and Merry Christmas to you( you can say that now --if you want--it is free (indeed) here). Make yourself comfy. Im sure someone will be along with all the coffee and goodies pretty soon.
Meanwhile there is plenty to read-browse around-you may find a bit of it to be eye opening, a little more than you may expect
So sorry to hear about the way you were treated, but, no surprise, that. I myself am thank ful for what I learned in The Way. I was in from 75-90. The earlier years for me were the best, but things got more and more legalistic up until the big bomb of Passing of a Patriarch dropped in 86, and then things spun wildly out of control until my wife and I were kicked out. And so, we have fellowshipped loosely with ex Ways that are involved with various "splinter groups" some of which (the groups) are good in that there is a sort of vow never to become legalistic again, and some seem to be somewhat religious and same old. But none of them to my knowledge are anything like TWI II. And I might add, I for one did not have the "opportunity" to experience any of that horror. Some of the poor folks here that stayed through the nineties were absolutely and totally stomped on by a raging LCM and his new doctrine of legalism. It was horrendous according to their stories.
You will find here folks whose thinking ranges from PFAL being the absolute God breathed Word, all the way to total atheism and everything in between. Some here believe that VPW started the whole thing for the purpose of having a "sex and money farm" from day one, while others (like myself) believe that it started out with love for God and His Word as the motivation, but sin nature as it so often does, paved the way for the downfall of The Way with all of the usual grabs for power, money and sex, attributes that go as far back as the story of David and Bathsheba and beyond. I would have to say that of all the sites about The Way, this one will probably provide you with the most negative outlook. But for so many who were treated so poorly, this is a place where they can finally "vent" for the first time since they were so viley treated in The Way. And of course you can imagine how seriously a person would have been "jumped on" during their days in TWI II if they even dared to mention something that they believed was "off". You know, just like you being jumped on for staying home and building your shed. And so maybe for them, the venting is good....
Like I was warned when I first "came here", having a "thick skin" can be a real asset in some of the discussions. And so with that, I bid you welcome and a good day! God bless!
Great place here and exactly what Jonny said. Very wide range of opinions here and there is a lot to see and digest as you see fit. I was out in 86 and it was not until I found another website called Way Dale (no longer is around) in 1999 I believe that I had any "fellowship" with ex twi people. I felt a lot like you when I had no one to talk to about the twi. Glad you found this site and look foward to hearing what you have to say.
Welcome Ms/Mrs Freeindeed...and MERRY CHRISTMAS...there I said it too and I am still born again, imagine that?
Allright, enough already...I am a medic (thus the name) Duh...I work in Baghdad, live in Bama' and am from PA also...Lancaster to be exact...took the class in 75...still love God, still SIT's
You will love the chatroom too...but a word of caution, do not wear anything you wouldn't want ruined, we haven't had a good food fight in a while and I feel one may be on the never knows about these things, they strike suddenly
Anyway, welcome and all that!
You are loved and among family, and yes we have our share of opinions and the like...a few cartoon characters from time to time too!
Look forward to chattin' with ya!
John...aka Smokey...aka oilfieldmedic...aka The Mule (one of my wife's terms of endearment)
Glad you made it here. Sorry about your hard times ........ you are not alone. There is much healing available in our hearts.
Wishing you the best hope you find a home hear with us. We are all individuals and definately don't think exactly alike but most of us I see have love in hearts for each other.
Mr. Strange, I have never sold God's word, don't plan to. I am glad I have been able to purchase it myself though. It's been healing for me to get excited about the word again, because biblical research is pretty cool. Last night at work, I learned about Joseph and how Egypt became so wealthy. (ROA 80 Serving the Nation). Barrel of oil for a loaf of bread sounded good to me. I also heard some other beautiful teachings like; Our Healing Ministry...where VP shared that the Greatest ministry is THE WORD! People need confidence in God and his Word, NOT A MAN, The Word-The Word!
I also heard on another tape where VP said "all through the years he's never asked 1 man or 1 woman specifically, to give anything to this ministry". (God's Heart For Wow Ambassadors)...VP also said he "thanks God he doesn't have members in the Way ministry. We just plant and water and hold forth the Word. Those who hire can fire- But in the Way ministry you can't join anything, so nobody can throw you out. Stay as long as you like." On another tape I heard VP cry, when he taught about Jesus Christ going out with all those other lambs. (made me cry) I have a tape; Belief/Truth where VP said something like "you don't go for VP or The Way ministry...and whether anyone gets into the Way Ministry or not is relatively insignificant and un-important".
Then, I forced myself to listen to a lcm tape. Ironicly the tape I chose was Opening of the Way Corps/Staff night 9/9/87. HEEE taught about Denominations basicly missing Genuine need of the people, due to hard-heartedness, unforgiveness and criticism. Quote; "Until there is a genuine tenderheartedness to God, needs will not be seen and -go unmet". Towards the end of the tape, coyloy taught about THE WICKED SERVANT.
Fellow Greasespots, (His workmanship), God's Word Lives On, and can still be enjoyable to learn. There are so many people out there who don't have a clue, and we can help them, and have fun doing it. We who were once a part of The way minstry still have alot to share with others, and we don't need to shove it down their throats. Y'all have a safe and happy ending to 05, and healthy start to 06. Freeindeed.
Mr. Strange, I have never sold God's word, don't plan to.
Freeindeed, I surely hope that you don’t consider TWI material “God’s word”.
I also heard some other beautiful teachings like; Our Healing Ministry...where VP shared that the Greatest ministry is THE WORD! People need confidence in God and his Word, NOT A MAN, The Word-The Word!
Confidence in God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Where’s Christ in all this?? Why is it THE WORD? Where’s the worship? Seems to be a book, not God, doncha think?
I also heard on another tape where VP said "all through the years he's never asked 1 man or 1 woman specifically, to give anything to this ministry". (God's Heart For Wow Ambassadors)...
That’s such b.s. it’s laughable. Freeindeed, have you never heard vee pee ask for money? Did you never have to give to TWI to “get” something? Buying indulgences was wrong, but at least they didn’t lie about it being required.
VP also said he "thanks God he doesn't have members in the Way ministry. We just plant and water and hold forth the Word. Those who hire can fire- But in the Way ministry you can't join anything, so nobody can throw you out. Stay as long as you like."
Again, isn’t that a bunch of hooey? It’s all lies, FreeIndeed. Surely you know people who were kicked out – excommunicated – slandered and dragged through the mud. Mark and Avoid was a common, everyday occurrence when I was involved and they didn’t just make it up, vee pee taught it.
My theory on why they never had any members is because they didn’t want to be accountable to anyone. If they had “members” they would have to share what they were doing with our money; they would have to submit to the wishes of the “members” – with the way vee pee set it up, he could make all the rules and no one could say a d@ m n thing about it. Which set up is more Godly? ;)
On another tape I heard VP cry, when he taught about Jesus Christ going out with all those other lambs. (made me cry) I have a tape; Belief/Truth where VP said something like "you don't go for VP or The Way ministry...and whether anyone gets into the Way Ministry or not is relatively insignificant and un-important".
Another lie. Actors can cry on demand too, but I suspect he was really crying because his coffee cup was empty and there was no more Drambuie to refill it.
Then, I forced myself to listen to a lcm tape. Ironicly the tape I chose was Opening of the Way Corps/Staff night 9/9/87. HEEE taught about Denominations basicly missing Genuine need of the people, due to hard-heartedness, unforgiveness and criticism. Quote; "Until there is a genuine tenderheartedness to God, needs will not be seen and -go unmet". Towards the end of the tape, coyloy taught about THE WICKED SERVANT.
Well he may have pegged it, but he definitely perfected it! His “administration” is a superb example of that hard-heartedness, unforgiveness and criticism.
Fellow Greasespots, (His workmanship), God's Word Lives On, and can still be enjoyable to learn. There are so many people out there who don't have a clue, and we can help them, and have fun doing it. We who were once a part of The way minstry still have alot to share with others, and we don't need to shove it down their throats.
Darlin’, God’s Word DOES live on, but it’s not in TWI and it’s not in anything taught in TWI. The true love and fruit of the spirit can only be found outside of TWI doctrine, religion and legalism. You’re absolutely right that we can have fun learning and helping people, but that comes from the heart and God is right there in the center of it…..not His word, not some teachings from corrupt men, not from some group of people….It’s a personal thing and it gets so much better when it’s one on one and outside the confines that TWI put on it.
You have a wonderful heart and it shouts joy and concern. Keep that pure heart and learn what the good parts of TWI were so that you can toss out the rotten. There was SOME truth taught in TWI, but remember “the value of the counterfit increases according to the likeness of the original.”…..TWI is counterfit. The genuine is outside those walls and those books, tapes and magazines. :)
Y'all have a safe and happy ending to 05, and healthy start to 06. Freeindeed.
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and Merry Christmas to you( you can say that now --if you want--it is free (indeed) here). Make yourself comfy. Im sure someone will be along with all the coffee and goodies pretty soon.
Meanwhile there is plenty to read-browse around-you may find a bit of it to be eye opening, a little more than you may expect
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welcome and a very merry christmas
stick around gs cafe
you will meet many new and old wonderful friends
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J0nny Ling0
Hi there FreeIndeed!
So sorry to hear about the way you were treated, but, no surprise, that. I myself am thank ful for what I learned in The Way. I was in from 75-90. The earlier years for me were the best, but things got more and more legalistic up until the big bomb of Passing of a Patriarch dropped in 86, and then things spun wildly out of control until my wife and I were kicked out. And so, we have fellowshipped loosely with ex Ways that are involved with various "splinter groups" some of which (the groups) are good in that there is a sort of vow never to become legalistic again, and some seem to be somewhat religious and same old. But none of them to my knowledge are anything like TWI II. And I might add, I for one did not have the "opportunity" to experience any of that horror. Some of the poor folks here that stayed through the nineties were absolutely and totally stomped on by a raging LCM and his new doctrine of legalism. It was horrendous according to their stories.
You will find here folks whose thinking ranges from PFAL being the absolute God breathed Word, all the way to total atheism and everything in between. Some here believe that VPW started the whole thing for the purpose of having a "sex and money farm" from day one, while others (like myself) believe that it started out with love for God and His Word as the motivation, but sin nature as it so often does, paved the way for the downfall of The Way with all of the usual grabs for power, money and sex, attributes that go as far back as the story of David and Bathsheba and beyond. I would have to say that of all the sites about The Way, this one will probably provide you with the most negative outlook. But for so many who were treated so poorly, this is a place where they can finally "vent" for the first time since they were so viley treated in The Way. And of course you can imagine how seriously a person would have been "jumped on" during their days in TWI II if they even dared to mention something that they believed was "off". You know, just like you being jumped on for staying home and building your shed. And so maybe for them, the venting is good....
Like I was warned when I first "came here", having a "thick skin" can be a real asset in some of the discussions. And so with that, I bid you welcome and a good day! God bless!
Have you checked out ?
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Hi freeindeed :)
Great place here and exactly what Jonny said. Very wide range of opinions here and there is a lot to see and digest as you see fit. I was out in 86 and it was not until I found another website called Way Dale (no longer is around) in 1999 I believe that I had any "fellowship" with ex twi people. I felt a lot like you when I had no one to talk to about the twi. Glad you found this site and look foward to hearing what you have to say.
Merry Christmas.
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Welcome Freeindeed
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Freeindeed: Welcome, welcome!!!
Ditto what JohnnyLing said... all kinds of views here... don't take any of them too personally. Stay true to the truth you find.
We are glad you are here.
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Welcome Ms/Mrs Freeindeed...and MERRY CHRISTMAS...there I said it too and I am still born again, imagine that?
Allright, enough already...I am a medic (thus the name) Duh...I work in Baghdad, live in Bama' and am from PA also...Lancaster to be exact...took the class in 75...still love God, still SIT's
You will love the chatroom too...but a word of caution, do not wear anything you wouldn't want ruined, we haven't had a good food fight in a while and I feel one may be on the never knows about these things, they strike suddenly
Anyway, welcome and all that!
You are loved and among family, and yes we have our share of opinions and the like...a few cartoon characters from time to time too!
Look forward to chattin' with ya!
John...aka Smokey...aka oilfieldmedic...aka The Mule (one of my wife's terms of endearment)

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Hi there! Hope you have a safe and happy holiday! Merry Christmas!
How's that shed doing? :)
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And May God Bless you and keep you.
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Glad you made it here. Sorry about your hard times ........ you are not alone. There is much healing available in our hearts.
Wishing you the best hope you find a home hear with us. We are all individuals and definately don't think exactly alike but most of us I see have love in hearts for each other.
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Hiya, Free. Welcome to GreaseSpot!
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hi !
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Welcome indeed, FreeIndeed! Glad to have you here!
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Tom Strange
welcome freeindeed... have some of the pecan pie...
you said:
you could make quite a bundle on ebay I hear...
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Mr. Strange, I have never sold God's word, don't plan to. I am glad I have been able to purchase it myself though. It's been healing for me to get excited about the word again, because biblical research is pretty cool. Last night at work, I learned about Joseph and how Egypt became so wealthy. (ROA 80 Serving the Nation). Barrel of oil for a loaf of bread sounded good to me. I also heard some other beautiful teachings like; Our Healing Ministry...where VP shared that the Greatest ministry is THE WORD! People need confidence in God and his Word, NOT A MAN, The Word-The Word!
I also heard on another tape where VP said "all through the years he's never asked 1 man or 1 woman specifically, to give anything to this ministry". (God's Heart For Wow Ambassadors)...VP also said he "thanks God he doesn't have members in the Way ministry. We just plant and water and hold forth the Word. Those who hire can fire- But in the Way ministry you can't join anything, so nobody can throw you out. Stay as long as you like." On another tape I heard VP cry, when he taught about Jesus Christ going out with all those other lambs. (made me cry) I have a tape; Belief/Truth where VP said something like "you don't go for VP or The Way ministry...and whether anyone gets into the Way Ministry or not is relatively insignificant and un-important".
Then, I forced myself to listen to a lcm tape. Ironicly the tape I chose was Opening of the Way Corps/Staff night 9/9/87. HEEE taught about Denominations basicly missing Genuine need of the people, due to hard-heartedness, unforgiveness and criticism. Quote; "Until there is a genuine tenderheartedness to God, needs will not be seen and -go unmet". Towards the end of the tape, coyloy taught about THE WICKED SERVANT.
Fellow Greasespots, (His workmanship), God's Word Lives On, and can still be enjoyable to learn. There are so many people out there who don't have a clue, and we can help them, and have fun doing it. We who were once a part of The way minstry still have alot to share with others, and we don't need to shove it down their throats. Y'all have a safe and happy ending to 05, and healthy start to 06. Freeindeed.
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Confidence in God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Where’s Christ in all this?? Why is it THE WORD? Where’s the worship? Seems to be a book, not God, doncha think?
That’s such b.s. it’s laughable. Freeindeed, have you never heard vee pee ask for money? Did you never have to give to TWI to “get” something? Buying indulgences was wrong, but at least they didn’t lie about it being required.Again, isn’t that a bunch of hooey? It’s all lies, FreeIndeed. Surely you know people who were kicked out – excommunicated – slandered and dragged through the mud. Mark and Avoid was a common, everyday occurrence when I was involved and they didn’t just make it up, vee pee taught it.
My theory on why they never had any members is because they didn’t want to be accountable to anyone. If they had “members” they would have to share what they were doing with our money; they would have to submit to the wishes of the “members” – with the way vee pee set it up, he could make all the rules and no one could say a d@ m n thing about it. Which set up is more Godly? ;)
Another lie. Actors can cry on demand too, but I suspect he was really crying because his coffee cup was empty and there was no more Drambuie to refill it.Well he may have pegged it, but he definitely perfected it! His “administration” is a superb example of that hard-heartedness, unforgiveness and criticism.
Darlin’, God’s Word DOES live on, but it’s not in TWI and it’s not in anything taught in TWI. The true love and fruit of the spirit can only be found outside of TWI doctrine, religion and legalism. You’re absolutely right that we can have fun learning and helping people, but that comes from the heart and God is right there in the center of it…..not His word, not some teachings from corrupt men, not from some group of people….It’s a personal thing and it gets so much better when it’s one on one and outside the confines that TWI put on it.You have a wonderful heart and it shouts joy and concern. Keep that pure heart and learn what the good parts of TWI were so that you can toss out the rotten. There was SOME truth taught in TWI, but remember “the value of the counterfit increases according to the likeness of the original.”…..TWI is counterfit. The genuine is outside those walls and those books, tapes and magazines. :)
You too! Glad you’re here.
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