don't have to sacrifice my own cabin and can become permanent owner along with other BOT of addditonal cabins.
Thank you very much ......... I take my Dove Bar in Gold .......... but if not milk chocolate with almonds will do.
Send all donations to DigiDove until we find a treasurer............ We accept Gold, Gems, Cash and any other untraceable Booty.
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Many have asked me to post the explanation of my handle - doojable. It all started as the word, "dooj."
A "dooj" Well - when my first little girl was born we called her a "pookie doodle" As things go. After a while all sorts of things had the term doodle attached to them. We had a friend that got really into Paulie Shore and his was of speaking (ie Grindage, Grundage, etc) we tried to get our then 2 year old to say "doodle-age" and it came out "dooj" - After that everything became "dooj - _____" So instead of being "do-able" it was "doojable."
Now my avatar...I am a Drawing teacher and artist. The avatar is one of my paintings entitled, "One Afternoon in February." It is one of my favorites because of the colors and that "don't frack with me"
look on the model. (Anyone watch Battlestar Gallactica?)
I'll use other avatars but that just seemed like the right one at the time.
Oh and Dove there's always DoojDove
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