Here is my post from the other thread. It still holds true today. :)
Mar 5 2004, 10:26 PM
Spent the past hour reading up on all the fine folk here!
Well I will add to it. dmiller is me, David Miller. I wanted an e-mail address that had my name in it. David Miller was already taken, so I went with dmiller1112 as my e-mail address (1112 is my street address). I used that for the longest time as a s/n, then realized I could add extra s/n's. (yes -- I am SLOW at times!)
There are several others I have gone under, but the other names besides dmiller that I am known by, are DustyWanderer, and FiddlePicker
I chose DustyWanderer because it described my search for truth both BEFORE twi, and AFTER twi. Dusty from Wandering, looking for a place to "hang my hat". FiddlePicker, because even though I play several Bluegrass instruments, the fiddle is my favourite. It depends on where I am, as to which name I use, and here at GSCafe, it has always been dmiller.
This post has been edited by dmiller: Oct 18 2004, 12:05 AM
Oh -- and here is my other post (from the other thread), about the Fiddlehead avatar. :)
It's still true today also.
(Did I put the *ALSO* in the right place??? <_<
Sep 23 2005
Hmmmm ---- should mention that I just recently added the Fiddlehead avatar.
It is a pic of the fiddle peghead that belonged to Vassar Clements, before he passed a way recently (about a month ago). He was one of my favourite *fusion* type fiddlers of all time, he made all styles of music sound good. :)
Trim the beard,
Put a smile on the face,
Add glasses,
And (I'm told) that face on the fiddlehead looks similar to me!
My real, authentic name is Ron G. I was named for a popular actor of the time named Ronald Colman. I used to go by ArkieRon, but later decided that was too "Hollywood" sounding.
The avatar is supposedly a picture of Hugh Glass. Hugh Glass was a mountain man explorer in the early 1800's...a contemporary of Jim Bridger. I sometimes wish I'd been born in that era since I enjoy spending time in the woods, exploring new places, prowling around in the woods, hunting, fishing etc. I also enjoy going to mountain man and buckskinner rendesvous.
Glass was a survivor in that after being mauled by a grizzly bear and left for dead, he crawled through the wilderness over 200 miles and recovered from his wounds.
Lucky me...I was born when I was and have had the benefits of flush toilets, color teevee, involvement in TWI and computers...none of which were available in Hugh Glass' day.
One thing that is cool though, there has been a new movie out in the mainstream called "The Legend Of Jonny Lingo"
I saw the movie. It's quite cool. There are a "line" of Jonny Lingo's. Each one has been adopted by the one before. The wife that this one picks Mohana, was a girl that he had liked when they were children and both of them had been teased. When he left the island, he promised her that he would come back for her and she waited all that time. When he did, with the new name, she didn't recognize him. But, of course all things good and true romance wins out at the end. :wub:
"Originally", back on WayDale, I signed up as Taoiseach (pronounced Tay-Shock), which is a gaelic word that I believe means "leader" and is the title of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Ireland. I had seen it in a book I was reading and liked the look of it.
A short time later I also signed up as Twyril III, a character in a novel I tried to write in college.
I kept both characters going to keep the WayGB guessing. I used Taoiseach to complain about TWI abuses that I personally suffered, and Twyril III (which I later shortened to simply "Twyril") to post "insider information", and made it known that i was an "innie".
Toward the end of my time in TWI I added a third handle, John Oakspear, which I pretended was my real name. I used it to participate in some of the lighter threads.
In the fall of 2001 I was found out by the WayGB: they figured out that I was Twyril. I tried to go back to using Taoiseach, but had originally registered on WayDale as a local user, and could not use that handle as a global user on Grease Spot. I briefly registered as Taoi seach (same name with a space), but too many people thought that it was Tao Search (i.e. a searcher for the Tao, or The Way) that I went back to Oakspear, leaving out the "John" and no longer acting like it was my name.
The oak was the sacred tree of the celts, and the word for oak is the root of the word "druid". I had begun exploring the Old Religion of the Celts and wanted to honor that aspect of my ancestors' faith. I tacked on "spear", partly because it sounded cool, partly because it represented war, and I was declaring war on TWI.
I use it all the time now, and in certain contexts I think of myself as "Oakspear"; on my 2002 tour and at the Weenie Roasts, most people called me "Oakspear" rather than "Tom".
WhiteDove - I don't know why I picked that name probably because of it's association with Christianity, or maybe I thought there would be some cool pictures. After being around here awhile I realized though that for most of my life doves have been a reoccurring theme in my life. Starting with this poster from Woodstock:
Then there was that song Melanie did Candles in the Rain an 8 minute epitaph to the festival and its people. Which still today is timeless and powerful vocal of the woodstock generation. Then of course the holy spirit dove all those years in the way. And then these past few years some friends that have been one way or another been associated with doves.
I'll answer to about anything some prefer white,whitey,dove,doveman(note MAN), Birdbrain even Dovey although generally I reserved that for my dearly departed sisterdove the real Lovey Dovey. I know we drove many a poster to drink trying to keep us straight but now I'm the lone Dove here. We need more doves here so I'm starting my own Dove cult you know! So far I have Shazdove,and Dovemiller,Oilfielddove and I like the sound of DigiDove it has a nice flow to it.
Sometimes I am BlueDove and sometimes BlackDove depending on the mood or posters perspective of me at the time. Most times though Doves are associated with Peace and Freedom. Some flying pigs here think we are Pigeons but we are not. Well that about covers it. Ok it's a wrap........
So Chatty Kathy, would you like to spend a moonlit evening on an outrigger canoe with Jonny Lingo, with the swaying palms rustling in the sea breeze, mai tais in our hands, the soft crush of the waves on the sand.... I could talk to your father, and I have many cows...
But you'd probably say no...Haha!
Send me a ticket!! No I am not gay ask anyone that knows me. I don't dress well enough to be gay.I'll buy the mai tais.
My life in the last few years of TWI was a parched and dry land. When we were recovering, we attended this little church where a visiting pastor used Isaiah 58:11 that says My people shall be a watered garden. Shortly thereafter, my mother died, and as part of a grief/healing time, I wrote an article for their little monthly paper that they put out and used that verse and surrounding verses. I think it was in the old GreaseSpot someplace, too.
Anyway, I like those verses, so there ya go!
The little flower that blooms and closes and blooms again is very appropriate, I think, and the GO BUCKS! is self-explanatory to anyone who watched that awesome Fiesta Bowl game!
A very simple and ordinary name for me. When WayDale first opened as a posting forum, I was sitting there with a post all ready to go and realized I needed a "handle" in order to send it. Looking down at the handle in my own hand, it was attached to my favorite Laurel Birch cat cup. Hence, the name Catcup.
I chose my avatar when it was necessary to keep my identity secret from TWI since I was one of the witnesses for the Allen case. I made plenty of revealing posts that exposed things TWI and especially LCM would have rather not had public, and they were desperate to know who I was. I chose an avatar of a cat lurking in the bushes waiting to pounce on the next rat happening by. To me, it was clearly descriptive of my purpose-- I was laying in wait against vile disease-ridden vermin which I could quickly take out in one fell swoop. Later on, right before the legal process of discovery would have revealed my true identity, I revealed it myself in the chat room, which I knew was being monitored by TWI. I revealed my identity on my own terms, when I was ready.
I am Marcia Nessle
My signature phrase is a quote from Hans Scholl, a martyred member of The White Rose-- a very small group of students who warned Germany against Nazism, who were all hunted down and slaughtered. This small but intelligent and highly courageous group frightened Adolph Hitler to his very core. Hans Scholl spoke out knowing he would have to give up his own life, yet he refused to let Hitler go unchallenged. And with this statement, Scholl let Hitler know that whatever he did to The White Rose, would kill him in the end.
Galen ......... I think your awesome ........ I absolutely adore all our military families. What happened to your homeschool signature ........ I knew I should have copied it earlier........ I am thinking about changing homeschool avenues.
WhiteDove ......... DigiDove sounds kool to me too.
Catcup ....... You bring back many memories everytime I see your name pop up. Boy o Boy did you unleash the info in here .... wowsa .... and then went to court and backed it up like a real trooper. Those yellow eyes popping out of your avatar I will never forget.
Rascal ... I remember you posting as cathy and remember you giving birth in the chatroom how many can say they did that .......... that was a day worthy of flowers and much much more.
Origionally my avatar had the young couple biting an apple together......... so when I couldn't find it when Paw changed the forums.............................
I went with my all time
favorite couple !
I Love LOTR!
Anyway, I am a romantic and I love kissing my hubby.........(ok WTMInfo) kissing is one of the fundamental pleasures, and so acceptable!
It is bliss when your in love, and it rhymes with kiss.
and....................i am still INCOGNITO (shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
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Here is my post from the other thread. It still holds true today. :)
Please note -- that back then
*editing privilidges* were MUCH different!!!
Posted in March, edited in October
The way it should be. :)
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Oh -- and here is my other post (from the other thread), about the Fiddlehead avatar. :)
It's still true today also.
(Did I put the *ALSO* in the right place??? <_<
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Well what do yo think?
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Ron G.
My real, authentic name is Ron G. I was named for a popular actor of the time named Ronald Colman. I used to go by ArkieRon, but later decided that was too "Hollywood" sounding.
The avatar is supposedly a picture of Hugh Glass. Hugh Glass was a mountain man explorer in the early 1800's...a contemporary of Jim Bridger. I sometimes wish I'd been born in that era since I enjoy spending time in the woods, exploring new places, prowling around in the woods, hunting, fishing etc. I also enjoy going to mountain man and buckskinner rendesvous.
Glass was a survivor in that after being mauled by a grizzly bear and left for dead, he crawled through the wilderness over 200 miles and recovered from his wounds.
Lucky me...I was born when I was and have had the benefits of flush toilets, color teevee, involvement in TWI and computers...none of which were available in Hugh Glass' day.
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I saw the movie. It's quite cool. There are a "line" of Jonny Lingo's. Each one has been adopted by the one before. The wife that this one picks Mohana, was a girl that he had liked when they were children and both of them had been teased. When he left the island, he promised her that he would come back for her and she waited all that time. When he did, with the new name, she didn't recognize him. But, of course all things good and true romance wins out at the end. :wub:
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"Originally", back on WayDale, I signed up as Taoiseach (pronounced Tay-Shock), which is a gaelic word that I believe means "leader" and is the title of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Ireland. I had seen it in a book I was reading and liked the look of it.
A short time later I also signed up as Twyril III, a character in a novel I tried to write in college.
I kept both characters going to keep the WayGB guessing. I used Taoiseach to complain about TWI abuses that I personally suffered, and Twyril III (which I later shortened to simply "Twyril") to post "insider information", and made it known that i was an "innie".
Toward the end of my time in TWI I added a third handle, John Oakspear, which I pretended was my real name. I used it to participate in some of the lighter threads.
In the fall of 2001 I was found out by the WayGB: they figured out that I was Twyril. I tried to go back to using Taoiseach, but had originally registered on WayDale as a local user, and could not use that handle as a global user on Grease Spot. I briefly registered as Taoi seach (same name with a space), but too many people thought that it was Tao Search (i.e. a searcher for the Tao, or The Way) that I went back to Oakspear, leaving out the "John" and no longer acting like it was my name.
The oak was the sacred tree of the celts, and the word for oak is the root of the word "druid". I had begun exploring the Old Religion of the Celts and wanted to honor that aspect of my ancestors' faith. I tacked on "spear", partly because it sounded cool, partly because it represented war, and I was declaring war on TWI.
I use it all the time now, and in certain contexts I think of myself as "Oakspear"; on my 2002 tour and at the Weenie Roasts, most people called me "Oakspear" rather than "Tom".
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Jonny who you trying to fool here? you know your name is party frat boy you've been outed.
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Ha Digi, Names and avators part 2
Maybe when everyone is done Kit can merge them together then we can just add to them as we need to.
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WhiteDove - I don't know why I picked that name probably because of it's association with Christianity, or maybe I thought there would be some cool pictures. After being around here awhile I realized though that for most of my life doves have been a reoccurring theme in my life. Starting with this poster from Woodstock:
Then there was that song Melanie did Candles in the Rain an 8 minute epitaph to the festival and its people. Which still today is timeless and powerful vocal of the woodstock generation. Then of course the holy spirit dove all those years in the way. And then these past few years some friends that have been one way or another been associated with doves.
I'll answer to about anything some prefer white,whitey,dove,doveman(note MAN), Birdbrain even Dovey although generally I reserved that for my dearly departed sisterdove the real Lovey Dovey. I know we drove many a poster to drink trying to keep us straight but now I'm the lone Dove here. We need more doves here so I'm starting my own Dove cult you know! So far I have Shazdove,and Dovemiller,Oilfielddove and I like the sound of DigiDove it has a nice flow to it.
Sometimes I am BlueDove and sometimes BlackDove depending on the mood or posters perspective of me at the time. Most times though Doves are associated with Peace and Freedom. Some flying pigs here think we are Pigeons but we are not. Well that about covers it. Ok it's a wrap........
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Send me a ticket!! No I am not gay ask anyone that knows me. I don't dress well enough to be gay.I'll buy the mai tais.
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East Carolina University Pirates, Class of 1974
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Tom Strange
I use Tom Strange because I'm... well... you get the idea don't you?
As for my avatar... well... I think you get the idea there as well don't you?
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Watered Garden
My life in the last few years of TWI was a parched and dry land. When we were recovering, we attended this little church where a visiting pastor used Isaiah 58:11 that says My people shall be a watered garden. Shortly thereafter, my mother died, and as part of a grief/healing time, I wrote an article for their little monthly paper that they put out and used that verse and surrounding verses. I think it was in the old GreaseSpot someplace, too.
Anyway, I like those verses, so there ya go!
The little flower that blooms and closes and blooms again is very appropriate, I think, and the GO BUCKS! is self-explanatory to anyone who watched that awesome Fiesta Bowl game!
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A very simple and ordinary name for me. When WayDale first opened as a posting forum, I was sitting there with a post all ready to go and realized I needed a "handle" in order to send it. Looking down at the handle in my own hand, it was attached to my favorite Laurel Birch cat cup. Hence, the name Catcup.
I chose my avatar when it was necessary to keep my identity secret from TWI since I was one of the witnesses for the Allen case. I made plenty of revealing posts that exposed things TWI and especially LCM would have rather not had public, and they were desperate to know who I was. I chose an avatar of a cat lurking in the bushes waiting to pounce on the next rat happening by. To me, it was clearly descriptive of my purpose-- I was laying in wait against vile disease-ridden vermin which I could quickly take out in one fell swoop. Later on, right before the legal process of discovery would have revealed my true identity, I revealed it myself in the chat room, which I knew was being monitored by TWI. I revealed my identity on my own terms, when I was ready.
I am Marcia Nessle
My signature phrase is a quote from Hans Scholl, a martyred member of The White Rose-- a very small group of students who warned Germany against Nazism, who were all hunted down and slaughtered. This small but intelligent and highly courageous group frightened Adolph Hitler to his very core. Hans Scholl spoke out knowing he would have to give up his own life, yet he refused to let Hitler go unchallenged. And with this statement, Scholl let Hitler know that whatever he did to The White Rose, would kill him in the end.
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sorry, double post.
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Galen ......... I think your awesome ........ I absolutely adore all our military families. What happened to your homeschool signature ........ I knew I should have copied it earlier........ I am thinking about changing homeschool avenues.
WhiteDove ......... DigiDove sounds kool to me too.
Catcup ....... You bring back many memories everytime I see your name pop up. Boy o Boy did you unleash the info in here .... wowsa .... and then went to court and backed it up like a real trooper. Those yellow eyes popping out of your avatar I will never forget.
Rascal ... I remember you posting as cathy and remember you giving birth in the chatroom how many can say they did that .......... that was a day worthy of flowers and much much more.
This is awesome
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Is it my turn?
Origionally my avatar had the young couple biting an apple together......... so when I couldn't find it when Paw changed the forums.............................
I went with my all time
favorite couple !
I Love LOTR!
Anyway, I am a romantic and I love kissing my hubby.........(ok WTMInfo) kissing is one of the fundamental pleasures, and so acceptable!
It is bliss when your in love, and it rhymes with kiss.
and....................i am still INCOGNITO (shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
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What? No DoveStDove?
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Well i didnt really have much time to choose a name,
I choose Mary poppins becasuse i loved the film as a child, and being
i live here in the UK and it rains all the time so i thought of Mary Poppins
as she always carries her umbrella just like i do. lol
Mary Poppins was English to so i guess it was perfect...... Practically perfect in everyway
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AAAH another convert !!!!
Watch out George that yellow eyed cat looks kinda hungry
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Oh wait,
I forgot the first reason for BLISS.........
I love Sugarland, the Country Band.
They have a line in one of their songs that says .........
"I need a little less hard times, I need a little more bliss...."
My life to a T
that's all then...
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Ron G.
Maybe I'll go reregister as ArkieDove.
But then again, maybe I won't.
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And I could be MoonDove.
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