I don't know from Sugar Busters, so I won't comment on it. As for not developing Type II diabetes, I would recommend The Zone diet by Barry Sears. I have Type II diabetes and it really does control my sugar levels. When I eat accordingly, I do not need to take my meds.
The basis of the diet is you get 40 percent of your calories from protein, 40 from carbohydrates and 20 from fat. You eat according to your lean body mass and activity level. The beauty of the diet is, when you reach your weight goal, you don't have to change the way you eat.
I'll be going to the library in the next week, so I'll be better able to give you the Cliff Notes (the above was from memory. Admittedly, I haven't been doing it of late, and should get back to it ) I know the books are there because *I* donated them.
I'm on my way out, but I was on the diet for a long time and came off my Glucophage while following the diet. Basically you eat whatever you want, just with healthier substitutions:
White Bread - Stone Ground Whole Wheat Bread (not plain "wheat" bread - must be 100% Stone Ground Whole Wheat
Pasta - Whole Wheat Pasta
Sugar - Agave Syrup or artificial sweeteners
Never eat anything that has more than 3 grams of Sugar on the label with the exception of tomatoes because they are naturally high in sugar. The trick is to read labels because you'd be surprised at how many things you'd never suspect have sugar in them - canned tomatoes - canned veggies.
No corn, bananas (debatable) or potatoes.
I have a ton of recipes that I collected while on the diet and still use a bunch of them - especially the SB friendly cheesecake. :D
I actually found the information and recipes much better in the Sugar Busters for Kids book. :P
Feel free to PM me the kinds of things you like and I'll pull some of my favorites from that. I'm doing WW now and still use all my SB recipes.
I suspect people are avoiding this thread because they feel awkward about being overweight. If the doctor told warned you about developing Diabetes its because you're overweight and have other risk factors for metabolic syndrome (click HERE!).
If you're serious about losing weight lots of plans will work. Belle is giving testimony to Sugar Busters but I lost my weight by doing Atkins (www.atkins.com). The South Beach diet also works well. It comes down to about two things, Dot. One, of course, is getting that weight off but two.. diabetes as part of the metablic syndrome (some folks get diabetes with no risk factors) means limiting the carbs. Its the carbs that insulin has to process so forget low fat stuff.. it's really a combination of low carbs and low CALORIES. Lots more could be said but that's about it in a nutshell. The Sugar Busters.. the Atkins and South Beach diets.. they all do the same thing... cut down on bad carbs and keep folks from zoning out on calories.
Here's a couple of me before and after the Atkins diet:
Here I am with my fat clothes falling off of me because I was still losing weight and not wanting to buy new clothes yet!
My son and I at an out door wedding reception last Summer
..and just this Christmas (I've kept the weight off by doing what I've preached)
I haven't read Sugar Busters, but I will share some information if you care to read on...
My wife lost 73 pounds back in 2003 with a combination of South Beach and Atkins. She exercised a lot too.
From my understanding regarding weight loss...if one can get that engine (heart rate & metabolic rate) up a bit, you will then burn more fuel (calories) to feed that engine.
Since we basically eat too many carb's (sugar & starch...all the same), we never actually go back into our warehouse to burn the stored fuel (fat) that the body keeps there.
Our fuel comes from our diets, comprised of Protein, Carbohydrates & Fat....we have always been taught that our diets should contain: 70% Carb's--20% Protein---10% Fats.
Atkins & South Beach eliminate the Carb's from the diet for a period of time, forcing the body to go into a state called Ketosis...which when activated, the body tells the brain to go back into the warehouse and change some of the fuel stores (fat) back into energy and burn them as fuel for our (engines) metabolic cycle.
I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, that South Beach introduces Carb's back into the diet sooner than Atkins...and that they are the "Right Type" of Carb's...ones that burn faster (short chain carbs)...these are also referred to as High Glycemic Index Carbs.
and need I say, that some of our warehouses (fat stores) are bigger than others...talk to your doctor always before starting any type of life-changing diet...or your local cyber-dentist and/or medic....
Now I don't claim to be a nutrionist or guru here, but this has worked for quite a few folks around camp here, some have lost up to 35 pounds over a 2-3 month period.
Incidently, I know that a safe rate of weight loss is around 2 pounds a week, placing no strain on the heart...some periods of plateaus are involved when you won't loose any, but that happens with most diets.
I have a little spread sheet available if anyone is interested, on the types of foods, etc you can eat, I'd be happy to send you. oilfieldmedic@hotmail.com...but like I said though, make sure you check with your doctor first.
I like the higher protein diets except for one thing...Im not a big red meat lover. Don't get me wrong, I like a good prime rib now and then, but meat all the time bores me...
I am looking into how the 7th day adventist's discuss food balane
I just have to go through this one more time. LOTS of people think (as you do) that a low carb diet means eating nothing but meat and cheese but it just doesn't have to be that way. My diet is mostly veggies.. but the "good for you" low carb kind. What? Did anyone think that starchy potatoes, corn and white rice were good for them? The GOOD veggies are those like asparagus, bamboo shoots, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, eggplant, jicama, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, mustard greens, okra, onions, pumpkin, scallions, shallots, snow peas, spaghetti squash, string or wax beans, Swiss chard, tomatoes, turnips, water chestnuts and zucchini.
Sheesh.. you can be a vegetarian and not eat ANY meat with this diet!! And you eat ALL you want from this list. You don't go hungry.. EVER. Look at the list.. this is a healthy way to eat. I haven't mentioned it yet on this thread but my blood pressure plummeted to an athlete's blood pressure. My Cholesterol and triglycerides are now in the very optimal range instead of the "high" catagory.
It boils down to this... if you can get the weight off.. and KEEP it off doing the diet now in vogue.. the low fat diet.. then go for it. But if you're fat and want a healthy way to lose the weight and (here's the important part) KEEP it off.. AND you like the low carb veggies I've listed.. seriously consider the low carb diet plans. Plain and simple.
There's a great book called "Going Against the Grain" which will simply lay out for you what grains and starches do to our bodies.
Carbohydrates in the forms of starches, sweets [including many fruits] and all sugars are reeking havoc with our health.
The number one form is High Fructose Corn Syrup which is a processed corn sugar and its in EVERYTHING that is packaged or boxed.
I was becoming diabetic; in one week, my cholesterol reduced to normal, as did my blood sugar and blood pressure. I'm down 40+ pounds in just a few months, mainly by restricting above-said types of carbs.
Veggies are carbs too, but the green and red and yellow ones that are non-starchy are harmless and essential.
Diabetes is nothing more than carbohydrate intolerance. Therefore it seems quite dishonest of the ADA to recommend a diet that is composed of 60-70% carbohydrate.
BTW, for all of you with diabetes or friends and relatives with it, there is a wonderful Dr in New York who treats diabetics only. He is Richard K Bernstein----and has been a Type I diabetic for over 55 years. They don't live that long but he radically changed his food plan [after putting himself through medical school at the age of 48].
I'm a little surprised that this thread isn't getting any more attention since most Greasespotters (I would venture to guess) are overweight but then.. we have been over this material before. Interesting that a study was reported just today on the subject. You know how we're all supposed to be eating a low fat diet to be healthy and lose weight? Come to find out that if women do a seriously low fat diet diet they lose 2 LBS!!!!! in four years!!! Heaven help them if they don't do it seriously.. they get fatter and fatter!! Click HERE! to read the article on MSNBC.
Several interesting points. 1) When the author Barbara V. Howard (who so wanted the low fat diet to work) had to explain why doing a low fat diet didn't make the extra pounds melt away, all she could offer was that at least doing a strict low fat diet didn't make one FATTER!!!
"“It will help people to understand that the weight gain we’re seeing in this country is not caused by the lower-fat diets,” said study author Barbara V. Howard of MedStar Research Institute, a nonprofit research group."
She's got some nerve doesn't she?? A leading Obesity expert countered...
"However, the skimpy weight loss after seven years won’t satisfy people looking for a cure for obesity, said Dr. Michael Dansinger, an obesity researcher at Tufts-New England Medical Center who was not involved in the study.
“This is like losing the Super Bowl but claiming a second place victory,” Dansinger said. “The results are disappointing in the context of a country trying to battle obesity.”
I like that.. losing the Super Bowl but bragging none the less... But folks.. you have to look at the evidence yourselves. You can not trust "experts" who have an agenda. You guys see my weight loss? See how I've kept it off? Did I mention that my Cholesterol and blood pressure plummeted? OK.. its anecdotal but I have to tell you.. there's plenty of evidence like this very study that shows I'm correct on this.
And want to know what's telling?? The last sentences:..
"Dansinger, who co-authored an editorial that accompanies the study, said his research has shown that diets like Atkins and The Zone work, but are hard to stay on.
“People who succeed at maintaining a dramatic weight loss have changed their mindset and priorities and have made exercise and healthy eating among the top priorities in their lives,” he said."
Hard to stay on?? Sheesh! I've been on it for nearly three years now and am as happy as a clam. ANYTHING to discourage folks from the present Politically correct line which is: Low fat works.. Sugar Busters and Atkins diest are BAD for you!!!!
Okay, WW I am with you on the meat thing. Part of the reason I ate so many carbs was because I do not like meat. Not just the animal thing but the taste. I did eat the healthy carbs. Whole grain breads, real fruit, nuts and black bean burritos. I eat salsa rather than ketcup, etc. I had pasta a bunch with Amy's organic tomato sauce, but I really did not have a balanced diet.
I am learning on this thread BALANCE I can have the carbs if I have the protiens...
Sudo: your pictures are very impressive and give me hope.
Rejoice: I did switch from white potatoes to sweet as they trickle the "sugar" into our systems rather than dump it in making our the sugar peek.
Master H: I have done the enzymatic therapy whole body cleanse and NEVER felt better. Then, I tried a parasite cleanse as in the south for years people dewormed their kids and animals twice a year... So, I figured just in case, after reading Hulda Clark's book "a cure for all diseases". I also felt better and my husband has not had a seizure since he did that cleanse.
Oil: Wow that is great news and the south beach diet now has frozen entrees. I might just take that plunge along with a pancreas cleanse.
Master, can you suggest a pancreas cleanse? You are the 2nd nutritionist that did suggest that along with a pancreatic homeopathic, I cannot think of the name of it but I think it began with an "I"
Belle: thanks for the info, you too Sushi. You know I was doing that eat carbs or eat protien --- like Suzanne Summers suggested in her earlier books -- about combining food. She always seperated the carbs from the proteins and so, I just found myself eating almost all carbs as I liked them better.
Atkins is hard for some people to do. Hubby had lost a lot of weight on it previously, but after we got married, I corrupted him. I hated to see him eat soooo much bacon! It can't be healthy. These days it is hard for him to do because I won't do Atkins and he gets tempted by the carbs I eat.
We were doing the South Beach diet for a few months before we went on vacation. I was doing well, but he was not. He was missing eating the way he wanted. For him SBD is restrictive because you can't eat high fat items. It's a combination of good carbs and good proteins. I got to the point that I felt very comfortable on it. I quit having acid reflux while on it too. We just went back to our old ways after vacation.
I did try some of SBD frozen meals. They were not good IMHO. I like Lean Cuisines, so I know it's not because it's frozen. There was something to be desired with the one I had. It was a chicken enchilada.
However, Kirtie Alley is looking damn good these days. I want to check out Jenny Craig now.
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I have heard about it...and have good cholesteral, but slightly high tryglycerides...so I was thinking of reading it too.
I am interested in any comments too.
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I don't know from Sugar Busters, so I won't comment on it. As for not developing Type II diabetes, I would recommend The Zone diet by Barry Sears. I have Type II diabetes and it really does control my sugar levels. When I eat accordingly, I do not need to take my meds.
The basis of the diet is you get 40 percent of your calories from protein, 40 from carbohydrates and 20 from fat. You eat according to your lean body mass and activity level. The beauty of the diet is, when you reach your weight goal, you don't have to change the way you eat.
I'll be going to the library in the next week, so I'll be better able to give you the Cliff Notes (the above was from memory. Admittedly, I haven't been doing it of late, and should get back to it
) I know the books are there because *I* donated them. 
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Dot Matrix
Any one else?
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I'm on my way out, but I was on the diet for a long time and came off my Glucophage while following the diet. Basically you eat whatever you want, just with healthier substitutions:
White Bread - Stone Ground Whole Wheat Bread (not plain "wheat" bread - must be 100% Stone Ground Whole Wheat
Pasta - Whole Wheat Pasta
Sugar - Agave Syrup or artificial sweeteners
Never eat anything that has more than 3 grams of Sugar on the label with the exception of tomatoes because they are naturally high in sugar. The trick is to read labels because you'd be surprised at how many things you'd never suspect have sugar in them - canned tomatoes - canned veggies.
No corn, bananas (debatable) or potatoes.
I have a ton of recipes that I collected while on the diet and still use a bunch of them - especially the SB friendly cheesecake. :D
I actually found the information and recipes much better in the Sugar Busters for Kids book. :P
Feel free to PM me the kinds of things you like and I'll pull some of my favorites from that. I'm doing WW now and still use all my SB recipes.
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I suspect people are avoiding this thread because they feel awkward about being overweight. If the doctor told warned you about developing Diabetes its because you're overweight and have other risk factors for metabolic syndrome (click HERE!).
If you're serious about losing weight lots of plans will work. Belle is giving testimony to Sugar Busters but I lost my weight by doing Atkins (www.atkins.com). The South Beach diet also works well. It comes down to about two things, Dot. One, of course, is getting that weight off but two.. diabetes as part of the metablic syndrome (some folks get diabetes with no risk factors) means limiting the carbs. Its the carbs that insulin has to process so forget low fat stuff.. it's really a combination of low carbs and low CALORIES. Lots more could be said but that's about it in a nutshell. The Sugar Busters.. the Atkins and South Beach diets.. they all do the same thing... cut down on bad carbs and keep folks from zoning out on calories.
Here's a couple of me before and after the Atkins diet:
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WOW (pardon the pun) Sudo...Good for you buddy!
I haven't read Sugar Busters, but I will share some information if you care to read on...
My wife lost 73 pounds back in 2003 with a combination of South Beach and Atkins. She exercised a lot too.
From my understanding regarding weight loss...if one can get that engine (heart rate & metabolic rate) up a bit, you will then burn more fuel (calories) to feed that engine.
Since we basically eat too many carb's (sugar & starch...all the same), we never actually go back into our warehouse to burn the stored fuel (fat) that the body keeps there.
Our fuel comes from our diets, comprised of Protein, Carbohydrates & Fat....we have always been taught that our diets should contain: 70% Carb's--20% Protein---10% Fats.
Atkins & South Beach eliminate the Carb's from the diet for a period of time, forcing the body to go into a state called Ketosis...which when activated, the body tells the brain to go back into the warehouse and change some of the fuel stores (fat) back into energy and burn them as fuel for our (engines) metabolic cycle.
I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, that South Beach introduces Carb's back into the diet sooner than Atkins...and that they are the "Right Type" of Carb's...ones that burn faster (short chain carbs)...these are also referred to as High Glycemic Index Carbs.
and need I say, that some of our warehouses (fat stores) are bigger than others...talk to your doctor always before starting any type of life-changing diet...or your local cyber-dentist and/or medic....
Now I don't claim to be a nutrionist or guru here, but this has worked for quite a few folks around camp here, some have lost up to 35 pounds over a 2-3 month period.
Incidently, I know that a safe rate of weight loss is around 2 pounds a week, placing no strain on the heart...some periods of plateaus are involved when you won't loose any, but that happens with most diets.
I have a little spread sheet available if anyone is interested, on the types of foods, etc you can eat, I'd be happy to send you. oilfieldmedic@hotmail.com...but like I said though, make sure you check with your doctor first.
John...aka Smokey...aka oilfieldmedic
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I like the higher protein diets except for one thing...Im not a big red meat lover. Don't get me wrong, I like a good prime rib now and then, but meat all the time bores me...
I am looking into how the 7th day adventist's discuss food balane
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I just have to go through this one more time. LOTS of people think (as you do) that a low carb diet means eating nothing but meat and cheese but it just doesn't have to be that way. My diet is mostly veggies.. but the "good for you" low carb kind. What? Did anyone think that starchy potatoes, corn and white rice were good for them? The GOOD veggies are those like asparagus, bamboo shoots, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, eggplant, jicama, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, mustard greens, okra, onions, pumpkin, scallions, shallots, snow peas, spaghetti squash, string or wax beans, Swiss chard, tomatoes, turnips, water chestnuts and zucchini.
Sheesh.. you can be a vegetarian and not eat ANY meat with this diet!! And you eat ALL you want from this list. You don't go hungry.. EVER. Look at the list.. this is a healthy way to eat. I haven't mentioned it yet on this thread but my blood pressure plummeted to an athlete's blood pressure. My Cholesterol and triglycerides are now in the very optimal range instead of the "high" catagory.
It boils down to this... if you can get the weight off.. and KEEP it off doing the diet now in vogue.. the low fat diet.. then go for it. But if you're fat and want a healthy way to lose the weight and (here's the important part) KEEP it off.. AND you like the low carb veggies I've listed.. seriously consider the low carb diet plans. Plain and simple.
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Hey Dot!
There's a great book called "Going Against the Grain" which will simply lay out for you what grains and starches do to our bodies.
Carbohydrates in the forms of starches, sweets [including many fruits] and all sugars are reeking havoc with our health.
The number one form is High Fructose Corn Syrup which is a processed corn sugar and its in EVERYTHING that is packaged or boxed.
I was becoming diabetic; in one week, my cholesterol reduced to normal, as did my blood sugar and blood pressure. I'm down 40+ pounds in just a few months, mainly by restricting above-said types of carbs.
Veggies are carbs too, but the green and red and yellow ones that are non-starchy are harmless and essential.
Diabetes is nothing more than carbohydrate intolerance. Therefore it seems quite dishonest of the ADA to recommend a diet that is composed of 60-70% carbohydrate.
BTW, for all of you with diabetes or friends and relatives with it, there is a wonderful Dr in New York who treats diabetics only. He is Richard K Bernstein----and has been a Type I diabetic for over 55 years. They don't live that long but he radically changed his food plan [after putting himself through medical school at the age of 48].
To learn more, here's his website:
The forum section is a mind blower!!
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The Masterherbalist here. I saw your post. Darling,
the best way to ensure that you do not develop
diabetes is to cleanse and nourish the pancreas. Dr.
Christopher has a Pancreatic formula. This feeds and
cleanses the organ so it can function. What Dr.
Christopher taught us is that dis-ease is largely due
to malnourishment. Eventually our organs cannot
function properly because of lacking vitamins and
minerals. Of course, I would suggest to you, that no
matter what your weight concerns, nothing beats the
care and feeding of the liver, the bowel, the pancreas
and the bloodstream. You can check out herbsfirst.com
for the formulas. I do watch what I eat, but I do eat
unbalanced from time to time so I make sure that I am
taking my bowel, liver, pancreas and blood stream
Thinking of you often and thanking God for the part
you have played in my life.
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I'm a little surprised that this thread isn't getting any more attention since most Greasespotters (I would venture to guess) are overweight but then.. we have been over this material before. Interesting that a study was reported just today on the subject. You know how we're all supposed to be eating a low fat diet to be healthy and lose weight? Come to find out that if women do a seriously low fat diet diet they lose 2 LBS!!!!! in four years!!! Heaven help them if they don't do it seriously.. they get fatter and fatter!! Click HERE! to read the article on MSNBC.
Several interesting points. 1) When the author Barbara V. Howard (who so wanted the low fat diet to work) had to explain why doing a low fat diet didn't make the extra pounds melt away, all she could offer was that at least doing a strict low fat diet didn't make one FATTER!!!
"“It will help people to understand that the weight gain we’re seeing in this country is not caused by the lower-fat diets,” said study author Barbara V. Howard of MedStar Research Institute, a nonprofit research group."
She's got some nerve doesn't she?? A leading Obesity expert countered...
"However, the skimpy weight loss after seven years won’t satisfy people looking for a cure for obesity, said Dr. Michael Dansinger, an obesity researcher at Tufts-New England Medical Center who was not involved in the study.
“This is like losing the Super Bowl but claiming a second place victory,” Dansinger said. “The results are disappointing in the context of a country trying to battle obesity.”
I like that.. losing the Super Bowl but bragging none the less... But folks.. you have to look at the evidence yourselves. You can not trust "experts" who have an agenda. You guys see my weight loss? See how I've kept it off? Did I mention that my Cholesterol and blood pressure plummeted? OK.. its anecdotal but I have to tell you.. there's plenty of evidence like this very study that shows I'm correct on this.
And want to know what's telling?? The last sentences:..
"Dansinger, who co-authored an editorial that accompanies the study, said his research has shown that diets like Atkins and The Zone work, but are hard to stay on.
“People who succeed at maintaining a dramatic weight loss have changed their mindset and priorities and have made exercise and healthy eating among the top priorities in their lives,” he said."
Hard to stay on?? Sheesh! I've been on it for nearly three years now and am as happy as a clam. ANYTHING to discourage folks from the present Politically correct line which is: Low fat works.. Sugar Busters and Atkins diest are BAD for you!!!!
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Dot Matrix
Okay, WW I am with you on the meat thing. Part of the reason I ate so many carbs was because I do not like meat. Not just the animal thing but the taste. I did eat the healthy carbs. Whole grain breads, real fruit, nuts and black bean burritos. I eat salsa rather than ketcup, etc. I had pasta a bunch with Amy's organic tomato sauce, but I really did not have a balanced diet.
I am learning on this thread BALANCE I can have the carbs if I have the protiens...
Sudo: your pictures are very impressive and give me hope.
Rejoice: I did switch from white potatoes to sweet as they trickle the "sugar" into our systems rather than dump it in making our the sugar peek.
Master H: I have done the enzymatic therapy whole body cleanse and NEVER felt better. Then, I tried a parasite cleanse as in the south for years people dewormed their kids and animals twice a year... So, I figured just in case, after reading Hulda Clark's book "a cure for all diseases". I also felt better and my husband has not had a seizure since he did that cleanse.
Oil: Wow that is great news and the south beach diet now has frozen entrees. I might just take that plunge along with a pancreas cleanse.
Master, can you suggest a pancreas cleanse? You are the 2nd nutritionist that did suggest that along with a pancreatic homeopathic, I cannot think of the name of it but I think it began with an "I"
Belle: thanks for the info, you too Sushi. You know I was doing that eat carbs or eat protien --- like Suzanne Summers suggested in her earlier books -- about combining food. She always seperated the carbs from the proteins and so, I just found myself eating almost all carbs as I liked them better.
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Dot Matrix
I lost your email in an update, pls email me
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Atkins is hard for some people to do. Hubby had lost a lot of weight on it previously, but after we got married, I corrupted him. I hated to see him eat soooo much bacon! It can't be healthy. These days it is hard for him to do because I won't do Atkins and he gets tempted by the carbs I eat.
We were doing the South Beach diet for a few months before we went on vacation. I was doing well, but he was not. He was missing eating the way he wanted. For him SBD is restrictive because you can't eat high fat items. It's a combination of good carbs and good proteins. I got to the point that I felt very comfortable on it. I quit having acid reflux while on it too. We just went back to our old ways after vacation.
I did try some of SBD frozen meals. They were not good IMHO. I like Lean Cuisines, so I know it's not because it's frozen. There was something to be desired with the one I had. It was a chicken enchilada.
However, Kirtie Alley is looking damn good these days. I want to check out Jenny Craig now.
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Dot Matrix
Kirstie looks good!
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