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Rush Limbaugh Funny

Ron G.

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Rush makes a big deal of "never cutting anyone off'...what he DOES is carefully allow their statement, then cut their mike, say his rejoiner, and NOT let them back on.

And occasionally he cuts them off in mid sentence.

Earlier after his standard diatribe, he accepted a call from Houston Arkansas.

He had not heard of the Arkie Houston, and aske if caller was sure he was in ARKANSAS, not Texas..Upon being assured the caller was in Arkansas, Rush asked "Where IS Houston Arkansas?"

Bit of a pause and the caller said,"You know where Toad Suck is?"

Whereupon Rush cut him off and in his most ponderous, pontificating voice said,"We will NOT have THAT sort of thing allowed on THIS show!"

For outlanders and our brit visitors: Toad Suck Days is a BIG local celebration near the hamlet of Houston population about 50..The Toad Suck Ferry supposedly was named regarding locals who swilled enough whiskey and "shine" till they swelled up like toads.

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From the fertile brain of Mason Williams ---

Them Toad Suckers

How about them Toad Suckers, Ain't they clods?

Sittin' there suckin' them green toady frogs.

Suckin' them hopper toads, suckin' them chunckers,

Suckin' them leapy types, suckin' them plunkers.

Look at them Toad Suckers, Ain't they snappy?

Suckin' them bog Frogs, sure makes them happy.

Them hugger mugger Toad Suckers, way down south,

Stickin' they sucky toads, in they mouth.

How to be a Toad Sucker? No way to duck it;

getcha self a toad, rare back and suck it!

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