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Sanguinetti To Take A Bite Out of the Big Apple On New Years Eve

Mark Sanguinetti

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Hello all you Grease Spotters. This California guy will be in the Big Apple on New Years Eve. If any of you will be in Manhattan and want to join my small party for New Years please communicate via this thread. Wordwolf can't make it because he has to work. Dag nabbit. However, he promised to give me a few hints as to where the action is.

Edited by Mark Sanguinetti
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Satori, what kind of action are you referring to? Hmmm. Satori thinks this must be something that school children can't read about. What would that be Satori? Do you have a dirty mind? Satori you really should stay off this thread if this is your attitude.

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Thanks so much for your input Krysilis and Dmiller. I will be sure not to bring my "Impeach Bush" sign now. Besides it would have been ackward to bring on the Subway anyway. And who knows. Maybe since both of my hands will now be free I may be able to thwart a terrorist attack or two. Thanks again.

And yes Times Square is a possibility. If I get on camera I promise to wave to y'all. Will you know what I look like? Oh what a minute (he has a thought). Maybe I should wear my Grease Spot Cafe tee-shirt. Would that help?

Edited by Mark Sanguinetti
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Yeah! Great idea, Mark! Don the ole Greasespot T-shirt and shove your way toward the cameras. I'll be looking fer ya since I'm and old fogie and not much for crowds these days.....besides that, there's too many drunks on the roads during New Year's Eve and I don't want to contribute to the statistics....

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Thanks for posting here. However, I decided not to try to go into New York for New Years Eve. Someone I sat by waiting for my flight in San Francisco used to work in Manhattan. He said that it would be wall to wall people and very hard to get around on New Years eve. He said this was about the worst day of the year to be there. He said there may be 500,000 people coming from out of town and thousands and thousands of police on duty. He also said that riding the subway out of there might be especially time consuming. In glancing at the T.V. new years eve and seeing the mass crowds of standing people. This told me that he was correct. Plus, I flew in your California the night of Dec. 30 and did not sleep for 24 hours. I did get about 4 hours of sleep on the day of Dec. 31st which seemed to refresh me, but I did not want to risk getting stranded in New York City on new years eve and going through another night with no or little sleep.

Instead I stayed here in Trenton, NJ and went out to a local club and danced the night away with some of the locals. I Had a great time. I hope everyone else here had as good a new years eve as I did.

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Hi Mark,

Well, NY is only a 3 hour train ride from me, but unfortunately it wasn't in my budget to go. :(

You should have swung on south to Baltimore and say hello :)

Well, I missed being a New Years Baby by 5 days ( I turned 50 yesterday! :drink:)


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